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Hi everybody,


My name is Josh and I am Paul Forwoods son. I am very sorry to bring the news that last Friday my father passed away.


I am not sure how well any of you knew him but I thought it best I let you all know as I know he frequented this forum.


Again, I am very sorry to be the bearer of bad news,


Kind Regards



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Man that sucks, Paul was a great guy. I know words from a stranger don't mean a whole lot but I'm genuinely saddened and sorry for your (and the communities) Loss.


Dear Josh-

That is very sad and surprising news. I don't think I knew he was ill; I hope it was an easy passing. Thanks for sharing this difficult news with us. He will be missed.

Gerry Mooney

Please accept my condolences. Your father will live in our hearts!


Very very sad... he was a great guy.

Thank you very much for your words... most of us would not have known what happend otherwise.


Deepest sympathy to you and your family... we will always think of Paul in a good way.



  • Admin


My heart goes out to your family at this time.


Paul was an important part of this community and words fail to express how much he will be missed.

I'm saddened to think we won't be seeing his creativity here in the forum.

He was not only extremely talented guy, he was a friend.

He'll be greatly missed.



Note: I'm moving this to the main Animation:Master forum as some may not see the notice otherwise.

  • *A:M User*

I am very sad to hear this news. Paul has helped me several times by his posts on the forum or through email. He will be missed.



  • Developer

I can only say , he will be missed .

Paul had helped me alot find and fixing bug in A:M, thru the V16 period and the early V17 alpha stage with his experience using A:M and 3d in general .


This time is late , I wish I had said this to him at his lifetime


Thanks Paul


Josh , my deepest sympathy to you and your family



  • Hash Fellow

I am very sorry to hear that. I noticed Paul had not been around for a while and was worried.


Paul was a great asset to the A:M user community for a long time and his contributions will be missed very much.


But I'm sure this is even sadder a time for Paul's family. Thank you for letting us have a bit of his time and best wishes to all of you.


I am really deeply saddened to hear this news. Paul was one of the good guys. A great talent who also was great at passing out encouragement to newbies like myself.


He will be missed.


I am so saddened to hear of Paul's passing. My heart is filled with so much to say, but the weight of the news has stifled the saying of it. We'll all miss you Paul.


Rest in peace Paul. His talent and help reached all parts of the world.

I'm so sad. Thank you friend.


Been thinkin about this all day. Maybe Pauls Playground can be posted in the Special Projects section. His work was one of the reasons I finally bought A:M.


I only knew him through his posts here. But as you can see Josh, Paul touched the lives of many people across the world.

He will be greatly missed.


Josh- thank-you SO MUCH for telling us, we'd have never of known and would wonder. I am shocked... Paul has been a big part of this forum for as long as I can remember. He was a great collaborator, mentor, friend. I am a BIG fan of his animation. He will be missed. My prayers to the Forwood family on this sad day.


Very sorry to hear, that Paul finally lost his long fight.

My condolences to you and your family from all my heart Josh.


He was also a very important part of this "small world" here!


From moment to moment we are drifting thru the life and not seeing the wonders around us. many of us will simply stop to look for a brief second but will move on.

but for some this brief moment they see the amazing things that life has to bring and what they can do for others in hope that they will see what they see.

i believe Paul was one of these people. he shared his vision of the world thru his eyes. showed us how to connect with other people the way that only Paul knew how to do.

He will be greatly missed.

Thank you Paul for all the great stories and teachings you brought to us all.



Thank you josh for letting us know so we can be with you and your family as Paul moves on.




So sorry for you and family Josh. Paul had a talent and drive that will be missed. Thanks for updating us. May he rest in peace.


What can I say that the others have not already said.


Of late, I am very thankful for his work on the set for the Rear Window project. He got the ball rolling for us all. His Paul's Playground WIP post was legendary, and I always loved seeing his updates.


Hi Josh,


I have only recently come back to this forum after being away for a while but I certainly remember Paul as being a mainstay of this community and a very helpful contributor. So sorry to hear the news.




Hi Everyone,


I felt that if I was going to continue posting on here that I should set up an account of my own as it didn't feel right using my dads.

I will make one more post from my fathers account (Below) just to verify that I am who I say I am on this account.


I just wanted to say that your messages have really touched myself, my family and Paul's friends. To see that he has been such

an inspiration to so many people is a truly wonderful thing to hear and I thank you all for sharing with us.


In the relatively near future I will be beginning work on a book on my dads life and work. I'm not sure if you are aware but as well

as a self taught animator, Paul was also an accomplished Jeweller, carpenter as well as a highly skilled wordsmith and traditional artist.


His story is one that I feel deserves to be told and heard by all and it would mean a lot if anyone here would like to summarise what Paul

meant to them and how he affected their lives. When I get to an area in the book which is suitable I would love to be able to quote from

people from the A.M. forum.


Thank you all,






I'm a little ashamed to say I never really knew Paul much, our paths just didn't cross all that often. However he did appear to be quite supportive of Red Squad and always seemed to be willing to help and tinker with anyone's problems and projects and creations around here and he will definitely be missed. My condolences.


I am unsure if I met Paul in person. If he was not at the first two Hash Bash gatherings, then no, I did not.


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most..." :D


I will say that Paul's work was helpful, insightful and inspiring to me. My family and I send you our virtual hugs.


"Time and people pass, but fond memories can last forever when shared."


I'm sorry for your lose, Paul was an amazing member of the Animation Master Community and will be truly missed.


Thank You for letting us know and I know I speak for everyone at Hash, Inc. When I say that our thoughts are with your family and this time and with you all the best.

  • 2 months later...

I'm so very sorry to read about this.


God bless your family, and let them know that we're all thinking of them.

  • 8 months later...
  • Admin

Paul would have been 61 today.

It seems appropriate to reflect on the man, his talent and generosity even as we are reminded of how much we miss him here in the A:M Community.


HAppy birthday Paul. We sure miss you. Josh, how is your book coming along? Rereading this sad thread today- i see you may have been fishing for volunteers to summarize about the forum and Pauls contributions and value to us... I guarantee if not myself- one of uswould happily provide you with words and materials for you.

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