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345 topics in this forum
- 11 replies
Happy new year friends! I have been making more Thomas & Friends stuff. This time I wanted to make a more complex environment than last time. I chose to make Maithwaite Station. I hope you like it
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 4 replies
Here is the file i used to make my TWO-Shirts for the TWO World premiere so you can make your own too. TWOTShirtParts.pdf (this one should print as an 8.5" x 10.5" page) TWO_Shirt_Parts.tga (this one may not print at correct one-page size, needs to be printed at 240ppi) It should all fit on one 8.5x11 inch iron-on sheet Print it out, cut out the parts and arrange them as you see fit. You may delete parts if you wish. The "festival-goer" version is like this on the front: and this on the back: The "fashion version" (which i prefer, now) has just the red mechanical heart placed on the left front with no slogan, and…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 23 replies
If there is any file types you would like to be able to upload as attachments to the A:M forums please post them here. I will look over the list and see what can be added.
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 1 follower
- 28 replies
Hi Due to lack of reference images I had to take a break from the cathedral. Poor Thomas looked so lonely, so I decided to make him a friend By the way. In near future I plan on making more of his friends, so if anyone know of any great resource pages for these trains such as blueprints or reference images, please let me know. Turntable: Still:
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 18 replies
New model in the Thomas & Friends family Toby the Tram Engine
Last reply by johnl3d, -
Mechanical model 1 2
by agep- 67 replies
Hi guys I've just started modeling a new model. I want you guys try to guess what it's going to be, while more and more gets revealed along with the progress. So far I've just modeled the belts, but more to come. The mesh is insanely dens though, but that is due to various bevels and holes. Let me know what you think so far
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hi friends I have made one more character from Thomas and Friends. This one is James the Red Engine Turntable: Screenshot: Wallpaper of all the characters so far:
Last reply by agep, -
- 1 follower
- 52 replies
What would be the least obvious way to make tank treads? Tank treads made with, what else... procedural materials! The top is the final render, the bottom is the wireframe.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 132 replies
My next independent animation film THE REVENGE OF RED RIDING HOOD based on a lost story of Brother Grimms has been Greenlit!! This is going to be a 30 mins Film for Direct to DVD. This will be distributed worldwide by Animvision Inc. Credits List : Still going on Artist and Art director : Nephtali Leal Voice Artist : Nipobithi Ghosh, Barun Chanda, Rita Roy, Dhruv Mukherjee This thread will periodically post highlights of the production blog of this project. THE R3H PLOG This blog is going to be an extensive and exclusive ‘Production Blog‘. Describing in details the entire process of making this film. From production design to final cu…
Last reply by animas3D, -
by agep- 1 follower
- 24 replies
Hi all! Happy new year! I've the last couple of weeks been playing with the beechcraft and a video footage from where I grew up as a child (I did the footage this Christmas with my cellphone). There is several things I would like to do different. Due to the footage I cant have the speed I want on the plane, and the landing is a little to short. Anyway, let me know what you think. Also, I don't like the smoke on the end, but I'm not sure how to make it better. Oh, and there is probably some scale issues too? I struggled to make the ground a lot more dirty, but this was the best I managed to do. Syntheyes is used for tracking. I might do some more work on it, but not right …
Last reply by animas3D, -
- 127 replies
Hey All, This was a project that I was going to enter into the Mechanical Image Contest (long gone) but was unable to complete on time. Well, I've now decided to drop the project because I don't have enough time to complete it. However, I thought that someone should see it, so here it is: I was going for tons of detail (as is, the model is at 40,000) patches. I wanted wires and panels everywhere, and I was hoping to get front page on CGTalk with it. The design was by Activision's Jamie Egerton and I was given permission by Egerton to model it (he was extremely supportive). Here's the AWESOME design And here's an AO rendering of the mesh where I stoppe…
Last reply by Darkwing, -
- 1 follower
- 30 replies
Hello Hashers, here comes our little X-Mas greeting card/film... tracked with PF Hoe, animated and rendered in A:M . The compositing is done in After Effects... Enjoy. Merry Christmas and a Haaaaappy New Year to all of you! Michael
Last reply by DJJ, -
- 216 replies
I'm posting in Hash forum very rarely (but I'm lurking almost daily), so I think I should reintroduce myself :-) My name is Dusan Kastelic and I own a small studio for animation called Bugbrain. We are mostly working 2D animation (95%- mostly Flash games), though we made a couple of small projects in 3D in the past (maybe some of you still remember the animation about mine goblin Perk I made a couple of years ago). But we are planning to concentrate more on 3D in the future. I would like to introduce our new project: a short animated movie (6 minutes) „Chicory and Coffee“. Actually this is my personal „pet project“ but very ambitious one! Me and my coworker Uro…
Last reply by KenH, -
- 1 follower
- 24 replies
Hi Guys I felt like taking a small brake from the Cathedral project, so last night I started on another project I've wanted to do for a long time. Thomas the Tank Engine Anyway, almost done with the model, just some minor details missing and some tweaking on his face left to do (to get rid of his "crazy" look). Let me know what you think so far. I might have bigger plans for this guy, not sure when I'm able to realize them though. I'll upload a better render of him tomorrow Best regards Stian *edit* image updated
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 40 replies
Hi all, i would like to submit to your attention a model i'm workin' on since few weeks for an italian contest. unfortunately i was late for the Christmas Hash contest it will be finished in a few days and i'll pass it in the showcase area. if you wanna see more work in progress images go to ITALIAN CONTEST the theme of the contest is: how do you imagine your Santa Claus. let me know if you have any suggestion or critic, thanks concept some wireframe and some preliminar render bye... Vincenzo
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 450 replies
new board
Last reply by totlover, -
- 10 replies
Hey Hasher's- Just sharing some of my recent work done using this remarkable program. My Belle Tire client was going to use a photo(attached) of the new store in Jackson, MI... but the photo just didn't have much 'oomph'. SO- she asked if I could recreate it in 3D, and while at it...add the 'Tireman' character and titles. These are the 'bookends' (animation at the head and tail of the TV commercial.)
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 273 replies
Hello all, As some of you know I have been working on a facial motion tracking program. At this moment most of it works and I'm doing some tests. So, here is my first satisfying experiment: test 01 (Don't be scared, I'm just making faces for test purposes only ) It still needs some more tweaking, but I'm very happy with the results for now. Btw, the MoCap is done with just one regular DV camcorder. Some others from the A:M community will also do some tests with it soon, they can post their results here too if they like. I'll keep you guys posted about the progress. I think I'm getting close to a version that's ready for release.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 35 replies
Hi all I've recently revisited the transformers model of mine, and at the same time been testing some motion tracking. It was a pain in the bu** to make that thing move, since the rig I made for him is really bad:p Let me know what you think Best regards Stian The animation: A single frame from the animation:
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 157 replies
A friend of mine and I have been wanting to re-create the battle of Wolf 359 in 3D format for quite some time now. It has been a year since I first purchaced A:M and I am still loving to work with this product. I feel I can start working on something that could take years to get done. But it will be done right. The Battle of Wolf 359 has been a major battle that has been torn apart, analyzed and theorized about for years, but no one has ever tried making a rendition of it other then a version made using Bridge Commander. My friend, Mark Nguyen and I wish to create one possible version of Wolf 359. A possible "chronicle" of events. I have creat…
Last reply by NEKOSEI, -
- 1 follower
- 192 replies
This topic will contain the modeling efforts of T-Dogg and oakchas on an old style Batmobile. Basis for the project: T-Dogg is new to A:M, having learned some 3D in another (ecch! polygons) program. oakchas has used A:M off and on for years, but is trying to rebuild his skills. We'll be doing this in ver 12 as Charlie (oakchas) hasn't yet upgraded to V 13 But, I will before this project is complete, so maybe we can light it using AO, and use some of the cooler new features in v13, too. T-Dogg chose the subject, the vintage Batmobile. So, let's get started. Here's the roto that T-Dogg supplied: [attachmentid=17111] First thing I'm gonn…
Last reply by Mohammad, -
- 80 replies
Hi all, "Hansel & Gretel", which is my second work is at my website This is an 30 mins animation of the famous tale. You can see (on my website) that I have conceived this movie as an musical rhyme. And the whole storyboard, piece of script and a snippet of the music with the voice are there for you. Question : Do you find the accent of the voice annoying? This is the documentation of the way this animation is being made. Everyone is welcome to comment and critic the arts and animation I am taking. It’s only your words that can make this animation a good one. I don’t really know how to put an animation WIP of the entire 3…
Last reply by trajcedrv, -
- 1.2k replies
I am going to be starting to model some things to use in a Super Mario Film. if anyone wants to join in, just tell me. I would love some extra help. The only thing I really have trouble with are characters thats a bad thing to be bad at So. I will be posting what I make here over the course of the next few months I think.
Last reply by Nunsofamerica, -
- 1 follower
- 159 replies
Here's a small project i've been workin on for a few hours. If anyone's got any suggestions for a better paint job, let me know.
Last reply by goodguy20k, -
- 60 replies
Here is the latest installment of my tree growth animation project. I haven't been able to put much time into it in the last couple of months, being too busy with my "real" job. Once I get the whole thing built, textured, and animated, I want to put it in the context of a vacant lot in the middle of a city-scape. Any recommendations or how-tos for that sort of thing would be greatly appreciated. Below is a simple still image render. Check out the latest animation at my "laboratory" .
Last reply by williamgaylord, -
C-130 Hercules 1 2 3
by Kamikaze- 2 followers
- 141 replies
My latest modeling is a WIP....and hopefully will be very detailed when finished Michael
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 151 replies
Well, after many tests and experiments, it's time to consolidate my WIPs into a single thread and begin plowing forward. The two-minute short I'm working on is a single scene from a feature-length screenplay (called Ebon) I finished a little over a year ago. With animation in mind, I segmented the screenplay into 13 seven-minute chapters, and have been working on character designs and storyboards on and off since then. I plan to turn chapter 1 of 13 into a long-term project, but since I have no animation experience, I decided to choose a single scene to focus my energies on before I attempt something on a larger scale. I picked chapter 2, scene 4 for several rea…
Last reply by Zaryin, -
New Creature 1 2 3
by cory- 2 followers
- 120 replies
I had to put down the mouth and eyeball creatures for a little and work on this project. It's a new creature for a possible small budget feature length movie. I still have a lot of work to do, but this is the start... and the sketch I made... It's mostly based on the sketch with a few changes. Which head looks better, the one on the model in the movie file or the sketch? I like the sketch myself, what do you guys think? Should I go with the muscles as seperate entities or should I try to wrap a solid mesh in the same shape? Isn't there some sort of shr…
Last reply by cstanton, -
- 1 follower
- 88 replies
I have a couple weeks in front of me with a lot of available time so I decided to resurect an old (year 2000) model I had started but got diverted with skylights and never finished. Here comes the new revised edition. The head is completely new with v11 hair. The body is considerably reworked with about half less splines and smoother musculature. The anatomy, although quite exagerated, is more believable too. I am currently reworking the hands. Next, the arms need rework then dressing and eventuelly, I'm ready for rigging. C&C are welcome.
Last reply by Rodney, -
Hi all, i would like to show you a little (?!) job i'm working on. "She" is a jazz singer singing the song Harlem Blues performed by Branford Marsalis q-tet whit the voice of Cinda Williams. I hope to reach the end of this job considering that i'm doing that in my spare time. it is at a very primitive stage but critics are anyway welcome. bye... Vincenzo edit: many early images was removed, the hot stuff begins from page 3 hot stuff
Last reply by oakchas, -
- 1 follower
- 210 replies
Hey all! Sorry I've been so quite on the board these last several months. Been Busy as all get out. But I'm finally getting off my bum and getting onto my next short, "Stolen Child", and thought I'd create a WIP. Story: A classic Celtic fairy tale. Fey, one of the fey-folk, convinces a young man to with her to the Fairy-Lands. Done is a psydo-Jim Fitzpatric look, all the characters are going to be done in Hash while the backgrounds are hand draw and colored in Photoshop. 5 minute short. Progress so far: Storyboards: complete but sketchy (need to re-scan and compile them into a likareel) Backgrounds: Complete for act 1 Characters: all the designs…
Last reply by smudge, -
- 1 follower
- 144 replies
ZBrush 2 has arrived and AM has gone through so major alterations so I'm re documenting my AM to ZB and back pipeline. I've received a lot of queries about this so I thought I'd document it here. I'm going to check all of the asumptions I made when I originally mapped out the process a year and a half ago. 5 point patches are not particularly well handled in the obj exporter of the current version. I used to go back to version 8.5(which has a great obj exporter) but this afternoon I had an epiphany. By exporting to AVA and reimporting the model AM will maintain UV's while creating two 4 point patches wherever there are 5 point patches. You can then export the AVA bas…
Last reply by JohnArtbox, -
- 1 follower
- 118 replies
Here is an animation test for the Giant character from my short film "Big Bang". I decided to go ahead and animate and actual shot from the film to kill multiple birds with fewer stones. Critiques are always welcome. Caveats: lighting, texturing and background are temp. There are some outstanding deformation problems in the model, most noteably in the upper arms and wrists, that I haven't figured out how to solve yet. This film may not be finished before AM 25.1 ships. Next I'll be experimenting with lighting, rendering and compositing techniques on this shot to figure out the final look of the film. Enjoy! 2.1 mb Quicktime Movie
Last reply by Heath_Naylor, -
- 52 replies
Hi, Here are pictures of some of the pieces I've been working on for a project I'm doing reconstructing the east pediment of the Parthenon in Athens. I'm so greatful I got a shot at a project like this. In addition to improving my art skills immesurably, it has stretched my skill and understanding of Animation Master way beyond what they were before I started this. Holmes
Last reply by Elm, -
- 1 follower
- 256 replies
done in 10.5 leaves are a:m hair, stucure is plugin output.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
Duel poster 1 2 3
by Raf Anzovin- 101 replies
We just finished the Duel poster! (Duel, for those of you who weren't following the thread about this over in WIP, is our new short using a flat-rendering look). Here it is. We're going to have some near-finished shots to post soon too. --Raf Anzovin
Last reply by Bill_Y, -
- 63 replies
This is a little animation I did to test the facial rig on my Giant character for my short film "Big Bang". The rig is a mishmash of fan-bones, weighted CPs and pose motion. The animation is rough and the model isn't done yet - still needs some smoothing in places and the horns aren't attached to the head yet. Mostly I was curious to see how the mouth would hold up and how much expression and directionality I could get out of the dot eyes. Here's the link: Giant Head Test Here's a picture of the mesh: Enjoy! I must sleep now.
Last reply by bentothemax, -
My current WIP is an ROV (remotely operated vehicle), that is a remotely operated mini submarine. Also this WIP is where I'm for the first time whole-hearted trying to bevel the corners of my model. In this stage of the project I've only made the steelframe and the top of the submarine (much more to come). Criticism and comments are highly appreciated Stian
Last reply by entity, -
Here's a WIP of a superhero model I'm working on. I'm working from rotoscopes of a Superman Alex Ross drew. Looking for some input. C
Last reply by JoshB, -
Superhero underway 1 2 3 4
by JohnArtbox- 177 replies
A cartoony superhero underway. This model is going to act as a generic base to build a variety of muscle bound superheroes for a short film. download size 170k. I wrote the film for a submission about 6 years ago, but at that point had no spare time. My daughter's now 5 so I thoiught it was about time to leave the commercial work for a while and do something fun. Comments welcome hero.mpg
Last reply by JohnArtbox, -
Hi Hashers here is a project I will be working on over the next yr or more.. I will be posting updates as much as I can.. here are the concept models am working on... for a short animation. More to come......
Last reply by pixelmech, -
Getting ready to catch a plane in the morning for Siggraph! I will be doing a modeling demo at the show. So here's a sneak peek if you aren't going to be there
Last reply by Mr. Jaqe, -
Photon Room 1 2
by ypoissant- 70 replies
Here is a work in progress. This a kid room. The project is a collaboration with Tony Matias (who signs Tony on the list). I plan to use this scene as a basis for the "Interior Global Illumination using Photon Mapping" tutorial. This is not quite the latest render but close to it. Any comments are appreciated.
Last reply by Mega, -
- 91 replies
Hi all I have been trying to create a model of niomi as a pet project to see if I can create a believable model of someone. Here is the untextured face. any comments are welcomed luv pat niomi2.jpg_
Last reply by sonofpat, -
- 1 reply
Nostalgia time again. This is the first ever job I did with AM, and the first job I did under the auspices of Artbox, my studio. I was originally approached to do the dancing logo as cell animation, but when they told me that they wanted the Cheesecake Shop Logo and Type reproduced perfectly on each frame, I thought Animation Master. It was version 3 or 4, I had 1 Pentium 133 with a whopping 64 mb of ram and I still have nightmares about the render . But nowhere near the nightmares I would have had doing it by hand. Cheesecake Shop 1.9MB 320x240 swf file Right click and "save as"
Last reply by Rodney,