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345 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
It has been a while since I made a complete micromovie. Let me say, doing a study of Alfred Hitchcock's directing through one of his masterpieces has been a great learning experience. I had a great time doing this project. I was determined to finish by year's end and I made it with a week to spare! Keeping true to the "One-Man-One-Computer" ethos, I used a number of the public models very much to the improvement the piece. Let me give special kudos to the builders of the "Rear Window" set. It is a wonderful miniverse. The set looks great from long shots to extreme close-ups. Bravo and thank you to the organizers and contributors to the 2012 Forum Project. …
Last reply by Bruce Del Porte, -
- 3 replies
Heyyo- Recently completed 3- :15second Tireman web-loading-spots for Belle Tire. In these- I strived to get the best render out of A:M that I could, so very little post-processing or compositing is used.
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 1 follower
- 32 replies
- 8.1k views Hey folks- I am embarking on a new campaign for my 'Belle Tire' client and it occured to me that I never 'showed off' my big 2014 campaign. Here it is... 6 :30 TV spots for Belle Tire(9th largest Tire reseller in the country, after Discount Tire #1 and CostCo #2) All animation and renders done in A:M. Motion tracking and composite, color correction and edit done with Adobe CC products.
Last reply by TheToadStool, -
- 2 replies
It has been a while since I've posted any fun stuff I've made with A:M... I use Element3D and C4D more and more these days... but a client wanted this animated globe with photos being stuck to it by pins and thinking how to rig it up in either of those 2 apps gave me 'the fits'. This simply uses 'orient like' and 'translate to' constraints for the photos and pins to get them to rotate and stay in place on the globe as I spin it. All moving elements in A:M... text and post was done in AE. Funny thing on this job... the client- a young woman(not that that matters) did not understand why I needed to spin the globe at all. Can't you get India, China, Austria, Portugal an…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 15 replies
This month's prompt from Society of Visual Storytelling is "The reindeer got the flu so Santa used ???...." (fill in the blank) Here's my "probably" entry (I am resisting adding more detail, stuff since I tend to over complicate my compositions..but ya never know) If you see something that looks familiar in this image - it's probably yours. Yes. All artists steal. But good artists steal a lot! (or something like that?) Thanks to Matt Campbell I frankensteined his wonderful car (peaked it and textured it with wood, got rid of roof/cab), modified (rigged) one of his Xmas ribbons, made an image hose of his snowflakes (I used in Painter) Thanks to "Tin Wo…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
Is A:M supposed to automatically re-size the images in an image sequence when it imports them? The images were rendered out at 1280x720 but as soon as they get imported back into A:M they become 864x480 and so far I can find no way to stop this or chose what size the exported movie will be played at. I seem stuck with 864x480
Last reply by markw, -
- 4 replies
OK folks: I get a error message when I attempt to render an animation. I looked at all the settings I couldn't any place to set anything from 16 to 24 bit. Any ideas? As always, thanks in advance for any advice you can provide.
Last reply by pixmite, -
- 4 replies
Noticed a glitch, I have a character that is being tossed into frame to be comp'd in to back ground. When character is not in frame to where it is a blank back ground it takes 2 hours to render each frame when there is nothing to render. Yet once he is in frame it takes 45 seconds. So I usually have to follow him with the camera and then After effect it back to how it would have originally looked. Anyone noticed this or know why? VS 13 OS XP SP2 2 gigs of ram 2 TB of HD space
Last reply by Sean delgatto, -
- 10 replies
All of my choreographies are all of a sudden not rendering properly, especially in reflections. I don't know what went wrong, but if I can't fix it, that will be it for me an A:M. I'm hoping I accidentilly hit a setting or something that is now screwing it up. I would like to restore the default settings, but don't know how. I've already made sure all my reflection settings were good. I also uninstalled and reinstalled. Please, any help is appreciated and needed. Here's a quik render of spidey in a new chor and in the chor I've been using in my Spider-man thread. Jeff B. EDIT: Please ignore this stupid post. I don't know how but somehow I had fo…
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 1 follower
- 88 replies
I have a couple weeks in front of me with a lot of available time so I decided to resurect an old (year 2000) model I had started but got diverted with skylights and never finished. Here comes the new revised edition. The head is completely new with v11 hair. The body is considerably reworked with about half less splines and smoother musculature. The anatomy, although quite exagerated, is more believable too. I am currently reworking the hands. Next, the arms need rework then dressing and eventuelly, I'm ready for rigging. C&C are welcome.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 35 replies
Hi! I'm an old user and I'm considering to come back to the amazing world of A:M. I come from v11 and I would like to know which version is the latest and what are the main differences between them. Also... I prefer the boxed one and not the subscription. Are both the same? Thanks in advance and regards.
Last reply by Shazam3D, -
- 2 replies
Decided to play with and update then re-render my Space Marines project (image). One day I will fully rig these models and animate them.....
Last reply by itsjustme, -
I've been working through the Barry Zundel videos but keep running into a wall. I've learned a ton, but I think my time will be better spent getting back to the "Nightcallers" trailer. I think I sort of understand rigging better than I did before, but in the videos he encounters occasional problems (mostly with Compensate Mode and parenting hierarchy) and it just gets my mental knickers in a twist. I don't need the rigging knowledge for "Nightcallers" since I use The Setup Machine, and I am making good progress on modeling Biff, so it's back to them lovable bugheads for the nonce!
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 35 replies
Robcat has offered me a chance to do some learning. He has three courses to teach. I would very much like to have others join in on this class and if your interested please post here to become involved. Once we have enough I will defer control to Robcat who will be doing the teaching. The animation courses being offered are the following: 1 bouncing ball 2 broad jump 3 three emotions On a side note, Rob if no one is interested I am still very interested in learning what you have to offer.
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
Hi friends... I am editor of a live talk-show ( livevideo all mondays 7:30pm brazil ), which deals exclusively about my soccers's team Operário Futebol Clube ( In fact the team is not mine of course). Its mascot is a rooster.. then I decided to model one to use in some animations between interviews. tomorrow I'll begin to SQUETCH it....
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
I need to rotate a decal 90 degrees but I can not see how to rotate a decal?
Last reply by PF_Mark, -
My current WIP is an ROV (remotely operated vehicle), that is a remotely operated mini submarine. Also this WIP is where I'm for the first time whole-hearted trying to bevel the corners of my model. In this stage of the project I've only made the steelframe and the top of the submarine (much more to come). Criticism and comments are highly appreciated Stian
Last reply by entity, -
- 10 replies
I kind of missed the deadline here, but I didn't get back to my computer before the end of the Christmas holiday visiting my parents. So this ugly thing has been decorating my grandma's Christmas tree for the past 25 years. I drew this thing when I was five years old. I bet that if it could talk it would probably whisper something in the lines of "please kill me...." Anyway, just for the fun of it I had it scanned, made a simple model for it in A:M and added the decal. Also added a simple rig and made it move for a few seconds. It would be fun to collect all sorts of children's Christmas drawing and make an small animation out of it, guess I have to search my parents …
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Well its been over a year. but finally it is done. let me know what you guys thinks of it.
Last reply by esolc, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
You guys may have seen my recent post of the fan art model I did. I wanted to test out sculptris with Hash and how well the obj export from it would work in Hash's "Retopo/ snap to surface feature." Since I'm new to sculptris and 3D sculpting in general I was hoping to get the basic shape of Dirk the Daring's head fairly close. I knew that the spline modeling in A:M would work much lighter and smoother. However, I like the way sculptris allows me to get the overall shape. Attached is a video of the progression both in sculptris and then on into hash for conversion to a spline copy based on the obj. The body was all done in Hash. Model_Steps_Sculp…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 1 reply
Not to steal any of Sean's thunder if he's waiting to re-present this short film later this month but I happened upon it and see it was released back in April. It continues the story of Jack and his many adventures. x Fun stuff Sean. Keep up the great work!
Last reply by TheToadStool, -
- 4 replies
As threatened. The second ever project in AM. This was the original version. It later got re animated and edited down to three days rather than five but, that version has some horrible compression artefacts on it and still has a large file size. This has been chopped a bit but ( WARNING ), the music is still as annoying as ever. There are many things I'd change if I did it now but I was pleased with it at the time. ( about 9-10 years ago). I still like the idea though. The figure models were adapted off the CD at that time. Rather inexpertly, as you can tell.
Last reply by Bruce Del Porte, -
- 1 reply
Has anyone else noticed an odd habit of patches only showing their inside surfaces in Shaded Wireframe mode when trying out CP waitings in an Action Window? All is well until you start to move something. Makes it really difficult to check for correct mesh deformation and spotting any poke through if there's some underlying mesh. Doesn't always happen but it dose seem to happen a good 90% of the time for me. Using v16a and 15j+ on Mac 10.6.8, with an i7 & 8GB RAM Patches_In_Action_Windows.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
Hello Everyone, About 12 years ago I finished a cartoon that I had been working on in my spare time for about three years. The cartoon was called Sev Trek. From a financial point of view, it did very well. First by selling videos on the website, to having a distributor market the DVD worldwide. The rights to the cartoon automatically returned to John and myself a few years ago. So now the cartoon can have a new life on Youtube. I animated the cartoon from the first scene to the last, and if you watch carefully you will see my animation skills get better. You will need to be a Star Trek fan to get most of the jokes.…
Last reply by largento, -
- 13 replies
I'm making a model for a student ( although I'd rather be animating ). Its of a lunchbox and she wants a foil top to it that will peel back, like the top on a yogurt carton. The top surface is for her graphic but she wants it to be like a shiny foil on the underside. I don't have a lot of experience with materials or surface settings, can anyone suggest a way to get the aluminium foil type effect ? regards simon
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
sjDehib8YRM Here's another gem that few folks have seen. Textures in Photoshop. Composed in After Effects. Everything else created in Animation:Master. I love the style. It's a rarer but often used anime style often seen in illustrated Japanese brochures.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 8 replies
It's finally been released! The most recent vignette from Project: Potemkin. This features an alien creature which I had to build, rig, animate and composite into the already shot footage. Many thanks to Robert, Rodney, Mark and a few others for helping out with advice on this one!! [vimeo]98791336[/vimeo]
Last reply by Darkwing, -
Hi all, i would like to show you a little (?!) job i'm working on. "She" is a jazz singer singing the song Harlem Blues performed by Branford Marsalis q-tet whit the voice of Cinda Williams. I hope to reach the end of this job considering that i'm doing that in my spare time. it is at a very primitive stage but critics are anyway welcome. bye... Vincenzo edit: many early images was removed, the hot stuff begins from page 3 hot stuff
Last reply by oakchas, -
- 40 replies
Hi all, i would like to submit to your attention a model i'm workin' on since few weeks for an italian contest. unfortunately i was late for the Christmas Hash contest it will be finished in a few days and i'll pass it in the showcase area. if you wanna see more work in progress images go to ITALIAN CONTEST the theme of the contest is: how do you imagine your Santa Claus. let me know if you have any suggestion or critic, thanks concept some wireframe and some preliminar render bye... Vincenzo
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Hi there, I recently got interested in sketchfab. So after man years I fired up my gold old AM 15hNet and was pleasently surprised that it still works. Woke up some of my old models from its briarrose slumber and exported it as obj with 4 and uploaded to sketchfab and this is the result. Tramtrain140411 by jakerupert on Sketchfab cheers Jake (click below for more 3D models...)…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 5 replies
Plugging away steadily I'm trying to get to grips with smartskin. watched Roberts excellent video and making progress. A quick question though, Do I have to make a new SS for every joint as a separate relationship or, can they all be done in one reltionship ? eg, making an initial SS for right forearm can I make an SS for the wrist in the same window/relationship or does it have to be a new SS/relationship ? regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
I'm trying to create a puff of smoke from the end of my flint lock pistol using the Smoke Tutorial and TAOAM but I cannot get AM to set any keys on the smoke parameters (sprite) Any suggestions?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 7 replies
Nothing earth shattering; just a different way to layout patches based on the idea of retopolgy; i.e. using an existing model as a template for a new mesh. The first image shows the original model - the red hood of a 1955 Chevy truck - modeled by Stian and generously lent to me. As you can see he formed the surface in the typical fashion by drawing splines along the major contour lines. But as usual when you have a cylindrical/spherical detail in a rectangular surface you can't avoid generating 3 and/or 5 point patches; which, as you can see in the second image, sometimes are not realistically smooth no matter how much you tweak the bias handles. Believe me I tried. …
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 7 replies
Hey - I took a chance to do a job today with the new 'Snap To Surface' tool, and it saved the day! Don't know how I woulda done this without it. Shawn Rogers asked if I could model this 'NEWFANGLED' soccer ball(ref photo) for him... at first I though- NO WAY, but then figured the S2S tool may help in the process and it could be a good test for it. Plus I love the challenge, the ball looks SO simple, yet it is really QUITE a modeling dilemma. 1st- I lathed a really dense sphere and exported it as an OBJ. Then imported it into the chor as a prop... this was to be the surface for me to draw on, activating the S2S function. A couple false starts, a couple rounds of …
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 52 replies
Hi, Here are pictures of some of the pieces I've been working on for a project I'm doing reconstructing the east pediment of the Parthenon in Athens. I'm so greatful I got a shot at a project like this. In addition to improving my art skills immesurably, it has stretched my skill and understanding of Animation Master way beyond what they were before I started this. Holmes
Last reply by Elm, -
- 5 replies
While I was somewhat active on this forum, I was also creating alot of things I've never shared with you, until now. I was (and I still am) using Animation: Master for many years to create 3D work. I was also learning other animation software as well and I think I have improved my knowledge for animation in general alot since then. Here are some of my best projects I created using Animation: Master. I should also mention that only the first of the five animated projects I created has subtitles. 2015 This animated short film was created to show some of the most exciting attractions of my city, Drama, located in Greece. 2016 In this a…
Last reply by ivanbryan82, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
- 3.5k views Hey folks all the CG was done in AM about 5 years ago. I used BVH mobcap for the Animation which worked great with AM. Im actually going to start selling the tubes shortly because of the corona virus. I still have 30,000 tubes in my basement.
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 84 replies
Hello forumites! We finally fully (hell, is there something like "fully"?!) explored the possibilities of A:Ms import/export capabilities, and combined the essential and unique A:M features with other packages, especially for rendering purposes. Here are our latest commercials. Note that all Characters have been modeled, rigged and animated in A:M, whilst being rendered in either Modo or Mental ray. It's Steffen gross who made this workflow possible, and he deserves lots of respect for his genious work. All the best, and lots of greetings, Elm.
Last reply by chucky, -
- 9 replies
Souvenir mock-up of the stadium for the 2018 FIFA World Cup (for 3D print) It turned out that this goat is the emblem of my city, where the World Cup 2018 will be held
Last reply by serg2, -
- 7 replies
here´s some stuff i´ve made lately with the help of a:m. 1. DDQ Series video: those are touring class PA speakers which i´ve designed two years ago. i did the layouts for those speakers with a:m (they looked a little different in the development stage, some things were too difficult to realilze in production). so the design for the speakers was made in a:m, the speakers you see in the video are real video-shots though. the only 3D footage besides the lines-stuff was the compression driver, i had to model it in a:m, because the prototype we filmed didn´t have the right driver built in the animation was made in after effects, the lines with a plug-in called plexus. …
Last reply by jimd, -
- 2 replies
Doing the renders for my music video, all with toon lines, and no matter how I crank up the specularity settings I cannot seem to get any kind of specular highlights. Are they mutually exclusive?
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 106 replies
Well, since I posted my Spider-man pic for the Image contest awhile back: Old Spider-Man Pic I got comments that my proportions were all off. Well, they were right on the money there. I never realized that I suck when it comes to making well proportioned humaniods. I decided to break out my old Poser program and make some rotos of a human male (front, side and back). If anyone would want these, I could zip them up and post them here. I brought them into A:M, and modeled according to the size and shape of the rotos. So now if my proportions are off we can blame Poser . Down at the bottom is the attached picture of my new Spider-man WIP from the fro…
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 3 replies
I've encountered this intermittently in version 8.5 and it has appeared again in this new version. I'm modeling a Nieuport 17 and the wheels have become square in modeling. It renders as a circle, but then goes back to a square. Can anyone tell me what I have done and how to undo it? thanks...
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 0 replies
Hey yall! I've had some trouble uploading images to the forum and finally got around to starting my own html page on neocities: they give you 1gb of free website and it's super fun to make a simple page using LLM as a helper for the code. The site is just one page for now but I'll be adding my worthy splines are as I go. I even made an animated favicon! did you know you can animate favicons?
Last reply by Yopachi, -
- 1 reply
This came out of a discussion with Simon Edmondson and David Simmons at Live Answer time...
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 1 follower
- 210 replies
Hey all! Sorry I've been so quite on the board these last several months. Been Busy as all get out. But I'm finally getting off my bum and getting onto my next short, "Stolen Child", and thought I'd create a WIP. Story: A classic Celtic fairy tale. Fey, one of the fey-folk, convinces a young man to with her to the Fairy-Lands. Done is a psydo-Jim Fitzpatric look, all the characters are going to be done in Hash while the backgrounds are hand draw and colored in Photoshop. 5 minute short. Progress so far: Storyboards: complete but sketchy (need to re-scan and compile them into a likareel) Backgrounds: Complete for act 1 Characters: all the designs…
Last reply by smudge, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hey Everyone. Ran across this story development video that includes Storyboard, Layout, Script, & final composite. Done in 2010. All characters and props were done in A:M. Backgrounds(sky, desert, etc.) were done in Vue. The lighting of Animation Master and Vue were done seperately but matched together. Banditos were modeled/ textured by Will Sutton(awesome character work). I modeled Appalachian Al, but his texturing was done by John Henderson. Rigs were done by me, Will Sutton, and Robert Holmen. Storyboards, lighting, compositing was a rather difficult process. Even the shadows and AO were in sepera…
Last reply by Clipping Path Specialists, -
- 9 replies
- 1.4k views;hl=Composite While looking for more info on compositing I came across this thread from 2006 about a plug in that Marcel Bricman had written for T Wessling. There was some talk that he may have introduced it to the wider AM community later on and I wondered if there was any news on that now ? regards simon Apologies. Just found another thread about Sumi and couldn't stop this one. My Mistake.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1.2k replies
I am going to be starting to model some things to use in a Super Mario Film. if anyone wants to join in, just tell me. I would love some extra help. The only thing I really have trouble with are characters thats a bad thing to be bad at So. I will be posting what I make here over the course of the next few months I think.
Last reply by Nunsofamerica, -
- 450 replies
new board
Last reply by totlover,