Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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So I do a test render of my new steam locomotive and I notice that something funky is happening on the half inch plate under the cab in the shadows (see image). The patch layout for that plate is legal and all the normals are pointing outward. When I built it, I was trying for the fewest patches possible. I took another swing at it without any regard for patch count and came up with something equivalent with only two more patches and a much nicer render. The only real differences are that on the offending plate there are three point patches and the three patches forming the rectangular edges of the central cutout are formed with four, dead end, two cp splines joining the …
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
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- 1 reply
OK, I am just getting into the game with AO. I have been frustrated with it so far but see potential. Others can create a wonderful look of daylight with it. Here is a shot with basic settings. How do you get a better light for the front? I know someone told me to increase the ambiance of the object but that did not work. Steve
Last reply by robcat2075, -
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Hey folks, I've been thinking of trying to sell new models in a set. I'm working on one now which will be "Street Objects Set I" (See the attachment). I know many consider it taboo to try and sell models when so many are offered for free but everyone needs to make money. A set like the one shown would sell for about $12.95. Do you think it's a fair price? Honest opinions please!
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 29 replies
Here a 2006 Chevy Tahoe Police Version I'm working on. This is one of the benefits of living way out in the country with nothing to do is you get to play with animation master all day long and then go fishing
Last reply by jakerupert, -
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Holmes I did not want to hijack the fake AO thread, but wanted you to talk about the characters you showed in the shots. They are great! Is that a project you can talk about? Steve
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 2 replies
Hello all- Just downloaded a new font into my ProgramFiles/CommonFiles/Adobe/Font directory and the new font shows up in Photoshop but is not available for the Font Wizard in AM. Does anyone know where the fonts need to be stored for the AM Font Wizard to use them? Many Thanks! Tom
Last reply by Tom, -
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Here is the new character Steve
Last reply by Paul Forwood, -
- 12 replies
Here's something I 'm doing for my day job, a machine that creates rubber injection-molded components for high voltage uses. I'm going to need to do versions where some components are hidden or turned off. Is it better to do that with an action or an on/off pose?
Last reply by Gerry, -
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- 6 replies
Here is a test. I know its large so Sorry about that. I having problem with the popping of the leg. Any help would be appreciated Steve
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 12 replies
William Kevin Detwiler (aka detbear on the forum) hired me to adapt my rocket animation as a logo treatment. And here it is: The string looks a bit steppy in this low res version, the final version was 720HD. The music is just a temporary placeholder I made.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 19 replies
Hey- I am making a 'GRANDSTAND' a lot of seats that will be viewed from afar but need to be there... I've made some simple geometry that holds a cookie cut decal, but when I go to render... every-other row of seats comes out fuzzy! I've tried rotating the image... checked normals... I can't figure out what causes this imperfection...?
Last reply by 3DArtZ, -
- 9 replies
did this a few weeks ago, thought i´d post it here... every time i finish a new character i browse through some movie wav pages and pick a scene i´d like to animate... just to see him in action
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
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Hi guys Here is a work related model of a VW Beetle 1200 that I have made. The "final" render was just a quick setup which I might improved when I find some time. A few details, like the windshield wiper is still missing. Anyway, let me know what you think Best regards [click on images for larger view!] [Moderator note: continue down for more great pics!]
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
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- 14 replies
I'm building my living room (well my house really) in AM. I want to see what it would be like to install recessed lights in my living room. The ceiling is just a grid. I can build the cans, but they have depth. I want to place them in the ceiling and have the depth, but the grid cuts through the light. Do I have to make an open grid for each place I want to put a light? **I started to make an example, but AM kept crashing. I'm on a mac... is vs 16 out of bata yet?
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
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- 16 replies
Hi guys, I just wanted to show you my latest little project I was working on for the weekend. In 3dArtist (issue 20) there was a really amazing image of a very photoreal ladybug. I tried to archieve the same photorealism but could not archieve that till now. Anyway I think the result is still quite good and I wanted to show it to you guys. If someone of you can give me a few tips on how to make it look even more real, let me know... I would be happy to hear about it! I attached a preview-rendering and an wireframe of the scene. Hope you like it... Critiques are welcome! See you *Fuchur* PS: Just found the artist's website the image was fro…
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 15 replies
I know it's no Nidoros cathedral but........................
Last reply by Meowx, -
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I saw this on youtube and thought this would be cool to try. This is animated using 2 control bones, but I could get it to 1 with expressions.
Last reply by williamgaylord, -
- 5 replies
I haven't posted in a while since I haven't had any AM problems recently but here is my latest short done with AM. Enjoy. Alan
Last reply by Rodney, -
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Made these theater seats, not sure why. lol
Last reply by MJL, -
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Hello thought I start out working on the twin Gecko I'm not going to let whip me this time I got a plan for him when I get done with him he won't be able to sale insurance.....LOL Just Kidding.
Last reply by tbenefi33, -
- 28 replies
I'm entering a little contest, so I decided to create a *really* simple char and do a 30 second animation. I decided I would do a snail. So, I'm going to post him as he is progressing. Let me know what you think. Here is the first screenshot:
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
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my current work progress 3d modeling = 100% uv map = 0% rig = 0%
Last reply by cronos, -
- 34 replies
i started this project almost two years ago and didn´t do anything with it the last year, i´ve just had too much work. but i decided to pick up on it again and to actually finish it! i think posting this here on the forums as a wip might help getting it done, and with your crits and suggestions i´m sure i will get better results. first of all, here´s the story: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- scene01 (ca 90 sek) daylight shot. camera moves through the attic, slowly zooming in on the shoebox. the doll lies in the shoebox, surrounded by other toys …
Last reply by dblhelix, -
- 15 replies
Hello All- Came across this fascinating little animation which I think was done in another program. I think the actual revolving of the bones/parts might be fairly simple or straightforward but I can't figure out how they get the skin to not crease as the parts fold in on themselves... Any ideas how not to crease the outer skin as the parts rotate? Thanks for any info! Tom CubeSpin.wmv
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 37 replies
Couldn't resist two cents worth of punditry fun. Props to Mel Brooks, "Blazing Saddles" still rings out. iReport
Last reply by ruscular, -
- 32 replies
Hi guys First of all, thanks to everyone that voted for my entry:) The reason for modeling this car is that it is one of the coolest cars that I know of (next to Il Tempo Gigante). This image is rendered using IBL with HDRI from Dosch Design. The background image is also from the HDRI, only rendered out separate and used as a rotoscope -> frontproject target Here is a second view of the car and a wire. Let me know what you think. Best regards Stian *edit* As promised here is the IBL tutorial:) Keep in mind that I'm not very good writing tutorials, so this is an 'as is' product Hope you'll find it helpful anyway IBL_rendersetup.pdf
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 24 replies
Just as a quick break from modeling the Daedalus, I decided to model a somewhat simpler model, any guesses?
Last reply by Darkwing, -
- 18 replies
Well, it has been a busy quarter, and it was spent mostly building a scale model - no, not a digital one, a real one - of a sort of military interplanetary outpost. In order to utilize the footage shot of the model, I built a digital landscape (the group responsible for the model landscape utterly failed at building it) in a nameless Other Software package that specializes in landscapes. However, just a pretty picture won't do, so I brought a robot model I built in yet another Other Software package into A:M, rigged it, re-textured it, and now it looks ten times better than the original ever did. The animating & rigging is going to be a bit of a challenge, since t…
Last reply by frosteternal, -
- 28 replies
Hi all, I build a provisorical website for the development of one of my projects: "Marina Vonsee und der Schrecken der Südsee" The shootingboard in comicstripform is finished, now starting to do the animatic for sound and timing, see DEMO button. Also many models finished. On a sideeffect I published my comicbookscribbles as books from BoD (Books on Demand) just out of curiosity for these new possibilities. It`s all German for the time being...
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 15 replies
Every now and then I get a call out of the blue from someone who wants me to be part of their project. These usually don't go anywhere and this is one of them. Anyway, this guy wants to make a movie, for money, using A:M! I read the screenplay, it's got problems but the core concept is a cute one. The main characters are water drops. What will that even look like? I made a quick test for him of what that might be and since there was never an NDA involved... here it is:
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 11 replies
So I started this model in October and I figured I'd pick it up again:
Last reply by mouseman, -
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Hello friends I felt like doing some experimenting the other day. I had a photo of New York taken from the Empire State building The photo is taken by a friend and colleague of me, Johanna Vaart So, I wanted to see if I was able to convert the photo to an anaglyph using A:M. First I used PFHoe, to "track" the photo, by doing so I got the camera position and angle, then I started to create simple proxymodels and placed them accordingly with the photo. When done I made a depthmap using fog. In PhotoShop I used the depthmap as a displacementmap to skew the red channel to the left and green and blue channel to the right. I also made a "tilt-shift miniature" vers…
Last reply by thefreshestever, -
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I've started tackling a basic walk cycle for Old Man Willies. I'd like the forum's more critical view of the first (actually it's about the dozenth!) pass. I can already see some areas that need tweeking, but I want your crits first.
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 6 replies
d78c5e599c2a9c9d0bbd Man, I think I am guilty of NOT using AMFilms the way I should be... I just gave it another look, and it is pretty sweet. This is a test to see if the video shows here in the forum. Any A:M users in the Detroit/Lower Michigan area who are sports fans (Red Wings, Tigers, Pistons) have seen this spot to DEATH... it airs SO frequently. This is MY version of it... before the editors and sound effects guys did their work on it. I had 3 days to do this :30... a :15 and :10 versions as well. I was not present on the shoot, and the little girl did a wonderful job of 'dictating' where the Tireman character should be. There was lots of challenges with i…
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 6 replies
So this is a finished project and not even a 3D project but I though it could go hear. So this is my first real animation. So enjoy. Also: If you need any art or 2D animation done contact me. Cause I do freelance. To see more work go hear:
Last reply by animation man hi, -
- 2 replies
OK, I have been away for a bit. I got out of doing video and started faceting gemstones in the basement (the computer is in the house - not so sure it is a trade up ). Well, never say never again. The new hobby started meeting the old one. So now I am working on a video about a faceters' meeting (Franklin Faceter's Frolic 3 if you must). Back to old reliable for doing covers and titles, A:M. My new hobby has a tool, GemCad for Windows, for doing design work on stones. And there are large libraries of stones around (including famous diamonds). I noticed that it will export dxf files. Yippy! Well, not too fast. The plug-in import is a little clunky. Bu…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 18 replies
Hello! As always it has been a while since I've posted anything here but I have been lurking! I have a new project now that I figured I should post a WIP of. First a little background: As my forum handle suggests, I am a photographer. I shoot a lot of digital but have in the past year gotten into analog photography. I now shoot my own B/W film and develop myself. The very popular and famous film, Kodachrome, was discontinued last year by Kodak. This film which is truly unique will never be made again. Also the one lab in the world that can still process it will stop processing at the end of this year. I managed to get a hold of a single roll of K…
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 38 replies
When I was working on the "Bus Stop" set, for the forum project, there was a few people that wanted multiple sets. I had a few ideas, but there was not enough time with the deadline Robert set for the project. This was something I've been wanting to do for awhile, but never got around to it. There's still alot to do, but I figured I would post my progress on it.
Last reply by dblhelix, -
- 21 replies
I normally don't do this, but I think if I post how I go through the different processes of making a render, I think I can actually finish an entire scene for once. Last night I had a crazy vision of some lost and forgotten tricycle sitting outside of an abandoned grocery store. There were lots of earthen tones and bright white lights. I just drew up an image of what I saw, and I intend to make the whole scene in animation master! Here's what I have so far: I plan on coloring this image to get a better target for contrast in the image I have this delusion of rendering out the whole scene in radisoity, but I need to try and suppress that in order to actua…
Last reply by MattWBradbury, -
- 10 replies
anyone who has seen my work knows I like the bugeyes I use. What I am asking is to borrow some of you folks talents Would someone design me some killer bugeyes that look really good and I can alter in color to match the character I am making? in other words Some of you are true geniuses when modeling and I am not. I am just asking for some killer bugeyes like I use. But much better. lol just the eyes. and eyelids. Thanks! Gene P.S. this is gonna be interesting if anyone does it.
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 1 reply
I did a wedding video last month and just thought I'd try something a little different. For some reason it is awful dark here, have no clue why.
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 7 replies
For a job, needs couple small tweaks but will eventually become an STL file for a resin cast model. The weird blob on the bottom is from a previous model they had and wanted to keep.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
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- 7 replies
Helping out a friend This is his product. This is the motion graphic representation I made of the logo for him. I had to do the sprite like light paint strokes via apples motion. I think it can be done in am but until someone shows me how motion is extremely simple. The rest was done in AM.
Last reply by new guy, -
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- 44 replies
I was bored, so I through this together. Played with IBL and AO.
Last reply by new guy, -
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- 7 replies
Hello all... Thought I would share a test render of something I've been playing around with off and on The floors are a bit shiny, so I'll have to play with that a bit more
Last reply by Rodney, -
So after being deeply annoyed by some houseflies, I came up with this idea for a short animated piece about a dude trying to kill this one housefly. So I'm going ahead with it as a minor side project. So here are the two characters, my PC connected to the scanner is currently indisposed so I use my laptop webcam to take an picture of the drawings, so I'm sorry for the low res, the high res ones will be posted later
Last reply by Darkwing, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys! I have been away for a while, so I need to catch up :-) I'm preparing a new short film and I will probably use A:M to make it. I'm still using good old v13 (I purchased v14 but I didn't really use it). Is there anything really new in v15? Has anything changed regarding rendering? This new film will be technically much simpler than Chicory 'n' Coffee (I will mostly use A:M for 2D animation- only couple of objects will be made in 3D) so I believe I could do it just fine with version 13... but anyway I would very appreciate first-hand experiences with new version. Dusan
Last reply by Fuchur, -
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Here are some snapshots of a piece inspired by the new Tron Legacy movie coming out. Still needs some work, but I think I'm getting there. Let me know what you think. Cheers, Shawn
Last reply by new guy, -
- 2 replies
right off the bat problem, it says to grab the BODY bone and use the AM scale tool to scale the rig to size. But nothing is working.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
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Here is our latest collaboration. Gene has upped his game once again! Spleengene Animations proudly presents.......(Drumroll............)........... "BUILD ME A BOAT"
Last reply by largento,