sprockets Commercial modeled and animated by serg2 Modeling demo by Michael Brennan Short film by Svetlik Making and Using Drop-On Poses TinkeringGnome's Atomic Rings PRJ 2001 Star Gate effect in A:M with PRJ Comparison of AO and Radiosity Renders
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Tom last won the day on March 11

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  1. Here is a comparison. The Radiosity version is a bit more washed out...
  2. Wow..fantastic answers. I can't wait to study and test this! Thanks!
  3. How would you describe the difference between "Ambiance Global" and "Radiosity"? It seems like there is a bit of overlap in their functioning...
  4. What sort of Ambiance Occlusion are you using in that scene?
  5. Thank you for isolating what the problems was! Much appreciated! Tom
  6. Hello Hashers- In the beginning of the sequence the volumetric beam reaches all the way to the ground plane but as the project continues (frames 30-60) the beam breaks up and doesn't reach the ground. Can anyone figure the problem? VolumetricTest.prj
  7. Pixar is laying off 14% of their workforce, animators seem like another career threatened by AI- https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/pixar-animation-lay-off-about-14-workforce-2024-05-21/
  8. It is a depressing thought that AI animation is being chosen over hand crafted animation....
  9. I have been using v19 regularly because V19.5 crashes when I try rendering anything. I believe I sent you the specific files related to the crashing a while back and I think you passed them on to the programmer. I was just checking to see whether any changes had been implemented yet. Thanks!
  10. Is AM V19.5b the most up to date version available? ( I am not referring to any versions still in Beta.)
  11. Rob- Thanks for doing the testing. That is a very informative analysis of how the software emits sprites. Thanks!
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