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- 2 replies
Finally posted it to Youtube. Enjoy and of course, feedback is always appreciated!
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 2 replies
I don't think I posted a link to this yet, but hey, better late than never.
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
Superhero underway 1 2 3 4
by JohnArtbox- 177 replies
A cartoony superhero underway. This model is going to act as a generic base to build a variety of muscle bound superheroes for a short film. download size 170k. I wrote the film for a submission about 6 years ago, but at that point had no spare time. My daughter's now 5 so I thoiught it was about time to leave the commercial work for a while and do something fun. Comments welcome hero.mpg
Last reply by JohnArtbox, -
- 2 replies
As seen on Youtube: eogVzChpVQk Created in A:M 2006 by StusMagicBox.
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 1 follower
- 52 replies
What would be the least obvious way to make tank treads? Tank treads made with, what else... procedural materials! The top is the final render, the bottom is the wireframe.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
Every year since 2007 I have been creating a video to hype up our family's annual Carpet Ball tournament. Some of you here may recall me doing my WIP threads every year and im sure everyone was questioning where it was. But probably not I didnt have quite as much time this year to put into it. Next years is going to be far better. I am planning t recreate new models and retire these characters. They have had a good run but its time to make something I am more proud of and would show to potential employers. This year's was just to be more 'epic' and I based the whole video around the song With Great Power by Immediate Music. Very epic movie trailer style music.…
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 3 replies
Hello all! For those of you who may remember me, and remember my annual Thanksgiving videos, I did not stop doing them, and did not stop using Animation Master to make them! This one was done in a short amount of time (like usual because of procastination, but mainly because of my new school, new job, and life just becoming more busy). But I did not want anyone to think I forgot about you all. This community is the reason I still have the passion to animate and am pursuing it to this day by attending school to get a degree. You have to have that piece of paper to show you can do it, portfolios are only half the game. But there is so much for me to learn still a…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
The Insect Image Contest Awards are done! These are the medals and certificates for the Insect Image Contest of 2015. For assorted reasons they are shipped unassembled so I have made a video that shows you what to do when yours arrives. How To Assemble Your A:M Forum Image Contest Award Fast Forward links: 00:00 Introduction! 00:21 6th-10th place certificate 02:55 4th & 5th place certificate 05:14 1st, 2nd, 3rd place medal 05:56 Medal package contents 06:21 "Shoulders" or "Shield"? 06:30 Tying ribbon for "Shoulders" 13:00 Tying ribbon for "Shield" 19:30 Attaching leg for shelf display 20:56 Attaching wire for wall display 22:31 A second ribbon? 22:4…
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 1 follower
- 159 replies
Here's a small project i've been workin on for a few hours. If anyone's got any suggestions for a better paint job, let me know.
Last reply by goodguy20k, -
- 132 replies
My next independent animation film THE REVENGE OF RED RIDING HOOD based on a lost story of Brother Grimms has been Greenlit!! This is going to be a 30 mins Film for Direct to DVD. This will be distributed worldwide by Animvision Inc. Credits List : Still going on Artist and Art director : Nephtali Leal Voice Artist : Nipobithi Ghosh, Barun Chanda, Rita Roy, Dhruv Mukherjee This thread will periodically post highlights of the production blog of this project. THE R3H PLOG This blog is going to be an extensive and exclusive ‘Production Blog‘. Describing in details the entire process of making this film. From production design to final cu…
Last reply by animas3D, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Last reply by Mitovo, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
The "Pinot Vista Tasting Lounge" where outr band has been playing every Wednesday (for 3 years) is giving us our own "Label". Yamhil County, Oregon, has become a tourist destination due to the fact that it is now "Wine Country" Now people can take home a souvenir. A bottle of "Twisted Knickers Private Reserve" Pinor Noir. Here, have a bottle. . .
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 24 replies
Hi Guys I felt like taking a small brake from the Cathedral project, so last night I started on another project I've wanted to do for a long time. Thomas the Tank Engine Anyway, almost done with the model, just some minor details missing and some tweaking on his face left to do (to get rid of his "crazy" look). Let me know what you think so far. I might have bigger plans for this guy, not sure when I'm able to realize them though. I'll upload a better render of him tomorrow Best regards Stian *edit* image updated
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 11 replies
I had chance this last week to do a scoreboard 'halftime' animation for my client Belle Tire... one of those things 'for the kids' where the stadium DJ will assign a random seating section to the outcome... and if chosen that section will get a prize... like a pack of M&M's or a free soda. This one was for the Grand Rapids Griffins, a Michigan Junior SemiPro hockey team- and they wanted a 'shell game' with 3 outcomes starring Tireman in an ice-hockey environment... Belle Tire's cartoon mascot that originated in 1922 and whom I have been animating in A:M for the past few years. I started animating the pucks sliding around and quickly realized I was in 'keyframe h…
Last reply by RS3D, -
- 18 replies
New model in the Thomas & Friends family Toby the Tram Engine
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 17 replies
Anyone having issues with rendering out images from within A:M 16 or 17beta 2? No matter what I am trying, it crashes 80% of the time. I have tried different settings, different models, different projects. I have tried png, exr, avi (of which I get a v16 error in v17??) so I have no other idea what it could be. And to top it all off, I was rendering several images just over the weekend and no problems. I have not installed any software between then and now. I have rebooted several times, ended unneeded tasks, etc. I'm at a loss. Just wondering if any known issues. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 24 replies
[vimeo]24131512[/vimeo] Here is another great work in A:M.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 1 follower
- 256 replies
done in 10.5 leaves are a:m hair, stucure is plugin output.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 60 replies
Here is the latest installment of my tree growth animation project. I haven't been able to put much time into it in the last couple of months, being too busy with my "real" job. Once I get the whole thing built, textured, and animated, I want to put it in the context of a vacant lot in the middle of a city-scape. Any recommendations or how-tos for that sort of thing would be greatly appreciated. Below is a simple still image render. Check out the latest animation at my "laboratory" .
Last reply by williamgaylord, -
- 8 replies
Has the Setup Machine 2 been dropped from compatible plugins? I copied the TSM2 files to the HXT folder in A:M16 but they are not available from the plugins menu now. I haven't seen an official statement regarding TSM and A:M16 so I'm not sure if this is an issue for A:M Reports or if this is normal behaviour for A:M16. Any clues?
Last reply by Paul Forwood, -
- 2 replies
extrasCD/models/anime/boy he appears fully rigged yet it is like the rig is turned off? Any clues?
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 22 replies
I know this might not be the place but who did this tutorial? I also want to know if somebody could help me understand this a bit more. The explanation in some of this seems to leave out some info.
Last reply by Userdelete, -
Tying knots
by serg2- 14 replies
+ Project UZEL2.prj
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 36 replies
I know there is a text/type tool in AM but, could someone kindly point me to it ? Also, In the past when I installed AM the help file was installed too. It seems to do so on PC's but hasn't on the Mac. Could somebody tell me howto do it so I can stop asking simplistic questions ? Thank You regards Simon OSX 10.68 V15J
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hello ... I would like to announce a new game that I created called "Izzy the Busy Squirrel". It is a simple puzzle-strategy-memory game. All of the models and animations were created with Animation:Master and then exported with the AMXtex plug-in exporter created by Chris Roy (plus some other converters as well) ... If anyone is interested, I do have a demo version of the game you can download from my website as well as a video tutorial of how to play. Please visit ---> and select the "GAME" link to find out more. Please note that if you are running Vista or 7 that you MAY need to also install DirectX 9.0c ... I do have some trouble shoo…
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 3 replies
More from StusMagicBox: (Be sure to watch until the very end) abYgl1xu0So Created in A:M 2006 by StusMagicBox.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 19 replies
Attached is the screen of the problem I'm having. This "box" shows whenever I try to select anything. For some reason the area just turns black. Nothing serious just odd. I'm using the Nvidia 9600GT on a pentium quad 2.66ghz.
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
- 22 replies
We are looking for a entries to the v17.0 mascot contest the deadline will be 03/31/2012 please email all entries to I’m sorry this is so late but and if the dead line is short. I'm sure I forgot something so if you have any questions please ask. I will also be working on a better voting system then what was used last year. Rules: All entries must be modeled and rendered in A:M. Third party paint programs like Photoshop can be used for painting texture decals By submitting your work, you are granting Hash, Inc license to reprint the work, including but not limited to promotional material, cd/dvd covers, splash screens, web sites, and articles …
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 9 replies
I've been doodling again with "paper dolls" and experimenting with a variety of ways to render "flat" characters, to sorta get a "scribbly" look. To document for myself (and hopefully others will find some seed to use), here are some of the variations on my Paper Man character - seen in this first image. I think I still like this render style best for these characters - but it was worth it to experiment for possible variations some other time
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 22 replies
Quick question as I am pondering upgrading right now to version 16 from 12 ---what is status of the usable plugins in version 16 compared to what I might have had in 12 . Thanks again for all the advice and help so far guys. Rich
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
I'm currently running 16.0a on my office pc and 16.0 on the Mac at home and the one difference I've noticed is that the Mac version render times run rings around the pc version. Last week I was rendering a shot from "Nightcallers" that I started at the office but it was averaging five and a half to six minutes per frame, so I cancelled it and continued on the Mac when I got home. There the very same frames were rendering at a minute and a half. So I'm left to wonder if it's the platform or some crucial difference between 16.0 and 16.0a.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 9 replies
Last reply by serg2, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
please does anyone know or have a tutorial on vedio rotoscoping.
Last reply by petokosun, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Good news As I have been working on comparison videos for a prospective new feature in AM called AMA aka A:M Anseres, I have been intercepting issues new and old and making AM reports for these issues. Attached is 1 such issue that will be corrected in AM V17
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 4 replies
I've got a 45 frame walk cycle. When I drop it onto a model, it's fine. But when I constrain the model to a path, it wants to make the walk cycle around 1/10th its length, like 4.5 frames, so in a 90 frame clip the walk cycle loops around ten times. I feel like I've seen this before but I cannot figure out how to fix it. This is happening in both v 16 and v 17.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
Try loading this prj in v16... cloth_tower08_taller.prj cancel out of the requests for images and models, then try to resave it under a new name. Are you able to save? It fails for me, even when the images and model are available so it's not their absence that is the problem.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hi everybody, I just created my wirst Win10-App for the windows store... all the assets for it have been created with A:M... If you have a Win10 Desktop, Laptop, Tablet or a Windows 10 Mobile Phone, you can play it . Have fun, hope you like it . It is of cause a free app . It is quite simple, but I hope it still is fun . More informations can be found here: ...and this is the link to the app in the store: See you *Fuchur*
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi friends .... I developed a rig to use with BVH motion. For each bvh I have to setup the same constraint to the same bones to the same links(bvh "bones"). Since the name of the bones are the same (my own rig) and also the links(bones) of the BVH are the same(name). Is there a way to export these instructions of constraints and then import them into a new action, using the same rig with a different BVH (diferent movements but with the same "links" (names)). Do I made myself clear? I attached the rig represented by solid structures
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 23 replies
Bouncing ball is the atom on which character animation is built. Would there be interest in such a class? It would be about 4 or 5 lessons, each one focusing on some small element and building on the previous ones. Unlike a series of tutorials that are just out there, it would be an online class where everyone is doing the same exercise at the same time. Hopefully being able to do a proper bouncing ball will enable you to more critically assess your other animation efforts and avoid elementary problems.
Last reply by Roger, -
- 0 replies
What is better than X11 Release 23? X11 Release 24! "X11" was the software that ran Nortel's Big Switch. This is a program open I did at Nortel in 1999 with A:M v7 This was before the "font wizard". A:M could create the outline of a font but you still had to extrude the sides, close off the front and back and create your own bevels if you wanted them.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
Hi everbody, as every year there is a new Advent Calendar by us online. The image has been created with A:M and as always you will find funny, a nice or cool commercials there every day: It is written in German, but in short: Rendeers are unhappy and are protesting and Santa needed to be... creative. Best regards *Fuchur* PS: Just click the big button in the middle to get to it... it just says, that YT videos are embedded on the website and data may be transfered to YT because of that.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 7 replies
Hi everybody, I am not sure if many know that tradition in the US but in Germany most children (and many older childs ) do have an "Adventskalender". That is a calendar before christmas with some candy (often chocolate) in it for each day in December till the 24th.Every day you are allowed to open one "door" of it till xmas is there. (most people in Germany start celebrating christmas on the evening of 24th, not the 25th like in some other countries. Anyway: This is the digital Adventskalender 2016 from my company. It is packed with funny, deep or just very nicely done commercials from all over the world and the cover art is done with A:M. Have fun . Each …
Last reply by Pitcher, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Fun with the cloth wizard... this is the kind of stuff I do in the background while working on very dry corporate crap. Thanks for the Camaro model, Marcos!
Last reply by RS3D, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, i wanted to test the render speeds of my new machine so i threw this together and used net render to see how long it would take. 1280x720p 30fps global lighting with full AO AO at 50% multi pass x 16 output .TGA 10 seconds total (300 frames) Netrender 5 slaves total time 1 hour 16 mins sound effects were done in post.
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 2 replies
made this video to show a few friends what i have made with Animation Master. thought i would share this with you all.
Last reply by johnl3d,