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- 4 replies
This is the scene I animated for Kevin Detwiler's production of "Adventures with Boomer". You've heard of a "take" and a "double take". Cary Grant once landed a triple take in "Arsenic and Old Lace." This scene, however, contains a world record... septuple take! The voice-over narration is part of the framing device in which a grandfather is telling stories to his grandson. The characters and models were created by Kevin Detwiler in Animation:Master. The terrain backgrounds were created in Vue.
Last reply by detbear, -
- 8 replies
Have had difficulties with mystery channels appearing in the PWS ( I hope I'm using the right word with channels ? ) and the rotate handles on bones suddenly growing very large but never known what might be the cause. Yesterday morning, I went through all the models in the chor and deleted the oddities then worked on the walk of one of the figures, having hid the other models. In the evening I unhid the others and prepared to render it out, only to find that the mystery channels had reappeared, along with the elongated roll handles. I've circled both in this screen grab. The problem seemed to come about when the models were group selected in the PWS…
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
Mystic mist
by Tore- 1 follower
- 8 replies
I used a volumetric mist object the other day, and came across a lot of settings that I haven't been able to find an explanation for anywhere. Not in the tech ref, nor here in the forum. Anyone got any idea what "mistiness" does? Or "sampling rate"? Or "Height" x 2 (not the one in transform)? Help would be much appreciated :-)
Last reply by RU2D4, -
- 5 replies
Here's a scan of an article I got into the current issue of The Cartoon!st, the newsletter of the National Cartoonists Society, about doing the Plympton Animation Jam. Got a plug for A:M in the photo caption.
Last reply by Meowx, -
- 28 replies
I noticed a couple big set backs using decals for camera projection mapping besides the spastic positioning of the decal which is easy enough to use the numeric inputs... Low angled patches don't receive decals. Decals only apply to what is visible in the scene so your limited to just what is initially in the scene. Is there another way to do this besides decals?
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
Hi Hashers here is a project I will be working on over the next yr or more.. I will be posting updates as much as I can.. here are the concept models am working on... for a short animation. More to come......
Last reply by pixelmech, -
- 64 replies
hello hashers, we've just finished the summer commercial for SATURN. check it out... a short description: Finally! The Smith family is longing for relaxation and out for holiday adventures in the "GEILLORCA" bargain oasis. One thing's for sure - their neighbours will be envious... greetings, mike and jo and the crew
Last reply by jo b., -
New Creature 1 2 3
by cory- 2 followers
- 120 replies
I had to put down the mouth and eyeball creatures for a little and work on this project. It's a new creature for a possible small budget feature length movie. I still have a lot of work to do, but this is the start... and the sketch I made... It's mostly based on the sketch with a few changes. Which head looks better, the one on the model in the movie file or the sketch? I like the sketch myself, what do you guys think? Should I go with the muscles as seperate entities or should I try to wrap a solid mesh in the same shape? Isn't there some sort of shr…
Last reply by cstanton, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Last reply by Tore, -
- 0 replies
Even squirrels bent on world domination require help every now and then. Here are Dick and Mongo waiting for their new job interview. Produce_0.mp4
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 16 replies
Hey Guys..... I've got a bunch of things in the works. Sorry that I haven't been around as much as I would like. I completed a new Animated short project and it is up over at YouTube. If you have a few seconds and would like to check it out, here is the link: Kevin
Last reply by detbear, -
- 8 replies
Hey Everyone. After a really long production......I'm proud to announce that my latest "Short Animation" is finished and published on my Youtube channel. The Link is here: x
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 27 replies
Hi freaks! After a pretty long abscence from Animation Master, we finally did a project again with a whole lot of A:M usage involved. It's a (web-) commercial for a company called "Lieferheld" (which some of you might know as "Delivery Hero"). All characters have been modelled, rigged, shaded, animated and rendered with A:M, backgrounds have been created with softimage and Modo. We kindly invite you to have a look at it: Lots of greetings, Elm.
Last reply by Mitovo, -
- 7 replies
it´s that time of the year, on wednesday starts the prolight & sound exhibition in frankfurt and i made an animation with the cameo mascot. this year it was extra fun for me since the theme was led-bars, and i had the idea of using an led-bar as a light saber. i rendered 4 passes, one for the color with shadows, ao, reflections and everything, one for the shadow, one for the depth map and one for the alpha channel. the bridge was made in c4d, exported as an obj and loaded in after effects into element 3D and repeated endlessly, the actual 3D object is just a short segment. this saved a lot of render time and animation time, since i could animate the charac…
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 3 replies
Made with Hash Animation Master, of course. Only the best for us! Hope you like it. SMF 2 Chapter 1 - The Squirrel's Nuts - YouTube
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 232 replies
Hello friends So I have finally started a personal project I have wanted to do for a very long time. It has been put on hold several times due to lack of reference. The model I'm working on is Nidaros Cathedral (Nidarosdomen), which is an very beautiful cathedral in downtown Trondheim (20min bus travel from my home). I have just started modeling the west front. Even at this point I have no clue on how much work I have taken upon But I love every part of the process from Wikipedia from Wikipedia updated 10.09.10 updated 01.28.10
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
If you're running the latest version of OS X, you have access to the new Mac App Store. There's a free application in there called "Art Text Lite." It reminds me a little of an old application called TypeStyler that I used to use in the old days. Anyway, the free version comes with several preset styles. If you make a circle and apply the styles to them, you can then save out large resolution spheres that you can use with the Matcap shader! (Make sure your final image is square and has a black background.) If you spend the $20 for the full version, you have access to even more preset styles and you can customize your own.
Last reply by nimblepix, -
- 91 replies
Hi all I have been trying to create a model of niomi as a pet project to see if I can create a believable model of someone. Here is the untextured face. any comments are welcomed luv pat niomi2.jpg_
Last reply by sonofpat, -
- 17 replies
I was just watching a tutorial on Trapcode Form 2 for Adobe After Effects... it now lets you apply it's effect to an obj, and an obj sequence. Cool! Any ideas how I can get A:M an animated OBJ sequence out of A:M? Is this a possible feature request? Here's the tutorial:
Last reply by Elm, -
- 7 replies
I recently started a small project with a puppit I made of some garden strings and velvet. They were a bit moveable, but I had no idea to set it up with the right stability to make a movie of it. Then I reminded the one_frame_button of my Cad camera. So I made some surounding and tried some pictures. My first attempts were a bit fraggy, as I had no idea to make the puppit straight for a longer period. Then I found some small magnets, and used coins to move the feet as parts for the walk trace. It all looks a bit chunky, as I had hardly an idea how much frames needed a walk pose, or a still. This was made with a range of 600 frames. 😏 pino.avi
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 144 replies
ZBrush 2 has arrived and AM has gone through so major alterations so I'm re documenting my AM to ZB and back pipeline. I've received a lot of queries about this so I thought I'd document it here. I'm going to check all of the asumptions I made when I originally mapped out the process a year and a half ago. 5 point patches are not particularly well handled in the obj exporter of the current version. I used to go back to version 8.5(which has a great obj exporter) but this afternoon I had an epiphany. By exporting to AVA and reimporting the model AM will maintain UV's while creating two 4 point patches wherever there are 5 point patches. You can then export the AVA bas…
Last reply by JohnArtbox, -
- 8 replies
What is Parallel Reload? I didn't know when I made this opening title and I don't know today but it is something important you need to know if you have the giant enterprise switch by Northern Telecom AKA the Meridian 1. I did this while working at Nortel in 1997 or '98. This was my first attempt at rigorously accurate mechanical modeling. I found the original project elements while looking through my debris and have re-rendered it in HD for modern eyes. For the most part, the original PRJ done in v6 loaded right up in v18. I just had to revisit a few of the animation curves and refind a few image files. The many long, thin horizontal lines …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
It boarders on an R rating, you need to be signed in to Youtube to watch it. Comments welcome!
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 5 replies
Friends ..... My eyes must be deceiving me ... where do I disable the gravity in the particle system (streaks)?
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, sorry if the topic description made it sound like a 'marijuana reference'... I use patch images a lot, they RULE! And lately I have been playing with eXporting A:M data so I can use it in Element 3D, Cinema 4D (Maybe I AM stoned!) and trying to get A:M/bake imagery to play nice with polygonal UVW placements(making slit-wrist motions!) and I notice that patch images seem to be 'immune' to the whole baking process. ALSO- any links to some good tuts on this subject?
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 5 replies
I used AM waaay back, now I'm thinking of getting back to it. But I need to know if I can export to a particular game engine/platform, Panda3d. I see Patchwork3d exports directX, this is perfect (or so I hope) as Panda3d has import capabilities for DirectX files. But before I plunk down the cash, does anyone have a character I could do some testing with? Anything with some simple animations that have been exported into DirectX with this plugin? If anyone could send me one or direct me to a download, I would most appreciate it, thanks! Martan
Last reply by martan, -
- 38 replies
drawing contest for "pendulum" "... and now the music and a scrolling ..." Loops
Last reply by serg2, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Yet another model in the Thomas & Friends family Percy the Small Engine *edit* I am going to lower the reflections in the body in future renders
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
I was reading de Rodney's post about WIP banner in the jobs forum... and I thought of a project based in wood gears and perpetual motion machine .... here is it ... no keyframes in this animation as you can see in the image below ... all moviments are based in expressions. I'll post the project tomorrow ... it's on my office's machine.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
I retrieved this c. 2004 work via the Wayback machine and felt it ought to be seen again. That's genuine A:M hair, expertly done. Great work Phil, where ever you are!
Last reply by mouseman, -
Photon Room 1 2
by ypoissant- 70 replies
Here is a work in progress. This a kid room. The project is a collaboration with Tony Matias (who signs Tony on the list). I plan to use this scene as a basis for the "Interior Global Illumination using Photon Mapping" tutorial. This is not quite the latest render but close to it. Any comments are appreciated.
Last reply by Mega, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
hi all, here is a preview of my new shader that i am developing. its a physical sky shader based on "preetham´s" paper. at the moment it is only an ambient shader that can be applied on an "environment sphere" for background renderings. it can be controlled by a light or by date, time, longitudes and lattitudes. i hope it can be also implemented for sampling an ambient occlusion environment, so that we also have one more option in the "global ambience" slot... Physical Sky Update!: Physical Sky Update
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
- 8 replies
Here is my contribute to this contest Work In Progress. I took the second number of the "Dark Side Of The Moon" album "On The Run". 😽
Last reply by Madfox, -
- 2 replies
Pit Kart Tool Box
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 17 replies
A little polar bear I am working on for a personal project.
Last reply by william hennes, -
- 1 reply
Hi! I just thought I'd share a project I've been working on that combines A:M techniques with Final Cut Pro. This was a great opportunity to experiment with Animation Master with an "anything goes" attitude! A very liberating experience but even more liberating to have it completed. -Adam Video:
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 6 replies
I am developing some variations on a simple character and had some pose sliders set up for things like eye and mouth movements. The body was retained and a series of heads developed for the changes. Even though the original CP's have been deleted and replaced by those on the new heads, the old pose sliders remain when I try to set up the new relationships. I deleted the appropriate sections in "Relationshhips" but the sliders remain when I try to use an action to test the figure. Can this be changed or do I have to live with it ? Thanks for any help you might be able to offer. Regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 4 replies
Meet Power Mad Squirrel, arch enemy of Super Mega Fox. Here's where they meet for the first time. Door Answer.mp4
Last reply by Mitovo, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Third and perhaps final movie in the Prismatic series, Prismatic Dance is made from one video clip and an audio track. No sprites in this movie. The single model used in the choreography is a simple block shape with 4 spheres. The same light-box color pattern (TGA image sequence) from the other Prismatic movies is decaled onto each of the spheres. The spheres are Boolean cutters. As the spheres move, grow, and shrink over the course of the animation, they transfer the color patterns to the carved out surfaces of the block. Here is a wireframe/shaded birds-eye view of the cho 2 minutes into the animation: Here is a render of the same view sho…
Last reply by fraizer, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Robcat spotted this movie on my YouTube channel and suggested I post it to the Forum. The movie is composited from two clips made in A:M. First clip (the color pattern): Years ago I made light boxes using Xmas lights on posts that supported cylinders with cutout patterns; the tops of the cylinders were vaned so heat rising from the lights drove the rotation of the cylinders. The light patterns were projected onto a sheet of translucent plastic. Recently I got to thinking about light boxes and wondered if I could simulate the mechanism in A:M. After some trial and error — that being trying to find a method for doing the cutouts without actually modeling each …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Similar to Prismatic Fracture, this movie is composited from two clips made in A:M. The first clip (the color pattern) is the same as was used in Fracture. It is used in four tracks in DaVinci Resolve. The bottom track is the base clip with Composite mode = Normal. Tracks 2, 3, and 4 are this clip image-flipped horizontally, vertically, and horizontally/vertically with Composite mode = Add to achieve a symmetrical image: The second clip (the black and white pattern) uses the same black-edged white square sprite as Fracture, but the emitter is a truncated cone. The resulting image has a large-scale symmetry while having an asymmetrical feel…
Last reply by fraizer, -
- 4 replies
Hello there.. I´m having troubles to view the rotoscope, it shown in white and only when apply the render on it, it´s visible..but when continuous to modeling , the rotoscope get white again, I remember before when this happened only changed the OpenGL/DirectX en the tab options to resolve it, but when I did it the tabs are different, here are the images...did happens this to somebody...any help is appreciated
Last reply by nino banano, -
- 11 replies
Just bought the AM v17 web subscription. Tried activating it, got the following error:
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
How to make a Cucoloris? I know I could model something, but I think AM has an advanced lighting feature that i have never seen used but have heard of that works for this purpose. Robert are you interested in a vid tutorial? Here are the product shots I am working on.
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 179 replies
[moderator note: many interesting WIP pictures and closeups throughout the thread!] Hi fellow A:M'ers I've just started up an new and ambitious project (maybe to ambitious? ). Anyway, the project is to model the beautiful WWII cruiser KM Bismarck. I hope that I manage to keep an certain amount of details, but as you probably guess, this model is going to get an huge amount of patches. as it is now I have approximately 171K of them.... I make many of the parts of the ship as individual models, and assemble it all in an actions. Let me know what you think so far Best regards Stian UPDATED 03.08.06 assembled…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 5 replies
I wanted to compile my many experiments with Animation Master recently as it pertains to a particular short I am working on. This project is inspired by Twin Peaks, the Twilight Zone, and Phantasm possibly. I am trying to see what I can get away with regarding our favorite software- Animation Master. Recently, I've been trying to rig complicated .obj models and have been utilizing smartskinning and rigging. Some of these shorts are old and I didn't understand hair and the like. Also, there's a bit of motion Capture using Brekel Pro Face 2. Anyhow, thanks for letting me post. More updates later! Adam
Last reply by TheToadStool, -
- 50 replies
Last reply by MAYAman, -
- 8 replies
I needed a 'cupid' character for my animation idea for Jet's Pizza... didn't have a lot of time. Was considering 2D 'hack' animation... I scribbled a design on paper and noticed my baby Cupid was mostly drawn with circles... which in 3D relate to SPHERES! So I 'sphered' together a very quick baby model, and after adding some details- had a good Cupid. Since I knew the actions I needed were quite limited (shoot an arrow) 13 bones were all I used to throw an impromptu rig for animating him. I am growing fond of using the Gradient material when toon shading, here I placed one on his wings. These Jet's animations I am hoping will continue to come... they wanted 2 for Vale…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 31 replies
As the light bounces off the walls it takes on the wall's color. A typical Cornell box image takes about an hour to render with radiosity, but this takes about 15 seconds per frame to render. This scene also has something in it that technically doesn't exist in A:M. Can anyone guess what it is? There are clues in the render.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 25 replies
hey guys, haven´t been here for a while, and of course i have a question: i´m trying to find a way to simulate a stop-motion look without having to animate frame by frame. so i thought a possible solution would be to add some sort of random expression to the bones rotation, so that they would rotate randomly with very low values (let´s say from 0,1° to 0,3° or so) each frame. i´m not very familiar with expressions in a:m, in after effects the wiggle expression is fairly simple and can be applied to almost every parameter. i hope it´s similar in a:m. any advice?
Last reply by Shelton,