Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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- 11 replies
I hereby debut a vague, confusing, fragment of a tale in the process of creating itself. [albeit snippets have slipped out here and there]. The main character [bipedal and arthropoidal] is "EL Cucaracha". [Grammer, spelling and emphasis in the original]...a James Bond-style freebooter, now in the process of fleeing for his life, for reasons unknown, though those reasons are no doubt good ones. It's the confluence two idle, non-related thoughts suddenly recognizing each other. One: 'el bog' himself was the product of pushing elements around with no particular goal in mind, and, Two: what the world really needs is a locomotive that can run on a single wheel, a 'razor-r…
Last reply by Kelley, -
- 5 replies
This is a test of importing some .3ds ships into AM. The blooms were originally gonna be done in AM (finally figured out how to use AM composite and was quite impressed) however, I liked the blooms in FCE more, so I went with those blooms instead. But the lens dirt and all that are AM, so yeah, have a look see EDIT- Whoops, I always forget this place doesn't have a youtube embed, I'm so used to putting in the tags
Last reply by Darkwing, -
.Hack Vaccine 1 2
by Mohammad- 58 replies
Hello all, I'm working on a project called .Hack//Vaccine I was wandering if anyone would like to work on it with me. I have alot of the stuff done all ready, however I wouldn't mind changing that stuff. I'll attach some of the stuff I've already done, I'm working on one of the buildings now. I plan on upgrading my A:M but I'm currently saving up. Right now I have version 10.5 that I don't think is real (was supplied by school). So I may need to buy a new one. (edit: I found out how to to upgrade but I'm $30 short) Attached is the script that I've been using to put my ideas on. New script (June 19) Along with a little thing I wrote HackVaccine_script.doc …
Last reply by Teh_Demon, -
- 3 replies
For those who love dot hack. I ask you for your arms and hands in dire need. I want to try and make what Mohhammed started. It is my dream to put together a clip or film or something that has to do with .hack of some sorts, Why i am asking this is because i really want to start my own and i have the guide to .hack//G.U. Rebirth so i really dont need any 'pics' exactly. If you would like i could upload some pictures on request. Some Characters i would like made would be Haseo, tri-Edge, and Azure Balmung. And possibly Atoli. I will upload pictures of theis when people are interested. For now tho i need to just start on making a surver *For those who dont know, thats bascil…
Last reply by Mohammad, -
- 23 replies
Plymouth WIP Building the round gas cap cut-out in the curved rear fender must have been the most time-consuming modeling I've ever done in A:M. It's still not realistically smooth but I've decided that adequate is sufficient.
Last reply by KNBits, -
- 48 replies
I must have missed the announcement for the release of Noah Brewer's digital reimagining of the anime classic 'Bubblegum Crisis'. ...and now his work can be seen on A:M Films for everyone to enjoy. Bubblegum Crisis by Noah Brewer One man, one computer, making feature film animation. In a word... A M A Z I N G. See more of Noah's work at:
Last reply by Mr. C, -
- 4 replies
I don't often bring images/animation out of the New Users Forum but from time to time someone posts something that I can only call inspirational. This is definitely the case with Glen Clarkson's 'Cavalcade of Rabbits'. Not only did it make me laugh but it was presented in such an innovative way, all while demonstrating the basic principles of Exercise 4: 'Move It', that I felt it needed a little promotion. Little touches like this really put the spotlight on what a little time, serious thought and effort can produce. Is this Showcase material? Maybe not. Yet here in its simplicity its great stuff never-the-less. Glen is still refining the …
Last reply by trajcedrv, -
- 8 replies
Just thought I'd show... I put a new clip up on my site... McDonalds restaurants wanted to previsualize what it would look like if they took a display from a flat 2D photo to a mocked 3D vacuum-form. 2 days later I had this model, fully extruded from the hero pose photo, and all one mesh. Comments welcome.
Last reply by heyvern, -
- 14 replies
Hi Guys, attached is my entry for the Hash 'Mechanical' Image Contest. Critique Welcome...
Last reply by Etalis, -
- 11 replies
Hi - Here is the link to the short film I've been trying to fit in around everything else. Things are finally chugging along so hopefully I'll be able to update this site with some regularity ( I'm sure these are famous last words as the year goes into meltdown) - but oh how I will try. Current wildly optimistic projections have me finishing this sometime in the first quarter of next year. Anyway, enough Blah blah heres the link - look forward to hearing any comments. Raglan Cheers Matt
Last reply by ypoissant, -
- 16 replies
We were talking about 'cheap/free' website providers up in the 'Animation:Master' forum ( and someone spilled the beens about 'Dreamhost's 7 year anniversary sale. Next thing I knew I have a new host with (hopefully) a lot more bandwidth and a lot less pop-ups... So far so $9.24 I've spent in a long while. So now I need to throw a little foottraffic at it to see how it holds-up. I put a 'WIP' 30 second render (4.5mb) windows media file (eventually, it will be streaming Quicktime) of my 'The Rolling Stones' animation which is still being rendered and tweeked...anyhow, there's some lip-synch and rock…
Last reply by Animus, -
- 2 replies
HEY! I don't know why I always have to make my floors reflective. There's a lot of effects in this test...V11hair...V11 dynamic constraints...V11 distortions within distortions...sprite material used as smoke...volumetric klieg lights... Anyways I used a 5X multipass render (at D1 res) and I think the klieg lights glitched-up the reflective floor. Other than take the reflectivity out of the floor, any suggestions? I'll post a full frame from the sequence in the next reply... Warning: Over emphasized female anatomy.
Last reply by dark_ninja, -
- 10 replies
Okay, as promised, here is the set that I was working on for the 'Christmas' image competition. I still have much to do but here are some test renders that I did to check lighting. I was also doing some photon mapping tests with this room at the time but have put that on hold for the moment. Image 1:
Last reply by Paul Forwood, -
'Yote Tail
by smudge- 6 replies
Well, since I'm not on the mailing list (Dragon does happy dance over new forum! Yeah!), I thought I'd go ahead and post this here, even though it's been around. 'Yote Tail Since I've got several render versions up, I've linked to the html page so you can choose which would play best on your system. Comments and critics are always welcomed.
Last reply by micheldani, -
- 15 replies
Hi guys I created this scene for fun, based on a little experience I had a few years back... *** Ever found urself in the wrong place at the wrong time? not a good feeling.. Sometimes it just best to turn right around and run!! Sang was hungry and went looking for food in a rough area of the ocean..Bumped into daddy!!! and baby worms and realized his stay should be short!!! *** I wanted a dramatic feel so I used a limited colour palette / textures and design... The bobbles were done by hand cuz my system can't handle particles... Done with A:M / The Gimp.... thanks for your feedback!!
Last reply by DarkLimit, -
- 1 reply
For those of you who missed its debut in September, The History Channel is airing "The Battle of Tripoli" again this week--at 11pm on Thursday the 11th, and again at 3am on Friday the 12th. I believe that is for both east and west coast. However, I have DirectTV and I'm on the west coast, so we get it at 8pm and midnight. (stupid spherical Earth...) So anyway, just be sure to check your local listings. There are sailing ships and maps that were made using A:M, and I have samples on my web site if you happen to miss it. Enjoy!
Last reply by 3DArtZ, -
- 7 replies
Here are a couple of screenshots of a sampling of the graphics I did for "The Battle of Tripoli" which aired last Sunday the 19th of September on The History Channel. We just heard from A&E Network that the Nielsons were very high for the show (1.3, as opposed to their usual 0.8 for most of their other programming), so chances are good they will re-broadcast it soon. I'll post the info on my web site (, so check there in case you missed it last Sunday. [i have more sample images, but it looks like I can only post one at a time here, so I will try to create a web page on my site this weekend.] Okay--just added, here's the web pag…
Last reply by AProd, -
- 7 replies
beastboy is a character from "teen titans", a show one of my friends used to watch. here I am so you can see in the roto, there are black stripes on his torso, however, the mesh does not lend itself to that...any suggestions besides redoing the torso? thanks -m. trower
Last reply by .:shortdog:., -
- 17 replies
I'm tapping into the old caverns of the brain and I think I remember there being a demo movie out there that was on one of the original A:M demo reels called "Blocks" or "marbles" or something like that. It was a movie that had a bunch of marbles riding down roller coaster tracks the a block trying to do the same and smashing through a wall. Does this ring a bell with anyone and if so where could that be found? Thanx
Last reply by ChrisThom, -
- 1 reply
Who modeled the "boy" model on the new Extras CD? I've been trying to make a 14-year-old by "youngifying" Jimmy, but I'm getting better results by "oldifying" the boy. Now I wanna talk to a pro. I could probably track this down, but it's easier just to ask.
Last reply by Paul Forwood, -
- 11 replies
an attempt at "Cars"-style clear coat, metal flake paint. (you have to full-size it to see the flakes) It doesn't "glitter" yet when the object turns so that will need some more R&D.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
I have made a short 30 second animation of a sack. Before this forum goes into a frenzie about the complicated logistics and lofty aspiration of doing such a monumental project, someone kindly answer me this. In Chor. I hit the play key and everything looks and SOUNDS fine. I render to file (avi format) vga resolution and when i play the final product ( in windows media player ) theres a chirp sound every second or so. any thoughts on this? Sorry for wandering out of the new Users Forum Tony
Last reply by higginsdj, -
- 128 replies
Thanks for the help on face rigging! Now I'm running into some issues with cloth. I'm having to move the top spline of the cloth group WAY far off for the simulation to run. Problem is, it looks ridiculous when it's like that because the top spline doesn't actually simulate, it just sits there (which I assume is what it's supposed to do). (2nd image is normal, 1st image is "safe" area. When I have the spline moved way out there, it works just fine.) The "deflector" group is the legs. The cloth tutorial I've seen linked when I did a search is a broken .AVI link and a lengthy .pdf which is pretty hard to follow without the video (it looks to be just a word-fo…
Last reply by Phil, -
- 17 replies
Well, here goes... Below is an 11-second lipsync test I did for a personal project I'm working on, called "Ebon." The dialog in this clip is from a 2-3 minute scene I'll start work on once I build the rest of the characters and the set. This is both my first model ever as well as my first animation ever, so it's not all it could be, but that's okay--this isn't a portfolio piece, just an excuse to teach myself the Hash interface and to suggest what the final animation might look like. [Addendum 7:40am - preview image:] About this clip: The dialog comes from my own script, with voices provided by friends. The background was Photoshopped from a…
Last reply by Paul Forwood, -
- 1 follower
- 52 replies
Hey folks. Just wanted to pop by, in case anyone was wondering where I'd gone, or heard I'd switched to another app, or something. Rest assured I'm still plugging away, spending my nights and weekends in A:M, bringing "Ebon" to life. Here's a new lipsync test, for example: Six-second clip (1.6MB): There are a number of reasons why I haven't been around much lately--one of them is simply that I've been posting my work-in-progress details on my own production blog instead of here. Nothing personal, honest! It's all part of the publicity-building machinery, laying the groundwork for even more ambitio…
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
by Guest Nicholas8681- 21 replies
*Project discontinued-see reasons below* Another A:M user and myself will shortly be working on the creation of a short film in A:M. This thread will cover its progression. The first thing will be some concepts/designs. Attached is a simple concept of a scene from the film. We'll release more details as the film progresses. Brian
Last reply by KenH, -
- 2 replies
I put some clothes on, barely clad and almost done but needs some more work! I cant wait to get my upgrade and play with weight cp and hair! going for the post apocolypse look in toon style, much like "heavy metal 2000" and a bit of retro art deco mix in it as well.
Last reply by ruscular, -
- 39 replies
My first dialog test was about tasteful and restrained acting choices. Not this one. I did this last year but I'm only now getting around to trying to light it and add a "background". Before you had to pretend it was night and that the car was moving. The dialog is Frederic March and Myrna Loy in The Best Years of our Lives. The sound effect was taken from The Palm Beach Affair. [attachmentid=20481] Pickupcafe504_h264300.mp4 I never quite got it to look like my "vision" of how it would all work, but I'm pleased with it. Update: I don't want to leave the impression that I did this in one sittin…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Here is a render of the near completed version of one of my main characters. As previously mentioned it is based on another model (Proog from "Elephant Dreams") but I think it is different enough to not cause anyone any concerns. Rendered with a 260 light skylight rig (Yves). Took 3:40 in Win 7 64bit on a Core i5 2.27ghz laptop and 11:34 in OSX on a Core 2 Duo 3.06ghz iMac! Thoughts/critiques/comments are most welcome. Cheers
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 4 replies
well this is the first thing i've posted. just want to see what people think of how i did this excersize.
Last reply by Aragorn23, -
- 4 replies
here's another model i got done. i forgot what the name of the fish was, so i just call it a "leech fish" for it latches itself onto other creatures, mainly fish. [attachmentid=19720] [attachmentid=19721]
Last reply by Ravager, -
- 28 replies
Hey Everybody ... I have been working on a short animation called "Little Ditty". It's about three mice that play in a jazz band. I'm still tweaking a few things and will hopefully have the completed animation ready within a week or two. But until then, I hope that you will enjoy a couple of stills from the movie. Thanks for taking a look ... Bruce (the wedgeeguy)
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 14 replies
My first festival short, "Marboxian," is now up on A:M Films. [Link] Parts of it are downright painful for me to watch now, but it's had a good run this year. Now I just need to finish up "Council of Mice" in a month. Yeek. Which reminds me, I have a call to make... Hope y'all like it- -M@
Last reply by angry fetus, -
- 18 replies
Hey everyone. The Animation Contest guidelines specify that entries have to be 320x240 pixels, but, judging from the other entries, to quote Pirates of the Carribean, those are apparently more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules. I'll know better next time. In any case, because of how dark and high-contrast my 'Mood Shot' entry was, I thought I'd provide a link to a higher-res version, for anyone who might be interested. Mood Shot - 480x270, 3MB.
Last reply by NONBELIEVER, -
- 10 replies
My new short Film "Morning" is finished! It is called Morning because it happend in the morning who'd guess? . Anyways, it took me exactly 7 days to finish this, shaded render it all, gather all music and sounds, make all models, and do the credits. Get it at: NOTE: It is 2 minutes and 6 seconds long and 5 MB, please I encourage you to download it and see what you think. Enjoy my first short film EVER made and completed. It will also be on my site: Enjoy, joy, joy, lots of hard work and sweat went into this, even if it isn't the greatest, it was fun to make and shou…
Last reply by Joe_Lunjen, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
I finally got my 15-year old reel back from the guy who transformed it to a DVD-ROM AVI for me. Let me just say that upon further review - this isn't as good as I remember! Anyway, I promised I would post it so here it is. I did this in 1990 in my senior year at Columbia. I do remember it being a lot of work, the total time of actual animation is about 17 seconds, BUT much of it is reused/flipping cels and so forth to avoid doing too much work so the piece suffers from that. The actual animating of the duck is not too good either! But it was fun - and a lot of work - to do. In 15 years the film really suffered pretty bad. The color is all washed out and the…
Last reply by pixelmech, -
- 1 follower
- 54 replies
I'll post my WIPs here An experiment with making a less flattish tree bark with A:M materials...
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
im working on this little guy...he started as a doodle and i want to keep him as a kind of cartoony guy so i drew the outline then made the mouth and eyes as splines rather than decals so i could move them around. i made them render as lines and black then gave them bones. i made a simple animation where he waves and set it at cartoon render. now its done and i cant see the eyes, and changing his expression is a pain. does anyone have a solution for me? [attachmentid=20464] untitled.bmp
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 5 replies
When I Copy and Paste between two documents [like between Model#3 and Model#7, but both in the same .prj] I usually get three copies stacked on each other. Any clues as to why that happens? Thanks.
Last reply by Kelley, -
- 7 replies
It's taken about a year to do, but it is finished as of this morning. My first stop-motion/CG "hybrid" film is done. Please take a look and tel me how you feel about it. 'Tis a little surreal and dark, I suppose, but surely some of you might get a kick out of it: Here's the link: "PLATELETS: LEPIDOPTERAPHAGE" Thank you to everyone on these message boards. If not for this place I probably would have given up in frustration. All of your help has been greatly appreciated! 'Till the Next Project, Justin
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
I just posted this rough little clip from my next film. The sets are CG - the puppets are stop-motion and keyed in. This is more akin to stop-motion but you might like some of the CG work too (though very amateurish). Take a look: Love to hear form you. Thanks, Justin
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 5 replies
This is one of a series I am doing for a client, my first in AM but I have been 2d for years. I would like to mske this a more "pro" pic, so any advice anyone is able to give etc. would be gratefully recieved Be the best you can be
Last reply by c-wheeler, -
- 11 replies
Hello kiddies. I've been a little busy of late cranckin' out covers for children's textbooks. This is my latest piece. The theme is "underwater fun". And I think that the greatest challenge was not making it look like "Finding Nemo". Not that it would be so easy to do anyway, but I think ya'll know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I had a lot of fun with this one, so I wanted to share. Please, let me know what you think.
Last reply by josema, -
- 51 replies
Hey Folks. Here's something I started working on. One day I may actually finish a project i start. Any-ol-who. since most of my work has been kinda cartoony, i thought i'd try modeling from a photo. He're what I've gotten so far. I'm endevoring to actually finishing this one unlike my previous projects i start and well. . . loose. Either physically lost it due to HD failure, or lost it cause i swiched platforms and can't seem to get my previous work of my old machine. . well here's the new girl.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 44 replies
Well, here's a new robot I've been working on..I call it the "scope bot"...not even near done texturing..I'm thinking of leavin ghte body a white reflective material and just adding some bumps to the tire and some reflectivity to the wheel
Last reply by jamagica, -
- 30 replies
Hi guys, I posted this scene a while back on the list and I though I would post it on the new forum....... I created this as a STILL LIFE, just testing out lighting and texturing. thanks for viewing.
Last reply by guernseyfreak, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
"Stolen Smells" is a children's book that was commissioned to be adapted into an A:M-animated short by the Anzovins. Using the same style of flat lighting as The Duel, it looks like they've managed to match the 2D look of the original book very closely, though the characters are fully animated models. Anyway, I've been looking forward to seeing this since I first read about it--it's always nice to see the different styles that A:M can be used for.
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 1 follower
- 41 replies
I started working on a fan film a while back using Anim8or, a free animation and modelling software program. Due to some limitations in the animation portion of the program, I purchased Animation Master to continue the project. Unfortunately, the models did not import very well into A:M, so I am starting the models from scratch. The first model is the All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) Walker. I am starting with the feet and will work my way up. As I gain more experience with modelling in A:M, I will go back and tweak parts that I am not entirely satisfied with and add detail that I am not quite sure how to do yet. This is the same process I used while learni…
Last reply by gazzamataz, -
- 17 replies
"Chronicles of Zion" - Just click on the quicktime or windows media version I think my 4Mbyte file was too big to upload here so I put the link to a website that has a quicktime and windows media versions. I want to post the whole 14 minute movie but it has a few hair issues (you can see the pixely hair on the blond character near the end of the trailer) and I'm not sure if I should submit it to A:M films. Maybe someone has an idea of how I can make the whole movie available? By the way, the movie is done but I am open to suggestions on making better animations, renders, etc. Enjoy! (Hopefully)
Last reply by ericsh6, -
- 21 replies
Well, heres the begining of my project... Now the madness starts
Last reply by ChrisThom,