WIP (Archives)
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As I seem to jump from project to project, and test to test, some things seem to progress very slowly. I have decided to use just one thread to post most of my WIPs and tests that I find interesting or require some criticism. So here are a couple of recent tests: First a clip produced while testing AO in A:M 14: GroupTest_A00d.mov mp4 version: GroupTest_A00d.mp4 This next one was produced from an action being used to tweak the weighting on the caveman: BusyTest__FunA03b__A00d.mov mp4 version: BusyTest__FunA03b__A00d.mp4
Last reply by ludo_si, -
- 3 replies
My stab at last nights Animation Showdown. Actually the topic was "Cat Burglar! steal something valuable" but I was trying to do this in some way that didn't call on the ghost of Preston Blair. Again, some of the other entries were knock-outs, far above my results. QT Sorenson3 287KB steal_something_valuable.mov
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
My entry in last night's animation showdown. The topic was catching something heavy. (QT Sorenson3 140kb) I spent a long time trying to get the double take to work and never really got it. Still lots of room for A:M people to try this showdown out. It's usually on wednesdays at digitalrendering.com. Ya can't say you don't have time... ya don't get much! The entry always needs to be in divx, does that lock out the Macs?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
This is not really a "wip", it's more of a "w-asap". My entry in yesterday's Animation Showdown at digitalrendering.com. where_is_it_320.mov (270K QT Sorenson 3) Basically, you get four hours to animate, render and submit a character animation on the assigned theme. This time the deal was "Where Did I Put That?" My attempt is not fab, but some of the entries often are knockouts. It's also fun to see how others interpret the topic. Showdowns happen every wednesday. If you've got your character (or Thom) rigged, and can think/work fast you must give it a try.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, Whatever became out of this great project with this old steamlocomotive, Was it by Roger? Nothing new in a long time?
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 7 replies
Here's the latest Ernie piece. All done in ZignTrack except the eye direction and blinks. It's a link to Youtube because I couldn't get the higher quality version to upload to the board. Lower quality, but you can send it as a holiday card:
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I tried the best to render out all the clips seperately and sync them in Sony Vegas Pro. yes, it turned out okay, some of the animations are looped in the video, obviously for times sake. It was for a final project at Clark College. This one went well, I have plans on making more, but since I'll have more time on my hands, I think I'm going to go a different rout . PS... Syncing all of the audio clips in A:M was more time consuming than the animating, but dayum was it worth it! Let me know what you think for my first long term attempt!
Last reply by SKGhost, -
- 13 replies
Hey guys, been a while since I've been tinkering around with anything.... this afternoon I wanted to test binding a displacemnt map to a bone to see about adding some folds to clothing... just to get an idea on things... anyways, preliminary resutls... about 800kb sorenson http://www.3dartz.com/vids/MapShirtq2A.mov
Last reply by Bendytoons, -
- 6 replies
Hi - I just finished modeling the gorilla for another modeling practice project - concentrating on more detailed modeling - still having a problem at getting my models exact, but it is starting to flow a little better - still a ways to go before I gets as skilled as a lot of you guys. For example the watch on the gorilla's wrist - if you look close some of the pieces are no super smooth, but hey practice practice practice makes perfect right? Need to work on the gorilla's lips and nose a little more, I may have accidentally moved some of the pixels - I noticed when I rendered the pics. Anyway, here goes - any suggestions on anything would be appreciated. Than…
Last reply by flashawd, -
- 0 replies
I get the flock installed, and contained within its sphere, but as soon as I advance the scrubber, even by a frame or two, the flock begins to disperse widely. How to keep them contained within the sphere. And...can the sphere be constrained to a path? Thanks...
Last reply by Kelley, -
- 0 replies
Hi there, just a little animation i did a while ago using AM and some DT Materials. Its just a "fly trough" in an asteroid field. Enjoy! http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=GTYSvVAeQJ0 Regards, Heiner
Last reply by Heiner, -
- 3 replies
Greetings all. I've been putting some of my gainlessly unemployed time into a new project, building a county-by-county population map of the United States -- America's other topography. I've been blogging about this project on my site here and thought members of the A:M community might find it interesting. Best, -Matt
Last reply by Kelley, -
- 14 replies
I am making a commercial for my literature class and it was pretty much an open project. We just had to advertise a product and you could make it up. Well i made Piano Hero... dont worry i wont make this real it will just be for a little while so i aint going to get in trouble... but i wanted yall to see what i have come up with. 1***1 2***2 3***3 4***4
Last reply by totlover, -
- 10 replies
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC0pbC1vzyY Hello esteemed fellow Hashers! I'm in a bit of a 'pickle'...maybe you can help me out with some advice. I am doing a retail furniture advert and I did an animation of a ribbon Untying (see link) using an muscle mode action to 'UNdraw' the ribbon and then I used SimCloth to get the ribbon to fall...kinda nice. The art director saw it and does not like it- HE wants the ribbon to UNtie as if invisible hands were pulling at it and he wants convincingly real action. I am now sitting back scratching my head wondering the best way to TRY and pull this off---literally. Ideas include: -boning the ribbon and using IK…
Last reply by Jentham2000, -
- 13 replies
Hi - just wanted to post the final images and short animation of the Scuba Tree Frog - modeling practice project I have been working on. Here is a link to the short animation on my site and below are some pics from the animation that are also on the site. To see the Frog animation click on Frog image button on the top - when it loads click on "View Animation: Scuba Frog" www.3DCharacterAnimation.biz Also wanted to thank everyone that answered my posts when I got caught up on this project and all the other - your help is very much appreciate.
Last reply by cronos, -
- 1 reply
Hi - wanted to post the first pic of my new modeling practice project. I need practice modeling, decalling, materials, and hair ... so pretty much everything. So I went with a gorilla - I thought I might make a "guerilla gorilla" - with a gatlin gun, knife... full military setup for detailed modeling practice. Anyway, I'll post as I go along, and any suggestions that would help make it better are very welcome. I need to play around with the hair a little more - It is a little long - although it is kinda different - any thoughts?
Last reply by Dhar, -
- 4 replies
Something a little different...I hope it's okay for me to show this off here. I just finished writing this program for one of my classes. All of the modeling was done in AM, exported to .3ds, and then imported into my program. I was pretty happy with the way it turned out. Pics and description are here: https://mywebspace.wisc.edu/vandeweghe/web/...case/code5.html I'm working on getting an executable uploaded so you guys can try it out (it looks lots better in motion), but I'm running into problems with Visual Studio. On a different note, did anyone ever release updated exporters to .3ds or something similar? I've done a few tests with textures, and i…
Last reply by starving4rtist, -
- 1 reply
I heard from a friend that Kraft was having a contest for 15-second commercials, and decided to do an animated one. I heard about the contest very late, so I didn't have much time to put it together. You can see the results at: Vance's Happy Sandwich Video All comments pro and con are welcome. -Vance
Last reply by Kathy, -
- 11 replies
So I've created an action for the snail's movement, but when I drop it onto the model in the chor, at first it only partially worked, then I deleted all the other keyframes on the snail model, and now it doesn't work at all. Here's the action. Apologies for starting a new thread but I was afraid it wouldn't get looked at in my wip thread. EDIT: I think the chor may just be buggy. I'm starting it over, so we'll see! snailmovetest01_h264.mov
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 8 replies
well everyone. a while back i lost my bean characters models but not the idea. i am going to remake the beans and then make a cool picture of them... first i am going to make each character and then give them the same little render clip like the one here but i am going to find a way to make the hands better because i am trying to stay away from toon render becuase i know how much lack of modeling i cause myself by using toon render... it is doing me no good. so here is a first update of the main bean. Ninja Bean. and no i have not forgotten about my other projects. i am managing my time. sorry if you all are mad because i already have a bean WIP topic out th…
Last reply by totlover, -
- 1 reply
Hello, This my first time posting. I've read for years and decided to jump in and get my feet wet. I'm not new with AM just new at posting.I started with v8.5 and have updated to v14. In the WIP stills in the gallery I've posted 5 stills from a project I've been working on for 8 months, "Alien Invasion" It's about a alien named Martin who travels to Earth to learn. He incounters a lot of trouble especially from the INS. I hope to complete it by some time next spring. Comments on the stills would be appreciated (Positive or negative Welcome) Camillo
Last reply by thekamps, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Hello - I thought I would try to knock it up a notch in my modeling to see what I was capable of doing at this point. With a little struggling I think I am finally starting to "get it" a bit. I modeled the frog and was trying to think of the most detailed, challenging outfit I could put him in, and I went with a scuba diving setup. So anyway - here we are - I still need to rig him up and think of a short animation to put him in, but this is what I have so far. Any suggestions that you can see to help impove my modeling or anything else, would be much appreciate. Thanks - Eric
Last reply by MattWBradbury, -
- 5 replies
Hi - I put together a quick animation of a strawberry dipping into a bowl of chocolate together for a potential website client that wants to illustrate what they offer customers at a business he is opening up. Gotta love this program - hopefully with the example I can contract the website job with him - thank you Hash Strawberry Dipped in Chocolate
Last reply by flashawd, -
- 0 replies
Hi - just finished up the dinosaur project - wanted to thank everyone for all my answered posts about materials. I had no experience w/ materials and decided to do a practice project to get some experience with working with them. I used materials on the dinosaur and the scene for the short animation I put him in. Any suggestions or anything you notice I could have done differently or better, please let me know - Thanks - Eric The dinosaur is the first character on the second row www.3dcharacteranimation.biz
Last reply by flashawd, -
- 9 replies
Not really much just threw some QT's in my V13 folder together and put them on youtube I could probably make it longer and better but this was a test edit: because Paul and Nancy asked I added music or go look at others http://www.youtube.com/TinkGnome if you go here I am not sure why the guitar movie is shown
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 3 replies
It seems that the only way to get a Bulb light is to change the Rim Light [ in Objects folder] from spotlight to bulb. But I found that it changes all the Rim light types in a Project, and in all Choreographies. Is it possible to have Spot Rims and Bulb Rims at the same time?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Check it out HERE if you like.
Last reply by goodguy20k, -
by serg2- 8 replies
The social project http://www.studio-max.ru/video/SMOKE.mpg Thanks!
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 6 replies
If I wanted to do a color, a bump, a diffuse, a spec intensity, and a spec size, what would be the correct order and why?
Last reply by Eric2575, -
- 7 replies
Hey everyone - this is my first shot at modelling a character with an outward mouth/jaw (animal) the other 4 characters I have done have flat faces, so I decided to give it a try. I asked my 3 year old what I should make and he said a rat.. when it was finished, he said it was "bad - make a new one", so I have a 3 years old opinion so far I am more interested in the modelling end of 3D animation, but I also put him in a short 20 second animation since my animation skills could use some work too. I put the character up on my site - he is the 5th one over on the top - pic of the rat. Any suggestions to make future projects better would be greatly appreciated. Tha…
Last reply by flashawd, -
I'm having a (censored) time putting eyelashes on a model. He's supposed to be somewhere between anime and cartoon, and everything I try looks stupid. (Little brother: there's a reason everything you try looks stupid. Me: shut up, little brother.) I haven't run across any eyelash tutes, does anybody else know of some?
Last reply by phatso, -
- 2 replies
there is a sparkles project on the hash data and i cant for on my trying change the color from a purple to say a blue or green. anyone out there have a answer to this?
Last reply by sir fen the usa, -
- 8 replies
i will have some stuff tomorow afternoon showing pics but i would like to know if any one would like to narrarate my project.. im making a scare statistics commercial (statistics that will make you want to do it) and i need a voice that if i give the words tomorow that they could have them done tomorow... this person has to be online from around 4:15 to about 7:45 or so Eastern Time so i can talk to them... i would prefer them to have a nice sound recording booth thing that will have decent narrator voiceing or something. please p.m me or email me if you can do this.. anyone is accepted... except 9 year olds to 16 year olders. thank you.
Last reply by totlover, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hot on the heels of showing everyone the first half of my first Bella Bear flick 'Spaceship' I decided to reveal the first half of the other two stories I have done even if they are only in storyboard format. So if your interested pop along to the Bella Bear Website and checkout 'Cakeshop' and 'Peg's Mansion'. One day I might even get around to animating these stories, probably by the time I reach 90-odd! But then again I might just win the lottery and can hire people to help me. Please, please, please... The Bella Bear Website
Last reply by gazzamataz, -
- 2 replies
next i wanna make a little sister *evil laugh* But with my school i cant get any good pics and cant find any good pics of them... so... if you have any pics of the little sisters... then send them this way!
Last reply by Teh_Demon, -
- 7 replies
I am going to be making my own versions of the characters from the Halo games. I think i am going to give them a teenage look because i am one. SO please comment on any thing you want to see. image 1 image 2 image 3
Last reply by totlover, -
- 5 replies
Hi - I recently picked up a couple of 3D jobs, and wanted to thank everyone who answered my several posts to help get the projects completed, your time and help is much appreciated. I was also inspired by Rascular to put together a business website seperate from my website design business for 3D animated characters. Any comments about the site to improve it bad or good would be appreciated. http://www.3dcharacteranimation.biz/ Thank again - Eric
Last reply by cronos, -
- 13 replies
Geeze! It's been over 25 hours so far and my image for the Sci-fi contest is still over 30 hours from finishing!!! The bad thing is, the estimated time is continously going up!! Is this normal? I did make some adjustments to it to try and save some time but this is too long. I have like 18 lights in the scene tho. maybe thats why. Any tips? I just hope it finishes before Sept 1st! lol
Last reply by KenH, -
- 17 replies
I am trying to make Brian from Family Guy. here are some first images [sorry i prefer quality of BMP] Brian1 Brian2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE!!!! connected these Brian3 Brian4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE!!!! finished model.. maybe some touch ups but its pretty much done for trying to rig. Brian5 Brian6 UPDATE Pt. II thicker linesBrian6.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE!!!! Heres the marti…
Last reply by the_black_mage, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by adam&oliver, -
- 4 replies
Hi spliners... I was looking at my models (cars), when I had the idea of transforming them in a babies series. 10 minutes of adjustments and the first baby was born - BabyMW M5 More babies are coming
Last reply by ruscular, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Last reply by Eric2575, -
- 46 replies
Hi Guys, This is a little test I have been working on for an upcoming project. I decided to post it because it seemed like one of those "can AM do blah blah?" kind of effects. So, I guess what I'm saying is 'AM can do plasma rockets too Oh yeah, and its all procedural as well. Javier
Last reply by Neeblesquibb, -
- 10 replies
http://www.artboxanimation.com/AmStuff/Demo3d.html Intro for the flash animation project I've been working on for the last week. I used kci's am2swf plugin and it worked pretty much flawlessly. AM's animation tools made it a snap to animate quickly, and the rest of the presentation is looking(bad pun)pretty flash Just thought I'd share.
Last reply by ZPiDER, -
- 7 replies
Hello All, Here are a couple of water craft that I will be using for my film school portfolio project that I will begin here in a couple of months. The project will be an adventure movie trailer. The first two models of the film look simple but have had their problems. One problem is straight panel lines on curved surfaces. I have used the texture "EDIT" and that works great but there are still some problem areas. I think it is is my approach that I need to rethink. Any way, I would appreciate your input. Thanks AD
Last reply by DarkLimit, -
- 4 replies
I am ready to put on some decals, but I am afraid that it will bog down loading of the model when I open it. Any ideas for what makes a quick load? I am also looking for ideas to make it bob realistically in the water.
Last reply by juelsd, -
- 1 reply
I'm putting together a demo animation for a celtic rock band and I'd like some thoughts on the character animation. I'm not entirely happy with the timing but that may be simply myself being overly critical. So I'm looking for another set of eyes on it. There are two files on this page, one is a rm file the other is a large (in size) avi. The url is http://www.scotiapublishing.com/haggis.htm
Last reply by jfirestine, -
- 7 replies
I usually create my models by lathing. Well this is my first model EVER that im doing that i have extruded. ITs cartoony i know but please tell me what you think. HONESTLY!
Last reply by Parlo, -
- 11 replies
Here's a second version of my female zombie model. So far, I've just got the head done. [url="http://www.ovis.net/~cgroves/zoe_front_shaded.jpg"]Zoe front shaded view[/url] [url="http://www.ovis.net/~cgroves/zoe_side_shaded.jpg"]Side shaded view[/url] [url="http://www.ovis.net/~cgroves/zoe_front_wireshade.jpg"]Front Wireframe/shaded[/url] and [url="http://www.ovis.net/~cgroves/zoe_side_wireshade.jpg"]Side Wireframe/Shaded[/url] Let me know what you think!
Last reply by PixelDust, -
- 2 replies
I was trying to do a slow motion reaction to a blod drop into a pool of blood the first attempt was using a animated displacement map but the was not perfect I am now trying to animate it with a pose slider and this is the raw attempt Remember its the first render no adjustemnts just checking the action http://johnl.inform.net/pages/bloodcircle.htm in other words tell me what you think johnl...the man of a too many posts ..some of them occasionally useful....3d
Last reply by KenH,