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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

For the Sci-fi Contest...


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It's been over 25 hours so far and my image for the Sci-fi contest is still over 30 hours from finishing!!! The bad thing is, the estimated time is continously going up!! Is this normal? I did make some adjustments to it to try and save some time but this is too long. I have like 18 lights in the scene tho. maybe thats why. Any tips?


I just hope it finishes before Sept 1st! lol

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What kind of computer are you using? I did a scene with around 18 lights or so and it took about nine hours to render on a dual core 6600 2.4 machine. 50 hours plus is way over the top. You're not running AM on a Commodore 64 or an Atari, are you? :P Seriously, I'd consider starting a new chor from scratch and rendering VGA test scenes as you start filling the chor. Just one corrupted model or light will mess up everything. Find that one and you're good to go.

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Just one corrupted model or light will mess up everything. Find that one and you're good to go.

when it comes to a problem, I think, with most renders; look and see where to process bar stops and takes the most time to complete. Its probably an issue with that model its says it working on that causes the delay.

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It's been over 25 hours so far and my image for the Sci-fi contest is still over 30 hours from finishing!!! The bad thing is, the estimated time is continously going up!! Is this normal? I did make some adjustments to it to try and save some time but this is too long. I have like 18 lights in the scene tho. maybe thats why. Any tips?


I just hope it finishes before Sept 1st! lol

Could you post your render settings... have you tried rendering with no extra settings... rendering with only shadows and no multipass or motion blur? Try turning everything off and see if the render still acumulates time. If it does then it is a setting outside camera settings... look into the chor settings next and change those. Keep taking the settings away until you have found what part of your chor is causing this... if nothing changes then it must be your model.


Hope you find a solution!

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I'm rendering in Panavision. Thats big, I know but I need it to be that wide. There are shadows on every light. There are no motion blurs or anything extra like that. My comp is an intel dual core 3.0 Ghz with like 280 Gb hard drive and 1 Gb of Ram. It's recently bought. The graphics card is an ATI.


I'm gonna stop the rendering, this is too long. I'll just composite different renders. Plus I think I know what moel it is that is corrupted. I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the help guys!

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did you use dark tree that always shoots up renders...but multiple lights shouldn't effect a render that much..i don't think..normaly the most i have in a scene is 10 and the render is normally 30mins max...


I was using Darktree but I figured out a better way to get around it. For a planet, just render out the material on a rectangle then apply that image as a texture onto a sphere.


I figured out what was wrong. One model was "corrupted". Apparently, the program doesn't like rendering 2 patches that can easily be combined into a 5-point patch.


But anyway, finally! I was able to render my image today. It took only 20 mins! lol

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