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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Zoe - version 2


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Here's a second version of my female zombie model. So far, I've just got the head done. [url="http://www.ovis.net/~cgroves/zoe_front_shaded.jpg"]Zoe front shaded view[/url] [url="http://www.ovis.net/~cgroves/zoe_side_shaded.jpg"]Side shaded view[/url] [url="http://www.ovis.net/~cgroves/zoe_front_wireshade.jpg"]Front Wireframe/shaded[/url] and [url="http://www.ovis.net/~cgroves/zoe_side_wireshade.jpg"]Side Wireframe/Shaded[/url] Let me know what you think!

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[quote name='Zaryin' date='Dec 10 2003, 08:27 PM']Very nice. I like you spline usage. The only problem I see is the inside of the ear. I think that could use a little work.[/quote] Yep I know there are some creases on the inside of the ear because of the way I attached the ear to the head. Sometimes, those things are hard to fix. I'll see what I can do. Also, I wasn't going for a totally anatomically correct ear, so I left out some detail on the inner ear folds. Thanks for the comments!

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Hi Cindy, It's been a while... nice job on Zoe, i'm sure she is going to be a pleasure to animate with your nice economy of splines. I've never forgot your work... Do you still have that animation posted of that magical character in the tree that could levitate boxes ? Mike :)

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[quote name='macb' date='Feb 12 2004, 07:49 PM']Hi Cindy, I've never forgot your work... Do you still have that animation posted of that magical character in the tree that could levitate boxes ? Mike :)[/quote] Macb, you've got a better memory than I have - I've never done an animation like that! :P I did draw a picture of "Weird Al" Yankovic and his band toilet-papering a tree once, though. :D

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The Cindy Groves! Holy Cow. Haven't seen you post in a long while. Now if someone can just find Tincan and Brain Prince and Howard Trickey and... Model is looking good. Have you tested with Hair? Rodney (I was a lurker back then. I'm much more vocal now. Can't seem to shut up.)

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