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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Trouble with an action


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So I've created an action for the snail's movement, but when I drop it onto the model in the chor, at first it only partially worked, then I deleted all the other keyframes on the snail model, and now it doesn't work at all.


Here's the action. Apologies for starting a new thread but I was afraid it wouldn't get looked at in my wip thread.


EDIT: I think the chor may just be buggy. I'm starting it over, so we'll see!


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So I've created an action for the snail's movement, but when I drop it onto the model in the chor, at first it only partially worked, then I deleted all the other keyframes on the snail model, and now it doesn't work at all.


Here's the action. Apologies for starting a new thread but I was afraid it wouldn't get looked at in my wip thread.


EDIT: I think the chor may just be buggy. I'm starting it over, so we'll see!


Which Blend-Mode did you set? Add, Replace or Blend? I would play with these settings...

Have a look if the action is set to the right frames ( red bar indicates where it is sitting).



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Thanks, fuchur. I tried alll three to no effect, but those are settings that I don't know enough about. However I played through the entire chor and the action never worked. The odd thing is that it did work at first, but just partially. Then it just quit working at all.


When I was doing the co. holiday animation last year, I had a hair material that I was using for the tree's pine needles, and another for gold tinsel. The tinsel material just wouldn't behave no matter what. I finally deleted it, saved out the pine needle material, then brought it back in and colored it gold. It worked like a charm with no probs at all.


Sometimes a chor can just get buggy! I started a new one and the action is behaving just fine so far. I'll let you know how it progresses.



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As I suspected, it appears the choreography is just buggy. Here's a screen shot showing a model of an iPod. This morning I added the cable, but it refuses to show up in the chor in question. I created a test chor, and the cable appears as it should.


As for the action I was having trouble with, I created a new chor and it works just fine.


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If you added the cable after dropping it into chor, that could be a refresh issue which you can resolve by either pressing the spacebar, reopening the project or re-droping it into the chor.


I doubt it would just pick one specific part of a model and not show it for no particular reason.

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Ken, I'll try those things, but I'm tellin' ya! I didn't try the spacebar thing. I did close it and relaunch to no avail. I will take a few minutes to try your other suggestions just to rule things out.


Last thing that happened in that chor before I gave up on it is a pose slider that I made for Santa's smile stopped going to 100%. It worked just fine yesterday. I will be the first to admit to user error but I find it's easier when these things happen to just move on and come back to the problem areas when the easy bits are done.


I have a revised rough cut that I will post in my other thread before the end of the day. EDIT: actually I posted that yesterday.



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