Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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- 10 replies
Here is this afternoons work on one of a series of characters being developed ( working title of Blockheads ). The style of figure may be recognised ? Any feedback would be welcome, good, bad or please don't bother us again. I've still not learned how to smartskin so that will be the next stage. Points for spotting the sound clip source but, alas, no prizes. ( it was free... ). Thank you in advance for any comments. regards
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 13 replies
I'm over my head in a big project that is going to generate an enormous number of files and I want to establish some order before I get buried. I'm curious as to how everyone else organizes their files. What kind of naming scheme do you use? How do you handle the different types of assets (models, actions, audio files, decals, materials, etc.)?
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 31 replies
I can probably guess the answer but I have to ask; will SimbiontAM, atx & trb files that work in A:M v13, also work in A:M v16 64 bit?
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 13 replies
I know there is a simple fix but I forget it. Any help?
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 4 replies
After seeing this photo of the Huntsville Alabama Death Chamber Old Sparky I had to model it. From looking at the photo I got make the building smaller, texture the electric chair, work on the lighting a little bit, and fix that door knob one part showing up green where it should be a brass material. I'm thinking about add some character but haven't made up my mine yet on that.
Last reply by tbenefi33, -
- 7 replies
I Haven't shown any of my work in a good while... I am working on a new character, an animated spokesman for an appliance store. Thanks to Jim Talbotski, I borrowed his Sir Nigel body as a start for the body. Animated with a BVH from Biovision... still have work to do before we pitch this.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 3 replies
Just wondering what basic settings other users on this forum like to use when texturing gums and teeth. My goal is to have this character's mouth appear natural without being too overly realistic.
Last reply by gwinkelman, -
- 25 replies
Hi All, This is some setdesign I created thus far in order to bring some of my 2d comicbook creations to a 3d live for use in movies and games. At the same time, I am experimenting, if e-books from the kindle store could be a possible way for distribution of my comicbooks with these characters. The hardcopy version I tried from lulu gets way too expensive. You can see both and some more pictures at my website related to this topic: -ONLY FOR ADULTS- Has anybody else here tried e-books for comics yet? cheers Jake
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
Got a sudden inclination to give this object a try... First test render with a simple sphere and a simple decal. Can you guess what it is? (Science Fiction buffs probably will...) I purposely made the seam face the camera for me to make sure the decal is on there correctly. I DID cheat a bit. Found that cylindrical mapping gives smoother results near the poles. The trick is to spherical map first, screen capture and use the capture as a rotoscope for sizing the cylindrical decal placement.
Last reply by MMZ_TimeLord, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hey everybody, It's time once again to post my latest work in progress, a T rex skeleton. For anyone who knows me (or even my handle), this won't come as the slightest bit of surprise. Several years ago, I completed a T rex skull, and I always wanted to complete the skeleton, especially since Joe Cosman's Albertasaur is such an amazing model and has long been a wonderful bit of inspiration. So here we go: The goal at this point is get as many pieces made and in place. I am going for fidelity to my source material, but not extreme levels of detail. This is obviously a subjective standard, so I apologize in advance for inconsistencies along the way. However, becau…
Last reply by dinocarl, -
- 4 replies
So since I have a day or two off from work this week I decided to start a new project. I been drawing sketches of cars and other vehicles for a while now So I decided to start with one of my favorite ones. I call it the person mobility machine (PMM) for short. it is good on roads but also gas rockets to fly with Hehe. Here is the design. probably start modeling it tomorrow.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
As you will (not ) hear, the sound on this short is not done yet. The first 40 seconds or so is silent and the music has a click track running through it. At least its obvious that they weren't lifted from the original ! My friend is going to do that in the next few days... This is an assembly edit of the project. There are three versions of it. This one, one were the lights don't change colour and the camera moves a bit more, and one using a Toon render. The movements are the same in all of them, only the setting changes. The quality is not very good as its taken off a medium quality lower res version. The original is in 1080 HD and this is 320 x 240 three gene…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 13 replies
Hi all! I always was wondering if objects can be set to cast reflections ONLY (and not be visible to the camera in renderings). Is that possible somehow? I'm talking about a sphere around the scene that I want to just cause reflections but keep the renderings alpha channel "clean"... Greetz, Elm.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 13 replies
So with all these discussions of group projects and the like, it really has put the bug in me to do a web series of some sort. Before that however, there needs to be an idea and some designing. Now in short, right now I'm sorta just designing a character and seeing if more blossoms from it. Essentially what I'm trying to do, is re-design an old character of mine, Captain Heroic. This time, I'm really trying to go for a simplistic, stylized, adventure hero type look. So with that said, I'm kind of stumped This is just a quick sketch I threw together and hopefully it can be a launchpad for ideas. It would be very helpful and nice if some of you creative folk here co…
Last reply by Darkwing, -
- 11 replies
an attempt at "Cars"-style clear coat, metal flake paint. (you have to full-size it to see the flakes) It doesn't "glitter" yet when the object turns so that will need some more R&D.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 14 replies
- 1.4k views]This is part of an animation I was working on for New Year. It started on Christmas Day ( I think ? ). Theres another 15 seconds elsewhere but this is the main part. Theres no sound at the begining for 2 seconds and another two seconds at the end. The Instrument clips came courtesy of Garageband. There is no smart skin on the model as I have not learnt how to do that yet ( !!! ) Any feedback would be welcome, good bad or.indifferent... Harpy Blues Ear to one band call. simon
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
only for the pleasure, with some textures and some lamps
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Please, can any one help me with a tutorials on how a car can be modelled using animation master. thanks.
Last reply by petokosun, -
- 7 replies
Here's an image I've been working on that uses volumetric lights and the fantastic Lego man model created by Xtaz.
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 11 replies
well im trying new stuff again. i tried a new type of decaling with normal maps. but im having some trouble with applying them. im able to get the look i want with them but along the edges of decal where the wrap ends im getting some curling. now someone told me about applying them in a pose but i dont see how this helps. can anyone explain this any better. as you can see on the top of the hammer where my problem is located.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 5 replies
just giving spleen an update on his swing set he requested. got most of the major framing done. worked on it for about 2 hours. its just under 4000 patches so far. behind the rock wall is a bench and in the back is a ladder.
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
How do you slow a camera speed ?
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 16 replies
Andreas Deja recently returned from vacation and posted a pretty cool set of animated crowd sequences by Milt Kahl. These were cut from Disney's 'The Rescuers' but luckily are still available to us. In only seven seconds Milt conveys so much material I simply had to study them. Amazing stuff. But... I also wanted to dig deeper into some areas of A:M as well... 2D analysis tools/rotoscoping being two of those things... and so this oddity is the result. This analysis consisted mostly of quickly placed five point patches (the circles) and a few four pointers (picture frames, nose and bench) with the whole sequence re-lit in post via the Merge and Mix Post Effects in…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 26 replies
Hi guys, just wanted to show a WIP of my latest try to create a realistic girl character. I am quite happy with it, so there are a few problems I want to address before going on. Hope you like it! Let me know what you think! *Fuchur* realistic_head_model.mp4
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys taking a break from modeling that car i got into a job of doing music karaoke videos. using blue screens and AM to model the backgrounds is new and kind of a trial and error thing but its working out ok so far. all scenes were rendered in full 1080p HD which roughly took an hour with AO 16 passes i then brought images into photoshop and cut out the windows for color green screen for additional footage. then proceeded to add decorations to the room in order to liven it up a bit in my video program i added in backdrops and other goodies the TV with video in it was particularly hard for it needed its own rendering. i stilled need to add c…
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 13 replies
I'm in the process of assembling models for my first solo music video. At the start of the song I need a barmaid and decided to use "Gala" from the Extra's DVD. The model has extensive attention to detail, but when I render from the backside there is a "strip" anomaly in the decal somehow. Perhaps it was intended that way, but to me it is quite distracting. I could use another model. I could replace the decals on the dress. There are a number of workarounds I could employ, but then I would not know what was happening, or why it was happening, and as always, the goal is to understand more completely this wonderful software. I know there are a number of "get-to-th…
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 12 replies
Been working a lot with video for Christmas gifts for family and got to thinking, Oh ya I bet AM will work with it. I made a few animations in AM, did a green background and then chromakeyed it out in FinalCut. It seemed to work fairly well. What do you all think? Sorry the files are a lil big.........
Last reply by Darkwing, -
- 1 follower
- 44 replies
So this is the character I will be using in the up and coming forum project.
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 8 replies
Hi, Everyone, This is my first serious attempt at modeling something other than a deck of playing cards. Any suggestions are welcome.
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 1 follower
- 57 replies
Well after losing all of my Alcatraz Model from my last project I got my an external hard drive and started me another. I rewrote the script for it be in 3d (I'm thinking about it) there one part in there where I have great white shark come out of the water....LOL They won't expect it. I also made me a asset list of everything I need to model it help out a lot who every thought of that ideal thank you. I'll have about 3 choreographic for the San Francisco Bay, The Island and The Prison. One thing about modeling a prison everything just about the same and there a lot of copy and past does that save a lot of time. Fell free to let me know what you think and if I need to cha…
Last reply by Rodney, -
All Mixed Up
by MJL- 22 replies
I just started back up with A:M after my bump on the head. I'm modeling a mixer for an upcoming project. A simple thing. I "Photoshopped" out the fader nobs for a decal and will model the actual faders so they will slide with pose sliders. My challenge is this: I'd like to make the meter "lights" look like they are moving. For each meter light I'd like to use decals in series kind of like a GIF, with about 3 or 4 decals cycling, to make each meter look like the level is going up and down. Any ideas on the best way to go about this?
Last reply by MJL, -
- 4 replies
I have been experimenting with some of the game models available at There are over 1,000 models there, most are in OBJ and 3DS format. The site is free and the models download pretty fast. Because many of these models were used in the game industry, they are set up to be efficient in terms of detail. They are much smaller than the usual file sizes for these formats. It is interesting to see how they were put together to maximize the ease of use and texturing processes. The included textures alone are worth examining the models. I got interested in one of the face models because of its simplicity and the way it takes decals without to…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 17 replies
I got an idea the other day to make animations involving a bunch of animals. Its going to be a completely random set of clips of a bunch of different animals doing anything I have thought of. Me and my friend always come up with [what we think] are hilarious ideas and i figured i could implement them into an animal rather humans. So today I figured I would start with an animal and figure out a look of my own. And the original idea was to have them look Almost as if claymation but done in CG. Tell me what you think of my progress from today. First Animal: Cow
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 11 replies
So figured I'd add to my plethora of projects, my first attempt at modeling a car! Now I have horrible car sense to begin with and know next to nothing about cars. Despite that however, there is one car in particular that is definitely the coolest car ever. At least in my puny sense of car stuffs. So, I give you the beginnings of my model, the car of the future...can you guess what it is?
Last reply by Darkwing, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Each year we at 3We (the agency I am working for) are releasing a new christmas-calendar where you will get another funny or nice looking video each day. The image used for the calendar is (as each year) created with A:M, so I thought "why not showing it on the forum". Best wishes and have a nice pre-christmas time . *Fuchur*
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 3 replies
I am working on my every years christmas card. this year Santa is really in verry big trouble.Because of the crisis , financial recources have dried up.So he can not buy presents for the moment.Yet he has found a solution.Starting his own busines ! I do not know if the rendeers are going to like this ! What do you think ? Is he going to succeed ? Work still under construction , here is a glimp.Do not worry , it will be finished at time. Kind regards , Marc. Glad to be here again.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 27 replies
Ok. I needed to get my animation that I had started 1 year ago, off my plate so that I could move on. (Gawd. ONE YEAR AGO???...Are you serious?) One month ago, I noticed there was a music video contest advertised on, sponsored by the band The Cataracs, in which they were inviting people to animate to their little ditty "Undercover". The music "sorta" fit with Ida & Lothario's already started dance routine. The music clip was only 1 minute long. I had 45 secs or so already done. I missed the entry date by 1 day (confoooosion on my part, very confooosing due date for their contest which only got 6? entries). Boo Hiss Lame. BUT t…
Last reply by Roger, -
- 51 replies
Hi guys It's been a while since I did some mechanical modeling, so I started modeling a citybus (this one is to be seen driving around in Trondheim, where I live. AtB is the bus company). This is an "in between projects" project for fun, so it wont have my full attention. Anyway, please let me know what you think so far Best regards Stian
Last reply by agep, -
- 20 replies
I am slowly learning this software and have nearly finished my 1st independent model of an archery bow. Ultimately it will be loaded and fired by some kind of mechanical device at musical instruments. (Think Animusic) I have not began study of materials yet. I need to figure out how to make the grain smaller on the handle. This is by no means the final materials of the bow. As far as my 1st model goes....thoughts? Suggestions?
Last reply by markw, -
- 27 replies
OK so for the past few months i been all over the place just working on different things. i thought i might try something a little bigger than the usual rock or screwdriver. so i picked a car that i wish to have some day down the road. this is what i got so far about a month in. im just stumped a few lines. if you think you can give me a few idea what to do next let me know. been stuck here for 3 week lol. im going to go pretty detailed with this. so going to build engine and interior as far as i got so far how i set up the rotos the car from the front car from the side so take a look and let me know what you guys think
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 41 replies
Well I am back once again. This years video should be a lot more detailed I am hoping but the rendering will kick my butt. But it will be worth it. So i will just keep posting screenshots of stuff i am creating. Just keeping my progress up because i wont show any of my family so i want someone to see my progress and maybe help me out with some advice! none of the lighting is final.. and some stuff wont make final cut because of memory and rendering. First Day:
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 6 replies
I have a choreography that at one time had a sound file in it (approx 1600 frames worth) I deleted the sound file from chor I deleted all keyframes from the chor - so that the only key frames are on frame 0 and frame 180ish I want to use this chor as a starting chor for subsequent chors as it contains starting models, camera, lights, render settings, etc. I add a new sound file (about 180 frames), change the starting chor length to be 180. I save this chor. When I restart A:M and bring this chor back into A:M, the chor length is still 1600? But there is no sound file, no keyframes past 180. I need to be able to save the chor length correctly in each…
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 3 replies
I've been fooling around with several cloud images on a hair material, basically trying to create a face model made of billowy, cloudy material. I have been rendering both in the modeling window and in a choreography and keep getting black "sooty" coloring along with some clouds. I have the transparency of my model set to 100%, so the only thing rendering is the hair material. I've messed around with properties til I've run out of ideas. Can someone point me in the direction to achieve what I trying for? Thanks.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 14 replies
I haven't been active on the forum for a few years. But I haven't been totally idle. I wrote a Christmas song for children a few years ago and always planned to do an animation for it. It was recorded by my granddaughter Tara just before her 14th birthday. She just turned 17 and is hoping to go into music and drama. So I finally got the animation together in an effort to help kick start her career, even before she finishes high school. You can see the animation on her website at It's the "Santa's Elves Video" page (second button on the left.) Hope I posted in the right area, it's been so long I wasn't sure. I'm not a great animato…
Last reply by livewiresrus, -
- 21 replies
Hello everyone, Tell me what do you think about this picture? I think it need more lights. Anyone? Any hints? This picture should be wine cellar.
Last reply by Hollynorthup, -
- 2 replies
Inspired by Mark's impressive re-creation of the "Rear Window" set, I've started experimenting with using BitmapPlus for building bricks and shingles. In an attempt to add more variation to the bricks I added three materials with three different decals and set their visibilities so each one only shows up one-third of the time. Worked like a charm. Then I ran the same play with three bump decals. This time only the first decal is visible, no matter what the other two material's parameters are. There's an easy work around (live with one texture) but I'm curious if there's something I'm missing.
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
So while working on Red Squad and doing university, I decided to pick up another project! This time, modeling the original bridge of the USS Enterprise! I found some amazingly detailed blueprints of not just the floor plan, but everything to console layouts, it's really cool! So here's my start on it!
Last reply by Hollynorthup, -
- 32 replies
This may be counter intuitive to all those who model showroom pristine cars but I prefer my props to have some mileage on them, especially a taxi cab. There is a dent in each door (the passenger one is somewhat lost in the reflection of the lower hinge) and two in the rear fender. All four use the same normal decal with identical scaling and amplitude. I'm still testing to see whether I get convincing results by scaling just the decal or I have to make small, medium, large and asymmetric dent models.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
please does any one have an idea, of how i can make lighten and thounder light in AM V13.
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 9 replies
well it's no longer a wip with the help of AM i managed to complete the 5 cartoons each day this week will be a different toon titles 1 through 4 for will have AM cuts that i used to repair the old originals and number 5 "the three bears"is all AM tis the season
Last reply by jimd,