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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

The Premiere of Dhar's first short.


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I liked it very much .The variation of the shots and the locations are resulting in a continuity that makes

the movie very pleasent to look at. I love the diffirent variations of the shaggy models you have made as well.

Congratulations, this is really a very good piece of work.

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Thank you all. It is thanks to you that I am able to produce this short. I learned from everyone of you. I am grateful.


Dave, since I can only animate part time, usually a couple of hours after work, after I work on my TWO assignment, this project has taken me roughly six months.

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Dave, since I can only animate part time, usually a couple of hours after work, after I work on my TWO assignment, this project has taken me roughly six months.


That's about as often as I get to do my animation stuff :huh: It hasn't gone too well for me though. I just seem to have a hard time getting my hands around this software. I haven't given up yet but I have been close a few times.


Thanks for the follow-up...again, an excellent job.

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That's about as often as I get to do my animation stuff :huh: It hasn't gone too well for me though. I just seem to have a hard time getting my hands around this software. I haven't given up yet but I have been close a few times.


Thanks for the follow-up...again, an excellent job.


Well, I've been using A:M for almost 2 years now, plus the fact I have had some CG classes at junior college, and 2d animation many years before that, so it didn't all come together suddenly. But I know that if there's a will there's a way. Keep at it, you'll have your movie soon enough.

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Dhar was the featured guest on the premiere day of his first animation on A:M Community tonight. He has gained the right to call himself an "animator."


Congratulations, Dhar.


From the... Grand "anitomato" PoohBah

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Congratulations Dhar,

I have just managed to see this short and all i can say is 'whow'.

The music,direction,cinametograhy and pace were just wonderful.I hope you will be able to produce more of the same quality in the 'not too distant future!'





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Guest gregrus

Dear Dhar,


I was sure I had replied when this was first posted but, not being able to recall what I said, I checked and somehow I hadn't! Probably called away on some 'honey do' or interrupted in some fashion.


I liked it a lot. Even more, it was different and it had a unique style all its own (or 'your' own -- rare). All aspects were well done to my eye. Over all; outstanding! Congratulations!


As a fellow sci-fi fan, will the next one take us into that realm? Add the same 'style' and that would be unique!





PS: I'm sure I could find areas for improvement in any 'short' I watch -- If I looked for that type if thing. But I don't -- I just watch and enjoy (sometimes something pops out and I'll mention it but nothing did for your short). But isn't that what the general audience would do? Anyway, if that's what you were looking for, sorry; I'll leave that to others.

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Thank you for the kind words.


This might be a good opportunity to bring to attention to my fellow animators that I personally credit the incredible talent of Louis Armstrong to elicit such positive response than to my meek attempt at relaying the emotions of his piece. We all heard it before that if the story is great then the film will be great in spite of the style or quality that is used to portray it. My film is by no means great, I could have probably used match sticks for this song and still would have positive responses, that's because of the incredible musical talent of that man, Louis Armstrong.


The song is the heart and soul of this film, not the animation. The song hit a cord in me when I first heard it. Images poured out of my head as I listen to this song over & over & over. I was moved by its style, lyrics and Louis' voice. And I wanted to share what I was seeing in my head and feeling in my heart.


I can tell you that the animation is quite amature level. I know that. And I know that every scene needs tons of improvements. But since I don't have that much exprience in animation, then this film will mark the level that I am at at this time.


I honestly did not expect such positive response. I thought usually people don't like depressing songs. People like happy, funny animations, adventures & love songs. But I felt so strongly about this one I had to animate it.


I'm glad I did.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, Dhar. Can't believe I'm only seeing this now! Not only one of the best uses I've seen of one of AM's stock models, but a great use of a "funny animal" character to tell a heart-tugging story. Great direction and camera work, great cutting, great treatment of the musical solos.

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Awesome Dhar! I agree with Gerry on all those compliments. It was amazing the emotional depth you got out of the usually comedic shaggy character.

I bet a lot of other people have probably mentioned it, too, but you did an excellent job on making the music "live".

Good work!

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