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345 topics in this forum
Duel poster 1 2 3
by Raf Anzovin- 101 replies
We just finished the Duel poster! (Duel, for those of you who weren't following the thread about this over in WIP, is our new short using a flat-rendering look). Here it is. We're going to have some near-finished shots to post soon too. --Raf Anzovin
Last reply by Bill_Y, -
- 2 replies
The scene isnt complex or involve too much movement, no multiple passes, nor particles. Just an empty room with a single light source, yet I get this error 010. If its taking too much memory 2gigs, im wondering then why it only takes 3 minutes a frame to render. not sure why the program gives terms like exception error when it doesnt describe what the actual issue is.
Last reply by Sean delgatto, -
- 7 replies
I was just wondering if Hash had any plans to update their import / export plugins and perhaps add some. I would be interested in an FBX export/import plugin as it's one of the standards and something I require (As I'm sure I'm not the only one). If not soon or not ever, I was also wondering if there was anyone else in the community that works with DX Studio and or Unity 3D and knows of a nice transition to use Animation Master in their game development pipeline. DX Studio uses .X files however I'm not to sure if the export is 100% compatible as I've not had much luck with it. This could be due to me not knowing what options I should be selecting as output…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 2 replies
This would be A:M16.0 rc01 ver. Before I re-open the report can someone check if they can get the cp option on the Extruder plug-in?
Last reply by DJBREIT, -
- 273 replies
Hello all, As some of you know I have been working on a facial motion tracking program. At this moment most of it works and I'm doing some tests. So, here is my first satisfying experiment: test 01 (Don't be scared, I'm just making faces for test purposes only ) It still needs some more tweaking, but I'm very happy with the results for now. Btw, the MoCap is done with just one regular DV camcorder. Some others from the A:M community will also do some tests with it soon, they can post their results here too if they like. I'll keep you guys posted about the progress. I think I'm getting close to a version that's ready for release.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 23 replies
If there is any file types you would like to be able to upload as attachments to the A:M forums please post them here. I will look over the list and see what can be added.
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Here it is! This is 10 yrs. of my life. (so THIS is why Pixar needs 300 people to make a film) Thank you robcat, fuchur & other AM forum gurus that helped me!
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 5 replies
Lots of fun to make. AM is awesome. Any feedback appreciated. (edit) added some basic lighting and made less colourful. Might get around texturing properly someday. A variation of the first. David
Last reply by DavidDenzill, -
- 15 replies
Hi All - attached is a finished animation accompanied by a track from my album "Whisper & Howl". Posting in part because I'm somewhat proud of it, but also because I've got a lot of work and learning to do still with a number of aspects of this deep and thrilling software, and I'm hoping for valuable critiques of anything you all can give. For my part, I feel the areas I need to concentrate on most at this juncture are lighting & rigging (I really need to start using fan bones in joints). I'm a conscientious student of the animating process, but realize I am still at a relatively low bar when it comes to creating the "illusion of life". This is due partly beca…
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 7 replies
this was actually finished 3 months ago, but the company just went public with that project now, so i couldn´t post it sooner... i hope you all are able to understand german i did the website and the logo as well, the actual website is still in the making, this is just some sort of a preview/microsite... website
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 6 replies
This was the first project I did in AM. My nephew was trying to make a career as a racing driver and this was an attempt at raising some sponsorship. It was only intended as a fist pass at the idea and, if the company was interested, then we'd get the polished version done. It never got finished because, they were interested at first but, just as we started to look into it more, two of their marketing dept died with stress related problems so we got lost in the process. The nephew, Ben Clucas, then 17/18 now 29, is still working as a racing driver, albeit not on the plane initially hoped for. There are lots of clips of him on Youtube, including an amazing race a…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
Fixing stuff
by agep- 14 replies
I am no handyman. Give me a hammer or any kind of powertools, and I have no clue what to do with them. However, give me a broken PC and I can fix it! So when people ask me if I can 3D print them some parts they are missing I usually take upon thchallengege, because that means I can use Animation:Master to fix real world stuff In this case someone was missing one of the brackets for their baby safety gate Here is the one bracket they have: Missing bracket: Using a slide caliper and the original bracket I was able to recreate it in A:M fairly easily: The bottom right version shows it with support material. The bracket got printed in standin…
Last reply by DJBREIT, -
- 18 replies
I finally finished my Flash Gordon Fan Film. It's certainly not perfect, but if you've ever worked on a long, paced, and staged projects from idea to screen, you know how long and how much work it takes. I'm happy to have it done whatever the case. I did notice that the vimeo conversion makes it glitchy in places. But I can't complain. Hope you guys enjoy watching it. Here's the Vimeo link to a "low Res" version: Cheers, William
Last reply by detbear, -
- 9 replies
When I saw the Trailer for the New Wonder Woman movie, I noticed that they are going to be using the Fokker Eindecker single winged fighter. I have always thought this to be one of the coolest looking fighters from the WWI era. A good number of years ago, I modeled the Eindecker for a short movie clip. It had the same color scheme as the one in the movie. When you open it, you will find on close inspection that it lacks detailed parts. But it is a great start for someone who wants to improve upon it and make it even better and more detailed. Fokker_Hash_J.mdl This is a movie showing the layers of composite in my final film: 2013_Dragon_Atta…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 15 replies
Okay, here's a silly quesiton... Let's say I have an animated sequence with keyframes in various locations spread throughout the sequence. In other words... it's a real mess. Is there a way to force a keyframe for every bone that has a keyframe assigned to it on every frame of the animation? My thought is that while I want to reduce the number of keyframes I don't want to risk altering the current animation to any great extent. Keying every frame would allow going back in and deleting keyframes while knowing that other keys are still in place. This is an approach I've found to work really well with simulation (such as Simcloth which places a keyfram…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
look familiar to anyone
Last reply by jirard, -
- 1 reply
EnxhMtnc6t0 A thought provoking seven minute story by Fujio Tanabe. Told with no dialogue.
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 11 replies
Ever wonder what A:M Users were working on 20 years ago? BJ_8ZNyXsIk Direct Link Edit: The Youtube movie linked was removed by original poster.
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 42 replies
Take a look at some of the game assets forum member Madfox has made with A:M for the venerable video game "Quake" In this post... post #12
Last reply by Roger, -
- 5 replies
Hello ... Thought I would dust the cobwebs off this section of the forum and announce a new game. All of the game models were created in Animation Master and programmed using Pure Basic. It's a 3d style billiard game that is "5-games-in-one". Included are "Speed Demon" ... "Pock-it Golf" ... "Stripes & Solids" ... "Stonehenge" and "Pock-it Protector". You can view a video of the game in action from my website. I am offering a free demo version of the game that you can download a try out. The game is for Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8. You will need DirectX 9.0c installed on your system in order for the game to run (even if you have DirectX 10 or 11) unfortunately ... Of …
Last reply by wedgeeguy, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I'll give you the kindle version of my newly released science fiction "The Spiral Slayer-Book One: Encounters" if you have a kindle, will read it and take the time to post a review on Post reviews here: Cheers, Rusty
Last reply by rusty, -
- 35 replies
Hi all I've recently revisited the transformers model of mine, and at the same time been testing some motion tracking. It was a pain in the bu** to make that thing move, since the rig I made for him is really bad:p Let me know what you think Best regards Stian The animation: A single frame from the animation:
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
Give it up!
by Tore- 3 followers
- 30 replies
As if I hadn’t enough going, I’ve begun a new project, “Give it up!”. This is a very very short story (a couple of minutes) made from yet another piece by Franz Kafka. Staging and head modeling is done 100% in A:M, but the bodies of the characters, their UV-mapping etc. as well as the rendering as seen here, are done in Zbrush. They’ll later be imported into A:M and rigged, animated and rendered there.
Last reply by Tore, -
- 10 replies
I saw an article about this very unusual strain of corn that has multi-colored kernals and tried to see if i could make something that hinted at it:
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 5 replies
Here's a short gig promo I created in A:M recently. I really like the Global Ambience option and parameters the software offers. Thanks to Nancy Gormezano for her posts regarding this subject. Her work is illuminating. Jack In The
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 12 replies
For a tutorial, I'm looking for example images of the following. Images that in a one-second glance can demonstrate the idea... Motion Blur Depth of Field Shadows Ambiance Occlusion Reflections Particles and Hair Subsurface scattering Fog Toon Render Field Render Stereoscopic 3D Plugin-shaders I have candidates for some of these but perhaps you recall better ones. If you can think of a good image, post a link to it here. Thanks!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
I am Playing with free trial program Called Wondershare Filmora Sound put in with program and remove green sceen with it put this together. I have about 2 hours play time with this program so far My cartoon ad plane short.mp4
Last reply by Maniac, -
- 4 replies
Oh, I just really look forward to post something finished-esque on this site. adam
Last reply by TheToadStool, -
- 10 replies
Vr3QR5PC2lI Has anybody seen this? I wonder if this guy posts here.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 17 replies
For Red Squad one of the things I have to do is "trash" some of the bridges. By that I mean I gotta do battle damage. So one of those things that comes with Star Trek bridge battle damage, are things like hanging electrical cables, hoses and stuff like that. Now my first instinct obviously would be to just model it, however, that'll be kind of stiff and in scenes where things explode, these cables and hoses and stuff will probably need to swing and things like that. So I kind of got to thinking about some of Robert's rope tests and stuff like that. What do you guys think is the best approach for this sort of thing?
Last reply by Elm, -
- 80 replies
Hi all, "Hansel & Gretel", which is my second work is at my website This is an 30 mins animation of the famous tale. You can see (on my website) that I have conceived this movie as an musical rhyme. And the whole storyboard, piece of script and a snippet of the music with the voice are there for you. Question : Do you find the accent of the voice annoying? This is the documentation of the way this animation is being made. Everyone is welcome to comment and critic the arts and animation I am taking. It’s only your words that can make this animation a good one. I don’t really know how to put an animation WIP of the entire 3…
Last reply by trajcedrv, -
- 11 replies
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Roger, -
- 7 replies
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Happy Halloween, everybody! Carl
Last reply by dinocarl, -
- 6 replies
May all your leaps be long!
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone ... Thought I would share something from my Facebook with you guys (Robert suggested that I should also post it here). Just a little backstory, the guy in his underwear was originally created for my website about 20 years ago and he has been with me ever since. He doesn't have a name other than I know him as "Wedgeeguy" (if he turned around then you would know why I call him that). Anywho, just thought I would share my latest creation with all of you. Hope that you enjoy and I hope that 2021 behaves itself. Happy New Year!
Last reply by ovni1, -
- 5 replies
I wish you all good health joy of happiness and peace! Power FLOWER! (2019 - the year of the pig on the Chinese calendar)
Last reply by serg2, -
- 5 replies
I wish everyone a Fine New Year and I look forward to seeing you all in 2025!
Last reply by Bobby, -
- 4 replies
I'm working with a rock being struck by lightening. Have got the lightening to look the way I want it to but, would like to make the rock heat up as a result of the strike, with the colour spreading down from the point of impact Initially I had thought to do it using a diffuse colour change animated through different layers but that started to look like a Doctor Who scarf made out of stone, with colour bands. Can anyone kindly suggest a method that might work ? I wondered about animated maps perhaps ? regards simon This is Ray on his rock.
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 5 replies
OK folks I've upgraded to version 17 and having a bit of problem with the help file installation. When I click “Help” sends me to a download link. So I download the file and unzip it into the main AM directory as per the instructions. Now when I click “Help” I get and errored browser page saying that it cannot get to the internet??? I think I'm missing something simple here. Can anyone enlighten me please? Thanks in advance for any advice you can give. Pixmite
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 28 replies
Hi Due to lack of reference images I had to take a break from the cathedral. Poor Thomas looked so lonely, so I decided to make him a friend By the way. In near future I plan on making more of his friends, so if anyone know of any great resource pages for these trains such as blueprints or reference images, please let me know. Turntable: Still:
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 43 replies
I've joined a rabid bunch of hikers ... not just any rabid bunch ... but a rabid bunch of OLD hikers, who go every week to some park, preserve, etc usually within an hours drive of the San Francisco Bay area. We usually go 5-8 miles, with varying degrees of elevation change. The oldest member is 85, and finishes the fastest and goes the longest! He also has quite the harem of ladies trying to keep up with him. Cracks me up. So, I've been getting into taking photos of these wonderful areas, and of course, ...uh...doing some major manipulation. Somehow, the colors are just never what I remember, nor want to have seen, so of course they needed tweaking! These (l…
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
Adam Goldman (originally) said: I just wanted to share a recent quickie I did for the annual 72 hour horror fest this last October. I had to do it pretty quickly and used a few of the items off of the A:M DVD but tweaked them. Perhaps you can recognize one or two? x This post has replaced an earlier post by Adam Goldman that was having problems displaying properly. Sorry Adam! Not sure what went wrong but it appears that it was related to the code used to embed youtube video in your post.
Last reply by Mitovo, -
- 8 replies
Used A:M to 'arch-vis' a dream I have for an add-on to my house... basically, moving a wall out and making a better entry. The house was built in 1930 and over the years people added-on and connected new sections, the wall I want to blow-out has a huge window on it and is badly insulated- lets a lot of cold in-in the winter... I used Google maps to obtain a satellite plan-view of my home and fleshed-out the walls and rooflines, then made a pose that had the revisions I have in mind and animated it in a chor. I hope to be able to show this to contractors to see if it can be done. 561Lakeside (1).mp4
Last reply by Hawk84, -
- 14 replies
I am wondering, will it be possible to use AM v 16 to render a city, say with like 100 house, cars, having textures and so on. Any answer from the admin guys.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 8 replies
If i pass any arbitrarily shaped object through another surface (lets start with something as simple as a plane) how can i capture the shape of the intersection on that surface at any moment? For example, the intersection of this torus with the plane would be a couple of ovals. How could I capture that? I can sort of get the edges of the object as they pass thru the plane by putting an orthogonal camera very close to the plane... ... but it misses pixels and I'd really like to have the shapes filled, not just the outlines. I'm trying to find a way to better simulate the disturbance an object makes immediately arou…
Last reply by serg2, -
- 2 replies
Hi Freaks! I was wondering how you would rig this chain (see attached image). It's going to be a dancing guy so it will pretty much have to swing around his neck and things like that. Cloth? Newton? bone-chain? All ideas welcome, and thanks in advance for input!!! Elm.
Last reply by Elm, -
- 4 replies
hey guys long time no see. Even though i havent been very active on the forms in a while i am still using AM in my daily life and work. So i wanted to share some of the things i been working on for the past 1 or 2 (3 years?) years since i last posted something. there is a lot here so take your time to browse around. dangerousD stinger.webm bonesaw_stinger.webm cubes5.mp4
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 58 replies
I've been spending my lock-down time giving my steam locomotive something to pull. I'll use this topic to display all of my railroad cars as they're rolled out of the factory. Since showcasing my renders on a personal web site is so 20th century I've decided to make the plunge to Instagram. But the phone-size 1080x608 limit is a bit small for my taste so I'll be putting up the hi-res versions here.
Last reply by R Reynolds,