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Previous topics in our forum banner. Click on any image to go to the topic. 2024
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 118 replies
Here is an animation test for the Giant character from my short film "Big Bang". I decided to go ahead and animate and actual shot from the film to kill multiple birds with fewer stones. Critiques are always welcome. Caveats: lighting, texturing and background are temp. There are some outstanding deformation problems in the model, most noteably in the upper arms and wrists, that I haven't figured out how to solve yet. This film may not be finished before AM 25.1 ships. Next I'll be experimenting with lighting, rendering and compositing techniques on this shot to figure out the final look of the film. Enjoy! 2.1 mb Quicktime Movie
Last reply by Heath_Naylor, -
- 151 replies
Well, after many tests and experiments, it's time to consolidate my WIPs into a single thread and begin plowing forward. The two-minute short I'm working on is a single scene from a feature-length screenplay (called Ebon) I finished a little over a year ago. With animation in mind, I segmented the screenplay into 13 seven-minute chapters, and have been working on character designs and storyboards on and off since then. I plan to turn chapter 1 of 13 into a long-term project, but since I have no animation experience, I decided to choose a single scene to focus my energies on before I attempt something on a larger scale. I picked chapter 2, scene 4 for several rea…
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 10 replies
My short film "Garrett" ( ) was selected to be shown at the Hyart Film Festival this August. I just found out, now I have to figure out if I wish to go all the way out to Lovell, Wyoming to attend the festival. =) Yay.
Last reply by frosteternal, -
- 4 replies
Hey community peers, I am excited to announce that I have officially finished a video that showcases my rudimentary A:M skills! I have, in the past, been pretty good at doing green screen/chroma key type stuff here at home but then I bought A:M and used this video I was already working as an inspiration for learning and applying some of the basic techniques from the Art of A:M and technical manuals. Here are the results of my last several months of exploration with A:M and hopefully the process is getting stream-lined and there will be more worlds of imagery coming soon! -Adam class M Planets: "Timepiece"
Last reply by steve392, -
- 216 replies
I'm posting in Hash forum very rarely (but I'm lurking almost daily), so I think I should reintroduce myself :-) My name is Dusan Kastelic and I own a small studio for animation called Bugbrain. We are mostly working 2D animation (95%- mostly Flash games), though we made a couple of small projects in 3D in the past (maybe some of you still remember the animation about mine goblin Perk I made a couple of years ago). But we are planning to concentrate more on 3D in the future. I would like to introduce our new project: a short animated movie (6 minutes) „Chicory and Coffee“. Actually this is my personal „pet project“ but very ambitious one! Me and my coworker Uro…
Last reply by KenH, -
- 63 replies
This is a little animation I did to test the facial rig on my Giant character for my short film "Big Bang". The rig is a mishmash of fan-bones, weighted CPs and pose motion. The animation is rough and the model isn't done yet - still needs some smoothing in places and the horns aren't attached to the head yet. Mostly I was curious to see how the mouth would hold up and how much expression and directionality I could get out of the dot eyes. Here's the link: Giant Head Test Here's a picture of the mesh: Enjoy! I must sleep now.
Last reply by bentothemax, -
- 3 replies
My very first character modeling and animation in Animation:Master. I intended to give this as a Christmas card in 1997 but didn't quite finish in time so it got slightly repurposed. Bones, Moving Camera, Textures, Lights, Shadows, Decals, even Refraction... all the 1990s CG bells and whistles are here. The files are long gone, it survives only as this flip book which I carried in my portfolio for years.
Last reply by RS3D2, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Here is a truck I modeled for a friend to use in his advertising. The truck has been fully restored now, but this version sat in his driveway for several years.
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 9 replies
Fifty years ago I saw "2001" and spent the next three years in our basement making cardboard spaceships with robot arms. This is my space pod movie, now with music and sound effects...
Last reply by Vong, -
- 5 replies
The medals for the 2017 "Summer Memories" Image Contest are finally done! Designed and modeled by me in A:M, 3D printed and cast in solid pewter by Ken Citron. They're in the mail! Genuine pine display plaques... E PANNIS ELEGANTIA... From Patches, Elegance. Reverse is personalized with the winner's name on the scroll of honor next... "Planes Trains Automobiles"
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 11 replies
Is not 2012 the 25th anniversary for Hash? Since 1987?
Last reply by Elm, -
- 0 replies
Here is something I mentioned that I would post while on Saturday's chat. 😊 The 3D effect is another great feature of Hash even if it is rarely used.
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
Hello- I apologize if this has been answered before but I did a search for "3d printing" and ".STL" in the AM forums search and it came up here goes: When exporting an .STL file with AM17, does the mesh need to be continuous to be recognized by the printer?...or can there be multiple models intersecting each other, without there being one unified mesh? (see picture)... In this simplistic picture there is a sphere (figure A) with some of the points pulled out..and then there is a sphere (figure with a cylinder intersecting. Are both of these models "legal" to the 3D printer? Will both models "print out" accurately? Thanks for any insigh…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 21 replies
This months prompt: Make a book jacket (cover) that will be used for a volume of Edgar Allan Poe Stories. So I started with rendering from A:M an image or 2 of the crow model (from Scarecrow of Oz) - and then I proceeded to work up a variety of concepts (in photoshop) - the last image is probably what I will go with. But I might try doing at least one more concept - different altogether, more childlike, and probably including a cat.
Last reply by Tore, -
- 5 replies
Some may already know it, other may not: The 3We XMas-Calendar is online again. Everyday another video (funny commercials, interesting videos, nice looking stuff) and of course A:M had to do with it too . Have fun! See you *Fuchur*
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 6 replies
Here's a brief clip that shows the result of a simple 48-patch mesh with two bones + one fan bone used to weight, via the Transfer_AW plugin, a 6016 patch mesh that has only the same three bones.
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 5 replies
Going thru old files... Here is a video made Using A:M to make Corporate video fun... 'corporate' meaning- an invite to a bio-oncology seminar where the producers knew they had some yawner material and they came-up with a nifty idea to house their 'self-shot' cameos in an inviting way... making-use of their 'merge' theme. I used the 'cartoon car' from the archives... a LOT! TRANSPLANT VIDEO_FULL.mp4
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 7 replies
Hash_History.PDF found this sorting old magazines
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 5 replies
...with a twisted sense of humor. Hope you like the classic toons. Produce_2.avi
Last reply by RS3D, -
- 1 follower
- 24 replies
Last reply by Tore, -
- 13 replies
Hi, It's an old long lost AM'er... me again. I once saw how to rotate a wheel in an old SIGGRAPH video where all you did was enter the number of rotations (at least that's how I remember it... how fast... don't know??). Anyone remember something like this? It's very cool and if I find out again I'm going to document it so I don't forget it again! Cheers, Rusty
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
It's been awhile since I have posted in the forums, but robcat2075 informed me that some of you might find these current projects of interest. Last year I bought myself a Thing-O-Matic from, and have designed most of the things I have printed on it with A:M. This is a photo of a Lightcycle model I originally modeled in A:M about 12 years ago, then updated into a model kit you can download and print from Lightcycle at Today I have finished one of my steam engine models, fully designed in A:M and them printed on my Makerbot in ABS. The only non-printed parts are one spring and a few machine screws. I ha…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 8 replies
In the past I have posted about 3D printing from A:M, however, this time I thought I would show some of the work from my day job and how A:M plays a big part in it. We recently finished work on ICE AGE LIVE. An ice show that will be touring Europe for the next few years. We designed and built the large puppets and costumes for the show. In order to reproduce the characters as accurately as possible, I took the original animation geometry from Blue Sky Studios into Animation Master, and after a bit of modification to fit human performers where necessary, I patterned directly off the digital character within A:M to create flat patterns for our fabric department …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 23 replies
Lately, I've been seeing some posts on here and on other forums showing vintage CG stuff, it got me looking through some of my old projects, reminiscing about my first experiences with 3D and starting my career in 3D graphics. I figured maybe this is a good space to share some old works that I never posted on the forum before maybe some of you will recognize some of the stuff. I got into 3D in the early to mid-'90s in high school and college. I didn't quite understand how 3D graphics were made in high school and used programs like DeluxePaint Animation to try and create my own. I even did a few projects for teachers, animating the high school logo. The…
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 10 replies
Here is one of the newest animations for one of our customers done in A:M and AfterEffects. Hope you like it: WC-Wunder - 3d Animation See you *Fuchur*
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
From a long time ago, an assignment from animation school. The assignment was to show a change of emotion.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
Hi Everyone, I was thinking of some of the commercials I see in the theater so I thought about making something a bit different. Would like to hear what you think about it. Did 30 sec. in AM then added the other with Final Cut X.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
Was fooling around with my penguin model doing some test moves after working on tutorials earlier. Noticed something funny when moving the bones - there is like a ghost image of the bone in its original location. Not sure why this is happening. Maybe I need to switch to Opengl as opposed to direct3d drivers? I am running AM on the integrated GPU and not on the Quadro, so I don't think the Quadro is causing problems. Anyone have any thoughts? I've uploaded an example of what I am talking about, here and in my WIP thread. These are not extra bones, but some kind of display issue.
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 27 replies
Hi! I'm still working with the music but it won't change much. I'm still working on the brief voice but this won't change much. There are a few quirks to correct but this is the form for the finished product. I want you to compare it with anything Hollywood and professional studios put out and, if possible, tell me where I fall short. Please, tear it to pieces! Enjoy! Rusty
Last reply by rusty, -
- 1 reply
so, now i bought the computer, please how can i disable the windows compoment so that the V13 work properly on the windows 7.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
Has something changed, when i try to sign in to the AM: community a get an error
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
My "Planes Trains Automobiles" Contest entry was an experiment in displacement mapping... The body of the car is just a simple spline form... All the surface details... the doors, the handles, the windows, the rubber and chrome trim... that is all made with displacement maps. There isn't an easy way to manually paint such maps in a paint program but it was easy to model the shapes on a flat plane. I put a white-to-black gradient on them and shot the arrangement with an orthogonal camera. That render to OpenEXR format was applied to the body to be the displacement map. I made maps that way for the front and back de…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 157 replies
A friend of mine and I have been wanting to re-create the battle of Wolf 359 in 3D format for quite some time now. It has been a year since I first purchaced A:M and I am still loving to work with this product. I feel I can start working on something that could take years to get done. But it will be done right. The Battle of Wolf 359 has been a major battle that has been torn apart, analyzed and theorized about for years, but no one has ever tried making a rendition of it other then a version made using Bridge Commander. My friend, Mark Nguyen and I wish to create one possible version of Wolf 359. A possible "chronicle" of events. I have creat…
Last reply by NEKOSEI, -
- 9 replies
Steffen Gross tests unique opportunities animate parameters in plugin SimCloth. The original idea was to make a melting objects or breathing. Test: Note: SMART SETTING - i change parameters (Stretch Stiffness & Shear Stiffness) in mode -> BEND TYPE= BEND SPRINGS, BUT!!!! Before symulating i set parameter BEND TYPE = BEND ANGLE Maybe you do not provide a such ways But it turned out great!
Last reply by serg2, -
- 10 replies
I'm posting this recent short animation I made with A:M with a note of thanks to everyone at Hash. Among others, Robert Holmén and Mark Largent have been extremely quick and helpful in answering questions and solving problems I encounter onVenriloquist this journey of learning animation, and A:M in particular. This software and these forums are so very important to me - thank you!
Last reply by cribbidaj, -
- 8 replies
had to take a short break from current projects...
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 16 replies
Hi Everyone, I was wondering how the DVD version of A:M worked as I'm thinking of buying a few copies for the game studio. I realize the web subscription one is only good for a year and then it's gone. I was wondering if someone was able to put the exact differences here so I can make a choice as to what way I'm going to go. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a feature comparison on the site anywhere... Thank you everyone.
Last reply by Kombowz, -
- 10 replies
Hello, As some may already know, I have been a user of A:M for more than 30 years. I walked right into the front office of Hash HQ to buy my first copy in 1993, and I still have the disks. I am not usually able to show much of my work outside of the studio, however, at the request of Robert Holmén I have assembled a brief look at how I use A:M in my design work. Even though in my job I need to know a large library of applications, I still like using A:M when I can because of how quickly I can get from an idea to something moving on the screen. Often, I am using A:M to create previz animatics just to show conceptually how something will likely move and to c…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 14 replies
Hey Everyone. After more animation, R&D, models, effects, and everything else that gets things to the finish line...... I completed and published another Animation. Thanks for all your support!!! Link: x
Last reply by detbear, -
- 1 reply
Charles Babbage ("Dr. Phibes" on the forum) noted on Facebook that he used A:M to design the fabric patterns for this "Kirby" acclaimed by one observer to be the "cutest mascot" at PAX2012. Charles also explained that the person inside the mascot navigates via a video camera in the character's mouth. Other Related Links of interest:
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I have a material that's supposed to create an atmosphere around a planet... however it won't work, its missing something. I need to create a green glow around these non-green spheres. Anyone have any ideas? Going to look at 'material effect' see if that's an option. Other wise I do not know how to make a material extend beyond the sphere it's attached to. Thanks, Rusty
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
And the chaos continues! It's also time to get a new PC again. Six years goes by too fast.
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 7 replies
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
Here's a WIP of a superhero model I'm working on. I'm working from rotoscopes of a Superman Alex Ross drew. Looking for some input. C
Last reply by JoshB, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Since I modeled the anteater to be a competitor to our mascot contest, and it was the winner, I want to share it with you, my friends... You can download it here: Feel free to use it any way you want. I spent a lot of time working on its texture and I didn't have time to set a rig... sorry. In another topic Rich ( Vertexspline ) asked me about the vegetation...they are an OBJ model as well as the rocks and I used the "BitMapPlus kci:dnd" plugin material to texture them. The lighting was done using AO+IBL ( HDRI ) and a sun light. Did you notice the ant asking for peace with a white flag ???
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 9 replies
hi, Any one know a simple way to repeat 11 frames of an automated decal back and forth for 20 seconds? There is no repeat I can see. Thanks, Rusty
Last reply by rusty, -
- 16 replies
Dan is struggling to meet a deadline over in another topic so I'm starting this here to collect general advice. For those that feel they can assist him in getting his job rendered please comment over there: Dan's topic Meanwhile... we''ll collect some thought, theories and practices for faster rendering here in this topic so that we can bravely face the next deadline.
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 11 replies
This month's entry for Society of Visual Storytelling The prompt: "This was a pretty BIG problem. But Lucy was confident. She popped open her magic tool box and immediately found the perfect tool for the fix." Done with A:M with post processing in photoshop and corel painter to add paper texture, sketchy style and stars.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 13 replies
lately i´m experimenting a lot with some sort of fluid simulations in after effects with the help of some plug-ins. these works also involve a:m, so i thought i would post them here. hope you´ll like them... cWFGoeqU1eI NllCg6wyOwc a:m: the ufo & the squid a:m: the helicopter, the girl and the soda can
Last reply by Rodney,