A:M Users Groups
Supporting A:M through collaborative study and creation
125 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
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I like Ferdinand's presentation of this very important principle of animation. FcuGgJu8Y6M One of the things I like about the tutorials over at Animator Island is how they (or more specifically Ferdinand Englander) tend to layer in a lot of concepts that are often treated separately. His is a great example of 'learning by teaching' in that Ferdinand gets better and better at animation with every interview he conducts and every tutorial he publishes. More power to him. If you don't frequent Animator Island often it's well worth a visit from time to time: http://www.animatorisland.com/
Last reply by nimblepix, -
- 1 follower
- 25 replies
Hello,every AM user.Salute to Hash first.I am Chinese,I have played AM 3years.But there is few people play AM in China,I even couldn't get a job about AM here.What should I do?
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 13 replies
Hey, I've already talked to some of the powers that be. (that be Hubukai and Vern) Is anyone up for a meeting Saturday the 21st of March? My house is open and ready. This also goes for anyone in NJ, PA, DE and the surrounding areas.
Last reply by ddavis, -
- 5 replies
Hey hashers! Where do all my fellow Hasher's live? Now we can add ourselves to the USgoogle map called a 'Frapper'... Here's the link: http://www.frappr.com/hashfrapper It's quick and easy to do, you just enter your zip-code (no email/spam). If you wish, you can enter a blurb of text about yourself and even add a photo. Hope to see you there!
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 5 replies
Larry B and I got together a couple of times while he lived here, but he's now back in B.C. Has anyone else in Alberta (specifically Edmonton) shown up on the forums? Let me know!
Last reply by themike38, -
- 7 replies
Anyone around here from the Albany, NY region? Catskills, etc?
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 4 replies
Just wanted to know if there are any AM users in the UK and China? Let me know if you're out there. Thanks!
Last reply by jebeck, -
- 11 replies
Out of curiosity, do any forum members use Skype to work together on projects? Or to chat in general with other A:M users? Me: Not yet, but I would be interested.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Are there any other Animation:Master users in the Chattanooga Tennessee (and surrounding) area? Would you like to meet-up? I would love to host a usergroup meeting at Zandoria Studios, if there is anyone out there!
Last reply by williamgaylord, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
I live in Valencia California. Looking for users who want to get together on a biweekly or monthly basis to teach each other new things with AM, share are work and so on. We can take turns meeting at each others house or we can pick neutral spots that are congruent distances from each other. Requirements. 1. Must live somewhere in the circle below. or be willing to drive for a long time. 2. Must be willing to commit to meetings, a minimum of 1 per month. 3. We need at least 4 people for this to work. I think 2 people are a couple, 3 is a trio and 4 can finally constitute a group. 4. Must be a contributor who plays with AM for work or pleasure at least twic…
Last reply by ptiversen, -
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
This seems like a long shot since I'm posting from Amish country, but are there any animasters in the area or Wayne or Ashland counties? Anywhere in Ohio?
Last reply by Gikefod, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi folks, I've seen various posts abouit A:M users here in Florida and I was wondering if there was any interest in forming an A:M user group in the Central Florida area. I live in Ocala, so I'm within driving distance of the Orlando/Tampa area. I've been using A:M for several years (on and off!) but I still consider myself a newbie. What do you think? Any takers?
Last reply by seancwall, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone, I posted a message similar to this almost two years ago. I got a couple of responses, but not much else. I'm still looking for any A:M users in central FL who might be interested in getting together. I live in Ocala, which is about 1/2 hour south of Gainesville. I can drive to Tampa or Orlando if the need arises. So, let's try this one more time! -Sean
Last reply by seancwall, -
- 1 follower
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I've been animating for a couple years now and I've been curiouse if there where any A:M user groups that have meetings in or around Portland Oregon. Might seem like a laughable question since Hash headquarters is across the river in Vancouver, and Liaka studio is litteraly four miles from my house. But if there is it would be nice to coordinate some sort of meet up, I know Lucky Labs has been more than supportive to local filmmakers, perhapse that is a good spot. Anyway, Im interested to know who's out in my area and completely nuts about making 3D animation - Email sean_delgatto2001@yahoo.com Website: www.novicestarproduction.com I've also …
Last reply by Sean delgatto, -
- 0 replies
See if Hash Inc is demonstrating in an area near you: http://www.hash.com/2007web/hashcal.htm
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 24 replies
Dear Animation Master User Group, [ Are we still alive? ] We all know that is been a long time since we last got together. Too long in fact. Way too long in fact! I feel the midi-chlorians are beginning to fade and that we need to have an emergency meeting of the mid-Atlantic animation Master users group as soon as possible. There are many exciting things happening in the animation world. Probably one of the most important recent discoveries is http://www.killerbeanforever.com The killer Bean was the first animation I ever saw that really inspired me to get into animation and when I learned that animation Master is a program that was used to create i…
Last reply by heyvern, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
I live in Norhtern VA right now but I am relocating to Florida in about 1-2 months, as soon as the house sells really. Just looking to see if any one is in Florida and where. Chad
Last reply by llterry, -
- 4 replies
Hello All, Do any of you know of a place to download more actions for AM. I'm looking for some more dance moves. Thanks JD
Last reply by steve392, -
- 4 replies
Greetings All I live in the middle of NC and would love to be in contact with some NC Hashers if there are any out there. Not there is anything wrong with the rest of the WORLD but NC and SC are closer. Saw the note from williamgaylord and would loved to go but just saw it today. Any way kinda new to AM and have been learning slowly. Have been fighting with Rigging for about 3 weeks now, slowly learning but getting there.
Last reply by Bendytoons, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
I'm new but motivated. this place is in dire need of a chatroom and AM: Buddy system. I am going to set up a common area were users can easily meet and chat about how inferior novice animationist like myself.Can help one another become better and learn in layment or (speak slowly yum hawaiian) terms that we can all understand.I will post an address soon! keep animating don't get frustrated! I will return.....Oh! Yeah,by the way all you unsupportive Techies and pro's.We (Newbies) paid too! you all can stay here and jargon each other witless about how awsome and technical you are.....(LOOOSERRSSS)!!! lol:the big bad wolf. bigbadwolf.arruda@gma…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I'm trying to find some one in this area that might want to meet for coffee (or whatever bribery may be neccessary) and conversation about A:M.
Last reply by bigbadwolf, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
hi everyone, Yesterday's mid-Atlantic animation master meeting was extremely inspirational! Many thanks to our wonderful host Don Davis, providing us with food and a great place to have our meeting. Now, it's time to schedule the next mid-Atlantic animation master meeting. At the end of yesterday's meeting we thought that some time in June would be a good date for the next meeting. We're doing this one a little bit sooner than we typically would because we wanted to get everyone together just before summer so we can get those creative and inspirational ideas flowing. So, here is my proposal for the next meeting date with an alternate date. Meeting d…
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
- 0 replies
Hi there, Since it seems we've got at least a few fellow Hashers in the central FL area (Orlando area, Tampa, Ocala, etc.), is there any interest in getting together and possibly forming a user group? I think it would be a great resource. What do you all think? I've created a poll to gauge interest. Thanks! -Sean
Last reply by seancwall, -
- 27 replies
Any users groups here in California?
Last reply by mulls, -
- 20 replies
Dear mid Atlantic animation master members.( Also opened to anyone interested in coming, new members always welcome and encouraged to come! )It has been light years since the last animation master meeting and it is now 2008 and a plethora of new technology and software is raining down upon us! How will we all survive in this new digital revolution of animation master version 15 that downloadable? Here is the answer. Schedule the next animation master meeting and make it happen! It has been far too long since the mid Atlantic animation master team has joined forces to battle the evils of the digital world. So I put out a call for a meeting of the minds, shining th…
Last reply by entity, -
- 1 reply
Hi All, Is the NYNJAMUG still going, and if so, when is the next meeting? Thanks! Xris
Last reply by Blackjack_Davie, -
- 11 replies
Hi all, Wait a minute, another mid Atlantic animation master user group meeting already? Yes it's true December 1, 2007 is the next scheduled meeting for the animation master users group. Location has yet to be determined but the date has been set. December 1 is Saturday so everyone has plenty of time to get organized, get some stuff rendered, animated and get some tutorials made for the next meeting. Unfortunately it will probably be chilly out and it won't be a deck party but I'm sure we'll all have some holiday renderings to show and tell. This is a general message for anyone interested in meeting up with us from the New Jersey, Philadelphia and Delaware…
Last reply by Hubukai, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
As you may know there is a group of us who meet fairly regularly in the Philadelphia area. We are called: The Mid Atlantic Animation Master Users group... or MAAM for short. Recently the idea came up to create animated versions of ourselves. I took on this challenge... uh... I was volunteered? Something like that. Anyway to start the ball rolling I did some stylized portraits of each person in the group. We have Hubakai, Entity, DDavis, Mechadelphia and of course myself, Heyvern. These are our Super Hero identities. During the day we are unassuming members of a small computer user's group but at night we become... I am not in the picture below. I was …
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 1 follower
- 39 replies
Dear MAAM Members and others close to Philadelphia, MAAM Meeting - August 11, 2007 ???? Please read below. It has been way to long since our last meeting and I am hopeing we can get a meeting together so I am emailing you all to see if there is interest in gettign together NEXT WEEKEND!!! and my house August 11, 2007. It has been far to long since we have gotten together and if your interested please post here and also email me as well. It is still summer, I have TONS of hot dogs, Buns, the grill is still working so if you are not on vacation, get your butts over for a MAAM Meeting. Email me, post here... Let me know if you are up for a MAAM Meeting - Au…
Last reply by Hubukai, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
If you are in Tennessee, north Georgia, North Carolina, Alabama--or anywhere nearby to Chattanooga Tennessee--I would like to host a user group meeting at my house and studio. I'll do the grilling!!! June 16th (Saturday). RSVP in this thread! 9854 hwy 58 Ooltewah, TN 37363 wls@zandoria.com 423-899-5408 for directions
Last reply by williamgaylord, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Could I be the only one? I hope not. I moved here to Rochester in September, and have been severely missing the Chicago group. I've even thought of going to the NYNJAMUG meetings, but it's a bit too far for me. I'm hoping there are some more AM users around here that are interested in having some meetings to discuss problems, issues, techniques, etc. Buffalo and Syracuse users, make yourselves heard, too! Hope to hear from you fellow Roch stars! Carl
Last reply by thekamps, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hi all of you Mid Atlantic Animation Master users out there. I wanted to post to potential dates for a summer meeting for the mid Atlantic animation master users group [ MAAM ] and also offer my house/deck for the meeting. The dates I currently have available are Saturday June 23, 2007 or Saturday, June 30, 2007. Saturday, June 23 happens to be the weekend right after the wizard world comic book convention so June 23 may be a good weekend to get together to go over animation master work, tutorials and some new and exciting things from dark skull productions. Since this will be a beginning of the summer user group party I will be firing up the grill and coo…
Last reply by entity, -
- 6 replies
Is there a technical school, junior college or online course that teaches a recent version of A:M in the North Texas area? If there is no usergroup or other organized instruction in A:M here in North Texas, is there anyone familar with the current version of A:M who would be willing to tutor my 8th grader in the basics. Hopefully three or four one hour lessons will "prime the pump" enough such that he will be equipped and motivated to learn much more on his own. BTW, he's bright; taking AP courses for half his schedule. Even so I get the impression A:M (3D animnation generally) is a challenge even for most motivated ... Thank you in advance for you help! M…
Last reply by lswatts, -
by gazzamataz- 1 follower
- 7 replies
It's been a while… Is anyone in the London area up for a Hash Bash? I was thinking of talking my company into letting me use the office for a meeting, if they let me would anyone be interested?
Last reply by gazzamataz, -
- 24 replies
Hey everybody, It's been while and I feel it's time we all got together. Don't know if I can top the excellent time we all had at "Club Hubukai" back in December but I can try. I was thinking Saturday the 31st of March at my house. Is anybody up for that?
Last reply by ddavis, -
- 6 replies
To all interested parties. The VA Animation Masters Users Group will hold its next monthly meeting in a couple of weeks. We are currently scheduled to meet on Saturday, September 30th. We would welcome any users who wish to join us. We have a meeting room with internet access and a projector and have started working on a group project. We are working with a flexible agenda, and have beginners to experienced users in the group. For more information, please either see the previous messages in the Users Group section of the forum, or leave your contact info here and I will get in touch with you as soon as possible. We're having a great time. Why don't you come join…
Last reply by philip, -
- 3 replies
Last reply by GAngus, -
- 7 replies
Hi We are hoping to have a new york new jersey a:m user group meeting in brooklyn on january 27th. Is anyone able to come that day? It will be at noon. Thanks
Last reply by GAngus, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi Hashers, The mid-Atlantic animation master user group meeting went very well today. In attendance was Don Davis, Rich Jackson, Vern, John.R and our newest latest greatest member Eric.C. We had a great time including showing off some rendering and animation stuff we've all been working on. Rich showed us some great stuff he's been working on including his TWO work and also some dark skull production work. The Sentinel for the TecNu project that falls under the dark skull production umbrella is coming along and just about ready for some proxy test animations. Rich and I also posted some information's and a video in the showcase area of the forum. We've got…
Last reply by entity, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello Philadelphia and New Jersey animation master users. It has been a while since the mid Atlantic animation master user group has gotten together and with the holiday season coming up I thought it would be a great time to post a request for a MAAM meeting. I would like to offer my home in West Chester Pennsylvania for the next meeting place. I have a date in December of Saturday, December 2 that the House can be used for a MAAM meeting. Please let me know if there is any interest in this so I can get a little more information out there and if we decide that the state is good for an animation master meeting I will post directions and other information. Hope…
Last reply by entity, -
- 4 replies
Hey folks, we're long overdue for another meeting! What say everyone to Saturday, November 18th at noon? Let's vote!
Last reply by animas3D, -
- 1 follower
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I ment chicago in the title but it wouldnt let me change it. Well now that i have your attention lets make it happen? Their has got to be a few chi-town A.M.ers here and if i get enough replies i will start setting up a group and a monthly mtng.
Last reply by Paul Forwood, -
- 1 follower
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Since I am still recoiling from missing the venue last year and have been avoiding Paul Forwoods Daleks ever since I am definately, definately, definately going to be there at this year's Mac Expo at the end of October to pay homage to Ken Baer and whoever else will be there from Hash Inc. - I have even promised to help So anyone else from the UK or the GLAM, LAMUG or whatever it's now called going? I am really looking forward to it and to drive Ken mad with all my questions
Last reply by gazzamataz, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Sorry if this is inappropriate, but, I am looking for someone that can perform simple medical animation for hire. Nothing very complex, just body form and motion. Some organ close up shots and medical procedure animation. e-mail drlea2@comcast.net
Last reply by drlea, -
- 14 replies
Hey folks, What say we get together at noon on Saturday, October 28th? We can dress up as our favorite A:M models and eat marshmallow Thoms! Same location as always, Luckbat H.Q. in Brooklyn, between the spooky abandoned house and the Indian burial grounds. Be sure to mention if you'd like to car pool with anyone, and I hope to see you there! Edit: Postponed until November due to inclement weather. Stay tuned for a new date soon!
Last reply by dborruso, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
It has been a long time since the Atlanta group got together. With Colin out of the hospital now, we needs to get one scheduled. We have met in Atlanta the times I have attended. We have talked about possibly meeting in Chattanooga. Martin has hinted he may be interested in providing shirts etc.... Just let me know your preferences. As an alternative, we could meet at my home. We live in between Atlanta and Chattanooga, right off the interstate. Depending on the weather, we could have a volleyball game afterwards. Families are welcome. We will have wireless access setup and refreshments. Please let others in the Atlanta, Chattanooga area know,,…
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
[attachmentid=21270][attachmentid=21271]please post either 1 or 2
Last reply by Nunsofamerica, -
if interested, we have los of stuff needing to be modeled, please post here. to see what we already have go to www.freewebs.com/crumblenet
Last reply by Nunsofamerica, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
for cheap
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Looking for modelers! Are you interested? please post here or send me an email at nunsofamerica@yahoo.com. Buildings, characters, and settings need to be modeled.
Last reply by Nunsofamerica,