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A:M Stills (70,478 visits to this link)
345 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
I just setup my new computer. A windows i7 4 core 3.2GHz 64 bit with 12 GB. I remember seeing somewhere on the forum you can set the AM 64 program to use some more memory. Then the standard 4GB.
Last reply by DJBREIT, -
- 127 replies
Hey All, This was a project that I was going to enter into the Mechanical Image Contest (long gone) but was unable to complete on time. Well, I've now decided to drop the project because I don't have enough time to complete it. However, I thought that someone should see it, so here it is: I was going for tons of detail (as is, the model is at 40,000) patches. I wanted wires and panels everywhere, and I was hoping to get front page on CGTalk with it. The design was by Activision's Jamie Egerton and I was given permission by Egerton to model it (he was extremely supportive). Here's the AWESOME design And here's an AO rendering of the mesh where I stoppe…
Last reply by Darkwing, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hi friends I have made one more character from Thomas and Friends. This one is James the Red Engine Turntable: Screenshot: Wallpaper of all the characters so far:
Last reply by agep, -
- 8 replies
I downloaded and played with Gerald (Fuchur)'s GREAT project from here: LOVE playing with this stuff! I find it fascinating that every time I re-simulate I get different results- even with the blocks in the same initial position.
Last reply by steve392, -
- 1 reply
Recently did this work for Jet's Pizza Facebook page... this is all 4 episodes edited together... had FUN doing this! The story was crudely storyboarded for me, so I wrote none of it. I made HUGE use of the After Effects distortion filter called 'turbulent displacement' in this. Jets
Last reply by largento, -
- 7 replies
This has been a fun little project, every month Jet's Pizza asks for 1-3 little vignettes to add to their Facebook page to keep it lively... highlighting some event for that month. Initially, they wanted 2D hand-drawn animation... and as I have aged I have not had the where-with-all to do 2D hand-drawn cartoons anymore... its a LOT of toil! I designed JetMan in A:M trying to keep within their established design and added the SAUCY Rig to animate him, render with the toon shader... its working pretty good! Each month 2-3,000 people view the segments- and Jet's is happy with the turnout. They give me a very-very rough idea and the freedom to take it from there... I try to p…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 12 replies
Just finished a holiday Facebook animation for the Jets Pizza Franchise, turned out nice! I am trying to get more work from them... The snow was made using my 'snow machine' which is available in the Contributors Cue forum... the hand is from my 'Hat Guy' featuring SSS skin... the fire was just a video of a fire placed on a patch in the scene... the flickering lights on the tree was a 2nd pass added additively in AE, I set a light to lens flare with 'fade behind objects' on, and made a 'scribble' in 3-dimensions and used the 'sweeper' wizard the sweep dimension to it, placed it in front of the lights(I had placed in the chor on the christmas tree, and rendered only th…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 200 replies
It's been a while since I posted. Just a simple character I'm building to have fun with..
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 1 reply
Found these models on my machine and couldnt resist doing a render. 7 min render IBL lighting 16 passes + AO
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 5 replies
I occassionally get this security alert when browsing here. A:M16a is usually running in the background so I'm not sure where this alert originates but I am wondering what it is.
Last reply by Glob Studios, -
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
This uses the Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinnect. Any ambitious programmers with some free time could make a plug-in for the new AM that has retopo tools. Be pretty convenient to scan in an object into the model window. Maybe even capture the surface colors for reference bitmap as well.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
Getting ready to catch a plane in the morning for Siggraph! I will be doing a modeling demo at the show. So here's a sneak peek if you aren't going to be there
Last reply by Mr. Jaqe, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Koza (fur toy goat)
Last reply by serg2, -
- 2 replies
Hi Everyone, Here is a screen shot of my newest model I'm working on... Mark Day
Last reply by MarkDay2378, -
- 3 replies
Houston, We've Got a Problem. Lathe tool isn't working correctly... It is unaligned (???) am I doing something wrong ? lathe.mp4
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 4 replies
I'd like to thank Al Trafalgar of 'Al's Greebles' from the Contributors Cue, for his great plumbing geometry. I made myself some new imagery for my Facebook page, and if anyone would like to borrow... feel free!
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 6 replies
Hey Everyone. After another month in production, I completed my next Lego Animation for my You Tube Channel. All animations and renders were done in A:M. Post production in AE. I thought that the flooding and Tropical storms were going to keep me from finishing it and posting it today. But I got through it. Here is the link to view it: x Thanks so much Kevin
Last reply by detbear, -
- 5 replies
I revised my design in A:M and reprinted it with my Makerbot Replicator 2. THe first design which I used for quite a time now helped me alot already . More can be seen here: Hope you like it too . See you *Fuchur*
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
I did this quick and Dirty It is a 1 pass multipass but I did it twice for both sides
Last reply by jason1025, -
Here is a Logo I Designed for a friend its been a few years but I am Back
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 3 replies
Thought I would mess around with some lighting this is what I came up with Comp 1.mp4
Last reply by Maniac, -
Last reply by steve392,
- 125 replies
Character was inspired by a cat we met over thanksgiving. Poor domestic long hair kitty had been given a lion cut by his owner. Was pretty funny. I also wanted a new character to build, learn from...was getting tired of stealing from others. Have to finish rigging, weighting, texturing, yada yada. Not happy with my IK legs. Will be looking at 2008 rig legs and try to incorporate something similar. Not finished with face rig. The mouth whiskers are giving me fits rigging wise. Can't quite figure out how to weight, bone so that when upper nozzle moves, the attached ends of the whiskers move appropriately. Have to add an easy to use tail rig. Have been…
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
Tests physics and dynamics AM Love letters AM [media=][/media] AnimationMaster Love letters AM (vimeo) [vimeo]84795875[/vimeo] AnimationMaster [vimeo]84795874[/vimeo]
Last reply by Clipping Path Specialists, -
- 11 replies
Happy new year friends! I have been making more Thomas & Friends stuff. This time I wanted to make a more complex environment than last time. I chose to make Maithwaite Station. I hope you like it
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 4 replies
Here is the file i used to make my TWO-Shirts for the TWO World premiere so you can make your own too. TWOTShirtParts.pdf (this one should print as an 8.5" x 10.5" page) TWO_Shirt_Parts.tga (this one may not print at correct one-page size, needs to be printed at 240ppi) It should all fit on one 8.5x11 inch iron-on sheet Print it out, cut out the parts and arrange them as you see fit. You may delete parts if you wish. The "festival-goer" version is like this on the front: and this on the back: The "fashion version" (which i prefer, now) has just the red mechanical heart placed on the left front with no slogan, and…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Was working on a man-eating type prop for a project and decided to take it a little further... rendered with some volumetric lights and radiosity.
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 7 replies
I meant to enter this model in the Insect contest, but I didn't make the deadline. The background picture is one I took of Mt. Hood. The flies are from one of the extras cds. I found the flies' buzzing sound somewhere online. I made the mantis model and sounds and recorded the frogs and crickets sounds myself. x
Last reply by TheToadStool, -
- 10 replies
My entry for the March 2016 3rd Thursday for SVS (Society of Visual Storytelling) The prompt was "Haven brought it to "Show and Tell"...even though she never got permission". Had to be a spot illustration. (no hard borders - background transitions to white)
Last reply by Mitovo, -
- 15 replies
A little show-n-tell... Last month, I got a chance to put A:M to a big test... needed to make a field of falling tangerines that would wipe the screen, and some various cloth effects at an obtusely hi-resolution... 12,000 px wide by 1280 tall. I used Newton Dynamics for the tangerines but they are simply shaped. My 1 minute opening video(Rife with Hash animations) showed before an audience of 5,000 at the US Foods convention in Orlando, I was lucky enough to attend as last minute changes happened. USFoods anim mp4 version (do fullscreen to see clearly): USFoods anim tangerines_MattCampbell.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 12 replies
This months assignment was to illustrate the text found in a fortune cookie of your choice. My fortune cookie said "The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do". So I rendered out a version in A:M and then hand "painted" the image in photoshop, to get a more scribbly, spontaneous feel. Here's both versions before and after PS. (EDIT: adjusted levels on hand rendered to bring out the highlights, tad more contrast)
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
Mechanical model 1 2
by agep- 67 replies
Hi guys I've just started modeling a new model. I want you guys try to guess what it's going to be, while more and more gets revealed along with the progress. So far I've just modeled the belts, but more to come. The mesh is insanely dens though, but that is due to various bevels and holes. Let me know what you think so far
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 30 replies
Hello Hashers, here comes our little X-Mas greeting card/film... tracked with PF Hoe, animated and rendered in A:M . The compositing is done in After Effects... Enjoy. Merry Christmas and a Haaaaappy New Year to all of you! Michael
Last reply by DJJ, -
- 10 replies
Hi guys So based on my previous Minecraft thread I guess you already know that I am a Minecraft addict I've just made a new Minecraft scene where I've played with Newton some more. Not sure how many of you have played Minecraft before, but in the game the Creeper explodes and may kill you. In my version the Creeper is kind of broken Let me know what you think Frame from the animation:
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 2 replies
I reinstalled the 2008 rig into my model and went to test it. In the action and the chor windows, the toes go missing even though they are present in the model window. Could anyone kindly tell me what the problem may be ? regards simon Winona_A.mdl
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
not mobius mp4 version: MOBIUS3.mp4
Last reply by serg2, -
- 22 replies
I modeled a head to help in the Douglas' project then he ask me how I did it... I restarted the process but this time I recorded it. It took me 22 minutes then I decided to increase the video speed. The modeling is a dinamic system thus this model isn't the same as the first, there is some diferences in the splines but the result is the same. I hope you enjoy it. if you have some question, please be my guest to comment. U5w19qocMEQ (720p)
Last reply by JackDrama, -
- 10 replies
Hey Hasher's- Just sharing some of my recent work done using this remarkable program. My Belle Tire client was going to use a photo(attached) of the new store in Jackson, MI... but the photo just didn't have much 'oomph'. SO- she asked if I could recreate it in 3D, and while at it...add the 'Tireman' character and titles. These are the 'bookends' (animation at the head and tail of the TV commercial.)
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 18 replies
Inspired by Simon's quest for a teddy bear fur texture, I decided to make some bear type creatures of my own. I started with the "Panda on Fire" model from the Hash 2001 CD, mainly because it had a terrific simple body shape, and simple claw/fingers: originally done by Josh Riley, modified by Cabbot Sanders according to the File Info. I changed the eyes, ears, nose, added mouth, eyelids, re-rigged it with TSM2, added Face controls, decaled it to use displacement as the fur texture, added dynamic hair on top, and assorted accessories. Obviously, Panda Monium is a close cousin of the Big Nose Bear species. And because, I stole some DNA, I felt it only right…
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 2 replies
I just noticed that there are more real-time render increments now 1,4,16,32,64, adaptive
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
Here's some strange behavior I discovered over the weekend, although it was on the Mac and I haven't tested it on the pc side as yet. With toon render on, and a hole created with a Boolean cutter, when an object is viewed through the Boolean cutter hole the object has no toon lines. It's a minor problem that I can solve at the compositing stage but I wonder if it's worth an A:M Report? On the other hand if anyone has anything to add that would clarify this that would be nice too.
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 12 replies
Hi guys, Been on a hiatus because I was very busy with art school. I got a 1 week break so I might as well continue the work that I had previously put on hold... I had a nagging problem with some cho files having these nameless 'phantom' models in the Project Workspace three under the Choreographies 'branch'. They're not inside the choreographies, but they have the same hierarchy level with the chor files but they just came out of nowhere and seem to procreate themselves each time I save the chor. This is what I'm talking about. And this is the .cho file in question 004.cho The linked model files of the .cho were intentionally left out…
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 7 replies
this has been a curse for me, making some files never reopen. Everytime I use the same chor or model it adds rotoscopes that are severly slowing me down. Any quick fix? Cause at this point I am ready to delete a months work.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 14 replies
I've signed up for a monthly subscription for the Society of Visual Storytelling - excellent instructors, with the most amazing excellent, creative students, & interesting courses! (I am such a noob). Every month (third Thursday) they have a contest. This month (October), the prompt was "None of the animals could believe their eyes. The aircraft worked! For the first time, Ostrich was actually flying." I entered at the last moment (first time), and my entry was not finished. So I've continued to work on it .Still not done, as I don't feel like the illustration tells a good enough story. But I'm tired of it, so I probably won't go any further. Here is what I …
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 9 replies
Hi guys! Here's our new minishort clip. Corona related GREETINGS, stay safe. FYI: Everything was completely one in A:M, except for compositing (AE) and sound etiting (Samplitude).
Last reply by Malo, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hi my name is David. My first post and first clip done in AM. It took about eight months. Its a Christian based animation so if that is not your thing please don't be offended. Sorry I took the link down. Video no longer on youtube.
Last reply by DavidDenzill, -
- 5 replies
Congratulations to Will Sutton for stealing the show on the mascot contest. Here are/were my two additions. 1)Motormouth... this is the alternate version I debated over entering. An old character I repurposed for the contest. Used a MatCap ambient shader on the car paint which I think works pretty well. 2) Kitty Kat- this was done very quickly, and was a test using A:M Paint to control the color and length of the fur. I hope to finish her up and do some animation with it. Kitty Kat cartoon on label by Shane Glines. Both did very very poorly in the voting- but I wasn't in it to win... just happy to participate. I'd like to thank the one other person who gave…
Last reply by Animus, -
- 6 replies
Hi guys and gals. I finished a couple of videos. I wish I had more time. Could easily spend hours on a few frames to get smoother animation. Other things I would like to do is change is my rig to one of the pre made AM ones. My rig feels to stiff. If I had more time I would learn more about AM particles and also add alot more texturing. I can fully understand why it takes hundreds of people to make animated movies. I want to make more of these videos when I have time and would appreciate any comments and suggestions to improve. Thanks
Last reply by DavidDenzill, -
- 7 replies
Hi friends I am proud to present my new website. It is all about free textures and HDRI environments. I have put a lot of work into the content, and I hope to add more regularly. The textures are high res and tileable. The HDRI's are also high res, and comes with matching backplates also feel free to follow me on twitter where I am going to post updates: If you spot any spelling errors or bad sentence structure/wording, please let me know Best regards Stian
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 20 replies
Hey everyone. I completed my next animated short. It's a game parody of the "World of Tanks" video game. It's always a good feeling to complete a project. x Cheers, William
Last reply by Mitovo,