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A:M Stills (70,478 visits to this link)
345 topics in this forum
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Last reply by Mitovo, -
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- 15 replies
Hi there, I recently got interested in sketchfab. So after man years I fired up my gold old AM 15hNet and was pleasently surprised that it still works. Woke up some of my old models from its briarrose slumber and exported it as obj with 4 and uploaded to sketchfab and this is the result. Tramtrain140411 by jakerupert on Sketchfab cheers Jake (click below for more 3D models...)…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 15 replies
Hi All - attached is a finished animation accompanied by a track from my album "Whisper & Howl". Posting in part because I'm somewhat proud of it, but also because I've got a lot of work and learning to do still with a number of aspects of this deep and thrilling software, and I'm hoping for valuable critiques of anything you all can give. For my part, I feel the areas I need to concentrate on most at this juncture are lighting & rigging (I really need to start using fan bones in joints). I'm a conscientious student of the animating process, but realize I am still at a relatively low bar when it comes to creating the "illusion of life". This is due partly beca…
Last reply by johnl3d, -
Tying knots
by serg2- 14 replies
+ Project UZEL2.prj
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 14 replies
I am wondering, will it be possible to use AM v 16 to render a city, say with like 100 house, cars, having textures and so on. Any answer from the admin guys.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
Fixing stuff
by agep- 14 replies
I am no handyman. Give me a hammer or any kind of powertools, and I have no clue what to do with them. However, give me a broken PC and I can fix it! So when people ask me if I can 3D print them some parts they are missing I usually take upon thchallengege, because that means I can use Animation:Master to fix real world stuff In this case someone was missing one of the brackets for their baby safety gate Here is the one bracket they have: Missing bracket: Using a slide caliper and the original bracket I was able to recreate it in A:M fairly easily: The bottom right version shows it with support material. The bracket got printed in standin…
Last reply by DJBREIT, -
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- 14 replies
some dance-animations i´ve made for the prolight&sound exhibition 2012 and 2013. i´m not tooo happy with the second one, since i´ve had only 4 days to animate, so there was no time for polishing. turns out animating a robot-dance is kinda tricky, who would have thought? BiHPOnIOy8c dosPLVOo9xk
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 14 replies
Was just trying out ver18a - wanted to test dynamic hair, dynamic constraints, multiple copies of model and actions, and Screen Space Ambient Occlusion. Thought the result came out somewhat "purty". Started with old chor from 2009 Pass the Ball Then 1) exported the original chor action for the Ork as an action, 2) imported 5 copies of Ork model (using plug-in "multiple copies", translate and rotate), 3) added the exported action to each copy, 4) baked the dynamic systems 5) baked the particle systems 6) rendered 2 pass with SSAO (all default settings, except softness =100%, blur the effect = ON), Global ambiance = 100%, 1 orange klieg (no shado…
Last reply by thefreshestever, -
- 14 replies
I've signed up for a monthly subscription for the Society of Visual Storytelling - excellent instructors, with the most amazing excellent, creative students, & interesting courses! (I am such a noob). Every month (third Thursday) they have a contest. This month (October), the prompt was "None of the animals could believe their eyes. The aircraft worked! For the first time, Ostrich was actually flying." I entered at the last moment (first time), and my entry was not finished. So I've continued to work on it .Still not done, as I don't feel like the illustration tells a good enough story. But I'm tired of it, so I probably won't go any further. Here is what I …
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 14 replies
Hey Everyone. After more animation, R&D, models, effects, and everything else that gets things to the finish line...... I completed and published another Animation. Thanks for all your support!!! Link: x
Last reply by detbear, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hi everybody, I just created my wirst Win10-App for the windows store... all the assets for it have been created with A:M... If you have a Win10 Desktop, Laptop, Tablet or a Windows 10 Mobile Phone, you can play it . Have fun, hope you like it . It is of cause a free app . It is quite simple, but I hope it still is fun . More informations can be found here: ...and this is the link to the app in the store: See you *Fuchur*
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hi friends I have made one more character from Thomas and Friends. This one is James the Red Engine Turntable: Screenshot: Wallpaper of all the characters so far:
Last reply by agep, -
- 13 replies
Hi, It's an old long lost AM'er... me again. I once saw how to rotate a wheel in an old SIGGRAPH video where all you did was enter the number of rotations (at least that's how I remember it... how fast... don't know??). Anyone remember something like this? It's very cool and if I find out again I'm going to document it so I don't forget it again! Cheers, Rusty
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 13 replies
I'm making a model for a student ( although I'd rather be animating ). Its of a lunchbox and she wants a foil top to it that will peel back, like the top on a yogurt carton. The top surface is for her graphic but she wants it to be like a shiny foil on the underside. I don't have a lot of experience with materials or surface settings, can anyone suggest a way to get the aluminium foil type effect ? regards simon
Last reply by robcat2075, -
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It's been awhile since I have posted in the forums, but robcat2075 informed me that some of you might find these current projects of interest. Last year I bought myself a Thing-O-Matic from, and have designed most of the things I have printed on it with A:M. This is a photo of a Lightcycle model I originally modeled in A:M about 12 years ago, then updated into a model kit you can download and print from Lightcycle at Today I have finished one of my steam engine models, fully designed in A:M and them printed on my Makerbot in ABS. The only non-printed parts are one spring and a few machine screws. I ha…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
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Wanted to share a little show-and-tell. I just finished the second of a series of TV spots for a Michigan medical facility. The agency is using stylized artwork/illustrations in print and billboards and wanted to expand the look and style of them into :30 TV spots. My task was to try to make the illustration hold its own and be captivating for an extended amount of time, via animation. The way I went about it was to use A:M as a sort of 3D compositor to add dimension and movement to the image. By deleting all of the lights and using 100% global illumination and setting each layer to 'flat shaded' and 'no shadows' renders were quite swift. I used After Effects before and a…
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 13 replies
lately i´m experimenting a lot with some sort of fluid simulations in after effects with the help of some plug-ins. these works also involve a:m, so i thought i would post them here. hope you´ll like them... cWFGoeqU1eI NllCg6wyOwc a:m: the ufo & the squid a:m: the helicopter, the girl and the soda can
Last reply by Rodney, -
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hi all, here is a preview of my new shader that i am developing. its a physical sky shader based on "preetham´s" paper. at the moment it is only an ambient shader that can be applied on an "environment sphere" for background renderings. it can be controlled by a light or by date, time, longitudes and lattitudes. i hope it can be also implemented for sampling an ambient occlusion environment, so that we also have one more option in the "global ambience" slot... Physical Sky Update!: Physical Sky Update
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
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Characters I've been working on for the Summer 2015 Image Contest: INSECT! Meet Madame Mothra, Beetle Zabub, Captain Wanna Bee and Mr. Money Bugs.
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
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- 13 replies
Hi Guys, I'm happy to share an animation I've been working on the past few months, I'll try to make a long story short... Since all this Covid 19 stuff things have been different, previously most of my spare time was spent working on fine art projects a lot of work I did preparing for art shows was put on hold and like many people it's been a stressful time. I guess psychologically the best way I've been able to deal with it has been to tap into my silly side and rekindle some of the things that inspired me in my younger years. Using Animation Master was one of those things, it was the first app that got me seriously into 3D and actually helped land me my…
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 12 replies
Hi guys, Been on a hiatus because I was very busy with art school. I got a 1 week break so I might as well continue the work that I had previously put on hold... I had a nagging problem with some cho files having these nameless 'phantom' models in the Project Workspace three under the Choreographies 'branch'. They're not inside the choreographies, but they have the same hierarchy level with the chor files but they just came out of nowhere and seem to procreate themselves each time I save the chor. This is what I'm talking about. And this is the .cho file in question 004.cho The linked model files of the .cho were intentionally left out…
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 12 replies
Hello , my fellow Hashers , My yearly christmascard is a fact ! I have injoyed it a lot using this fantastic program! (My dear wife has done the snow in photoshop.) Made in version 13,00 You like it ? Comments please ? Greetings , Marc , ( a greatful Hasher )
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 12 replies
For a tutorial, I'm looking for example images of the following. Images that in a one-second glance can demonstrate the idea... Motion Blur Depth of Field Shadows Ambiance Occlusion Reflections Particles and Hair Subsurface scattering Fog Toon Render Field Render Stereoscopic 3D Plugin-shaders I have candidates for some of these but perhaps you recall better ones. If you can think of a good image, post a link to it here. Thanks!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 12 replies
Just finished a holiday Facebook animation for the Jets Pizza Franchise, turned out nice! I am trying to get more work from them... The snow was made using my 'snow machine' which is available in the Contributors Cue forum... the hand is from my 'Hat Guy' featuring SSS skin... the fire was just a video of a fire placed on a patch in the scene... the flickering lights on the tree was a 2nd pass added additively in AE, I set a light to lens flare with 'fade behind objects' on, and made a 'scribble' in 3-dimensions and used the 'sweeper' wizard the sweep dimension to it, placed it in front of the lights(I had placed in the chor on the christmas tree, and rendered only th…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 12 replies
This months assignment was to illustrate the text found in a fortune cookie of your choice. My fortune cookie said "The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do". So I rendered out a version in A:M and then hand "painted" the image in photoshop, to get a more scribbly, spontaneous feel. Here's both versions before and after PS. (EDIT: adjusted levels on hand rendered to bring out the highlights, tad more contrast)
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
Last reply by steve392,
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Last reply by Tore, -
- 11 replies
Happy new year friends! I have been making more Thomas & Friends stuff. This time I wanted to make a more complex environment than last time. I chose to make Maithwaite Station. I hope you like it
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 11 replies
I've been playing around with something called Titanium Developer, which allows you to write an application using web developer skillz ( HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Ruby and Python ) and then package it as a desktop application. So I wrote a very simple program to convert a Choreography file to an Action file. When I installed it on WindowsXP, the installer threw an error half way through the installation process, but it installed OK and worked just fine. I can't test it in Win7 or Mac, so you're on your own there... Windows and Mac (OSX 10.5 Intel based) versions are available here: ---------------…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 11 replies
Is not 2012 the 25th anniversary for Hash? Since 1987?
Last reply by Elm, -
- 11 replies
Just bought the AM v17 web subscription. Tried activating it, got the following error:
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 11 replies
I had chance this last week to do a scoreboard 'halftime' animation for my client Belle Tire... one of those things 'for the kids' where the stadium DJ will assign a random seating section to the outcome... and if chosen that section will get a prize... like a pack of M&M's or a free soda. This one was for the Grand Rapids Griffins, a Michigan Junior SemiPro hockey team- and they wanted a 'shell game' with 3 outcomes starring Tireman in an ice-hockey environment... Belle Tire's cartoon mascot that originated in 1922 and whom I have been animating in A:M for the past few years. I started animating the pucks sliding around and quickly realized I was in 'keyframe h…
Last reply by RS3D, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Since I modeled the anteater to be a competitor to our mascot contest, and it was the winner, I want to share it with you, my friends... You can download it here: Feel free to use it any way you want. I spent a lot of time working on its texture and I didn't have time to set a rig... sorry. In another topic Rich ( Vertexspline ) asked me about the vegetation...they are an OBJ model as well as the rocks and I used the "BitMapPlus kci:dnd" plugin material to texture them. The lighting was done using AO+IBL ( HDRI ) and a sun light. Did you notice the ant asking for peace with a white flag ???
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 11 replies
Ever wonder what A:M Users were working on 20 years ago? BJ_8ZNyXsIk Direct Link Edit: The Youtube movie linked was removed by original poster.
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 11 replies
This month's entry for Society of Visual Storytelling The prompt: "This was a pretty BIG problem. But Lucy was confident. She popped open her magic tool box and immediately found the perfect tool for the fix." Done with A:M with post processing in photoshop and corel painter to add paper texture, sketchy style and stars.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 11 replies
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 10 replies
Hey Hasher's- Just sharing some of my recent work done using this remarkable program. My Belle Tire client was going to use a photo(attached) of the new store in Jackson, MI... but the photo just didn't have much 'oomph'. SO- she asked if I could recreate it in 3D, and while at it...add the 'Tireman' character and titles. These are the 'bookends' (animation at the head and tail of the TV commercial.)
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 10 replies
My short film "Garrett" ( ) was selected to be shown at the Hyart Film Festival this August. I just found out, now I have to figure out if I wish to go all the way out to Lovell, Wyoming to attend the festival. =) Yay.
Last reply by frosteternal, -
- 10 replies
All of my choreographies are all of a sudden not rendering properly, especially in reflections. I don't know what went wrong, but if I can't fix it, that will be it for me an A:M. I'm hoping I accidentilly hit a setting or something that is now screwing it up. I would like to restore the default settings, but don't know how. I've already made sure all my reflection settings were good. I also uninstalled and reinstalled. Please, any help is appreciated and needed. Here's a quik render of spidey in a new chor and in the chor I've been using in my Spider-man thread. Jeff B. EDIT: Please ignore this stupid post. I don't know how but somehow I had fo…
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 10 replies
Hi guys So based on my previous Minecraft thread I guess you already know that I am a Minecraft addict I've just made a new Minecraft scene where I've played with Newton some more. Not sure how many of you have played Minecraft before, but in the game the Creeper explodes and may kill you. In my version the Creeper is kind of broken Let me know what you think Frame from the animation:
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 10 replies
I've found a case where running a simCloth simulation while looking in the Camera view is a problem. A simulation that would run in a reasonable time if I started it from a Birdseye view would get bogged down with many tens of thousands of "collisions" (see lower left corner of the screen shot) to try to solve if I started it in the camera view. My experience is that anything more than a few hundred collisions is a sign of a simulation going bad and 30,000 is pretty much crazy stuff that has gone off the rails and will never finish properly. For simple situations like "Wave the Flag" I don't think Camera View will be an issue, and if you have created…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 10 replies
I saw an article about this very unusual strain of corn that has multi-colored kernals and tried to see if i could make something that hinted at it:
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
I did this quick and Dirty It is a 1 pass multipass but I did it twice for both sides
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 10 replies
I kind of missed the deadline here, but I didn't get back to my computer before the end of the Christmas holiday visiting my parents. So this ugly thing has been decorating my grandma's Christmas tree for the past 25 years. I drew this thing when I was five years old. I bet that if it could talk it would probably whisper something in the lines of "please kill me...." Anyway, just for the fun of it I had it scanned, made a simple model for it in A:M and added the decal. Also added a simple rig and made it move for a few seconds. It would be fun to collect all sorts of children's Christmas drawing and make an small animation out of it, guess I have to search my parents …
Last reply by Gerry, -
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- 10 replies
HERE is how the candle finished-up once I pulled the plug (stopped dinking) on it. The project file is available in the Contributors Cue for the interested. Wow, A:M Films did a number on it... 4X3'd it. Ow. HERE is the link to the project in the CC.
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Here's the finished animation for our company Christmas greetings. Like the man said, Season's Greetings!
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 10 replies
Here is one of the newest animations for one of our customers done in A:M and AfterEffects. Hope you like it: WC-Wunder - 3d Animation See you *Fuchur*
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 10 replies
Vr3QR5PC2lI Has anybody seen this? I wonder if this guy posts here.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 10 replies
I proposed this challenge in another topic, and decided to create a specific topic for it. Analyzing the views, how should be the 3d model? If you don't want to see the solved model then not scroll down Using toon render/lines only your model must looks like this.
Last reply by largento, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hi my name is David. My first post and first clip done in AM. It took about eight months. Its a Christian based animation so if that is not your thing please don't be offended. Sorry I took the link down. Video no longer on youtube.
Last reply by DavidDenzill,