Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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- 7 replies
Hello- I was attempting the tutorial on Newton Physics... the one where you have 3 cylinders that are supposed to tumble on themselves. Each cylinder is set to be a dynamic object and the ground is static. Pretty basic stuff, but I get this error message when I right click on one of the cylinders in Choreography: I am using V17a and after receiving the error message I copied the "explode.hxt" from the V16 Hxt folder into the v17 Hxy folder ,thinking that might help...(because there was no "explode.hxt" in the v17 folder). Didn't help... Has anyone had similar issues...or any sugges…
Last reply by Tom, -
Here are the 3 poses I have done for Robcat's courses I am involved in. Just thought I'd toss'em out here to the masses, maybe get a little feedback and see what you guys think. They are just simple poses. Sitting, Leaning against a wall, and standing on one foot. How close or far did I get from the mark of showing "character"?
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
- 48 replies
Using V15J on an Imac with OSX 10.68 I am having trouble with the alpha channel on renders. This is a Jpg conversion of the TGA file rendered with the Alpha on This is the same frame ( again converted to jpg ) rendered with the alpha off. I rendered some exr sequences at the weekend with light buffers turned on but they are now turned off and the setting are 'normal' I have rendered out sequences with alpha included before and not had this problem, can anyone kindly suggest what the problem might be and how to correct it ? regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 26 replies
I didn't want to work today... and as I was looking at some artwork by Shawn Dickinson I admired his skull designs and decided to reacquaint myself with A:M's great organic modeling tools. The texture is a matcap and the crack is a boolean, 'grunginess' is fastAO-GPU by Jenpy.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 42 replies
Hello, I tried to put a bump mapping with bake texture to work in 3dpainter. And I also tried using a projection, with the projection, it is correct. you can see that if I use the bake, bump mapping is not correct rendering. we see al the coat of the patch with bake texture. Bake is for me very great to work with complex texture. And if i use normal map the problem is greater
Last reply by ludo_si, -
- 2 replies
I'm really looking forward to this movie so thought I'd try to WIP together Ralph... from the upcoming Disney feature 'Wreck it Ralph". Disney's response to the other 'it's good to be a badguy' films from other companies. This is as far as I got before getting a little bored with him. I'm not pleased with the likeness but I like the eyes and may use them again. Edit: I was trying to be clever by making a reference to 'Runaway Ralph'... the famous children's storybook mouse. Before I was done typing I had confused myself! Wreck it Ralph is the Disney movie coming soon to theaters. There are at least two trailes for the movie currently in circ…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 18 replies
Just thought I would show it
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 26 replies
So here's my WIP so far. I'm using this scene to test the Latimer model I have. This is a very rough blocking and I'm simply looking at the timing of it now. I would have used the frame burn post effect but it doesn't seem to be working. Anyway I'm looking for feedback on initail poses and how I could make them stronger and better.
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 3 replies
I'm trying to get a car model in shape. Have been working around with the airplain example, and switched them into a Citroèn. Think I made some failure in the perspective, because it got some scratches. Made myself a bit difuse for keeping all part-names for decaling. Fun to do!
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 23 replies
I spent some time staring at the mirror... lol... its a good thing i can laugh at myself... because its hard to be taken serious when your mother finds you in your room drawing on your face with eyeliner... ... yeahhh... its to study the lines of my face mom.... seriously.... lol.. anyways... this is what i have so far this afternoon.... i'll post some wires soon...
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 7 replies
Hi! Just wanted to share a small simulation I did with these cubes. It is a cloth-simulation... even if it does not look that much like one See you *Fuchur* rendering_box.wmv
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 3 replies
I found a new hobby using a:m I seen this video on jewelry making thought I give it try think god I went to dental lab school for a I started working on the 3d model of the skull ring trying figure out where to put the ring part that goes around your finger I wont something different hmmmm thought about adding led lights in the eyes or something like that. here a few pics of skull ring so far.
Last reply by tbenefi33, -
- 6 replies
I have been working on getting the lighting correct for compositing Hash characters into photo backgrounds. This can be tricky sometimes because you have to take the entire scene into account in selecting the lighting. Please look at the attached image and see if the characters appear to be be part of the background image.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 37 replies
I'm playing with SSS in v17a and I'm having problems getting decent results. I didn't use SSS in A:M before (but I did use it in other 3D software). I found out that SSS doesn't work with "Global ambience colour". Can someone please confirm that? I would be very grateful if someone could send me a complete PRJ file with working SSS material that looks like skin or wax (of course model could be a simple ball or cube...). This would help me a lot! Maybe it would be good idea for one of the next contests, if the topic would be SSS materials. Now that A:M supports SSS materials, our community could use couple of good SSS materials. Thank you in advance! Duš…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 3 replies
Well here he is before fur is added. I wonder how well it'll turn out after using Hairbrush on 'em? Hairbrush
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 15 replies
A small project to train me a bit. I use fake matcap and fake ao and also skinshader. The wall is displacement mapping
Last reply by ludo_si, -
- 53 replies
Working on a Kel Tech 9mm for a 2d game working on.
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
It's been a looong time since I created anything remotely good in AM, even longer since I posted anything. So I decided to get back into it and create a new character. I've never been good at creating realistic people, so I am creating a cartoony style wizard. Here's the first WIP shot of the head:
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 4 replies
So I've been setting up my main character for Woke Up Dead. To test said phenomes I am using a sound bite from another website. (I can post the bit if you want as it's from a movie and they have no legal right to it.) Anyway I figured I would post my work here as I slowly progress to get a little feedback from the community. I could also use advice. For some reason if I try to render an avi film it tells me it's unable to write to the location (any location on my harddrive). If I do quicktime it crashes AM. I'm using AM v15. Any clues?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 19 replies
I'm still working on a stormy night but, thinking through ideas for the next one. So... I seem to remember that a few years ago there was an option to render as a negative of the standard render ? Is that still available and, if so, is it possible to combine it with a black and White/greyscale render ? I'm presently working in 15J on OSX 10:68, although hope to move up to V17 in a few weeks time. regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
Hiya Ive been using the new tools and using a prop to make a face .It works very well.I have a problem nose though that I just cant seem to get around .I know there is a lot to many splines especially in the neck ares .Any advice would be very welcomecheers Steve
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 33 replies
I have moved to the next stage of development of my Warhawk - making it turn. But I just can't seem to keep it from sliding or looking awkward. I sure could use some help. LowerhalfWarhawk.prj Thanks.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 10 replies
I could use some help with setting up a simple rolling action. Up to and including v13 I could set keyframes by typing in a frame number, then rolling a bone to the desired position and upon release I got a keyframe. Now In v16b I can only get a frame if I hit the key button but the "keyed" roll value is always zero regardless of the bone's displayed Z rotation value. Referring to the attached screen grab; as I roll the bone the entire horizontal green timeline moves up and down as a solid line while the vertical scale stretches with it. I can only get a non-zero roll value at a key frame by manually moving the cp on the timeline. I'm assuming that there is another …
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 1 follower
- 37 replies
Hey all, I've been tinkering with this model for a few days and got some good mechanical pieces done. I've hidden all the modeled machined areas and am in the process of animating the machining steps to make the real thing. So, just for fun, here is the first step. Drilling a 3/8" hole in the end of some acrylic. I have to make the material semi-transparent with some translucency to duplicate clear acrylic yet, but you get the idea. The yellow area at the tip of the bit is the particle emitter for the chips and is animating the emission rate. Also, the chips are just square sprites. This was rendered with six Netrender nodes on my design machine in a p…
Last reply by MMZ_TimeLord, -
For anyone joining... Javier has agreed to assist with the transformation of of one of my (2D) characters to 3D. Thanks too much, Javier! I have agreed to donate the model to the A:M community and (also) donate to the Hash Fellows a sum of money toward plugin creation once the model is complete. We are posting progress here so that all may learn from the experience. I cannot speak for Javier, who most likely is doing the hard work here... but comments are welcome along the way... This is one of the pictures I created approximately 10 years ago. One other version of this same picture may exist that I colored but I don't have any leads on what box it …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 5 replies
Been workin on this for a few days
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 14 replies
Hello- In the properties panel you can turn on "Glow" for a group. It seems you can either turn "Glow" "ON" or "OFF". I tried searching the database but couldn't find an answer to the question, "What if you want a "Glow" to grow,... over time?...from nothing to a bright glow... Is there a way to do this without making two different with the glow "ON" and one with the glow "OFF" ...and then just cross dissolve the renders in another program like AfterFX? Thanks for any insights Tom
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 1 follower
- 28 replies
While working on the prototype for a game project I was starting up, I created some models of various props and such. I was working in Blender, and so they're all polygonal models. But that's fine. I've decided I'm going to recreate a couple in-particular in Blender. It's a good "1-to-1" comparison and, I think, will help me with learning how to handle splines better, etc. They're a small and medium sized market stand which were going to be used for a market place area of the starting town in my prototype. The medium stand isn't finished as of this screenshot, and actually needed some optimization to be really game ready (3661 faces for just a single, sta…
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 9 replies
I wasn't sure if this belonged in "Work In Progress" or this section. Since I'm not actually physically working on anything in A:M at this point, I figured this was the better option. If I'm wrong and it belongs in the "Work In Progress" section, by all means kick it over there . So, after reading through the posts in that last thread, I decided that while I wait for my "juices" and inspiration to fully get flowing again in terms of learning in earnest with A:M, that I would start doing some planning for what will be my first full animation with it. I am by no means jumping straight into that project. I'm just doing all the early work that doesn't require any modelin…
Last reply by MikeV, -
- 11 replies
I am going to be making a CG trailer for my company The Backyard Games first released game Office Bowling. As of right now it is playable on Facebook and it will soon becoming to iOS and Android phones and tablets. It is being made with Unity 3d. All animations done in Animation Master. Modelling with Animation Master and 3ds Max and UV Mapped with 3ds Max. Every visual aspect of the game was done by me. Except, which seems very major, is the main character model and his main 4 skins that come with the game. I came onto the project after he had chosen to use this character. However, I did do all of the animations and rigged the character myself in Animation Master. And th…
Last reply by totlover, -
- 42 replies
I've needed to put a new roof on this house for years I need to rip off the old roof first and I need to be able to cover the house while I do that. The largest tarp Home Depot sells is not large enough to cover the whole roof at once so I'm using A:M and Simcloth to test out various placements and to see where likely places to tie it down will be. this is a somewhat accurate, full size approximation of my roof and a 60' x 40' tarp:
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
Working or should I say goofing with the hair system and trying to come up with decent settings for a Man in a Gilly Suit ....on this attempt, the model is an altered version of the mannequin model found on the forum or is that one of the extra CD/DVD ? then I applied a camo material to most of his body. and to attempt to control the density of the hair I applied 2 decals, black on the front and white on the back ...... I don't like the way it looks yet ......attempting an animation at the moment to see how it reacts with motion....I think it may be a little limp, not enough stiffness....... Mike Cossey
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Last year one of my benefactors got me Disney teacher Don Graham's "Composing Pictures", a very deep look at what makes images work. On of the techniques he talks about is "passage" where a band of color or value will cross what would normally be a shape boundary. One example he gave was this classic Chinese painting "Clear Weather in the Valley". you can see the sky color descends down through the whole picture even crossing over the sides of mountains. Here, it's like a low-lying fog. My other contest entry was an attempt to do something a bit like that with A:M. I made a set of flat planes for mountain tops and angled a volumetric effect to obscu…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
What is your recipe for chrome? I did this with matcap(ambiance) + hash environment + reflectivity + FastAOCPU and it came out pretty nice.
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 1 reply
after rigging my model, i try to animate it in the chor, but i disclovered something strange, when i rotate the bones of the arms, the slines of the shoes and eye brow gets distorted, what could be the problem and solution.
Last reply by petokosun, -
- 4 replies
This is my first effort at using the 2008 rig for animating. I'm not sure how I feel about the rig yet yet, there are so many controls and variables. I haven't done any lip synch or facial expressions yet so there is no sound. I will post that with the next one. Any feedback welcome regards
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
After a long dry spell, I have finally gotten back to A:M'ing. Not sure where this is going. Lothario & Nummi meet the Great Louisa Ruzzlelini (Roozle to her friends)
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 2 replies
help please cristof1.mdl martin1.mdl
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
Very cool this with their WebGL-Player which Robert uses for some stuff. Have a look at this I tried it with my new character I am currently working on: Gremlin Wizard Exported with the OBJ-plugin with Subdivision-Level "Variable". You will need Chrome or a new version of FireFox to see it. See you *Fuchur*
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 20 replies
I found the face to this model while cleaning up my e-mail. I used the low patch body that serq2 provided to the forum and the hands and arms of the witch model from t.w.o. I also used some teeth off of a model from the cd (Ms Goodbody?). I dont remember where I got the ear from. Pretty much a lot of different body parts stitched together. Used quite a bit of porcelain as a result
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 23 replies
Sorry all but its me again with more questions. The model I'm working with at the moment has a few short chains of bones in the hair and breasts with Dynamic Constraints to give it some "free" secondary motion as she moves. This motion is determined by A:M based on how fast the model moves in real time. Faster, more motion, slower less. Just like in the real world. To capture this motion for NetRender to use, a scene needs to have the Dynamics baked first. However when baking, A:M plays through the scene, making keyframes for the Dynamics as it goes, much slower than in realtime. And it is at this slower speed that A:M now calculates the amount of motion on an…
Last reply by markw, -
- 6 replies
More from my 'mindless trash' department... stuff I whittle away at while doing mundane corporate stuff to keep me from going over the edge... This is a WIP... still fiddling with SSS and you can see I get the black 'glitchies' now and then- don't know what that is. Several renders pop-on and off on this as I whittle away and weeks turn into months. OH- and here's a fun GIF with the same 'party girl' character, made with the same BVH action as I have on the girl in my avatar... a drunk walk:
Last reply by serg2, -
- 16 replies
Gonna use this as a dual thread of sorts. First of all I'm modeling that constitution refit that I had troubles with in the prop import thread. Second of all, I'm doing it in V17 and seeing how it runs. So first up, some pics and a quick benchmark! So here it is in V16 AO: 30% Global Ambience: 80% Occlusion: 95% Multi-Pass 16x 720p Render Time: 7:37 V17 Beta 5: AO: 30% Global Ambience: 80% Occlusion: 95% Multi-Pass 16x 720p Render Time: 6:09 Now you may see it there, there's noise over the saucer in the V17 one and it's the color of the background. This is apparent in both quick render and render to file and more apparent i…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
by robcat2075- 1 follower
- 40 replies
will need some teeth...
Last reply by Maniac, -
- 21 replies
Hi guys, I am currently working on a raven-model. What do you think? See you *Fuchur* turn_1.wmv
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 26 replies
I can no longer render!!!!!!!!!!! when I attempt to render I get this once this lovely screen appears all buttons lockup and I gotta shut down AM! Why????????????? Where is my normal render options???????????????????????? I already reset AM trying to fix it
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 29 replies
I had a problem yesterday when I indadvertedly moved some bones in the rig. So today I was reinstalling the rig and working away steadily when suddenly the mesh and the rig disappeared in the model window. I reverted but the problem was still there ( or not as it were ). If I do a quick render the model appears to be there but if I try to edit the mesh or the rig nothing is visible in the appropriate window. ??? This applies in an action window as well as a model window. Can anyone please tell me what might have happened so I can avoid doing it again and get on with the rest of the work ? regards simon IMac, V15J,OSX 10.68…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 9 replies
I want to set up a walk test were several copies of the same model walk around a path but using different cycles. Is this possible ? Also I followed the tutorial in TAOAM but am still getting skating is there a common cause for that? regards simopn
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
Last summer I wanted to make a couple of short live-action videos of the Hulk. I started, but because of school in the fall, my project was halted! Now that I finished my first year of college i'm ready to start the project up again. Here's what I've done so far. Modeled a Hulk: Okay, I didn't really model it. I saw the one that came with my AM v11.1 and I knew I could mess with a little. All I did was a little smartskin tooling around, added hair, and gave him a little more texture. Is it the best Hulk ever? No, but it'll suffice for my thirst to entertain myself this summer before boot camp. If anyone can help me out with the model, please do. I'm still an ama…
Last reply by Gaduunka, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
This is straight off the A:M screen, no further compositing done. I'm impressed. Here's the set up, just the dinosaur and shadow catcher and rotoscopes on the camera, and then 4 hours fiddling with settings.
Last reply by thejobe,