Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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- 3 replies
variations of cloth setting on a simple pant leg
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 28 replies
The previous contest medal was insect-themed.... ... so we'll need a new one for "Summer Memories". Here is the starting point of what it might look like. Thom surfing a wave out of a monitor....
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 3 replies
An old mouth pose test from 2009... SmileTest.mp4
Last reply by aen916, -
- 4 replies
I'm not sure I ever showed this before. This is test of cigarette smoke done with streak particles. You'll probably have to full screen it to see the smoke clearly.
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 2 replies
Test of Bullet friction. The three tablets are all the same, but the planes they slide on have different friction settings. The friction is in the object's "Bullet Static Object" properties. Bullet seems to be better at stopping than Newton was. on the Chor in the PWS and choose Simulate Bullet to try it yourself. SlabSlide07 unsimmed.prj
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 26 replies
It's been sitting there for a year now but I've never tried Bullet Soft Body Dynamics. It works very well! Here is the PRJ if you want to try. RubberDonuts05 unsimmed.prj in the Chor and Choose simulate Bullet DonutDropAO1500.mp4
Last reply by ruscular, -
- 1 reply
Update of flame simulation i did long ago, but I can't find the old long ago thread!
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 27 replies
Started a project to test a working process. The narrative premise is a bit corny but, it was the working process I wanted to find out about.The basic idea is that the ingredients of a cake mix, indulge in a dance off before jumping in the bowl ready for mixing. What I wanted to do was to animate and render it in AM, but then work over the top in TVpaint so it looked hand drawn, in a cg setting, so as to get a mix of visual styles in the same piece of work. I've encountered some problems along the way but will cover them later. This was the first test, hand drawn, no references. decided it changed volume too much so needed to use AM to avoid that, Line Test 001.m…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 2 replies
I'm making a project that involves a solid-spoked wheel, much like many car wheels are today without hub caps. To cut down on the modeling I used some lathing and duplicate techniques. I based my lathe outline on a rotoscope diagram. I used two CPs at every corner to make a sharpish but still-beveled edge... This wheel has 8 spokes (with 8 holes in between) and a bump on each spoke. The easiest way to model a round bump or hole is to stitch it in on splines between two other splines. That means a minimum of four splines across for each instance of a hole and a spoke with a bump... To support 8 holes/spokes, i need to do a 32 cross sect…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
Experiment using cloth as gravel particles... GravelDrop1K.mp4
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 1 follower
- 28 replies
Kind of doing a version of Pipe Dreams but using archery. I'm kind of making it up as I go. Will the bow(s) be wood or metal? We'll see as the months go on. I have started school again Most of my time is being taken up with work, school, and Uber, so I am not sure how much time I am going to be able to devote to this. Attached is the beginnings of a bow. Next comes bones and movement.
Last reply by thumperness, -
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- 11 replies
So I am starting on a project and basing both character off some cartoon rotos I found on the interwebs. I don't know if they're from the same cartoon or not, I don't really care, haha. I just want them to look cool together. I am making each mesh from scratch, except for the hands which I took from my J.D. character. I might take more things from other models of mine, but I'm trying to remember how to do all this stuff - so making it again is the best way I'm thinking. Here's what I got so far of the Batman. Just the base body. Still have to add all the detail and fix stuff as I go along. I should also mention that this is just a screen grab. Thanks fo…
Last reply by aen916, -
- 1 follower
- 54 replies
I'll post my WIPs here An experiment with making a less flattish tree bark with A:M materials...
Last reply by robcat2075, -
X-23 (new)
by Zaryin- 11 replies
To get my feet wet after being gone for awhile I decided to re-proportion an old model of mine. Old Thread: I think the new proportions look pretty good. However, I am having this weird issue with the hair shadow on the back wall. Anyone know what thats about? Thanks for looking. P.S.: I am posting this here because Im pretty sure Im going to finish this model now. P.P.S.: I am posting a png because I am using Krita now. It doesnt seem to do jpegs without severe blurring. I miss Photoshop
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 9 replies
This is probably going to be too detailed for some but I'm trying to avoid the forgotten feature syndrome. I find that when I get comfortable with a new (to me) feature I tend to move on to the next thing with no documentation. When I want to re-use that feature sometime in the future (a month? a year?) I have to re-learn it all over again (I'm looking at you Stride Length). So this thread is mostly a tutorial for my future self. There's a zipped file at the end that some may find useful. In v19 Steffen added the ability to add a series of images to sprites so this seemed like an ideal time for my steam locomotive actually steam. The following image encapsulates every…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 37 replies
This is my second attempt at doing one of these types of animations. The first one got so corrupted I gave up. In this one, there will be 4 scenes: 1) Eddie rides horse in a open elevated / mountain area. see horse5a for a very rough preliminary animation. 2) Eddie rides horse descending into a narrow rocky trail where he should slow down. 3) Of course, he will not slow down and shoots off the trail which triggers a cartoon-type response by the horse to get back on the trail and avoid disaster. see horse6 for a very rough preliminary animation. 4) A final humorous scene, where the angry horse bucks Eddie off his back and kicks sand in his…
Last reply by RS3D, -
- 43 replies
Meet AManda! Jirard had posted a model, and I saw great potential in it and built upon it... and thought it would be a great idea to use as a community building/learning project- see where it goes! I learned a lot by looking at Jirard's wonderful minimal splineage, and my model- if studied, will teach some of my tricks and 'bad habits'... Now, Jirard was going to take it and add teeth and... whatever from there. For now- it is just a female head. I added minimal bones and some poses. Feel free to DL this model or project and add to it... we'll figure-out a way to combine progress as we go. Show us YOUR tricks!
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 8 replies
I'm working on a continuous 2 min. "shot from a drone" clip of my locomotive traveling for 1 mi.(1.6 km) to check for smoke and steam dynamics/densities and various lo-res cheats on the stone ballast that embeds the railroad tracks. It begins as a long shot, moving to a close-up and ending as a "running along beside" medium shot. The surrounding countryside is made up of twenty-one instances of the same one tenth of a square mile mesh arrayed along either side of the track. To add variety to each landscape instance I plan on applying a different pose to each one. The left ten instances shown already have some poses applied. While I was styling another pose, mostly usin…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Here's a toon test from waaaayyyy back in 2004 (click to animate) I tried to copy this walk cycle from an old Walter Foster animation book.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 7 replies
(may need to click to animate)
Last reply by Vong, -
- 7 replies
Here's something I've been wondering about for 20 years... Could i use A:M to scan a complex model to make a displacement map to put on a simple model and give it the shape of the complex model? In this test case I used a surface constraint to measure the difference in radius between the left shape and the right one. With some text editing and spreadsheet jiggling I made a bitmap out of that data and applied that to the simple shape on the right. The "scan" was very lo res, just 30 pixels around the perimeter, and it has a glitch in it, but the basic concept worked. If I could streamline and automate the workflow a bit, the scans could be very high res and work in al…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Tore, -
- 7 replies
Rolling flat tire effect made by rotating a projection map on a tire. The tire itself doesn't need to rotate. Flat Tire! on YouTube
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 9 replies
I decided it was time to get someone to drive my various vehicles. This guy will perform two roles. The first will be to drive around the pickup truck . With a change of hats, an added mustache and a pair of goggles he's ready to be a locomotive engineer. My thanks to Mechadelphia for the Saucy Rig. The skin and cloth textures were chosen to make a reasonable impression at a distance, so they tend to break down upon close inspection. The stretching in the coverall decals comes from only flattening and applying a front and rear decal. I suspect I'd get less warping if I had gone for left front, right front, left rea…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Before I put in a bug report, I wanted to check to see if others are having issues with hair and ao and version 19. Any hair settings I make to the hair results in a carpet like tender when AO is used.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 8 replies
Hey Everyone!!!! I finally completed and published my latest "Lego" themed Animated Film on my Youtube channel. As many of you know, I have been working on these for some time now. The First 3 Days are very important as to how it is received by the public. If you get a chance, it would really help me out to get a view or two. I appreciate all of my A:M friends and their support. All animation and effects done in A:M and After Effects!!! I did use a few elements from Lumion, but only a small bit. Here is the Link: x Very Warm Thanks, Kevin
Last reply by ruscular, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I have been having issues with v 19, I think for about two months. In fact I participated in the image contest and could not finish the image in v19. I had to complete the image in v 18. I have created 4 new character models in the last month and half and each time as the patch count rises, v19 slows to a crawl or not responsive or finally crashes. I thought I had a setting incorrect or corrupt texture, material, map or something causing the issue in the models. I have cleared all materials maps and settings in the model but this did not help. Here are the computer specs I7 5930 Intel 6 core processor, ssd drives, with 32 gig of ddr4 ram, nvidia 960 with the …
Last reply by Shelton, -
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- 2 replies
I was reading an article about joints and bending of the mesh. Here is what I came up with a knee. It still needs to be tweaked. KneeBend.mp4
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 17 replies
I'll be posting some images, files and explanations about my 2017 SUMMER Image Contest entry here. I am sorta working backwards, seeing that my entry is already submitted. I worked on it for about 8 hours, 4 on 1 day and another 4 the next. It all began with a simple sketch that I was able to get excited about:
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 225 replies
Initial Test of staging for new project. Intention is to use 'House of cards' buildings with hand drawn animated characters living there. Not sure yet if the interiors will be 3Dcg and exteriors hand drawn, all up in the air. SimonHF
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I have been working today and have had a great deal of rendering crashes. It seems to deal with hair, and cookie cutter decals and version 19. It renders in 18 but in 19 as soon as I hit render AM crashes. I have pulled elements out of my project to see where the problem comes from, but now 19 will not even load the project without crashing. It has been a rough night.
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 4 replies
Hey all. I wanted you to have a look at some of the work of a really good artist. He's done quite a number of characters and comics over the years. Some of his art can be seen here: I'm currently rigging one character of his, known as the Fanboy. These guys usually show up in numbers and cause mayhem wherever they go. Here's his original model sheet and a rendering of the model I made. I believe he does commission work but I'm not certain if he is doing so at the moment. Feel free to drop him a line. He's usually quick to respond.
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 9 replies
Over on the trombone forum someone was lamenting that you can't have a slide trombone with a conical bore from one end to the other.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
I've attached the free Arny Head model to the body of the Hulk model. Watch and be amazed as Arny does his intense work out! It's a clip for a Super Mega Fox episode I'm working on. Produce22.wmv
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I'm still trying to improve's my first attempt at a walk cycle. I used bits and pieces of this video as reference: Any critiques would be appreciated. Ham_05_20_2017_walk_test2.mp4 Ham_side_cycle_05_21_2017.mp4 Ham_front_cycle_05_21_2017.mp4
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 28 replies
Three talented winners of the Insect Image Contest will be awarded a medal for their achievement. That means there needs to be a medal! Currently the plan is to 3D print the prototype, create a mold and cast it in actual metal of some sort. First draft of a design for the Award Medal. Additional suggestions welcome, of course
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I started this at the end of my recent thread in "Showcase" but decided to move it into this WIP section instead. I'm working on several new videos for my channel and this is one that is about to begin. I've been wrestling with whether to produce this one first or to begin on one of two other short spoofs. Anyway....this is a Star Wars Themed spoof starring my character Larry. Several drawbacks come to the front in making this though. Here's a sample image of my work so far:
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I have been working on a small animation. I am rendering the animation in version 19 netrender. Netrender worked very well in the process but I ran across OpenMP. I saw this setting in the options as well. I selected the setting during the rendering and it after rendering without. The first rendering took about 21 minutes. The second with OPen MP selected took 19:42. Is this setting active and taking advantage of the hardware or is getting ready for the future? Also I notice the dialog box for GPU rendering can be selected. Is this just a place holder as well? Steve
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 21 replies
here is my never ending FW-190 lets see yours
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
I'm thinking of making stool out of plywood that I can sit on when i practice on my porch. Regular chairs are too short and typically have a rear-ward slant that is uncomfortable. It needs to be something cheap I can leave out there and not worry that it might disappear. I also want it to be adjustable. I'm testing out ideas in A:M with simple shapes. I gave each piece a bone so i can rearrange them in Action 1 to see if I might be able to cut them all from one 2' x 4' piece of plywood. Action 2 is a test of the geometry of a ratchet mechanism for the adjustable seat. Much revision remains to be done, however
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 1 reply
here is my rough model
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 4 replies
Just thought I would play Around see where this would take me this is all brought in with AI wizard I just moved Fenders out still working on new layout This is what I got out of my first test Test Model A 1.mdl
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 4 replies
Made this with AI wizzard still working on it made this test render last night. Here is the AI Files. I made several files so you have a bit of play with bevels . Each file you bring in with AI Wizard name the group in A.M so you can move in place FW/BW A few parts need to be made and a few need rotateing and put in place/Thickness change as well, I used some Primitives as well Here is reference picture I used I Think I made A,M Puzzle LOL Anybody can make this Guitar this is your Base Reference Have fun Guitar look.mp4 Guitar ai
Last reply by serg2, -
- 41 replies
It seems appropriate that a new year brings a new model. This one is a PCC (President's Conference Committee) street car from the middle of the last century. The design was the final attempt by all stakeholders in the street car industry to sell a fast, quiet, state-of-the-art vehicle to cities with street cars and withstand the spread of diesel buses. And we all know how that turned out. Once it has an interior, its going to be painted in a scheme similar to the Toronto Transit Commission which had the largest PCC fleet in the world and kept running some "Red Rockets" into the 90's.
Last reply by Maniac, -
- 0 replies
I've posted two pay per download episodes over the past year and they have been well received. I suppose that's why I'm working on a part three. They can be found at They are reliable and take a small percentage of sales compared to other sites I've used.
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 26 replies
I have been working on this out of my head .I was going to sketch out pose of front,side top but thought to myself I no what I want so go at it see what happens. this is what I have so far.I have a few questions.First is the patch splines all right for rigging. The hands is there way to many splines/patches to rig .I really do not no what I am doing with this . Third stab at this Type modeling.I Have done mostly mechanical modeling. Thank you for the help in advance
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 8 replies
i was watching the UFC and tought about making A MMA Octagon. was looking for how to make chain link fence i could not find any thing.Is this possible. this is what i have got done
Last reply by Maniac, -
- 7 replies
So I've got a good start here on an old-school Christmas light. Not sure if I should add a point source light to it in addition to the glow material.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 74 replies
Thought it was a good idea to test the models before starting on the bigger project. It was a very good idea as it has proved to be a very bad model !!! The pajama's need redoing, as does the rest of the figure really. The idea was to set up the choreography of the dance, then use it to test the model when its redone ( hope that makes sense . Have been plugging away at it for about two weeks and this was the result so far. I now think the beginning needs to be speeded up... Any critical feedback very welcome. simon Take
Last reply by Simon Edmondson,