Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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In my new character i am trying to add a ceramic materials to it. Would any one be helpful to tell me how to create ceramic materiala thanks
Last reply by Eric Camden, -
- 2 replies
Hello - 2-3 weeks back I posted a pic I had a caricature artist draw at Universal Studios because I wanted to see how well it would work as a rotoscope for a character... using it worked out pretty good. This isn't really a "work in progress" but I would love some crits. I have created one other "human" as one of my early models and she didn't come out real great - her lip movement for talking was way off too, so I kind of set her way back in the animation, so you couldn't really tell - I need more "human" modeling practice which seems to be the hardest for me, so this is the new version of her. The lip syn…
Last reply by flashawd, -
- 1 follower
- 35 replies
Hey everyone. I've been reading this forum for a while, and asked a question here and there. I would love to answer some too, but usually I just don't know the answers to people's questions. Hopefully that will change over time, but I'm still a novice, for sure. I thought I could be somewhat useful though by sharing my project in the WIP section and describing my process a little bit. If this post gets any kind of response, I may continue to post updates or answer questions or more likely ask questions on how to overcome my latest technical problem as I continue working on this short. I've been working on my first animated short film on and off for several months. I …
Last reply by edlundart, -
- 3 replies
This is an older model I done and tried the squash rig but never did get the face controls to switch on allthough the rest is ok I think sal3.mpg
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 8 replies
these are my new wip. no colors yet
Last reply by petokosun, -
- 16 replies
I made him and added bones and I think he looks amazing.
Last reply by animation man hi, -
- 26 replies
Hi - I have a Dentist client that wants a 3D animated illustration of the teeth being grinded down a bit and Veneers being placed on... should be a fun project. I got the mouth and teeth modeled. Need to get some advice on how to show particles of teeth grinding off w/ the drill. I'll post in the Newbies. Thanks, Eric
Last reply by flashawd, -
- 34 replies
Here is my WIP. I have decided to model her face only and have planned to UVmap for her texture. The only bad part is that I only have her front view image not the side view. Just would like to try my best. CHEERS!
Last reply by StormedFX, -
- 30 replies
Here's another start of a landscape project I decided to work on.
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
- 1 follower
- 29 replies
Mewtwo! Me and Ian are hoping to make all 150 pokemon. I wanted to be a rebel so i started with mewtwo. Anyone game for helping us out? please don't say you want to do voltorb... hahah...
Last reply by d34th5t4r, -
- 3 replies
I've noticed that when two volumetric klieg cones overlap, it produces a harsh dark gray field. Is there any way to overcome this? I was looking for something that would turn off the additive property, but there isn't one for volumetrics.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 20 replies
hello hashers, yesterday i started a new big project, i´ll need your help here the next few weeks, technical and motivational i guess here´s the thing: a friend of mine wich is a music producer came to me with a veeeery cheesy and catchy song and asked if i could make a 3d-video for that so we can sell it to a big provider for mobile-phone ringtones here in germany... at this moment the no. one hit there is a music video with a little rabbit and his carrot: ... this thing even did it to the top10 here... unbelievable... so we thought, hey, why not try this by ourselves. i already talked to the provider, the condition…
Last reply by thefreshestever, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
help me Thank you very much
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 20 replies
Just an animating exercise with some of the Hash resources. All done in a chor. action, and not finished yet although, any crits. welcome. I'm still trying to get a handle on this key-framing business. Barry Zundels CD was very inspirational for me and helped break the ice with animating in A:M. Showing His method of positioning the character at key positions first, using just the model bone, and then filling in the motion "in between" using the bones later, made it a lot easier.
Last reply by GAngus, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Just can't get the decals right yet
Last reply by steve392, -
- 41 replies
I got a quick gig modeling a statue of Athena. Yippee! The head and helmet is almost done, just have to add more hair and a few details. Then on to the rest of the body. I've spent three days on it so far. I'm going to try to finish this by next Sunday. Wish me luck.
Last reply by Jeetman, -
- 3 replies
Hey... This probably has been addressed before but i cant get a good looking marble with swirls and veins characteristic with good marble, mainly the blueish pink hue. Thanks for the help.
Last reply by StormedFX, -
- 14 replies
Here's a small piece I just completed for my day job, a schematic model of a plug-in room deodorizer. Started last Thursday and finished it today. Not technically a WIP since it's finished but I thought you'd like to see it.
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 0 replies
Once again i started to do some modelling on demand. That figure will be tha base for some 3D Prints. The heads are variable and added later. Hope you like it. Cheers Heiner
Last reply by Heiner, -
- 9 replies
I've decided to model a demon and put it in a scene for the image contest(Sci-Fi). I figured it would be in the fantasy category. Here is what I have so far. Criticism is welcome. If I am going to place in this contest I will need all the help I can get.
Last reply by KenH, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
When I go to the stills galleries, I don't have the option to upload anymore? Is it just me?
Last reply by Eric Camden, -
- 10 replies
Hello - I created another character for my site - basically for modeling and animating practice. Also, wanted to play around w/ using a decal to control the "hair" color. Anyway, how it turned into a boxing Meerkat, I'm not sure, but it did. He is the 3rd character over from the left on the bottom row. Thanks - Eric
Last reply by flashawd, -
- 2 replies
This is a character i made when I was about 13. I never got to make him in 3d until now. I will keep tweaking him as well as adding some actions for him. Ill post as I get time to work on him.
Last reply by DarkLimit, -
- 21 replies
A bit bored this morning went onto google images and got inspired to make a pic after seeing a couple of Ansel Adams. Here it is: Took about 5min to render with 4passes at 1200x1800. The dirt is a Darktree The road is a off (Texture wise and Model wise). Used AM Hair for cactus spikes and tumble weeds. PLEASE CRITIQUE! I want to make it better if I can. Tips on the road would greatly help! Thanks -Photoman
Last reply by photoman, -
- 3 replies
I am trying to model a rose, but I figured I would ask to see if anyone else has modeled one I can use. I am making the "Magical Rose" from Beauty and the Beast, but I am making it wilt (as it's in it's final days). Anyone got anything I can use?
Last reply by LordPython, -
- 4 replies
I've decided to model an electric fan for practice. I'll try to make it look realistic.
Last reply by adam&oliver, -
- 13 replies
I've got a rough WIP for the July 2008 11 Second Club animation contest. I thought that I'd play w/ getting lip synch in Animation Master and submit a Work In Progress. I got two quick responses. I just grabbed what was convenient, Shaggy, and simple enough for me to animate in two days. Any other of the models or rigs that would work better here? I'm just getting started w/ designing and creating the sequence, so the simpler the better. Here is the youtube link: thanks, Tim R
Last reply by number, -
- 13 replies
Im Looking to Buy One soon and I need to also know if it can be used in AM! Im Working on something pretty Serious and any Help would be More then Welcomed!
Last reply by Nuba X, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
i made a scene, and i put a walk cycle in the action, my question is: how can i position my pose so that my character walk after a certain amount of time? thanks
Last reply by MasterFunk, -
- 0 replies
latest job i worked on still not quite finished needs a few touch ups
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 4 replies
Will Animation Master have a booth in SIGGRAPH 2008?
Last reply by thekamps, -
- 2 replies
Well I have always liked airplanes. Military planes by far being my favorite. And growing up with my dad telling me stories about the F4 phantoms from Vietnam, I knew one day I would build one. Anyway here is an early screen shot of the model. I have about 3 hours into the project and I'm starting to see potential. Hope you guys enjoy.
Last reply by case, -
- 8 replies
Here's a screen shot of the current project I'm working on. I'm probably at 75%. All models were done by me (the torch is a TWO model I needed for a placeholder )and my buddy Spear has done all the textures on the character. C&C welcome. Updated...New camera angle
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Here is my attempt at a landspeeder. I had a really difficult time modeling. I still was not able to make it w/o creasing. I did not (and still do not) know how to make the cockpit area without having major creases. For this model it is fine because it is only going to be seen at a distance and for only a short time. I am still learning how to model without creases...I guess it comes with practice....And the usual any comments would be welcome on the model. :-)
Last reply by Nuba X, -
- 9 replies
Well this morning I was messing around in the garage trying to fix my dad's grill. And right after I fixed it I thought you know I havnt modeled anything in a I decided I would model my dads drill! So far its gone smothly which is bound to change very soon! And I decided I would show yall the progress so far. Well so far for me my work on it has been off and on all day. This is it so far... This is the wireframe from a different angle. The post is supposed to be called CORDLESS DRILL Sorry
Last reply by case, -
- 1 follower
- 92 replies
Hi everybody, I'm a big fan of the rock band Rush and cannot resist using the boys as models with which to improve my skills. Attached is my latest effort to render (from left to right) Neil, Al, and Ged. Comments and criticism are appreciated. Feel free to rofl; I gotta toughen up my ego anyway.
Last reply by case, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello Everyone, I've been working on a model of a small boy as you can see Here And I came up with a little story to put with him. I hope you like it. Crits are very welcome. Sequence 1 A middle aged man, slightly balding incessantly snores in his lazy boy recliner. In the corner a TV flashes illuminating the entire room. Then from behind the dad, a young sly boy cracks open the door just enough to show his face. A smirk appears on the boy's face when he sees that his dad is fast asleep. The boy slowly creeps along then pauses at his dad's recliner. He hesitantly taps his dad on the shoulder, and to his surprise the man makes an abrupt snore cau…
Last reply by Caroline, -
- 5 replies
This has been on the shelf for a while, so I thought I'd dust it off and work on some improvements. Might incorporate it in an entry for the September image contest. So far this design is far too mechanical. I want to modify it quite a bit to give it a more "organic"--and menacing--look. Any suggestions will be quite welcome. The really interesting challange will be to rig it for animation. Any suggestions for that will also be quite welcome. It is basically a "boneless" anatomy according to the novel, so it will probably look best if it can move much like a squid's tentacles or an elephant's trunk. Really looking forward to Guillermo Del Toro's version of…
Last reply by williamgaylord, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hi all, I'm trying to build bender. I have the body done, but I'm having trouble cutting out the mouth, everything bends around the curve of the mouth. Any suggestions would be of great!
Last reply by bighop, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
First here is the error im getting. This is the settings dialog for the cloth. Heres the settings for the chor.
Last reply by noober, -
- 5 replies
Here's a start on a face for a small boy. Tips on how to get rid of all the lumps and bumps are.
Last reply by adam&oliver, -
- 36 replies
Last year I modeled a toy boat, the Santa Maria. Ever since then I had the itch to create a fairly realistic Pirate Galleon. It's almost finished, but I thought I'd share before heavy texturing starts. This project is for my portfolio. Thanks for looking... Eric
Last reply by nino banano, -
- 6 replies
I haven't posted in a long while, ever since I returned to college to get my Masters (done) and Doctorate in Music Composition. Also I haven't animated in a couple years, but this summer I got the A:M subscription and decided to make a five-movement work for animation and electronic music. I thought I would post the YouTube links here so you all could check it out. I learned a lot I didn't know about A:M in the process, and actually had to rerender an entire movement after finding a better way to do something. Anyway, without further adieu, here they are: I "Purple": II "Industry": III "Red": IV "Interlude": V "Blue":
Last reply by jesshmusic, -
- 3 replies
What is the best way to approach the decaling of a coiled rope? Up to this point I have only needed to decal rope a couple of time and then only one length at a time. Now that I am modeling the Spanish Galleon: , I have a ton of rope to decal. I used to take the rope model, create a pose, and then straighten the rope in the pose to apply the cylindrical rope decal. This works great for one or two pieces of rope, but now I have so many pieces and coiled rope to boot. I wonder if you could decal a staright piece of rope first and then coil it? Maybe in an action or something?
Last reply by Gerry, -
Heres where I'm at now. I hope to get on surfacing by Tuesday. I still need to build the bathroom first though...
Last reply by Eric2575, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
hi all can any one tell me how to make a grass field that is is i need the properties specification. thz
Last reply by Caroline, -
- 10 replies
Thank you to all who voted for my image. I'm happy for the win with such stiff competition. This one was a lot of fun to make and was actually based on an old abandoned market I had seen in the Arizona desert. Below you can see the pic of the original mart and a wireframe of my model. Crits, comments, and questions are always welcome.
Last reply by Eric2575, -
- 4 replies
hello, its me again. not sure how many people remember a thread i started a while ago about a movie i wanted to make called metal invasion. well the movie is still canceled, but i didn't want to completely give it up, so i continued making models for it in hopes of one day i finally get to make the movie. anyway, i mention that i was having trouble coming up for a design for the combat droid. now i finally have a design and I'm nearly complete with it. I'm going off of a design my friend made i have the upper body, lower body and hands completed. comments/crit are welcome.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 5 replies
OK, simple Chor question. Could use some help please. Here's the setup... 1. Drag-Drop model into Chor. 2. Drag-Drop Action onto model. 3. Play the Chor and model performs action nicely. 4. Drag-Drop another Action (same action, whatever, a different action would be fun too.) 5. Play the Chor . Now the action gets performed 2 times. However, the second action pops back to the starting point of where the first action started and what I want to happen is, have the second action start from where the first action ended. Question: What do I have to do in the chor, to have the second action start from where the first action ended. I hope this is quit…
Last reply by GAngus, -
- 13 replies
The whole premise is that of a midsummers day shot of the hills. I got the idea from the hills next to my house. Here are some sketches. The Windmill that is going to be in the semi foreground area. The overall layout of the shot. I am going need some help though on configuring AM hair to get that grass look. (Gold with white tips) More stuff soon. -Photoman
Last reply by photoman,