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- 17 replies
I was just watching a tutorial on Trapcode Form 2 for Adobe After Effects... it now lets you apply it's effect to an obj, and an obj sequence. Cool! Any ideas how I can get A:M an animated OBJ sequence out of A:M? Is this a possible feature request? Here's the tutorial:
Last reply by Elm, -
- 17 replies
Anyone having issues with rendering out images from within A:M 16 or 17beta 2? No matter what I am trying, it crashes 80% of the time. I have tried different settings, different models, different projects. I have tried png, exr, avi (of which I get a v16 error in v17??) so I have no other idea what it could be. And to top it all off, I was rendering several images just over the weekend and no problems. I have not installed any software between then and now. I have rebooted several times, ended unneeded tasks, etc. I'm at a loss. Just wondering if any known issues. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
I was reading de Rodney's post about WIP banner in the jobs forum... and I thought of a project based in wood gears and perpetual motion machine .... here is it ... no keyframes in this animation as you can see in the image below ... all moviments are based in expressions. I'll post the project tomorrow ... it's on my office's machine.
Last reply by Rodney, -
by robcat2075- 15 replies
Another one from the department of "They Said It Couldn't Be Done." A complex curling and uncurling motion with a changing axis...
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
I'm trying to create a puff of smoke from the end of my flint lock pistol using the Smoke Tutorial and TAOAM but I cannot get AM to set any keys on the smoke parameters (sprite) Any suggestions?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 14 replies
Hey Everyone. After more animation, R&D, models, effects, and everything else that gets things to the finish line...... I completed and published another Animation. Thanks for all your support!!! Link: x
Last reply by detbear, -
- 23 replies
Bouncing ball is the atom on which character animation is built. Would there be interest in such a class? It would be about 4 or 5 lessons, each one focusing on some small element and building on the previous ones. Unlike a series of tutorials that are just out there, it would be an online class where everyone is doing the same exercise at the same time. Hopefully being able to do a proper bouncing ball will enable you to more critically assess your other animation efforts and avoid elementary problems.
Last reply by Roger, -
- 10 replies
Vr3QR5PC2lI Has anybody seen this? I wonder if this guy posts here.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hi friends I have made one more character from Thomas and Friends. This one is James the Red Engine Turntable: Screenshot: Wallpaper of all the characters so far:
Last reply by agep, -
- 7 replies
I meant to enter this model in the Insect contest, but I didn't make the deadline. The background picture is one I took of Mt. Hood. The flies are from one of the extras cds. I found the flies' buzzing sound somewhere online. I made the mantis model and sounds and recorded the frogs and crickets sounds myself. x
Last reply by TheToadStool, -
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
This uses the Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinnect. Any ambitious programmers with some free time could make a plug-in for the new AM that has retopo tools. Be pretty convenient to scan in an object into the model window. Maybe even capture the surface colors for reference bitmap as well.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 17 replies
For Red Squad one of the things I have to do is "trash" some of the bridges. By that I mean I gotta do battle damage. So one of those things that comes with Star Trek bridge battle damage, are things like hanging electrical cables, hoses and stuff like that. Now my first instinct obviously would be to just model it, however, that'll be kind of stiff and in scenes where things explode, these cables and hoses and stuff will probably need to swing and things like that. So I kind of got to thinking about some of Robert's rope tests and stuff like that. What do you guys think is the best approach for this sort of thing?
Last reply by Elm, -
- 10 replies
My entry for the March 2016 3rd Thursday for SVS (Society of Visual Storytelling) The prompt was "Haven brought it to "Show and Tell"...even though she never got permission". Had to be a spot illustration. (no hard borders - background transitions to white)
Last reply by Mitovo, -
- 36 replies
I know there is a text/type tool in AM but, could someone kindly point me to it ? Also, In the past when I installed AM the help file was installed too. It seems to do so on PC's but hasn't on the Mac. Could somebody tell me howto do it so I can stop asking simplistic questions ? Thank You regards Simon OSX 10.68 V15J
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Well its been over a year. but finally it is done. let me know what you guys thinks of it.
Last reply by esolc, -
- 3 replies
I am not sure, if I ever showed this off, but for my YouTube channel, I created an intro with A:M. Most episodes are in German, but every 10 episodes I have a special episode which is in (bad, non-scripted) English. Now I created the 50th episode, so I thought it would be time to show it here too... Hope you like it : Best wishes *Fuchur*
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 4 replies
Oh, I just really look forward to post something finished-esque on this site. adam
Last reply by TheToadStool, -
- 4 replies
I made the poster for the Summer Image Contest in A:M. I roughed the idea out in Sketchbook: I really did intend to trace out the vector version in FreeHand, it has many conveniences for this sort of art, but it's been so long since I used Freehand for anything more than a simple outline I decided I'd get it done faster in A:M The "Summer Memories" text was warped with a distortion box. The sunburst text on the left was done in Freehand and imported with the AI wizard. Of course, it's all flat parts...
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 12 replies
Just finished a holiday Facebook animation for the Jets Pizza Franchise, turned out nice! I am trying to get more work from them... The snow was made using my 'snow machine' which is available in the Contributors Cue forum... the hand is from my 'Hat Guy' featuring SSS skin... the fire was just a video of a fire placed on a patch in the scene... the flickering lights on the tree was a 2nd pass added additively in AE, I set a light to lens flare with 'fade behind objects' on, and made a 'scribble' in 3-dimensions and used the 'sweeper' wizard the sweep dimension to it, placed it in front of the lights(I had placed in the chor on the christmas tree, and rendered only th…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Wanted to share a little show-and-tell. I just finished the second of a series of TV spots for a Michigan medical facility. The agency is using stylized artwork/illustrations in print and billboards and wanted to expand the look and style of them into :30 TV spots. My task was to try to make the illustration hold its own and be captivating for an extended amount of time, via animation. The way I went about it was to use A:M as a sort of 3D compositor to add dimension and movement to the image. By deleting all of the lights and using 100% global illumination and setting each layer to 'flat shaded' and 'no shadows' renders were quite swift. I used After Effects before and a…
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 16 replies
Hi Everyone, I was wondering how the DVD version of A:M worked as I'm thinking of buying a few copies for the game studio. I realize the web subscription one is only good for a year and then it's gone. I was wondering if someone was able to put the exact differences here so I can make a choice as to what way I'm going to go. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a feature comparison on the site anywhere... Thank you everyone.
Last reply by Kombowz, -
- 6 replies
Hey Everyone. After another month in production, I completed my next Lego Animation for my You Tube Channel. All animations and renders were done in A:M. Post production in AE. I thought that the flooding and Tropical storms were going to keep me from finishing it and posting it today. But I got through it. Here is the link to view it: x Thanks so much Kevin
Last reply by detbear, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
Hello- I apologize if this has been answered before but I did a search for "3d printing" and ".STL" in the AM forums search and it came up here goes: When exporting an .STL file with AM17, does the mesh need to be continuous to be recognized by the printer?...or can there be multiple models intersecting each other, without there being one unified mesh? (see picture)... In this simplistic picture there is a sphere (figure A) with some of the points pulled out..and then there is a sphere (figure with a cylinder intersecting. Are both of these models "legal" to the 3D printer? Will both models "print out" accurately? Thanks for any insigh…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 11 replies
Ever wonder what A:M Users were working on 20 years ago? BJ_8ZNyXsIk Direct Link Edit: The Youtube movie linked was removed by original poster.
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 9 replies
I just setup my new computer. A windows i7 4 core 3.2GHz 64 bit with 12 GB. I remember seeing somewhere on the forum you can set the AM 64 program to use some more memory. Then the standard 4GB.
Last reply by DJBREIT, -
- 14 replies
I am wondering, will it be possible to use AM v 16 to render a city, say with like 100 house, cars, having textures and so on. Any answer from the admin guys.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 9 replies
Last reply by serg2, -
- 8 replies
I needed a 'cupid' character for my animation idea for Jet's Pizza... didn't have a lot of time. Was considering 2D 'hack' animation... I scribbled a design on paper and noticed my baby Cupid was mostly drawn with circles... which in 3D relate to SPHERES! So I 'sphered' together a very quick baby model, and after adding some details- had a good Cupid. Since I knew the actions I needed were quite limited (shoot an arrow) 13 bones were all I used to throw an impromptu rig for animating him. I am growing fond of using the Gradient material when toon shading, here I placed one on his wings. These Jet's animations I am hoping will continue to come... they wanted 2 for Vale…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 8 replies
What is Parallel Reload? I didn't know when I made this opening title and I don't know today but it is something important you need to know if you have the giant enterprise switch by Northern Telecom AKA the Meridian 1. I did this while working at Nortel in 1997 or '98. This was my first attempt at rigorously accurate mechanical modeling. I found the original project elements while looking through my debris and have re-rendered it in HD for modern eyes. For the most part, the original PRJ done in v6 loaded right up in v18. I just had to revisit a few of the animation curves and refind a few image files. The many long, thin horizontal lines …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
Heyyo- Recently completed 3- :15second Tireman web-loading-spots for Belle Tire. In these- I strived to get the best render out of A:M that I could, so very little post-processing or compositing is used.
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
Adam Goldman (originally) said: I just wanted to share a recent quickie I did for the annual 72 hour horror fest this last October. I had to do it pretty quickly and used a few of the items off of the A:M DVD but tweaked them. Perhaps you can recognize one or two? x This post has replaced an earlier post by Adam Goldman that was having problems displaying properly. Sorry Adam! Not sure what went wrong but it appears that it was related to the code used to embed youtube video in your post.
Last reply by Mitovo, -
Here is a Logo I Designed for a friend its been a few years but I am Back
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 8 replies
If i pass any arbitrarily shaped object through another surface (lets start with something as simple as a plane) how can i capture the shape of the intersection on that surface at any moment? For example, the intersection of this torus with the plane would be a couple of ovals. How could I capture that? I can sort of get the edges of the object as they pass thru the plane by putting an orthogonal camera very close to the plane... ... but it misses pixels and I'd really like to have the shapes filled, not just the outlines. I'm trying to find a way to better simulate the disturbance an object makes immediately arou…
Last reply by serg2, -
- 11 replies
I had chance this last week to do a scoreboard 'halftime' animation for my client Belle Tire... one of those things 'for the kids' where the stadium DJ will assign a random seating section to the outcome... and if chosen that section will get a prize... like a pack of M&M's or a free soda. This one was for the Grand Rapids Griffins, a Michigan Junior SemiPro hockey team- and they wanted a 'shell game' with 3 outcomes starring Tireman in an ice-hockey environment... Belle Tire's cartoon mascot that originated in 1922 and whom I have been animating in A:M for the past few years. I started animating the pucks sliding around and quickly realized I was in 'keyframe h…
Last reply by RS3D, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
I did this quick and Dirty It is a 1 pass multipass but I did it twice for both sides
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 12 replies
For a tutorial, I'm looking for example images of the following. Images that in a one-second glance can demonstrate the idea... Motion Blur Depth of Field Shadows Ambiance Occlusion Reflections Particles and Hair Subsurface scattering Fog Toon Render Field Render Stereoscopic 3D Plugin-shaders I have candidates for some of these but perhaps you recall better ones. If you can think of a good image, post a link to it here. Thanks!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
Fixing stuff
by agep- 14 replies
I am no handyman. Give me a hammer or any kind of powertools, and I have no clue what to do with them. However, give me a broken PC and I can fix it! So when people ask me if I can 3D print them some parts they are missing I usually take upon thchallengege, because that means I can use Animation:Master to fix real world stuff In this case someone was missing one of the brackets for their baby safety gate Here is the one bracket they have: Missing bracket: Using a slide caliper and the original bracket I was able to recreate it in A:M fairly easily: The bottom right version shows it with support material. The bracket got printed in standin…
Last reply by DJBREIT, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
hi all, here is a preview of my new shader that i am developing. its a physical sky shader based on "preetham´s" paper. at the moment it is only an ambient shader that can be applied on an "environment sphere" for background renderings. it can be controlled by a light or by date, time, longitudes and lattitudes. i hope it can be also implemented for sampling an ambient occlusion environment, so that we also have one more option in the "global ambience" slot... Physical Sky Update!: Physical Sky Update
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
- 10 replies
Hi guys So based on my previous Minecraft thread I guess you already know that I am a Minecraft addict I've just made a new Minecraft scene where I've played with Newton some more. Not sure how many of you have played Minecraft before, but in the game the Creeper explodes and may kill you. In my version the Creeper is kind of broken Let me know what you think Frame from the animation:
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 3 replies
More from StusMagicBox: (Be sure to watch until the very end) abYgl1xu0So Created in A:M 2006 by StusMagicBox.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
Hello ... Thought I would dust the cobwebs off this section of the forum and announce a new game. All of the game models were created in Animation Master and programmed using Pure Basic. It's a 3d style billiard game that is "5-games-in-one". Included are "Speed Demon" ... "Pock-it Golf" ... "Stripes & Solids" ... "Stonehenge" and "Pock-it Protector". You can view a video of the game in action from my website. I am offering a free demo version of the game that you can download a try out. The game is for Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8. You will need DirectX 9.0c installed on your system in order for the game to run (even if you have DirectX 10 or 11) unfortunately ... Of …
Last reply by wedgeeguy, -
Tying knots
by serg2- 14 replies
+ Project UZEL2.prj
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 9 replies
I've been doodling again with "paper dolls" and experimenting with a variety of ways to render "flat" characters, to sorta get a "scribbly" look. To document for myself (and hopefully others will find some seed to use), here are some of the variations on my Paper Man character - seen in this first image. I think I still like this render style best for these characters - but it was worth it to experiment for possible variations some other time
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 7 replies
Hey - I took a chance to do a job today with the new 'Snap To Surface' tool, and it saved the day! Don't know how I woulda done this without it. Shawn Rogers asked if I could model this 'NEWFANGLED' soccer ball(ref photo) for him... at first I though- NO WAY, but then figured the S2S tool may help in the process and it could be a good test for it. Plus I love the challenge, the ball looks SO simple, yet it is really QUITE a modeling dilemma. 1st- I lathed a really dense sphere and exported it as an OBJ. Then imported it into the chor as a prop... this was to be the surface for me to draw on, activating the S2S function. A couple false starts, a couple rounds of …
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 7 replies
it´s that time of the year, on wednesday starts the prolight & sound exhibition in frankfurt and i made an animation with the cameo mascot. this year it was extra fun for me since the theme was led-bars, and i had the idea of using an led-bar as a light saber. i rendered 4 passes, one for the color with shadows, ao, reflections and everything, one for the shadow, one for the depth map and one for the alpha channel. the bridge was made in c4d, exported as an obj and loaded in after effects into element 3D and repeated endlessly, the actual 3D object is just a short segment. this saved a lot of render time and animation time, since i could animate the charac…
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 12 replies
Hi guys, Been on a hiatus because I was very busy with art school. I got a 1 week break so I might as well continue the work that I had previously put on hold... I had a nagging problem with some cho files having these nameless 'phantom' models in the Project Workspace three under the Choreographies 'branch'. They're not inside the choreographies, but they have the same hierarchy level with the chor files but they just came out of nowhere and seem to procreate themselves each time I save the chor. This is what I'm talking about. And this is the .cho file in question 004.cho The linked model files of the .cho were intentionally left out…
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Robcat spotted this movie on my YouTube channel and suggested I post it to the Forum. The movie is composited from two clips made in A:M. First clip (the color pattern): Years ago I made light boxes using Xmas lights on posts that supported cylinders with cutout patterns; the tops of the cylinders were vaned so heat rising from the lights drove the rotation of the cylinders. The light patterns were projected onto a sheet of translucent plastic. Recently I got to thinking about light boxes and wondered if I could simulate the mechanism in A:M. After some trial and error — that being trying to find a method for doing the cutouts without actually modeling each …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 5 replies
Lots of fun to make. AM is awesome. Any feedback appreciated. (edit) added some basic lighting and made less colourful. Might get around texturing properly someday. A variation of the first. David
Last reply by DavidDenzill, -
- 11 replies
Happy new year friends! I have been making more Thomas & Friends stuff. This time I wanted to make a more complex environment than last time. I chose to make Maithwaite Station. I hope you like it
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 22 replies
Quick question as I am pondering upgrading right now to version 16 from 12 ---what is status of the usable plugins in version 16 compared to what I might have had in 12 . Thanks again for all the advice and help so far guys. Rich
Last reply by Rodney,