Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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- 4 replies
The holidays can be rough on folks so... Hang in there. (This is a frame from an animated doodle I recently did named 'Sintercuss'... with the idea being to get an idea moving and take it to it's logical conclusion in one or two sittings. The areas tested included the use of limited (minimal) animation, sound, volumetric effects, text, etc. A few lessons learned include making sure there is enough contrast in the character to read well in a variety of lighting conditions and to plan on the doodle lasting more than 10 seconds because, while certainly not impossible, it's hard to tell a story in less then 10 seconds.)
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 4 replies
Have you ever spent hours and hours working on an image, tweaking the littlest things, changing them, changing them back... going through the entire process all over again... only to ask yourself, "Was there a point to all of that?" Here's an image that applies... for no good reason... I started tweaking rabbit... then hours went by...
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 2 replies
A photographer friend from Astoria, Oregon posted this pic on Facebook a while back and titled it "The Clam Before The Storm". I felt the urge to do a short animation with an idea that immediately popped into my head and scared away the voices for a while. It is my intention to once again prove that even though the animation is crude and amateurish, the clip can still be funny. To Be Continued. . . . .
Last reply by largento, -
- 7 replies
I started a new project of modeling my favorite bicycle. I could not stop, and I am half way there. I just wanted a basic bike for myself, and then make a Black Op version of my recumbent bike for the zombie /end of the world survival road warrior bike. I manage to get the basic bike patch count to 12,000 and I try to not get too detailed on it. I have not rig it yet! Took me a day and a half to get this far. One of the thing I learn from this is to model the pieces in a separate model window, and then once you got it, copy and paste to the main model window. I test the bike with another character and it fits really well with real world scale character. She is 5'1" fee…
Last reply by RS3D, -
- 4 replies
Here is a very simple female hair model I use for test-rendering female characters. I thought maybe someone else could also use it as a quick and dirty model. It includes the cookie cut decals (2) and both the basic model (the 4 x 4 grid expanded) and a version of the shaped basic model to fit the Hash supplied Gala character. Just be sure to put the cookie cut decals in the same sub directory as you have for the models. It looks a lot better when you apply bump maps and specular maps, but I am usually not concerned with that level of completion when I use it.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 79 replies
My New Years resolution is to work at least 1 hour a day 4 days a week on animation. I hope to chronicle the progress here, as well as solicit feedback, etc. To start off, I have a rough list of tasks: Management Project startup Managing others Reporting bugs to Hash [*]Storyboard First revision Review Second revision [*] Storyboard animatic Scan storyboard drawings Record scratch soundtrack Edit drawings and sound [*]Concept Drawings Character 1 Character 2 Character 3 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 [*]Model1 Splining Texturing Rigging [*]Model2 Splining Texturing Rigging [*]Model3 Splining Tex…
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Quick attempt to imitate the Mars surface seen in a recent Curiosity photo...
Last reply by robcat2075, -
by robcat2075- 1 follower
- 17 replies
The first take is just cloth, the second is with a procedural noise material on top of it for additional ambient water activity. Update: here's some extra shark action... SHARK! SHARK!
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 6 replies
Attached is a rendering of an assault rifle I put together. It loosely resembles a FN FAL assault rifle, but any resemblance to any actual rifle is purely a coincidence. I was more interested in a realistic texture than any mechanical accuracy.
Last reply by RS3D, -
- 11 replies
I have great news! I'm making a short film with Animation:Master 11.1d+ called ''Destoyed Neighbourhoods''. Because I live in Greece I named it ''Χλασμένες Γειτονιές''. This story is about some kids that can't find a place to play, because their town is too crowded, so they don't have any playgrounds. It is based on the memories of ''Κοσμάς Ι. Χαρπαντίδης'', a Greek writer. I started out making the character designs. I'll let know when i'll complete my short film someday in 2014. Merry Christmas! The middle photo is what i did about Christmas. The first image is a photograph of ''Kavala'' in the 70's. Kavala is a city in Greece.
Last reply by JackDrama, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
For some reason, when I rendered the scene in ".Avi" A:M was crashing a lot! And so I felt I had to ask you what's wrong in that. I also posted a screenshot of a frame I captured inside the software (using Render Mode "Q").
Last reply by JackDrama, -
- 14 replies
Initial test of pond ripple strategy...
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 33 replies
my next project. I drew today. I really want to model;) i drew it in sketchbook.
Last reply by ludo_si, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Experimenting with a woodcut look. This test is modeled in Zbrush, then smoothed with their clay/sharp edges algorithm, and remeshed to app. 30k polys and exported. Then imported into A:M (took some time!!) When inside A:M I peaked all splines, thus essentially bypassing A:Ms spline system (I bow my head in shame). When additionally setting the subdivs to the lowest setting, it is possible to get a managable model in A:M. But of course, this is for hard body animation only (which doesn’t bother me). Deforming this model would propably yield some undesirable results. An example of a real world wood carved puppet
Last reply by ludo_si, -
- 1 follower
- 68 replies
All the awesome contest entries got that itch going again. I thought I would do something a little different for me, a superhero that wasn't Spider-man -- and make her female . x-23 is the female clone of Wolverine, for those who don't know. I have basically forgot how to do everything, so it should be fun. I already have so many topics where I show me modeling from the very beginning, this one I already am up to having most of the body done. I started with a ref I drew on my iPad (1). I wanted to go more cartoony/real with this one. I thought my reference turned out fairly well so I tried to match it as well a possible. For the actual model I just ha…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I'm doing something a bit different with A:M. I've filmed an actress in front of a green screen, and I'm compositing her into scenes created in A:M. This is the current state of a short prologue to the story. These are videos for the music of the band Gekko Projekt, but the idea is to make them more like a short film telling a story than like a traditional MTV video. I'd love to hear any comments or suggestions you might have. Here's the link. I don't want to go public with it yet, so I've set a password, which is "drpepper" (without the quotes). -Vance
Last reply by Glob Studios, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, A few points. First I am treating this exercise as an AM showcase so I am not interested in prizes. This also means I would like as much input into my image as possible to make it as good as it can possibly be (even if others wish to enlist to provide resources). I wish to 'showcase' as many features in AM as possible and produce a kick ass image - but - I am not the greatest/most creative artist out there (I'm a bit of ahack really). Any amount of critique/help will be most welcome. My image thus far comprises a background generated in another APP (a 3D Landscape APP) and I then moved the camera to look down on the landscape to generate the ter…
Last reply by higginsdj, -
- 29 replies
I've got mine started! This will probably not be recognizable until it's all done and I say what it's supposed to be.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
Hey all-- Been a while since I've updated this; make a bit of progress. As always, any input is welcome. Thanks, Rich ROMFirefallextended.mp4
Last reply by Darthlister, -
- 16 replies
Hello - attached is a short dance animation test I've done in A:M for a music video to my song "Ol' Scratch". I know, I know . . . there are various aspects of the rigging and animation process which are, to be generous, flawed . . . but the spirit is there! In short, I really love this software and the creative and helpful people here on these forums. I am in awe of how intelligent, insightful, and quick to help all of you are - thank you! To rig my biped models I feel compelled to thank David Rogers for this brief tut: My models still give me trouble in the "knee, elbow, and hip" joints, some of which could be allevi…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 7 replies
Here's a proof of concept test of a cityscape cobbled together quickly with copies of a single nondescript cube. The basic idea being to later replace that cube with a fully poseable master building capable of showing a variety of different details and facades. Similar variables might control details outside the building such as lampposts/lights etc. There are a few assumptions here: - Detail would (optimally) only be created where the camera needs to go (This might be directed through hot/active and cold/inactive zones) - Streets and sidewalks would be created after the primary city is generated and approved for detailing (conversely the building could be …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
Just a little animation I did this holly week!trim.5E83DB85_52AB_4B52_BC8C_0B435B4AD8AA.MOV
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Before I send a bug report, I thought I would ask here. I upgraded to 18b and since that time the hair settings are not recognized on any of my characters. The grooming is fine but the hair only renders white in any setting. I have tried multiple settings in rendering mode and each time the hair is white. In fact, if a test render with no settings other than base color to the hair it still renders white. So, has anyone else run across this? Steve
Last reply by yoda64, -
- 9 replies
I pieced this guy together using various body parts littered throughout the internet. I had to modify almost every patch cuz most of the parts were modeled using the 3ds file format. frankenmodel.mdl
Last reply by higginsdj, -
- 20 replies
I was getting to make a show using A:M and I looked at the stills (to get some ideas). There was my very favourite A:M stock model created in '96 by Rich Lovato! Unfortunately, it is not available in the new A:M versions and I realy need to have a coppy from an old A:M user, so I posted some images with this "COOL GUY". Please, post it! I need to use this model, but please don't update him, because I use v1.11d+. And I don't have an old A:M CD, and that is why I need it (the whole model).
Last reply by JackDrama, -
- 23 replies
Its been a long time since I modeled anything and I needed an excuse to model something - Anna from Frozen is as good an excuse as any..... So here is my WIP - progress thread.
Last reply by Clipping Path Specialists, -
- 6 replies
This is a squel to the topic: Reply : Well Zaryin/Jeff, I'm curious to see what you came up with, when I gave you her design informations.
Last reply by JackDrama, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
From the previous topic: in the final post I uploaded a female base and I was thinking who would like to modify Alain Desrochers's Sirene or model Anna him/herself.
Last reply by JackDrama, -
- 37 replies
Today's random doodle is of a sunny disposition. I stopped here because I started breaking things... His eye sockets and mouth are cut out via boolean cutters. P.S. The cold always bothers me by the way.
Last reply by Clipping Path Specialists, -
- 1 follower
- 32 replies
I was charged yesterday afternoon with doing a graphic for a presentation. One of those "Step 1, Step 2, Step 3..." type of deals. My other work was slow, so I asked the boss if I could go home and do it in 3D. It's overkill for the job, but I thought it would be fun to do and foolishly believed I could knock it out in a couple of hours and get off work early. I finished it around 10pm last night. So that didn't work out exactly as planned, but on the plus side, putting together a complicated scene was a great learning experience. I had a fairly rocky false start, but learning from that, I started over again fresh and tried to do things in a more organized, sma…
Last reply by JackDrama, -
Blockheads 1 2 3 4
- 190 replies
- 21.1k views Trying to do a series of 10-20 seconds 'briefs', one each week. This is the first. I need to change the composite on the third scene. using a shadows only render ( if I can remember how ) as there is a unintended mix of toon and non toon renders. When rendering a cookie cut decal in toon, it shows on both sides, only the one side in Final ? Any feedback welcome. regards simon PS should have mentioned. this is a VGA conversion of a 1080 render.
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 35 replies
HAPPY NEW YEAR! all contributions welcomed! A new year - how will it turn out? Perhaps - you have got some idea? Make an animation and make a contribution. Here is my contribution. happy_new_year_30.avi
Last reply by JackDrama, -
- 5 replies
Here is my xmas card for this year enterrely made in the same magnificent program. Merry xmas and a happy 2014 to all of you! Feel free to use this card if you like it !
Last reply by ovni1, -
Hello! Flowering - please comment! flower10.avi
Last reply by esolc, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
This is a fairly simple sequence approaching Titan (moon of Saturn). I'm trying to put together some video to go with songs on the prog rock band Gekko Projekt's upcoming CD. Many of the songs involve a science fiction story about being marooned on Titan. Any comments are welcome and appreciated! Titan Test #1 -Vance
Last reply by MMZ_TimeLord, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Being a novice at decaling and material creation, I am trying to create the texture for the shirt of the character. Any help is appreciated. I have uploaded a sample. Steve edit and really don't know much about photoshop
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 26 replies
Hey Everyone, This is one of several personal shorts I've been working on. For this one, I edited different parts of the 1980 Flash Gordon Classic and came up with a Spoofy Screen Play. This is a WIP.....thus still rough and no back drops as of yet.
Last reply by Doobie, -
- 36 replies
Hi all, Working on a project featuring the character ROM and looking for critiques and ideas in some areas, specifically backgrounds; how do you get a background to look like an actual deep environment instead of a a middle-school play backdrop? Any ideas on camera movement, timing, etc. would be welcome. It's pretty much my first animation of any complexity, so I know there's a mile of room for improvement. Thanks, Rich romfall.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 45 replies
Here's a character (Captain Crazy Pants) I was working on before I took a trip to the ER for emergency abdominal surgery (was july 11, and I am almost back to "normal"). Since you're all waiting for the Mascot contest voting to begin, I thought this might be the time to post before the excitement begins...I had intended to do more with him and add some auxillary friends - but my energy level hadn't been up to snuff and I found it difficult to sit at computer for any length of time. Ok...ok...enuff with the excuses and sympathy gathering... I will probably return to this set of characters at some point as I want to have some new friends to integrate with photos …
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Somewhere on this forum some one showed a project they were working on describing a solid object turning into a cloud. What I am working is an arrow from Cupid hitting its target and the arrow turns into a cloud of hearts and floats into the air. I was looking through John's prj and did not see one. I was thinking it was Gerry and his Christmas animation but did not see it there either. Does anyone remember or could point me in the correct direction? Steve
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I was using one character in chor and want to replace the character with the correct character or another version of the character. Is there a way to do this? Steve
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 8 replies
I forget why I did this last year but here it is... Burnagb6nrQ
Last reply by johnl3d, -
Franz Kafka short 1 2
by Tore- 5 followers
- 61 replies
Hi fellow virtual pupeteers! Just wanted to share some preview stills from "Trapez", a 5 minutes short I'm currently working on. The film is adapted from the short story "Der erste leid" by Franz Kafka. :-) Tore
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 23 replies
The other night my youngest announced that she had a great idea for a Christmas short. She told the story of a Christmas tree that really wanted to go home to spend the holiday with a family of it's own, but was ultimately left in the tree lot all by itself. I liked the story, we chatted, and came up with a quick outline. I tasked Nicole to compose the soundtrack and I would start work on the models. We might not make it by the holidays, since the story has grown to include a lot of elements, one of which is the delivery truck below. Hopefully in a day or so I can put an animatic together to post up here. We could use some help if anybody wants to lend a hand in the story…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 35 replies
greetings my friends after a long period of thinking about it, i´ve decided to dismiss my short movie project "the lunch encounter" (the one with the guy and the cat). for several reasons: 1. the story wasn´t strong enough. 2. my animation skills are not good enough to compensate the rather weak story. 3. it´s too long. 4. i wasn´t 100% happy with the look anymore. also i realized i suck at story writing. i really do. i´m always starting to make a movie because i just want to do a short, not because i want to tell a story. maybe some of you can relate to that. i just have fun creating characters and props and sets and doing the lighting and stuff, …
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 2 replies
Had some extra time this month to work on an upcoming episode. I'm toying with the idea of putting 3 seven minute episodes on DVD. It would be nice to make a bit of cash for my efforts. In any case, here is a scene I finished involving Super Mega Fox as she toys with a fox hunting villain in an overinflated duck costume. Comments more than welcome! Ballet_test_C.wmv
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 60 replies
The modeling for the upper floor is complete. It was tougher than expected to deduce the third dimension of things based on their shadows so I ended up just making educated guesses. (My thanks to Mark Largent for his link to a building in New York on Google Street View. That was really helpful.) And there's no way I can reconcile the angle of the sign extending from the left of window #3 and the length of its shadow. Hopper more or less got the perspective of every component correct except for that sign. But hey, I'm no artist. I'm sure he had a good reason at the time.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
Hello, it's my new work. there is textures, rigging to do. it's a start. there must be a weapon to stage.
Last reply by thefreshestever, -
- 37 replies
I've got an idea for the animation I'll be doing but right away I have a question. I want to have an extremely stylized Christmas tree shape (more of a triangular spiral) growing out of the ground. Here's a simple sketch. I don't want to just scale it, I want it to corkscrew out of the ground. What's the best way to "grow" a shape like this?
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 7 replies
Hi there, i am trying to render a model with a normal map on it, but the result is not very satisfactory. I am gettin all strange square artifacts all over the model. Anyone a id4ea wher this may come from? Best regards Heiner AM_Test_0.bmp
Last reply by robcat2075,