Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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Works In Progress (WIP) (59,212 visits to this link)
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- 1 follower
- 35 replies
It's been awhile - I couldn't even tell you how long; maybe as much as two years. Lack of funds, lack of processing power, lack of that extra computer or two, lack of time, etc. I had to make a choice between AM and guitar and I chose guitar. Things have not gone quite as planned, but how often in life do they? There hasn't been a day that I haven't missed playing in the realms of 3D modeling and rendering and I finally decided that it's become enough of a distraction that I need to scratch the itch. Guitar is still my overwhelming priority but I'm going to start spending a little time each day working with AM again. I can't say how much time that will be but it'll almost…
Last reply by MSFlynn, -
- 9 replies
Hello All, Oh man it has been a LONG time (over a year I think) since I'm visited here. I haven't had much time in the last few years to spend much energy/time in 3D but I'm making an effort to get back into it. Man I missed it! Anyway, I've started by trying to finish off a few projects that I left unfinished, in doing so I have run into a few issues between the way certain features work back in version 11 through 12.5 and version 14.0c which I am currently using. (Until I know I'm going to have the time and be able to stick with it I wasn't planning on upgrading to version 15 yet as there are changes in the way subscriptions work now.) OK I will post 2 ren…
Last reply by Eric2575, -
- 6 replies
I tried to export a clean obj polygonmesh from an absolut symetrical patch model (A) and get strange ireggularities especially in the fivepointpatches. (see shoulders picture As the model is symetrical I would it expect to export with at least symetrical iregularities as well. How come and could this be avoided somehow?
Last reply by Paul Forwood, -
- 7 replies
any c & C its welcome~~
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Its a pitch, cheated with bvh
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 5 replies
Just finished making the bones for my Ant model, could be better but i dont know how to fix it. If anyone can take a look and give me some pointers that would be awsome. heres some pics and my model so far. thanks. Ant.mdl
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 1 follower
- 48 replies
Hi guys and gals. I haven't gotten to use AM for anything creative in a bit and was really starting to feel the lack of creativity in my life.. So this Sunday afternoon after church I sat down and started working on a character just for fun. And I was reminded once again why I don't use anything other than animation master... and how wonderfullly easy it is to just make stuff!
Last reply by buddy, -
- 24 replies
Hi! Been away from animation for quite awhile. I liked the sound file of 11 second club this month, so I have been playing with Barry Zundell's Will model I got from his excellent animation CD. The text : "You see... TV is power. The power to lull, and to pacify. And then when all eyes are glazed, and all minds are jelly... power to hold the world in your fist." My eyes are glazed, and my mind is jelly, after a few hours, Feel free to comment, still lot's of time. Michel
Last reply by Animus, -
- 5 replies
Thought I would have a go at this thingy as a change ,if anyone can help I would gladly upload the prj,could be a nice little thingy I have an image somewhere .The eyes are tricky for me
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
Made this new charector ,trying to get a moor tune look to it,been looking very closely at Serge's low spline model ,got it riged just messing with the decals and stuff,whateyou think so far
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 1 follower
- 48 replies
I watched iRobot the other night and decided to give it a go with a little cartoony look added. Not sure what to do with the face but it was fun to do a quick model. I used the 2008 rig. It's easy to install and has great instructions to follow, plus it gave the right amount of control for this character. The only CP weight blending I had to do was in the palm of his hands so the joints would stay connected using the hand controls. It needs some work but it's a start.
Last reply by largento, -
- 2 replies
Ooops.... Ok just pretend that this thread never existed Photoman
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 2 replies
Bit of an odd project but doing some layouts for a crystal that is cut internally with a yag laser, basically 3d etching inside glass. Will have to translate the objects out to something they can use, most likely stl but atleast that is the easy part.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 27 replies
Hi all I need some help on how to separate a photo into 2 parts and then, how to use the 2 new images with AM to create the effect of a model in the original photo. photo 1 An example would be of Victor Navone and his model in front of his computer. photo2 I have worked with Photoshop for several years but never messed with masks or alpha channels so does anyone know where I can find a simple tut. on how to separate the fence? Then to create a project in AM with 2 layers and my model?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 15 replies
Hello Lady and Gent wow things have changed here since I've been here in awhile . I started working on this storage shed last night to see how much wood I would exactly need to build the real one. I'm about half way done. Here a couple of pics.
Last reply by tbenefi33, -
- 4 replies
Might use the tsm2 and rig this, what do ya think? I'll post the final in the contribs corner when done
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 16 replies
kinda got off the track from my other projects and did this
Last reply by jimd, -
- 6 replies
Hello - for those of you that are tired of my dental animation... sorry. ;-) This one is actually pretty cool - it is for a dentist that created a new patented "braces" application combining the 3 current brace systems. The animation starts by showing the traditional 3, then his idea of combining the three and how it would work - then possibilities of what can be done with them. I had to start completely from scratch with new teeth and gums and everything, because in parts of the anim we had to make the gums transparent to see the correction of the teeth and roots. Anyway, just a warning watch when you are not sleepy - it might just put you out. ;-) http://www.fl…
Last reply by Paul Forwood, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
So, I haven't done much modeling recently, but I decided to pick it up again, and boy, am I surprised at what I'm making! I've been working on the model for several days now, and will join my not so good looking NCC-1701, but here is a (mostly) chronological look at the NCC-1701-A to date (still not complete, but getting there) And something I'm particularly proud of is my warp nacelles, they were very very tricky as they look simple, but are a little more awkward once you begin building them: And this is where I am at now. The deflector isn't done yet (that's a popular question I've found) and I still have some piece…
Last reply by largento, -
- 7 replies
Hi! I finally managed to get settled in with my classes ! So I know have enough time to start a new project! I plan to make a fall scene and maybe transition it over to a Halloween scene.... Here is what I got so far, it is very rough needs some work: The grass needs to be thicker and better distributed and the pumpkin looks a bit uniform. Also the lighting isnt final, its just a single sun-light. C&C Welcome Photoman
Last reply by MJL, -
- 3 replies
i m still using AM v13, i did amination , but i found iut that the shadow of mine bug is showing the sky how can i remove the sky from an object. thanks
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 11 replies
Hi all, I've away from this forum for quite a while but never leave A:M. I am show some stuffs that I'm working on. You can take a look at here, all of the products are done with A:M and printed using 3D printing technology: CGD - Shapeways Just to proof that they are made in A:M, here are some screen captures.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
Business Joe
by KenH- 19 replies
I've finally got back to making characters in AM! Here's one I'm using for a client. They wanted a simple flash look and I used the toon render to achieve this. Going to start animating him now. Thanks to Mark S for the rig!
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys - if anyone is interested the first anim for C2 software guy is up on their company site (which I already posted before, but just from my site) They had me do two funny "chat" animations (upper right corner of site) - "on" for when it was avail and "off" for when not avail Here is the second anim that I hadn't posted yet, which I think is completed w/ voice over and a pic of the 3 characters Have a great rest of the weekend - Eric
Last reply by flashawd, -
- 28 replies
Here's a great dragon model from the extra cd. The model was created by Eduardo A. Gutierrez (eos). I've always wanted to make a scene with a dragon, but was never good enough to model one. So, with the dragon model already available, I can start working on a scene. I made a few modifications to the model and now I'm ready to think about what kind of scene I want to do, I have a few ideas I want to do. Here's a pic of the dragon, I'm sure some of you remember this model.
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 19 replies
Hey-o! Thought I'd show this here... A dragon I was working on for a freelance job...
Last reply by largento, -
- 3 replies
Hey All!!! So if I have a character lighted to my needs using HDRI.....How can I render just the character without the Image background model. Basically with an alpha/ exr(preferably) This would be for the purpose of compositing the character with the IB lighting into another composite.... similar to alpha channel rendering in normal lighted shots. Thanks for any suggestions, William
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 69 replies
I figured I would start a new thread for this image.
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 20 replies
a stab at that slowly wafting smoke action. It's streaks, no gravity, low velocity, low viscosity, and two forces moving thru the smoke column. Update: slight variation and longer take Update II: another take with slight sideways draft that follows the smoke to its demise Update III: WIlliamGaylord asks test of emitter on moving cigarette Here's the PRJ slowparticles8c_cigMoving.prj The initial problem was that an Emitter Rate that looks good when the cig is stationary is invisible when it moves fast. That's probably prett…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 51 replies
Hello, I am taking a little "breather" from my other project. I noticed my bike sitting lonely in my garage today (My dirt jumping and downhill biking days are over just the scars that remind of what Im missing ) and I thought that it would be a great idea to model it. I plan to model every single component that is visible (Thats a lot!). Here is the real thing: I managed to finish most of the frame: Its at about 4k patches right now Photoman
Last reply by nino banano, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
This time I have a pretty unusual question. Its somehow from the field of packaging design. I have to prepare an existing circleshaped 2D illustration to be able to be glued onto a reallife halfsphere smoothly. So it will have to be distorted somehow and I wonder if AM could help me here to find out how this distortion will have to look like and/or how it can be achieved. Has anybody ever done something like that? Any ideas that could be helpfull?
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 35 replies
- 2.2k views All major animation is complete. Still needs to be polished.... especially head and eye movements. Most of it is still in linear or stepped, with the body and arms splined. I can still make minor changes, but the major action will stay as is due to short time remaining. My character doesn't have eyebrows and I'm concerned it won't read as well as it should. The eyelids can be sculpted as if they're eyebrows, but I haven't done any of that. The render is very basic. I'd love to try Ambient Occlusion, but don't know if there's time since I don't have a clue about it. I'm curious to see if you all think the co…
Last reply by strohbehn, -
- 44 replies
I've been modeling a guitar over the past few days. And I also made a cartoon character to go with it. Here they are .
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 7 replies
I have run into some difficulty with bumpmaping. When I apply it on a simple grey surface it works quite nicely with 150% But when I add some procedural parameters on that surface it no longer shows up. (Same is happening when I add a fake rim light to the whole model) It`s not supposed to be that way is it? What can I possibly be doing wrong? I am on PC AM15f
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 0 replies
Posted the image here because some may be just as lazy as me and not look in the other forums
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 4 replies
Hi Gang More Questions as always Found a post by dre4merback in July of 2006 and like to know more about it. I have checked through this thread and the vid clips are what I am looking for on my model. I have my model rigged with the 2001 rig and need her sleeves to move like the above movies, so how did you do that? What bones is the cloth attached to? I have done the cloth and deflector materials and created new bones, tested all kinds of ideas and just can't seem to get it. If I attach the material to different arm bones when you move the arm it rolls and flips but nothing like cloth, any suggestions?dre…
Last reply by entity, -
The Crystal Apple 1 2 3
by Zaryin- 1 follower
- 103 replies
Ever since I made my image "The Satyr and the Apple" I had planned on making a full image on the subject. It will include a few characters in a outdoor forest grove that resembles a noble's court. Here is the link to the original "The Satyr and the Apple" pic: In the new image, I have redesigned the satyr's legs to something I like a little better. Right now all I have is decals on the cloth and eyes. SSS is on the skin. I will be adding decals later and hair will be added toward the end of the project. I will most likely be changing and/or adding clothing to the Satyr as I go along. Reflectivit…
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 3 replies
I hope this is the right way to show images.
Last reply by TigerGuy, -
desk rig test
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Just trying dynamics on the hair ,the shadows are a bit strong is there a way to turn it down a bit ?
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 12 replies
Working on the objects for an animation I want to do for fun, here is the main character so far. Still need to make em better looking without getting too realistic. Comments always helpful.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 22 replies
I've been trying to animate something like this in 2D, so i made this little study in A:M to better understand the timing and poses. I've written some notes on it so you can see some of my reasoning in working thru it. X = extreme poses B = breakdown poses. These are added after the extremes to add overlap between poses or to make arcs better stuff in green is extra polishing things
Last reply by nimblepix, -
- 8 replies
Hello! I have yet another idea that popped into my head. I got this idea when I was sorting through some photos I took while I was on vacation (About 1500 of them ). The images that sparked it were: 50mm f/1.8 119 second exposure, Canon Rebel XT Panarama of 7 photos at 50mm perspective When I looked at these I though, Hey why not make that in A:M So here is where I am at: 15min3x3pass 768x1024px The giant monolithic rock is basic a simple extruded model with some eXtreme displacement mapping. I originally modeled it in A:M and opened it in zBrush to sculpt in the details, but I could not figure out for the life of me how to get UVs that …
Last reply by photoman, -
- 9 replies
So I made a alien over last week please comment. info about the alien: They can't close there mouths but when the attack they digg their teeth into you and suck your blood which feeds them. When they dig your teeth into you they inject a virus which kills you. Their toungs are a weird blueish because they cut it on their teeth so much.
Last reply by animation man hi, -
- 1 follower
- 36 replies
Haven't showed anything in a while so... I have been inspired by Stian's cathedral to do some modelling. I was looking at the intricate detail on a US $1 bill and thought... I'll do it in 3D! 4 days and 28,000 patches later... The 'George Washington' bust was big fun to do. I rotoed the basic shapes and began extruding. I borrowed Sir Nigels nose. I am now rigging it for basic motion...eyes, neck/head, mouth/jaw...maybe I'll get ambitious and do some ZignTrack motion capture. I will do some basic zooms and pans, maybe try to sell this for a TV spot or something...
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 reply
I started to put this in the help wanted forum, but I wasn't sure it qualified. After 40 years in the music business, I’m making a stab at becoming an overnight success. It’s too late for me to do it by being young and pretty, so I’ll have to rely on bullsh*t and trickery. One arm in my multi-pronged attack on the American Psyche, will be revamping my website. I would like to have some unique and interesting background images, with different themes. Which brings me to the reason for this post. I was wondering where to find that imagery, when it dawned on me that I have already been obliquely associated with some folks with incredibl…
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 6 replies
Hello - I just finished up an animation for a software company, thought I would put it up - thanks again HASH. [email=][/email] Thanks - Eric
Last reply by flashawd, -
- 6 replies
working on some art for an iphone game i'm building and here's my 2nd attempt at armor. v3 will probably be my keeper. this armor set is what all my units will wear primarily with different textures for each race and the few unique armors that actually change the graphic of a unit on the battle screen, will be additional shoulder pads and helmets to this basic armor model. for instance 6 different armors all have this model for their base armor set but differ from each other by shoulder/head graphic. did it in about 5 hours and the video took about 2 hours to render haha. i'm considering trying a v2.5 with a more cartoony, Mii style character model with bubblie…
Last reply by falibu, -
- 44 replies
Playing with the treez plugin.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Thought I would show my new model ,been playing with AM Paint and it work's graet
Last reply by steve392,