Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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Most images I post here are of a model in broad daylight. But since I'm building a railroad observation car I wanted to see if the internal lighting rig would be believable from the outside. The only way to check it would be to put the model in subdued light, so here it is just after sundown. obsv_car_walk_around_01.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
by robcat2075- 4 replies
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
Made this I was bored no reason. Messing around with lighting as well
Last reply by Maniac, -
- 0 replies
For a discussion on the trombone forum about how to have a convenient practice trombone small enough to play inside a car. I propose to chop the slide to have only 4 (rather than 7) positions and fold the unused portion back up the slide, so that the total length of the horn (and pitch) remain the same.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
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Thanks, Mark Day
Last reply by MarkDay2378, -
- 9 replies
I have two good rigging questions if there is time. Squash.prj Ru-Cube.mdl
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
A couple of experiments with animated noise. This is A:M Perlin noise, animated by moving the noise material (set to be a displacement material) vertically through a plane. This is noise made in After Effects and rendered out as an image sequence to apply as a displacement decal on a plane. I'm not sure what causes the white flecks.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
Since I'm starting over, I always start with this. It's my favorite vehicle from my favorite movie. There are no decals, yet. I'm still building it. Eventually, it will have an R2 socket and completely animated. It comes directly from the 1977 schematics and my personal memory of having the physical model. It is a work in progress. It's awesome to have this outlet.
Last reply by Goss, -
- 4 replies
Future topic... Eddie Comin' thru your bedroom wall...
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
Happy Fourth of July! WaveTheVeryLongFlag.prj
Last reply by Roger, -
This is just a preview of what I'm working on. Hope you like it😀
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 17 replies
A test of very dense simcloth, just 1cm patches. It took several hours to simulate but it drapes and flops appropriately and mostly avoids the faceted look that less dense meshes can get. TogaThom006d 1cm clothSIMMED.prj cloth 006d2000_.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
The latest addition to my railroad needs long sheets of diamond pattern steel plate. I wanted these plates to look well used, slightly rusty and to have varying amounts of dried dirt on them. I wasn't looking forward to building the material because while it's relatively easy to build show-room new surface finishes, I had never been happy with any of my attempts at old steel and procedural dirt looked too much like soft edged clouds. I thought the only way I could get hard edged dirt would be a decal. However after much experimentation I've got a material that's more than adequate. At this distance it's fairly convincing. The diamond pattern is a tiled normal decal. …
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 6 replies
Last reply by johnl3d, -
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- 11 replies
I'm a prog musician (I play in a couple of prog bands signed to small labels:,, and I'm working on a solo album. One of the pieces on the solo album is a prog version of a section of Stravinsky's Firebird. I'm working on a video to go along with it. Here's 20 seconds of the work in progress. <iframe src="" width="640" height="564" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Last reply by Vance G, -
- 41 replies
Hi Guys, Started working on something new and thought I'd to try something different. Instead of posting still images of my modeling progress I did some video screen capture. Sped up around 20x hope it isn't too jarring.
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 10 replies
Hi everybody, as I said before I wanted to show what I was working on but did not get it into the voting because it just recently was finished... But I promised to show it anyway, so here it is... Hope you like it . See you *Fuchur*
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 15 replies
This a demon in an old Dutch painting that I started modeling for "Planes Trains Automobiles"... but didn't finish! It's not much to go on. I did these drawings to visualize the head... After some more development I got to this concept... And here is as far as I got before pressing pause in 2018... to be continued...
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 9 replies
Do you give suggestions prior to submittal? Should I give you a shot of what I'm working on or wait? What if I finish before I'm done? What size?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
by robcat2075- 4 replies
A lavafall made with a noise combiner...
Last reply by robcat2075, -
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- 17 replies
Been hard to decide what to work on for the Fall 2020 Image contest! But think I'm settled on this awkward guy. He is something I sketched up a number of years ago. Every so often when I rifle through my hard drive he resurfaces and I think it will be cool to make him in 3d, but then get busy with something else and he gets shelved..... again. So anyway... here goes the more serious attempt to bring him to life.
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 9 replies
I'm currently working on an episode for Youtube. Running time will be around 6 or 7 minutes. Watch out for wampires! Bat Fail Low Res.wmv
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 60 replies
I decided to work on another face. Its still in the early stages but I like where its going.
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hi Guys, Been experimenting with rendering some gem and glass like objects in A:M and decided to try my hand at rendering some quartz crystals. Have a few more things I'd like to add and experiment with in the scene so figure I'll keep adding here as a WIP when I get around to it. ( have to get back to my Snoopy post as well ) A few post tweaks were added in Photoshop like exposure and blurring.
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 31 replies
After reading the latest Martin's Minutes about "Charlie Brown Books" I remembered that I modeled a Snoopy vs Red Baron a few years back using Lightwave and was curious to try the Lightwave importer with A:M. After re examining the model I decided to model him from scratch in A:M. I just get a kick out of the elegance of spline patches vs subdivision modeling it seems like you can say more with less. Here is some progress of the model so far... still working on the hands and feet and will be modeling a scarf next.
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 2 replies
I've been updating some of my old models including this wooden desk chair. The large image is from today, the small inset image was rendered on Dec. 20, 1997. If nothing else my colour sense seems to have improved.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
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- 5 replies
This is turning out to be quite fun so far. For an upcoming scene , I need to make three police officer models. If any of you happen to have one handy, it would save quite a bit of time. Oh yes, in case you didn't recognize the old Arnie Head model, there it is Dinosaur.mp4 Stipid dinosaur.mp4
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 5 replies
Hello, I am a " former( older ? )" (15 years) French user of AM. I followed the evolution of other interesting 3D software (3dsmax, carrara, blender, ...). Blender is becoming a major player in the 3D world, but I remember that Animation Master had great potential a few years ago. Its only major weakness was the slowness of its rendering. When we see the new rendering engines such as Arnold, octane, cycles, eevee, and many others! has it adapted to this development? I plan to reuse this software that I like by its very logical structure but with its protection system by machine key, I cannot test the trial version (windows problem?) Do you have opinions, advice or reflect…
Last reply by olivier, -
- 23 replies
Steve Shelton created this character for a project he and Chris Dailey and I are working on. This is an initial experiment with fitting a simcloth shirt on him.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
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- 63 replies
So I saw this cool Lightwave tut for making 3D clouds for a planet's atmosphere, you know, those really gorgeous shots of planets that you can tell have 3d clouds and not just some flat texture map. Well anyways, I decided to take a stab at making it AMified. So far it's turning out well, though I've run into a bit of a bump with it. The bump being that I kind of want the texture to 'taper' at the top, to simulate the 3d effect of clouds better. Now in lightwave, they used something called a weight material. Obviously AM doesn't have that, so I thought I could simulate it by doing some form of transparent gradient. Basically make the top more transparent than the bo…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
Some more items was working on this past week, like the Dolphin Rider.. for modeling to be exported.
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 6 replies
Hi Guys, Was working on something for work last week and thought it would be fun to make the basic shapes in A:M even though it was eventually going to be worked on in zbrush/3dsmax. Been getting a kick out of spline modeling again so of course any excuse to play with A:M. my concept sketch and model
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 19 replies
This is toon shading on some spheres.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
Smoke project
by Elm- 6 replies
Hi guys! I hope you're all doing well..... Can someone please post a complete (simple) smoke project (incl. all files embedded). I can't find one anywhere. That would be nice. Or can the extras dvd be downloaded somewhere? Greetings, Elm.
Last reply by Elm, -
- 4 replies
the Cellular-Webbed turbulence combiner rotated within a cube of patches... CellMat003_H1500.mp4 PRJ... CellMAts003.prj
Last reply by robcat2075, -
by robcat2075- 3 replies
Fire made with turbulence on a gradient material, no particles. fire09_B.mp4
Last reply by serg2, -
- 5 replies
I took the famous Nefertiti OBJ with 2 million polygons, put a gradient on it to render a displacement map and put that map on a flat card in A:M. Overhangs like behind the cheekbones and at the side of the nose are impossible to project off a flat card but overall I'm impressed at how the OpenEXR displacement map captures all the tiny details of the original OBJ. full screen to see detail... NeferTurnH_3K.mp4 The displacement map looks like this...
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 1 reply
Here are some experiments with different skin shading These are all from my Ground Hog Day scene. They are all rendered with a slightly blue AO light and an orange-ish Sun light. This is a simple pink color for the Skin group... Same as above but with white Specular color. Width 500%, Intensity 60%... Same as before but with Specular Intensity down to 40% This next one uses the Pharr Skin diffuse plugin shader (Just "Skin" in A:M). The Pharr Skin Shader tries to reproduce some of the nuance of Sub Surface Scattering without the huge rendering time. Short version: instead of merely darkening a color as the i…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
In the technical manual, it states while in the chor, we can be looking through the camera view and hold down the shift or control key and move the mouse to change the camera view. Has this been disabled or is there something I am missing? Needless to say I can not get this to work Steve Edit Center mouse key plus either control or shift got it. Sorry
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 reply
Is there a way to copy a relationship from model to model?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
I have been wanting to get back to several ideas I have had. So yesterday I pulled up several character models created in ver 18 or 19. I am running the current version of AM and all the groomed hair was sticking straight up. Opened the model in 18 and it is fine. in version 19j1 the hair guides are groomed but the hair is sticking straight up. Also, all the maps either png or tga were no longer alpha channeled. I had several maps with color and bump maps. Has anyone else opened a previously created model with the hair issues?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 9 replies
I want to make a pteranodon. I gathered some reference to study. The boning of the wing is simpler than I though. it's just a few arm bones and one gi-normous pinky finger. I star by extruding and tapering the upper beak out from a spline ring... I duplicate the top, flip it vertically to make the bottom beak and connect it at the mouth corner... Stitch in a ring at a spline intersection ... Extrude it inward to form the eye socket...
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
I found that I get a slightly more believable driver response if I constrain the chest (at -50%) and skull (at +50%) to the bone that automatically aims the chassis and turns the steering wheel (see image). And about that null; for the whole rig to work it has to follow the same path as the car's model bone but stay centered between the front wheels. At present the only way I can figure out how do that is to set correctly chosen key frames for the ease of both the car and null. This is trivial if the ease timeline is a straight line from 0 to 100%. But it became trickier if the car changes speed during the chor. Can anyone suggest a way to constrain the null to the p…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
I have a question that I have just begun to notice. I have applied ver 19j and now each time I save a project I have a new set of folders for each save. Each save has several sub folder. The main folder is titled the name of the project and then a series of numbers that I could not decode. Under the folder there are usually two folders. The first is a capital letter such as E with a dash, so E-. Its contents are then followed with another folder with the name of the project and its folder has the project file. The second main folder under the top is labeled the name of the pc such as Steve-PC. Under its folder are several folders. one has a listing the the…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I'm moving this topic to WIP since I don't have access to the Animation Master forum. To reiterate; I've very lax in loading the latest versions and have been using 19.0e since it came out. I just installed 19.0j and upon starting AM got the error message:"Unable to load plugin" (followed by a sequential list of all the .atx and .trb files I bought from Enhance:AM) "The specified procedure could not be found". I made sure this version was looking in the correct folder.I loaded v19.0i and got the same result. I don't have ver.g or ver.h but ver.f had no problem loading them. However ver.f has a decal application crash and this is the only version that's availabl…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, it has been a long long time since I've done anything with A:M or even had it installed on my computer. Maybe 2012? To be honest I was missing using it and installed the last version I had, 14x, and started something I've been interested in modelling and 3dprinting. Not sure why but I've been itching to model the IronMan helmet. So last week reinstalled it and grabbed some rotoscopes, spent a day getting my feel for the modeling window again. I was so familiar with the software years ago that my minds muscle memory was almost totally intact. so, loaded up a few rotoscopes and got started. Im just out to do the helmet and this is where I've gotten to. Ho…
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 2 replies
Bought some perforated steel plates to use with stop frame work, noticed the moire effects when one moved over the other and thought,"Ill photo that". It was too cold to venture out doors ( by UK standards anyway ), so decided to try something similar in AM using cookie cutter decals.Managed to make about 35 over two days. Here are a few of them. Apologies for large file sizes. Grid One was the first one, Two grids, one using circular hole, the other square holes. There was about 10 of those in different settings. Then added colour and different grids.Grid Fourteen and G27 give an indication of those. Then, last night, thought to try cookie cu…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 4 replies
Had a great time in the ol' Live Answer realm today. I didn't post this during the session but as a follow up here's an example of a model I'm currently using to test hair. Finding a lazy way to control hair length is my underlying goal but I know that sometimes the work just has to be done. As Robert mentioned during the session, an image map (specifically a decal) driving the length property is likely to be optimal. I don't know why I always stubbornly resist dong things the 'right way'. Instead of pushing forward with a decal I find myself manually adjusting and wishing I could use materials or patch images instead. In…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 30 replies
A revisit of an old idea/project done to test the working method. The old one was a bit of a mess too but liked the idea. The scenario is that, the Mum is starting to learn to play the piano, and the baby has yet to walk. But will by the end of Day Three. This is a rough pass at Day One. Any Critical feedback very welcome. It was animated and rendered in AM, the notes hand coloured in TVP and the composite done in After Effects. The composite will need some work as I have very little knowledge or experience of AE Simon BEWARE of Sound !!! TLC S1
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
Hello, Since I'm diving into movie creation, I realize there's a process involved, beginning even before any 3D work is done. Concepting, etc. This is an area where I'm a bit unsure how to start. I have stories in my head, but if I was to get them out in the scattershot way I tend to imagine them (thinking of different scenes at random, etc), no one would have any idea what's going on. It would be like Pulp Fiction edited by someone on hallucinogenics. I also have this tendency to constantly second-guess myself and doubt if I'm doing something correctly. I end up getting hung up worrying about it, and all my enthusiasm deflates. I think if I had a fairly solid idea of…
Last reply by Ovaltine,