Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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- 7 replies
Hi there, i am trying to render a model with a normal map on it, but the result is not very satisfactory. I am gettin all strange square artifacts all over the model. Anyone a id4ea wher this may come from? Best regards Heiner AM_Test_0.bmp
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 30 replies
Well it's actually been a long time since I actually really used AM for anything (probably before Christmas actually). The projects I have been working on required other tools. So I wanted to crack open AM and see if I still had it in me! So what I'm working on is modelling Batman! I'm trying to go for a style similar to that of the graphic novels. The unfortunate thing is that I lack rotos. I couldn't find anything satisfactory online and when I tried to draw my own, well, let's just say that didn't go very well. So I'm just going at it! So far I'm not sure whether or not I'm happy with what I have. There's quite a few problems, such as but not limited to th…
Last reply by Darkwing, -
- 23 replies
I did not want to make a new topic but I had to get this question answered. I am trying Homeslice's simple animation rig and I am trying to fix this Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 19 replies
Here's what I've been working on in my minimal spare time. Works been killing me.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 24 replies
Hi I've modelled the Zagato Perana Z-One. While modelling the car, I rendered out wireframes of the progress. I put it together and uploaded the time-lapse video to YouTube Please take a look and tell me what you think Best watched in HD You might not like the color adjustments I have done to the final image, I was just experimenting, I have no knowledge when it comes to color adjustment. But I hope you like it anyway Best regards Stian Small teaser:
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 4 replies
Decided to Do a little Fan Art Model of one of my favorite characters from Dragon's L.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
Hi guys working on a train project and I have 2 questions that maybe you can help with first question smoke when i export out as a jpg or tga I get smoke in the finale render ( test mov jpg has smoke) when I export out as a movie I get no smoke however when I place an image such as the stars in the background I get my smoke ( test mov has smoke because of star png background ) is that normal for movie export or do i have to turn something on 2nd question models do you guys mdl to scale say something is 20 feet do you mdl 20 feet I've been doing what feels comfortable is there a rule ? thanks j
Last reply by jimd, -
- 5 replies
Here's my first blocking effort. Haven't decided if he makes it or not.....
Last reply by RS3D, -
- 4 replies
Yea I'm running the contest. But it doesnt mean I can't animate...or try to... This is my first roughing in.
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
- 1 follower
- 95 replies
a new client wants an animation which explains the order process of his new business idea, it´s a special kind of courier service. they want the animation to look like it´s a real cartoon, but it should also look modern & stylish. so right now i´m trying to find a style that looks like a hand drawn cartoon, but also modern and somehow hip & cool... i just took a character i had and retextured him (the characters in the animation will look different) and modeled a few props and buildings. it´s more about the general look and the render style first. any suggestions what might get it look even more cartoony? david, if you´re reading this: what would b…
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
Opening Three shots of current short. Any Feedback welcome. simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 28 replies
Just in case I don't get this finished for the end of New Years day. This was going to be a simple test but, I'm getting carried away ( as usual ). Also a test of my knowledge of using toon render, which I hope to use more extensively next year. regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 7 replies
Took about 2 hours. Mainly just bored and felt like modeling something random so I whipped him out.
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
- 18 replies
While awaiting a render I thought I'd try an idea for the car chase sequence. I've taken some low res targa photos of the lego houses and mapped them onto four patch planes to composite within the multi plane chor option. The question is, how do I get it to cut out the space were the windows are ? Heres an example of one of the files. Green_01.tga I cut out the spaces were the windows were and left it transparent in TGA format. When rendered it shows the gap as a flat white ? Is there a way around that ? regards simon Apologies here is a jpg version of the same file
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
After a lot of thought and debate I have given myself the green light to start this project. I wanted something short and doable within a six month time line. So with these thoughts in mind I have the following planned. A story that requires... -Only one character model. -Only two set models. -Only 5 prop models. And that's it. I have the story written already. It's based off of a longer script I have planned for the future. I wanted to do a small trailer like project but make the trailer a story in itself. So far the story would only be about 2 minutes long which I think is very much achievable. Keep in mind that this will not be my primary project. …
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 5 replies
I made a test with image based lighting to see if it helps in integrating Hash models with background photographs. I am happy with the color mixing, but I think the shadows could be better. I added some color distortion in the middle of the image to give it the reflection artifact you tend to see on sun lit pictures. I tried the z-buffer shadow option, but the results were kind of weird. For example, it did not show a projected shadow from the barrel in the scene. I would appreciate it if someone could take a minute to look it over and let me know if you think it looks realistic or needs further work.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
UV-map weirdness 1 2
by Tore- 2 followers
- 54 replies
Having experienced some strange behavior when handling UV-maps in A:M, I am wondering if I am doing something wrong, or this is a bug. It goes like this: 1. I make a (in this case very simple) model in A:M. 2. Exporting the model (without UV's) as an .OBJ 3. Importing the model into 3DCoat. 4. ...and gets this automatic UV unwrapping. 5. Still in 3DCoat I then paint something on the model. 6. And export the model as an .OBJ with enclosed Targa color map. 7. Back into A:M I import... 8. ...and gets this distorted result - even if I render the model. The projection bulges and weave, and t…
Last reply by ludo_si, -
- 14 replies
Thought I would try a fatter lady for a change .Im quite pleased with it
Last reply by steve392, -
- 7 replies
Hello all- Just a quick question. I was checking out the UCLA Lab of Neural Imaging and came across a cool picture of a brain. I was trying to duplicate it in AM. I even thought that there was a Dark Tree shader that approximated x rays but couldn't find it. Anyway, in AM I took 2 spheres, crumpled the bigger one slightly and made it transparent. Added a color map and high specularity and came up with something that doesn't look even remotely what I intended. Any ideas how to achieve the effect on the left? Many thanks! Tom
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 10 replies
I'm rendering a series of frames for the water spout in the current short. The sequence is being rendered as tga files with an alpha channel with the intention of compositing it within the scene. As the render goes through I noticed this strange effect in the shadow and wondered what might have caused it and how to avoid it future ? It appears to be showing the polys the splines approximate too ? The spline rings are far less substantial then the lines suggest. ( think there are 4 in the head of the spout. Multi pass on at 16, toon lines set to 0.2, bias at 20%, default surface properties. OSX 10.68 on Imac, V15. Any help gratefully received re…
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 26 replies
Hello. I'm taking a short break on a personal project that I have been working on in Animation Master to work on this: I am almost finished with this but I still have a few things to go with it: * I need to finish the head by adding eyes, teeth and a tounge. * Finish the face. * Finish the hair. * Tweak the boots around the ankle area. * Tweak his butt. * Finalize his belt. * Rig it. * Model and rig his cape (I currently am using a rough stand-in now). * Add additional texture maps. I think that is it for now. My goal is to not get caught up in the details and finish this in another two weeks or so. I find that with my persona…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 79 replies
Hey Guys, after many years of building and animating practice, its time to put it into Action! we start our production today of our first short film Santa's Little Helper. its going to be a 3-4 min (now over 8 mins!) short about Santa as he tries to get toys ready for Christmas but is has some obstacles to overcome, Ninjas. sets are all designed by me and my friend BBB3D here on the forums,some characters are models found in the contributor cue (just modified a bit), we are shooting for a November release. Now June 2013! hey could go for christmas in july we will also be using this page as a guide so we remember where we are at on the production. Producti…
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
OK, didn't get far rigging - need to do a little more research into the various rigs and find some tutorials so started work on the set..... Here's the Armory/Bunker so far....
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 9 replies
I've reached the point were I need to learn how to use the function curves to edit the ease in and out after the keys have been set. This is something avoided for a long time but, have to learn some time. I have a figure hitting a tree top and that then bends down with the weight and force of impact. It bends over to the point were its going to snap back and launch him upwards. I'm reasonably happy with the keys but would like to adjust the curves so that there is a chance for the facial expressions to read. There are five bones on the tree. If I open up the graph editor which are the axis that I need to edit, x, y, or Z and what is it that needs to be adjus…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 20 replies
Here's my newest project. Still alot to do.
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
- 1 follower
- 52 replies
Hey folks. Just wanted to pop by, in case anyone was wondering where I'd gone, or heard I'd switched to another app, or something. Rest assured I'm still plugging away, spending my nights and weekends in A:M, bringing "Ebon" to life. Here's a new lipsync test, for example: Six-second clip (1.6MB): There are a number of reasons why I haven't been around much lately--one of them is simply that I've been posting my work-in-progress details on my own production blog instead of here. Nothing personal, honest! It's all part of the publicity-building machinery, laying the groundwork for even more ambitio…
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
I had to put aside the project of "Trem do Pantanal" because it is a big project that requires more labor (modeler, animator etc etc). Meanwhile I began a more modest project, a short film called "Lau". I present you, "Lau" the main character which gives the name of the short. The rendering style is the same image below. There will be 4 characters: Lau Baby Lau character 1 dog I'll concentrate all my efforts to complete this project later this year. And follow the schedule: Concept Modeling Texture Rig Storyboard Animatic Animation Render Post production (sound effects, music, cuts etc etc) I believe it will have around 2 minut…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 109 replies
My instinct was to wait until I had a lot more of these done, but, I figured that it would be silly if there was a fundamental error in the more basic stuff which ruined everything more complex that followed. So, I'll post the first round of really basic ball bounces that I've been messing with. The goal is to work my way through basic exercises in an attempt to improve. Constructive critiques are encouraged (I am trying to get better)...thanks in advance for any pointers. This set of four starts with a ball drop without any squash and stretch, then a small amount of lateral movement is added, then squash and stretch is added and finally some roll is added. O…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 9 replies
was just seing what it looks like ,couldn;t get sss to work on the eyes properly as there just going black
Last reply by thefreshestever, -
- 13 replies
Hey everyone, Started a new personal project. A while back I did an illustration of a creature (which can be found here and I decided it would be cool to make a near photo realistic version in Animation Master. Still have a long way to go, but here is my start after a few hours. Texturing has always been my weak point (at least on organic things) so it should be a good process. Anyway let me know what you think! Ben
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 2 replies
I liked the Sintel Character from Blender so much that I am converting a version for A:M. Sintel is Open Source so my version will be open source as well. The conversion proved better that I expected. So far the conversion had included various levels of additional deformation meshes as well as Proxy meshes and other layers. Its been a pain cleaning these out. Next will be to fix the few bad patches (not too many) then to add hair and the a rig.
Last reply by Vertexspline, -
- 7 replies
I've been inactive of late in the A:M world... new job has me going in other directions. But Friday was a 'hurry-up and wait' day- so I perused my A:M files and saw a model that I last worked on TEN YEARS ago(2003 with a SetupMachine V1 rig!)... so I revisited it... added some SSS, some matcaps, some FastAOgpu, a TrueBones motion capture action(offset on the different dancers) and let Youtube provide the music track... The poneytails are controlled by a pose that has muscle-motion sway in a 100 to -100%... then a bone parented to the head bone with a dynamic constraint... then a smartskin relationship on that bone that controls the pose by the rotation of the bone. …
Last reply by steve392, -
- 62 replies
Trying to see what I can do in A:M.
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
- 18 replies
Same model in both left and right images but better (IMO) textures, lighting and setting; ten years between renders. I'd be willing to bet there's nothing in the 2013 versions that couldn't have been done in 2003, it just took that long to motivate myself to sweat those details.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 50 replies
Having some fun getting back into Animation master. Here is another attempt at an entry for the upcoming contest. A trust........ Just working on timing.
Last reply by thefreshestever, -
As some of you know, I'm working on the SO sets. Adding trees to the sets are very time consuming. Creating assembly actions for each set and positioning the trees takes alot of time. Using hair to create forests, in most cases is not an option. So I needed to come up with another plan. Here I created a model with multiple trees (trees are basic at the moment). I then constrained the trees to the ground plane in the chor in a pose. Now I can drop this model (multiple times if needed) to create a forest. I can translate and rotate the base model and the trees will follow the terrain. I also have plans to add poses to scale the model and the individual trees. Here's an exam…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
Started playing with this voice from Animation Mentors archives,and thought I would show it and get some feedback maybe
Last reply by higginsdj, -
- 11 replies
Hey Everyone. Often when I am trying to set up that "perfect" camera shot in my scene, I get deceived by the fact that I can see too much of the camera angle. In other words, things beyond the edges of the camera can be seen while placing the camera at a good angle. Then when I render I realize that I got too much or too little in the view. So I made a simple 16:9 "View Blocker" model so that when I'm setting up my camera, I'll have an easier time seeing only what will be rendered. Maybe some of you could use this little help. Here it is. Attached is the model and a choreography with it set up on the camera Also the two pics show with and with…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 13 replies
I raised this last time I used AM and got nowhere. The 3DConnexion *standard* axis for Spin and Roll are swapped in AM. Last time I raised this (years ago) I was told this was what certain AM users wanted and it wouldn't change. Would a request to add a user option to use the 3DConnexion *default* axis be considered? Cheers
Last reply by higginsdj, -
- 31 replies
My subscription is about to expire and I've begun to think of all of the reasons I should resubscribe. While plunking down $79 for another year of A:M is really a no-brainer (of course I should)... maybe... just maybe... I should consider the reasons I have to resubscribe. So... help me out here guys/gals. Give me a reason (or ten) to resubscribe.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 28 replies
I've always been intrigued by the utility vehicles to which the railroad companies attach retractable flanged wheels to allow them to ride the rails. So when I saw the image shown in the upper left of an actual VW bus version, I knew I had to modify my own microbus model. And inspired by the image of a prototype pickup bus shown in the upper right, I decided to go off the deep end and design a stake truck version. Before I started texturing the finished model I decided it was best to add bones, constraints and finish the movement of the wheels. Considering the time I spent tweaking it, especially the hydraulic hoses, the action is remarkably boring. I suppose in som…
Last reply by nino banano, -
- 4 replies
As shown in the first image, I'm installing electric trolley wire down my city street set. The solid copper wire is strung from steel clamps that are supported by multi-strand steel cable. I played with the concept of modeling the cable strand by strand but that turned into a lot of patches for low visibility set dressing. Instead I built some angled half cylinders to generate bump images using a black to white gradient material. So the cables shown in the second image (a view from above) are simple tubes that were straightened in an action and then cylindrically decaled. They turned out much more convincing than I expected. They probably wouldn't hold up if you were…
Last reply by nino banano, -
- 6 replies
I felt like playing around tonight and modeled this generic character. I was thinking that I'd rig it up and donate it to our Contributor's board. The idea I'm playing with is that when it's rigged, there would be bones that could be used for customizing the character. The practical bit being that a user could create an action, import things like hair, nose, eyes, etc. and then constrain them to the customizing bones. Folks could contribute those custom elements (noses, etc.) that the user could choose from to create their own custom character. Kind of Mr. Potato-like. Would there be an interest in something like this?
Last reply by largento, -
- 15 replies
Trying to follow up on Robert's suggestionI am using Cookie Cut decals for the first time, with mixed results and wondered what I might be doing wrong? This is a PNG of the decal used ( the original is tga ) This is the flat used to put the decal on and this is what happens when I render it. I looked on the forum and there was a suggestion that Multi pass had to be on for cookie cut to show but I'm getting the same result with multi pass on as well. Any help gratefully received. regards simon Cookie_Cut.prj
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 22 replies
Working away on the current project. I rendered the sequence out as a series of TGA files to be composited over a cloud background. Then used a chor to composite them within AM. With this result, There are two moments when there are distinct movements which should not be there, frame 65 ( 02:15 ) being the first. Checked the new composite file and this was the result. There is a shadow behind the figure, I went back to the original, Which looked like this, Using the same files as for the AM composite, I then did it again in FCP and got no glitches, this is frame 65, Should add that, the original were rendere…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 22 replies
"Sandcastles," my third short film and second major collaboration has officially moved into production. The main character was modeled in A:M. Determined to build the sandcastle of his dreams, a small child struggles against all odds to fulfill his destiny, even if it kills him. In case you didn't see it in the festivals, my last film, "Garrett" is now available to watch on Youtube. Production has begun on "Sandcastles," so watch for updates soon.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 28 replies
I'm doing a little animation project that involves an alien abduction and eventually the main character gets stuck in an alien ufo. Now I've found that coming up with ideas for the interior of the ship is a very hard process and frankly I'm at a loss as to what I should make it look like. It's up in the air if the inside will be organic like many alien abduction movies portray, or more metal like something in the X-Files Fight the Future movie. Any and all ideas are welcome as to style, look, design, surfce materials, and things that would be found inside the ship. I'm drifting towards a creepy look to it, but anything is welcome. Chances are that I would use many ideas, …
Last reply by captainrex, -
- 11 replies
This may a "How long is a pice of string " questions but, Is there a table or list that suggests appropriate weights to be given to CP's, using the 2008 rig ? What I mean by that, is given a standard joint like a wrist, what type of percentage spread would go across the forearm, hand and fan bone ? I've tried to work through it, but with very limited success, and need to address the problem again. regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 12 replies
Starting a character...
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 35 replies
Does anyone have or can anyone suggest a great example of A:M Subsurface Scattering. Something that, as soon as you see it, clearly demonstrates SSS (and looks great). I want to stick it in a tutorial video on "Rendering"
Last reply by robcat2075,