A:M Tutorials & Demos
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148 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
Hi! so here it is: Another beginner Tutorial for A:M... PatchWork3d: Beginner Tutorial It is quite large (mp4, about 50 min. 1024px * 604px resolution). Filesize is about 160 MB, but I think it is worth it for a beginner! Let me know what you think. I am covering different things like: - user interface - basic spline / patch principles - some comon questions like: how to connect a shape to an arm > explaining when to use which patches, etc. - what are and when to use hooks - the advantages and disadvantages of peaked vs smooth splines - hooks, lathe, extrusion, copy/flip/attach, a little bit about normals - many many helpful little t…
Last reply by stefff285, -
- 6 replies
Here is an working index to some of the A:M Forum's Tutorials. Featured: Holmes Bryant's Featured Tutorials Pinned: Featured Tutorials (3 replies) Pinned: Useful Links (Archive) (75 replies) Other/older classic tutorials: Making a Tutorial... (21 replies) Championing Video Tutorials (1 reply) Camtasia Decoder not Working (1 reply) Holmes Bryant Tuts (1 reply) Dink3D tutorial - Ribbed surface (7 replies) Screw head tut with keyboard shortcuts (5 replies) My first video tutorial (11 replies) What is the best free software for making (3 replies) lighting tuts from movie short (2 replies) exploding tut mov (6 replies) …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 28 replies
Jason Hampton Video Tutorials links 13 Video Tutorials total so far. - Create Material from Surface property group Tutorial, Video Tutorial - Motion control Video Tutorial or http://www.cameracontrol.com/reels.html - Technocrane Camera Rig and tutorial - SSS demystified Video tutorial The following currently have broken links: - Snap group pivot to grid video tutorial: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...+video+tutorial - Screen Capture Video Tutorial: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...+video+tutorial - Quicktime pro video tutorial compression settings: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...video+tutorials …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 64 replies
We begin "It Can't Be Done", a tutorial thread in which we try to do the undo-able... with Animation:Master! Part1 This month's topic is revealed and we get started. PRJ of example in video ICBD_2_2014_02_line_test.prj The photograph shown in the video is used with the permission of the artist, Rob Walker. Part 2 ... With comparative analysis we learn to cook our own A:M files. I recommend you Fullscreen it and use the "Settings" button at the lower right of the Youtube player to choose 480p or 720p. If anyone can't view Youtube, let me know. Error: at 7:45 I say "…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 22 replies
This is a collection of links to various explanatory posts I have made over the years on the forum. Some are full stand-alone tutorial presentations but most are answers to an A:M user's question or sometimes mere interjections in a thread and you may need to read above and below for context. They may be videos, annotated screen capture stills, example projects or just text explanations. Some videos may require installation of the free Ensharpen Codec (bottom of page at link) They are arranged only roughly in broad categories below and not in any particular order beyond that. Some might fit in more than one category but none are listed more than once. I may…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
This post has two video tuts. Modeling a simple missile and making it fly! http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=338964 (But don't skip the tutorials in your TAoA:M booklet )
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 75 replies
The Software Tutorials Forum is constantly adding new resources. Thanks to all contributors! We couldn't do this without you. Recently added to A:M Tutes: Realistic Edges (Bias) Subject: Modeling - Level: Basic - Author: Ken Heslip Changing a Cartoon Horse into a Zebra Subject: Materials - Level: Basic - Author: JohnL3d Quick Videos (Qvids) Subject: Various - Level: Basic - Author: LarryB Animation Bootcamp and related Tutorials Subject: Animation - Level: Basic - Author: Alonso Soriano FACE Rigging Subject: Rigging - Level: Basic through Advanced - Author: Mark Strohbehn Using The Squetch Rig Subject: Animating - Level…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 0 replies
I have these older videos if anyone is interested. Not sure how relevant they are nowadays, but someone may have a use for them. If so, let me know and we'll figure something out. Just throw me a fair price, and we can go from there. Sorry if this is not allowed in here, just don't approve if not, just seemed like the most logical place though. Wish I had the time to play with A:M like I used to....
Last reply by Randizzle67, -
- 2 replies
Why not use A:M to make 2D cartoons? Here you can find two short examples: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14906 2dcartoon.zip
Last reply by gschumsky, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
3D_printing_from_AM_tutorial_.mov Video of the final printed product. Suplimental_Video.mov 2013_08_04_10.56.06.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi Folks Hope this video helps. For people interested in the 3Dconnexion, 3D mouse. Enjoy Part 1 3D_MOUSE_JH_VID_TUT_P1_V1_.mov Part 2 3D_MOUSE_JH_VID_TUT_PT2_V1.mov
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 0 replies
Nowadays the A:M Forum is really the community's FAQ but long long ago in much more ancient times their lived the A:M FAQ. Some of the information is still as valid as ever while others have been outdated for quite a while. Still its a treat to read through and revisit the glory days of yesteryear. The names alone are worth the read. ...and the best is yet to come! For those that haven't seen it and those that haven't visited in awhile: The Animation:Master FAQs
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 26 replies
Wow. Wow. Wow... and Wow! If you have'nt seen (or recently revisited) Matt Bradbury's Animation:Master Features wiki you must go there now! A:M Features by Matt Bradbury Matt has been systematically working his way through A:M and putting the information about A:M's features in his wiki for all to enjoy. Beautifully presentated with great information. Thanks to Matt for all his hard work on this fine resource. ..and since they will fit right in here as well we'll add the links to information about Sweeper, Treeez and the Newton Physics plugins. These are the pages, projects and presentations from Emilio, Marcel and Steffen who have so masterfully …
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Siggraph demo from 2006. 2 hours of video on decaling, using the UV editor, and 3D Painter: https://youtu.be/czaYXaf_9D8
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 30 replies
All, There is information in the A:M Forum on just about every subject matter related to Animation:Master. For many forum members finding and organizing this information can be a difficult task. The A:M Forum provides for the collection, editing and dissemination of information to a variety of formats through the [Print Topic] option and basic/advanced search functions. In short, personalized/customized tutorials are only a mouse click away. Its even easier than it sounds. As such we are looking to collect, edit and format some of these treasures, format them and ultimately make useful information available to the A:M Community. Once enough material is a…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
Can anyone tell me what has happened to the links to the A.R.M? I have used that site as a resource for more A:M solutions than I can count and hope it's up and running soon. Thanks.
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 58 replies
Someone was missing this one. Here it comes! You can use hair to make grass! This WINK-tutorial describes how to makes grass in a simple way. A more advanced way you can find here: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/ffave/e_herbes.htm To learn more about hair you can listen to this tutorial: http://www.s1.hashmirror.com/ftp/pub/movies/RandyHair.mov And a web page to learn about hair: http://www.hash.com/am2004/Modeling/Hair/ Hair can be used in many ways so moore tutorials on hair is needed to describe all the possibilities. cfree68f introduced the topic - experiment in Paint strokes, or pointillism? http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?sho…
Last reply by Coggs, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Recently, I am researching ways to process 2-dimensional animation, line drawing animation, illustration of manga and game, commercialize material outputted from Animation Master. Little by little, I think I will announce the results. I want users who can approve actively participate. Let's make "A: M" exciting. At least I want to make this tool known to the world. It is a wonderful animation tool. Thank you.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 2 replies
I updated my Nvidea graphics card driver and noticed it includes a screen-capture utility! SO- I made a video showing my method of adding a BVH motion-capture file to a rigged(TSM2) A:M character. I apologize for poor video quality and you may need to pause here and there to see what I am doing- but it is all quite straightforward utilizing simple constraints (Translate To and Orient Like) There are many 'free bvh' files to be found on resources thru-out the web. Here is a folder of older files I DL'd about 20 years ago that was made free by Santa Monica Studios to get you started: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xc74lexfqc3ymnr/SantaMonicaStudios.zip?dl=0 30mb Here…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
hi, not much traffic 'round these parts? let's see what happens; nearly-newbie-to-a:m filmmaker/animator wishes to get going with a very first 3D project in a month - 6 weeks. looking for a technically skilled person who knows this program well, and who enjoys the absurd, willing to build and rig a deceivingly simple-looking character. there's already one boneless character =the basic finished shape to start from. your job would be to add detail if needed to facilitate future use, hair etc; duplicate the character then connect the two; resulting in one character, one IK, breakable to FK. there's also a turning-scenario, which in the rather 2D wor…
Last reply by dblhelix, -
- 16 replies
Hello, I'm an editor at Focal Press, a leading media technology publisher, working on our graphics and animation list. I'm just looking at the current books on AM and there seem to be very few - I could just see 'The Animation : Master 2000 Handbook' by Jeff Paries and 'Animation:Master 2002: A Complete Guide' by David Rogers. Both these seem to be quite comprehensive, beginner/intermediate guides to the program weighing in at more than 500 pages. Do these books, along with the manual and these forums, cover most people's needs or do you perceive a need for something else... if so, what would you like to see? I'd really appreciate any thoughts on…
Last reply by Julian, -
- 2 replies
I did this as a wmv file which I think can now be see by Mac users to reduce the size this has audio http://johnl.inform.net/images/convert.wmv If need be I can get this out as a QT instead Not shown but possible converting qt to avi etc In this I change QT (animation ) to QT (sorenson3) also QT to tga sequence all in AM since website gone here is the file convert.wmv okay found qt version convert.mov
Last reply by Nosferatu, -
- 6 replies
Does anyone have a link to a Photoshop Tut for making wrinkled Cloth Decals/Maps?
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 13 replies
Not sure if this has been covered before or not, but Anzovin Studios produced a large number of CD and VHS based tutorials for AM but they no longer support or distribute them. I think I have them all (or at least nearly all). The TSM2 one has already been released on this forum so I contacted Anzovin Studios to find out the status of the others. Anzovin Studios has graciously allowed all their tutorials to be freely distributed (there are a couple where copyright rests with the presenter and can't be distributed yet so if anyone knows how to contact Justin Barrett and Simon Buntrock please let me know) These include: Non Linear Animation …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
If you get crashes then this simple to use plugin is for you. Enjoy! Autosave Video Tutoial Auto_save_plugin_JH_VID_TUT_V1.mov Auto Save Plugin for AM can be found here http://sgross.com/plugins/index.html
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
To cut down on the loading time I have imported my avi files into a Flash project. I am having problems keeping good quality to most files. Is there a way to keep the quality of the avi files after converting them?
Last reply by Speedle, -
- 3 replies
Bump maps creates the illusion of surface shape details but only in a simple shading manner. They don't change the surface shape. AO and Fake AO depends on actual surface shape to create its shading effect in the recesses and crevices of a model. Here's a surface with a bump map applied. The shading in the recesses represents the direct light only and not the environment illumination By processing the bump map we can make another map that shades the recesses approximately the way the ambient light would. Here's that map added as a Diffuse Map to the surface. Here's the original test image... Now blurred with Gaussian Blur.…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
All, This is something of a 'pardon our dust' post. We are about to enter Phase II in the effort to bring more documentation on Animation:Master to users everywhere. First, many thanks to all those that have contributed tutorials already! Some great information is being presented and it is most appreciated. I know I've learned a lot. As soon as the Extra CD project gets finished I hope to focus on putting together some basic tutorials on the functions and features in A:M. These would be of the variety of answering those "How do I...?" questions that everyone runs into sooner or later; "How do I Embed All?", "How do I model ?", "How do I render with an tra…
Last reply by triath5147, -
- 6 replies
I was looking for a sweater material and I came across the kci:dnd BitMapPlus plugin in the material change type to menu. I have some video and other materials to show but I do not know how to post them. Is there somewhere I can get instructions?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 0 replies
"Overshoot" in animation is when something moves out to a point then retracts a bit. It's a way of making something seem like it got over-stretched, that it reached the end of its rope, that great effort was involved Here, some herons exhibit overshoot in their mating dance. The head reaches far out for the big squawk, but settles back to a more relaxed position. I not a bird expert but I think the male bird on the left is trying to impress the female bird on the right with how far he can stretch his neck and she's showing him how far he really needs to go before it's a deal. She's not going to jump in the nest with just anyone!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
is there a tut for it? I seen alot of examples and I was asked to make a 30 second intro for a friends video and the falling brick wall would go really good in it. any chance of getting some help?
Last reply by yoda64, -
- 5 replies
Here is a link to a tutorial I did for my website on calm open ocean water. http://vimeo.com/2329813 Here is the final image: and the project file: Water_Project.prj.zip Hope its useful! Photoman
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
I dug out my DVDs from SIGGRAPH 2003 and 2004 today, and the movies no longer play. I went to Techsmith's Camtasia site and downloaded and installed the latest QuickTime component for the Ensharpen Codec (1.2) for my Intel Mac, but no luck. I've done the restart, repair permissions, etc. to no avail. Has someone posted a solution to this in this forum in the past, perhaps? (QuickTime 7 Pro, Intel Mac).
Last reply by animationmaster, -
does anyone have a car tutrial that is understandable
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 4 replies
Continued from elsewhere in the forum.
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 0 replies
The manual covers this basic operation but is perhaps not entirely clear. A screencam of a plugin texture being deployed in a Material can found in post #7 of this thread.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
Here is a tutorial showing some uses for the "Clone CP Weights" plugin. Included in the ZIP file is the video tutorial and the assets used in the tutorial. The latest Squetch Rig can be found using the link in my signature at the bottom of this post. Clone_CP_Weights_tutorial.zip
Last reply by Malo, -
- 18 replies
Thanks to Robert I was able to make a tutorial on this. Its very powerful information helping to unlock the power of animating cloth. If you cant play the video I recommend downloading quicklime player and using that. If that does not work download VLC player and use it.
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Here is Jason Hampton's tutorial on Cloth Attach Groups: Cloth_attached_group_animation.mp4
Last reply by mouseman, -
My skies are boring. I would like to know how to make white fluffy clouds, storm clouds, cirrus clouds, pink apple blossom clouds, etc. Is there a tutorial that deals directly with this question?
Last reply by Pitcher, -
- 9 replies
Here is a brief demonstration project for controlling an image sequence with a pose or SmartSkin instead of time. ImageSequenceToSS.zip The image sequence shows numbers from 1 to 50 and fades from green to red The top decal is controlled with the "UpperSequence" Pose slider The top decal is controlled with a SmartSkin on the "Lower Sequence" bone below the square. Neither is controlled by time anymore. When you make a Pose or Smartskin there is a temporary Action created in the Actions folder. That is where you can turn on "Show More than Drivers" and make entries in the "Frame" parameter of an image sequence at certain Pose slider settings or certain…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I am so happy Stephen Implemented this feature for us in V15J. Create_material_from_group.mov
Last reply by largento, -
- 2 replies
A wink tutorial on creating a simple DirtMap in PaintShop Pro 8 for THIS chair model. Download the tutorial here. I've found that you need to copy the files from the zipped folder to somewhere on your HD for these to load correctly. This is my first ever tutorial so be kind
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 reply
Hi everybody, here is a tutorial on how to create a foot and a second one on how to create a hand. Hopefully they are helpful to some of you. See you *Fuchur* PS: English is not my mother tongue, so be patient with me tutorial_hand.mp4 creating_a_simple_foot.mp4
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 6 replies
Hi there folks, since Neymax script established a pipeline between A:M and Blender, you can now do your UVing much more comfortable in Blender and bring the model then with the UV layout as decal stamp back in A:M. The attached picture, which is taken in A:M, shows the kind of UVing you can do in Blender. At the first glance the process is quite complicated, but it is in fact not as difficult as it seems. This is a short tutorial which shows the very basics of the process. If you have questions, just ask. xhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oRehwuOSqI&feature=youtu.be
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 2 replies
Creating and Editing Custom Toolbars As an example of toolbar editing, this video shows how to create an onscreen replacement for the Numeric Keypad. Errata: at 06:27 I say that the Perspective/Orthogonal Toggle is not normally implemented on the Numeric Keypad. That was possibly true when I recorded the video in 2013. However, in 2024 it is certainly implemented on the "9" key of the Numeric Keypad. I recommend placing that button on the upper-right corner of the custom toolbar we are making and placing the "Increase Subdivisions" at the bottom. CustomToolbarsH500.mov Video on YouTube: Errata: at 06:27 I say t…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
I am wanting to create a crowd running by. I rewatch the flocking video for TAOA:M but no matter what I do crowd wont work. is it a setting or something? I am betting it is some simple reason. Thanks. Gene
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 0 replies
While you have the Tools>Customize Window open, not only can you drag individual buttons from the window to toolbars, but you can move the existing buttons around too (or remove them). Tool bars are also undockable (>Allow Docking). When they are free floating you can re-size them to shapes other than a single row. It's a bit like doing one of those sliding tile puzzles, but I made this "Views" tool panel that mimics the arrangement of the keyboard number pad. I added the subdivision up and down buttons and the Turn button to fill out extra spaces. One note... in V15f the "Views" buttons are missing from the Customize window, but if you turn…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
Duration: 12:02 Suggested viewing size: 480p Shows how to do cylindrical mapping using the tire treads of a school bus as an example. NOTES: 1. See rodger_r's suggestion for another way of doing this. I have not yet tried it. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...dpost&p=... The method I used is probably a little better in cases like mine where you have multiple object (e.g. tires) to map at once. 2. Around , I said the first approach was to drag the image on top of the tires. Specifically, it was dragged on top of the "Tire Treads" group. 3. The URL for the tire tread texture is: http://www.coroflot.com/micjwelch/textures/5 …
Last reply by largento, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Here is the link to my latest tutorial: As always, your input to make better tutorials is always welcome. Thanks Eric Camden 3DDink Tutorials
Last reply by John Bigboote,