A:M Users Groups
Supporting A:M through collaborative study and creation
125 topics in this forum
London User Group 1 2 3
by Parlo- 129 replies
I don't know if I'll have enough time to get anything organised in the immediate future, but it would be good to see how many of us there are in or around the London area interested in a meet.
Last reply by Parlo, -
South Georgia 1 2
by Ti Moute- 80 replies
I have been on the list for years and haven't heard of any meetings in south Georgia. Thought I would ask though, are there any user groups in the south Georgia area?
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
- 73 replies
Hey, Sorry I've been absent for so long. Lot o stuff going on in the real world. On the up side I have a much nicer place we can use as a meeting space. Anyway, are any of you guys up for getting together in the next several weeks??? If so...give me some potential dates. And for any new users who live in the PA, NJ, DE, MD area.. The Mid Atlantic Animation Master Users Group could use you. Don
Last reply by ddavis, -
- 1 follower
- 44 replies
I am new to animation master, and was wondering if there was a group in Virginia I could get into contact with?
Last reply by shannon, -
by gazzamataz- 2 followers
- 43 replies
What happened to the next meeting due in April guys? Is the LAMUG, GLAM, B:AM or whatever we called it defunct? It would be nice to catch up with you guys again at the Chocolate Factory for another little session
Last reply by Disco Fish, -
- 1 follower
- 39 replies
Dear MAAM Members and others close to Philadelphia, MAAM Meeting - August 11, 2007 ???? Please read below. It has been way to long since our last meeting and I am hopeing we can get a meeting together so I am emailing you all to see if there is interest in gettign together NEXT WEEKEND!!! and my house August 11, 2007. It has been far to long since we have gotten together and if your interested please post here and also email me as well. It is still summer, I have TONS of hot dogs, Buns, the grill is still working so if you are not on vacation, get your butts over for a MAAM Meeting. Email me, post here... Let me know if you are up for a MAAM Meeting - Au…
Last reply by Hubukai, -
- 33 replies
Hey gang!!! Well it's been a long few months since the last one but shouldn't the Mid Atlantic Animation Master Users Group get together soon. There has been some buzz via email. I felt it was time to put a post on to the list and see what everyone is up to and if a gathering could be in our future. So far it looks like we will be somewhere in Pennsylvania sometime in December. But, as usual, its subject to change depending on all of us members. So if you are a MAAM member, or would like to be, live somewhere between Delaware and New York (or further if you don't mind the drive), would like to improve your AM skills, are looking for a sympathetic ear to liste…
Last reply by Mechadelphia, -
- 29 replies
See...Isn't is sooo much nicer over here, there's so much more space to work with... and look at the view!!! OK, lets start by getting a general consensus about the date. Starting in May we have 4 Saturdays 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th 13th is the Saturday before Mother's Day, that might matter to some of you (it would to me if my wife wasn't going to be out of the country on business that weekend). I'm leaning toward the 20th or 27th. Maybe we could do the 13th at my house (remember that chili John?) Well, what say you all???
Last reply by entity, -
- 27 replies
Any users groups here in California?
Last reply by mulls, -
- 27 replies
Hey Everybody, Are any of you guys up for getting together the first or second Saturday in August (that would be the 5th or 12th). If so I'd like to host another AM Summer BBQ Bash. Let know what date works the best and we can work it out from there. I hear those DarkSkull guys have been doing some great work, can't wait to see it.
Last reply by entity, -
- 26 replies
Hi Everybody!!! Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. It's that time again (at least I hope it is) for the fun and excitement that is the Spring MAAM Meeting. They said we couldn't do it.. but this is our one year anniversary and my thanks to all of you who have made organizing the MAAM meetings a real pleasure. And to all of you who are lurking in the shadows... show your selves! You'd be surprised how much you can learn from just ten minutes of sitting with other AM users and talking over any problems you may be having. I also need to add that when you get more than three AM users together in a room we are able to fly, defy time and spac…
Last reply by ddavis, -
- 1 follower
- 25 replies
Hello,every AM user.Salute to Hash first.I am Chinese,I have played AM 3years.But there is few people play AM in China,I even couldn't get a job about AM here.What should I do?
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 24 replies
Hey everybody, It's been while and I feel it's time we all got together. Don't know if I can top the excellent time we all had at "Club Hubukai" back in December but I can try. I was thinking Saturday the 31st of March at my house. Is anybody up for that?
Last reply by ddavis, -
- 24 replies
Dear Animation Master User Group, [ Are we still alive? ] We all know that is been a long time since we last got together. Too long in fact. Way too long in fact! I feel the midi-chlorians are beginning to fade and that we need to have an emergency meeting of the mid-Atlantic animation Master users group as soon as possible. There are many exciting things happening in the animation world. Probably one of the most important recent discoveries is http://www.killerbeanforever.com The killer Bean was the first animation I ever saw that really inspired me to get into animation and when I learned that animation Master is a program that was used to create i…
Last reply by heyvern, -
- 1 follower
- 23 replies
Hi I have seen there are some users on this forum that are from New York and our neighboring state New Jersey. I talked to Luckbat and he and I are interested in starting up a NYC A:M user group. We used to have a NYC user group that was successful in the time it ran. We were even visited and talked to by the guys from Hash when they were in NY! That group has drifted apart a while ago, but now we can make a new group! Anyone that's close by and interested please post and we will try to get something together. Thanks All
Last reply by luckbat, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
I live in Sunnyvale. Won't be able to for a little bit though, I'm gone most the summer, but I'd like to gauge interest on this.
Last reply by Dhar, -
- 20 replies
Dear mid Atlantic animation master members.( Also opened to anyone interested in coming, new members always welcome and encouraged to come! )It has been light years since the last animation master meeting and it is now 2008 and a plethora of new technology and software is raining down upon us! How will we all survive in this new digital revolution of animation master version 15 that downloadable? Here is the answer. Schedule the next animation master meeting and make it happen! It has been far too long since the mid Atlantic animation master team has joined forces to battle the evils of the digital world. So I put out a call for a meeting of the minds, shining th…
Last reply by entity, -
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
This seems like a long shot since I'm posting from Amish country, but are there any animasters in the area or Wayne or Ashland counties? Anywhere in Ohio?
Last reply by Gikefod, -
- 17 replies
Well, the title pretty much says it all. Who wants to meet on Saturday, August 26th at noon? Location is at Luckbat HQ in DUMBO (Brooklyn), and yes I have air conditioning. Please let me know if you'd like to come, or if you'd prefer another date. Hope to see you there!
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Based on an informal polling of the NYNJAs, we're leaning towards the Monday, January 16th slot at noon. Those of us with day jobs are encouraged to call in sick, that we may maximize our time spent basking in Mr. Colin Freeman's warm glowing warming glow. Please note: if anyone would prefer a 6:00 meeting instead, please post to this thread and state your case. As always, it's majority rule around here. If you live in the New York/New Jersey area and haven't attended a NYNJA MUG meeting yet, now's a great time to start. Don't miss out on all the free food, hands-on advice and big-screen tutorials in Dolby 7.1 surround! As always, the Luckbat loft is availa…
Last reply by luckbat, -
- 15 replies
Hi Would any of you new yorkers like to hold the meeting at my house on long island this month? I am about an hour and 15 minutes from penn station. I can pick up people at the train station. We can have a barbeque and we can have some beer if anyone wants to. We can try to think of some fun summer things to do or something. People can stay as late as they want. Does anyone have interest in this or should we have it in brooklyn? Just an idea.
Last reply by dborruso, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
As you may know there is a group of us who meet fairly regularly in the Philadelphia area. We are called: The Mid Atlantic Animation Master Users group... or MAAM for short. Recently the idea came up to create animated versions of ourselves. I took on this challenge... uh... I was volunteered? Something like that. Anyway to start the ball rolling I did some stylized portraits of each person in the group. We have Hubakai, Entity, DDavis, Mechadelphia and of course myself, Heyvern. These are our Super Hero identities. During the day we are unassuming members of a small computer user's group but at night we become... I am not in the picture below. I was …
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 14 replies
"How many norwegian/scandinavian A:M users are there out there?" That's my question, help me answer it
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 14 replies
Did you miss the last one? Here's your chance to restore your honor! The NYNJAs meet once again at Luckbat's secret underground volcano headquarters in Brooklyn. No special guest appearances are scheduled this time, but we will have Doritos. You bring samples of your latest projects; I'll show some more animated shorts; good times! P.S. Also, are the noon start times working for everybody? Would you prefer later? Earlier? Do let me know.
Last reply by luckbat, -
- 14 replies
Hey folks, What say we get together at noon on Saturday, October 28th? We can dress up as our favorite A:M models and eat marshmallow Thoms! Same location as always, Luckbat H.Q. in Brooklyn, between the spooky abandoned house and the Indian burial grounds. Be sure to mention if you'd like to car pool with anyone, and I hope to see you there! Edit: Postponed until November due to inclement weather. Stay tuned for a new date soon!
Last reply by dborruso, -
- 13 replies
That's right, it's time for another NYNJA MUG get-together, once again at Luckbat World Headquarters in fabulous Brooklyn (135 Plymouth St. #208). Coming your way on Saturday (sorry Joe, you were outvoted!), December 10, starting at noon and ending whenever everybody gets tired of talking about CP weights. If you have stuff you want to show (and you should), either bring your laptop, a DVD of your stuff, or a URL where we can download it. As always, I'll try to dig up some amusing animated shorts to educate and entertain. Last meeting was a blast, so don't be shy--come on out and meet your fellow NY/NJ-area Hashers!
Last reply by blakindigo2, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
I live in Norhtern VA right now but I am relocating to Florida in about 1-2 months, as soon as the house sells really. Just looking to see if any one is in Florida and where. Chad
Last reply by llterry, -
- 13 replies
Hey, I've already talked to some of the powers that be. (that be Hubukai and Vern) Is anyone up for a meeting Saturday the 21st of March? My house is open and ready. This also goes for anyone in NJ, PA, DE and the surrounding areas.
Last reply by ddavis, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
I live in Valencia California. Looking for users who want to get together on a biweekly or monthly basis to teach each other new things with AM, share are work and so on. We can take turns meeting at each others house or we can pick neutral spots that are congruent distances from each other. Requirements. 1. Must live somewhere in the circle below. or be willing to drive for a long time. 2. Must be willing to commit to meetings, a minimum of 1 per month. 3. We need at least 4 people for this to work. I think 2 people are a couple, 3 is a trio and 4 can finally constitute a group. 4. Must be a contributor who plays with AM for work or pleasure at least twic…
Last reply by ptiversen, -
- 12 replies
Hello from Glendale Arizona. I'm looking for other AM users that may be located here in Phoenix/metro area in Arizona. Would like to form a group if possible. Also looking to hire one animator with experience with AM to help with project. You can leave an email within AM. I don't check in here too often so you can also email me at deyostu@deyoproduction.com
Last reply by dawgking, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
hi everyone, Yesterday's mid-Atlantic animation master meeting was extremely inspirational! Many thanks to our wonderful host Don Davis, providing us with food and a great place to have our meeting. Now, it's time to schedule the next mid-Atlantic animation master meeting. At the end of yesterday's meeting we thought that some time in June would be a good date for the next meeting. We're doing this one a little bit sooner than we typically would because we wanted to get everyone together just before summer so we can get those creative and inspirational ideas flowing. So, here is my proposal for the next meeting date with an alternate date. Meeting d…
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
- 11 replies
Would be good to know who's coming on Saturday, if anyone needs additional location info etc etc. Start time is 2pm, meeting place is "pub just behind the Menier Chocolate Factory". So, if you are planning on attending, post below.
Last reply by Steven Cleary, -
- 11 replies
Hey everyone, it's time for another animators' get-together! Come on down to Brooklyn, where we'll watch Tank S.W.A.T., play Froggy Boxing, and figure out why your new rig isn't working properly. And introducing our shiny new location! Now, with high ceilings! Clean bathrooms! Windows! And the same great 8-foot projection screen with Dolby 7.1. surround that we've all come to know and love. All this and free bagels! So come on down! We'd love to see you. Saturday, April 22, 2006, starting at noon 135 Plymouth St. apt. 211B (use side entrance on Pearl St) Brooklyn, NY three blocks from York Station (F line) four blocks from High Street Station (AC lin…
Last reply by luckbat, -
- 11 replies
Hi all, Wait a minute, another mid Atlantic animation master user group meeting already? Yes it's true December 1, 2007 is the next scheduled meeting for the animation master users group. Location has yet to be determined but the date has been set. December 1 is Saturday so everyone has plenty of time to get organized, get some stuff rendered, animated and get some tutorials made for the next meeting. Unfortunately it will probably be chilly out and it won't be a deck party but I'm sure we'll all have some holiday renderings to show and tell. This is a general message for anyone interested in meeting up with us from the New Jersey, Philadelphia and Delaware…
Last reply by Hubukai, -
- 11 replies
Out of curiosity, do any forum members use Skype to work together on projects? Or to chat in general with other A:M users? Me: Not yet, but I would be interested.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hi all of you Mid Atlantic Animation Master users out there. I wanted to post to potential dates for a summer meeting for the mid Atlantic animation master users group [ MAAM ] and also offer my house/deck for the meeting. The dates I currently have available are Saturday June 23, 2007 or Saturday, June 30, 2007. Saturday, June 23 happens to be the weekend right after the wizard world comic book convention so June 23 may be a good weekend to get together to go over animation master work, tutorials and some new and exciting things from dark skull productions. Since this will be a beginning of the summer user group party I will be firing up the grill and coo…
Last reply by entity, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
If you are in Tennessee, north Georgia, North Carolina, Alabama--or anywhere nearby to Chattanooga Tennessee--I would like to host a user group meeting at my house and studio. I'll do the grilling!!! June 16th (Saturday). RSVP in this thread! 9854 hwy 58 Ooltewah, TN 37363 wls@zandoria.com 423-899-5408 for directions
Last reply by williamgaylord, -
- 8 replies
It may be a good thing.. or it may be a bad thing. We'd like to identify Users Groups on the Extra CD so that people can easily find other folks in their area with the common interest of Animation:Master. I have several good write ups on users groups and activities that we could add but I have a feeling it might be best to create a page from scratch for each group. Each Usersgroup can put whatever they want on their page (HTML) and we can discuss additional content based on space available. Before putting personal information on a CD that might bring people to your door I would suggest you might want to consider some alternatives. I know some of you h…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 8 replies
Any other London A:M users fancy a get together? The forum is a total lifeline, but it would be good to meet some actual humans Trevor
Last reply by Paul Forwood, -
- 8 replies
I was watching the space network and a short Starring the two aliens that show up in the render screen came on. I looked blinked twice and went "Hey that's done in A:M!". It was cool. Now this is probably in the wrong section but I couldn't think of a place it would be better.......
Last reply by Ghost06, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Could I be the only one? I hope not. I moved here to Rochester in September, and have been severely missing the Chicago group. I've even thought of going to the NYNJAMUG meetings, but it's a bit too far for me. I'm hoping there are some more AM users around here that are interested in having some meetings to discuss problems, issues, techniques, etc. Buffalo and Syracuse users, make yourselves heard, too! Hope to hear from you fellow Roch stars! Carl
Last reply by thekamps, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
I'm new but motivated. this place is in dire need of a chatroom and AM: Buddy system. I am going to set up a common area were users can easily meet and chat about how inferior novice animationist like myself.Can help one another become better and learn in layment or (speak slowly yum hawaiian) terms that we can all understand.I will post an address soon! keep animating don't get frustrated! I will return.....Oh! Yeah,by the way all you unsupportive Techies and pro's.We (Newbies) paid too! you all can stay here and jargon each other witless about how awsome and technical you are.....(LOOOSERRSSS)!!! lol:the big bad wolf. bigbadwolf.arruda@gma…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Are there any other Animation:Master users in the Chattanooga Tennessee (and surrounding) area? Would you like to meet-up? I would love to host a usergroup meeting at Zandoria Studios, if there is anyone out there!
Last reply by williamgaylord, -
- 7 replies
MAAMUG Meeting #2 - By John Hubickey Can also be viewed at: http://www.hubukai.com/animationmaster.asp The second Mid Atlantic Animation Master User Group meeting went extremely well and was hosted by Don Davis. We started the meeting between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.. Chris and I arrived at Don's house at approximately two o'clock. There was an abundance of food Don had prepared for the meeting and I think the best part was Don's special chili! After having two or three bowls of chili we went in the living room where Rich was projecting some of his work up on the wall. Rich started off the meeting by showing us some of the detail of the male human character he has b…
Last reply by ZachBG, -
- 7 replies
Within the next decade they expect a big movie to come out of some one's home. I'd love to be a part of that. I've been writing short stories for years and have recently written a screen play for a Sci-fi/Action adventure. I asked some friends if it was possible to Animate it and that led me to A:M. I have some drawing abilities, but no animation experience and surely not computer animation, but I'm learning. But I need help. I'm looking for a group of 2 to 4 people to help me produce this 1 hour film and if this takes off possibly producing more films. At the very least a group of individuals willing to get together to help each other learn the fin…
Last reply by Bastion, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hey guys, My teacher is a professional Graphic Artist with programs of Photoshop and Illustrator. However, she just had the school district install AM v.12 onto our computers and she wants me to help her teach it, because I'm the only one who's ever used it in this class. However, I taught myself and never really completed projects that required set time consumptions and were made to allow you to progress easily by gaining knowledge. Could anyone give me an idea of what to have my teacher teach first, and maybe suggest a schedule which we could follow? I can try and find actual projects in the Student discussion area on the forum. Thanks guys! …
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi, guys, I just got hired to do a music video in which there is one shot where my main character reveals that she is an angel. I really liked to realistic/creepy feel of the wings that are attached to Shia LaBouf ("Chaz") and Tilda Swinton ("Gabriel") in CONSTANTINE. I know that this is a tall order and a large part of the solution will be great A:M work (v12). I need some tips from a modeller/aimator/texture perspective as far as how I can make the wings as "realistic" (and non-cartoony). I imagine shooting the needed shot against a greenscreen would be a great start. I am also concerned about getting a nice transluscent "feather texture", something that se…
Last reply by trajcedrv, -
- 7 replies
I haven't seen a map for the exact location of this horrible fire in Brooklyn, but Luckbat lives in a converted warehouse right on the water. Are you okay?
Last reply by noah brewer, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hey, It's been quite a while since we got together for a meeting. Will (zandoriastudios) and I were discussing having one, but maybe driving to Chattanooga this time. That way there could be some others from Knoxville and Nashville that could attend. What Ya'll think???? Atlanta users (A:M that is) could car pool. David
Last reply by cory, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello Philadelphia and New Jersey animation master users. It has been a while since the mid Atlantic animation master user group has gotten together and with the holiday season coming up I thought it would be a great time to post a request for a MAAM meeting. I would like to offer my home in West Chester Pennsylvania for the next meeting place. I have a date in December of Saturday, December 2 that the House can be used for a MAAM meeting. Please let me know if there is any interest in this so I can get a little more information out there and if we decide that the state is good for an animation master meeting I will post directions and other information. Hope…
Last reply by entity,