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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Hey All,


This was a project that I was going to enter into the Mechanical Image Contest (long gone) but was unable to complete on time. Well, I've now decided to drop the project because I don't have enough time to complete it. However, I thought that someone should see it, so here it is:


I was going for tons of detail (as is, the model is at 40,000) patches. I wanted wires and panels everywhere, and I was hoping to get front page on CGTalk with it. The design was by Activision's Jamie Egerton and I was given permission by Egerton to model it (he was extremely supportive). Here's the AWESOME design




And here's an AO rendering of the mesh where I stopped at:




Here's an AO back of the leg detail:




And here's a trashy render of the chest detail:




Here's a more clear view of just the chest:




An early Materials test:




And here is what the final image was going to look like, lighting and materials-wise (this is a proxy model, and there are many missing 5-point patches):




Well, hope you enjoy this much of him, he was fun to make, I wish I had time to finish!



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Awsome modeling Lee,Your attention to detail is superb.

It's a shame you can't finnish this,can't you keep it as a side project and finnish it when you do have more time or are there some sort of restrictions?




This is one SCARY model! Great work! Finish it, post it on CG Talk, get noticed by Dreamworks and off you go!. No, seriously, this is some really great modeling!


WOW, Lee! That's really incredible. I can only imagine how much time has gone into it. Even unfinished, it's amazing.


Oh my!!!

That is one kick arse model you've got going.

The contest could be "flowers" and you'd win.


Just keep it until you can get to it.

You owe it to us to finish this incredible model!!!!


edit here...

activision would probably give you a job if you showed them a finished model....


Mike Fitz





CGTalk loves to showcase models like this... the kind with almost too much detail. I bet it would have floored them all to see that it was done in A:M. Heck, it floors me, and I use A:M!!! (Well, at least I try... when I see other people making stuff like this, I'm not sure I should even call myself a user any more.)


Like everyone else said, I sure hope you get the time to come back and finish this great model. But even if you don't, just remember that the Venus de Milo was a masterpiece that didn't have any arms, and so is your Iron Man! :D


There's always next years mechanical contest, or, you could submit it into the sci fi fantasy one in september, you'd almost certainly win. Remember, there's always time to model, so don't drop something this fantastic because of time. Even if it's only a spline a day, pick away at it.


Damn...This is a superb model. I have to echo the other comments, don't let this one languish. Tuck it away for a couple of months if you have to..we all have times like that...but then come back and finish it. This month's contest is free choice. Enter and beat us all. :D


No I take that back....who needs superb modellers like you for competition.

  jimmy_caushca said:
Hey All,


This was a project that I was going to enter into the Mechanical Image Contest (long gone) but was unable to complete on time. Well, I've now decided to drop the project because I don't have enough time to complete it. However, I thought that someone should see it, so here it is:




[WTF???] :blink:




Abandoned??? Not enough time???


Now that's just wrong....


Pull yourself together!


Lee just model the arm copy and flip that baby and your done.


Post that thing on CG Talk and go for the front page.


Even if you don't then you'd probably get a CG Choice award.


While your are at it... submit this for the upcoming Hash "Anything Goes" Image Contest and take 1st Place!


If you do that then you really won't have enough time to reply to all of the posts about how good this is...


What are you thinking???


[/WTF???] :blink:


Now go make it happen!

Good Luck.


Hey Everybody!


Thanks for all of your comments Jay, Riste, Paul, Robert, Ken, Mark, Mike, Caleb, Dan, David, Jeff *gasps for air*, T-Dogg, John, Darkwing, Joakim, Mack and Will! This was quite a bit more feedback than I was expecting. Well, if I'm going to finish this model I better do it in the next couple of weeks....thanks for the inspiration ;)


Any suggestions for backgrounds? Or where I'm going to find the time to do this?


Thanks again, next time I need an ego-boost I know where to go :D



  jimmy_caushca said:
Hey Everybody!


Thanks for all of your comments Jay, Riste, Paul, Robert, Ken, Mark, Mike, Caleb, Dan, David, Jeff *gasps for air*, T-Dogg, John, Darkwing, Joakim, Mack and Will! This was quite a bit more feedback than I was expecting. Well, if I'm going to finish this model I better do it in the next couple of weeks....thanks for the inspiration ;)


Any suggestions for backgrounds? Or where I'm going to find the time to do this?


Thanks again, next time I need an ego-boost I know where to go :D





Background? Do you serriously think that anyone will even cosider to look away, even for a second, from that sassy model of yours?


Ok, prehaps some buildings would be good... I mean, he did fight a lot in the cities, from what I can recall from the comic books. So prehaps he should be standing on top of a rooftop? Or just simply up in the air, preparing to blast some evil fiend? 's up to you.






BOY I'm excited.


Beautiful work on Ironman Lee. Tony Stark would be proud to wear the suit. ;)


It would be an absolute shame if a model of this quality were never finished.



  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Gary and Al, I sure hope Mr. Stark approves :D


  Mr. Jaqe said:
Background? Do you serriously think that anyone will even cosider to look away, even for a second, from that sassy model of yours?


Ok, prehaps some buildings would be good... I mean, he did fight a lot in the cities, from what I can recall from the comic books. So prehaps he should be standing on top of a rooftop? Or just simply up in the air, preparing to blast some evil fiend? 's up to you.


lol, Thanks for the suggestions Joakim! I really would like to incorporate a city in there somehow


  Willi said:


gimme some wire!!!


A "wow" from you sir is one of the highest compliments one could get! Thanks, here's some wire for ya!




This is a close-up of the chest panel on the high-res model. Now, you'll all see how sloppy I am ;) The cylinder is a personal favorite of mine.






Here's the start of the arm. Below the elbow will be covered, which is why it doesn't look as good as it could.


Thanks for any comments!




That's pretty insane :blink: Great looking model. What's the patch count on that? I'd be afraid my computer would burn up trying to render an

animation with that.


That is one of the coolest models I've ever seen! B)


Thanks Matt, Andy and Caleb!


  arkaos said:
That's pretty insane :blink: Great looking model. What's the patch count on that? I'd be afraid my computer would burn up trying to render an

animation with that.


That is one of the coolest models I've ever seen! B)


Thanks Mark, it wouldn't be as cool without a great design-so thanks again to Jamie Egerton at Activision for letting me use it!


The patch count is currently at 28,178 and yes, my computer hates me right now. It'll probably get up to 35,000 by the time I'm done...




I've finished the detailing on the legs (always the fun part) and began working out some more lighting on the finished picture:




I'm also continuing to work on my materials (I may or may not decal the whole thing). The atmosphere I'm going for is stormy, city night:


Here's Red




And here's gold (I apologize for the render quality)




And last of all, here's a shaded turnaround of the complete model at this point (no arms)


rotate.movFetching info...


Thanks for reading and for your support everyone!




Lee this is absoloutely sweet.I hope you don't mind me saying this,but i think this is the best work i've seen you do to date.


Looking forward to the finnished piece.




:rolleyes: I am SO not worthy.


I DO have a crit, though (even, though I can't do it even THAT good, yet).


Seeing the rendered piece, Even though the texturing is REALLY good and you've paid a LOT of attention

to details, It looks like he (especially his red pieces) is made of a laquored leather instead of metal. (Don't hit me)


DUUUUDE, If you don't whip up an animation with him when you are done, there might be a lynch mob storming your

castle with torches and pitchforks, lol.

  youngman said:
Lee this is absoloutely sweet.I hope you don't mind me saying this,but i think this is the best work i've seen you do to date.


Wow! Thanks Jay, I don't mind at all!



  arkaos said:
Seeing the rendered piece, Even though the texturing is REALLY good and you've paid a LOT of attention

to details, It looks like he (especially his red pieces) is made of a laquored leather instead of metal. (Don't hit me)


No way will I hit you Mark! That's exactly the kinds of things I WANT to hear! I updated the lighting a little bit in this update, but I'm not sure if it eliminated the leather look. Does it need to be brighter?


Here's a quick preview of his arm as it is finished. It's back to work tomorrow so not as many updates as today...




Thanks for the comments!



  jimmy_caushca said:
Does it need to be brighter?



It would help to see how the texturing looks if you show multiple renders with different

degrees of lighting, but no, it doesn't need to be brighter.


The modern trend seems to be using darker more sinister lighting to capture the emotion

of the 'Man Behind the Mask' sorta thing. Also makes the glowing eyes look cooler.


When you are done with the modeling, I think you should offer it for a price, not just

give the model away. You worked way too hard to hand it out freely. Heck, I'd pay for

a righteous model like that B)


WOW, Lee... I mean... WOW


wow :-)


I feel bad for Stan Winston, since you're clearly going to upstage the movie suit. :-)


It's just so... so... what's the word... perfect? Yea, perfect, that's the word! If I had half the talent you have, I'd be working at Pixar by now.


wow... wow... wow... wow... wow... wow. thats amazing.. where do you plan on working. you can work anywhere you could possibly think of with your talent

  Omermaster said:
hoo and when you finish plz post the model i have to mack a fan movie with it ... LOL


lol...prepare your computer for some crazy render times ;)


  arkaos said:
When you are done with the modeling, I think you should offer it for a price, not just

give the model away.


Thanks again Mark! I don't know how copyright laws would work in with that, but it's certainly a good way to make a little on the side!


  arkaos said:
It would help to see how the texturing looks if you show multiple renders with different

degrees of lighting, but no, it doesn't need to be brighter.


I think you're right--there's an aweful lot of reflecting going on in this shot. The finished still of this pose and lighting is the main purpose of the model at this point, so I'd like to focus on it with this setup.




  largento said:
I feel bad for Stan Winston, since you're clearly going to upstage the movie suit. :-)


Geez thanks Mark! That's a HUGE compliment. I think the Stan Winston costume looks great!


  Mr. Jaqe said:
It's just so... so... what's the word... perfect? Yea, perfect, that's the word! If I had half the talent you have, I'd be working at Pixar by now.


lol...tell that to Pixar...thanks for the comment!


  totlover said:
wow... wow... wow... wow... wow... wow. thats amazing.. where do you plan on working. you can work anywhere you could possibly think of with your talent


Alright, now you guys are laying it on a little thick...thanks Caleb! I don't know where I plan working at this point... doing animation at all would be a huge blessing.



  Paul Forwood said:
Amazing work, Lee! :)

I would love to see him move too but all in good time.


Thanks Paul, would you like that to be your job? ;)





Alright, I did a quick 8-pass render at low-res, the modeling is done:




Here's a question for you smarty-pants out there: I have several images placed around the model that cast relfections...however if I am adding a background, then I don't want to see them (I erased them in this pic). Is there any way to have them cast reflections and not be seen?


How do you guys feel about the textures? Should I add some scratches or keep it clean (the easier route)? There are also loads of little bundled wires and I'm thinking they should all be different colors (the details are all one color right now).


Time to start thinking about a background. I was things about him being in his computer lab with a big opening in the wall the shows the rainy city that he's about to fly into. What do think?


Sorry, long post...



  jimmy_caushca said:
How do you guys feel about the textures? Should I add some scratches or keep it clean (the easier route)? There are also loads of little bundled wires and I'm thinking they should all be different colors (the details are all one color right now).


Time to start thinking about a background. I was things about him being in his computer lab with a big opening in the wall the shows the rainy city that he's about to fly into. What do think?


Sorry, long post...





once again.......FRIKKIN' COOOOOL, MAN!


I'd maybe just set the diffuse color for the wires at this point. Unless your final still is going to be close, I don't think anything fancy is needed.


As far as the background, maybe show it so it looks like he walked through the wall (Iron Man shaped hole). Man there are so many possibilities, I don't know where to begin.


Lee,this keeps getting better by the hour.Have you thought of doing IBL or HDRI as a lighting solution?I'll be honest i don't know anything in this area,but i'm sure it will add a certain something to the lighting of the character.


As for clean or scratched,that all depends on if this is the first time the suit has been worn,or if he has already been out there fighting the the big bad!


No doubt the finished image will rock,all i ask (being a bit cheeky here) is that you might do a render suitable for a desktop image as i would certainly like this on my computer.





Thanks Paul, would you like that to be your job?

Heh. I'd love to but I don't really know the character. The rigging looks like it might be a challenge too.

You've done an amazing job on him, Lee. Well done! :)

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Arriving to this one late...


um... wow!


Everything that has been said and more.

You have created some work to be proud of.


I'd love to see you do a Live Action/CG compilation with an 'live actor' in the iron suit.


Keep it up! Very impressive work. :)


WOW!!! It looks like like Robert Downey JR. has some serious competition. I showed your pic to a friend who is a serious Iron-Man comic freak and he was truly impressed. Keep up the great work. (How about an action pose so I can use "Shellhead" as my windows wallpaper? ;) )

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