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A:M Stills (70,478 visits to this link)
345 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
well I'm going deep in this tool and in my tests all bump maps are black .. is there some tip to create it ?
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 1 follower
- 192 replies
This topic will contain the modeling efforts of T-Dogg and oakchas on an old style Batmobile. Basis for the project: T-Dogg is new to A:M, having learned some 3D in another (ecch! polygons) program. oakchas has used A:M off and on for years, but is trying to rebuild his skills. We'll be doing this in ver 12 as Charlie (oakchas) hasn't yet upgraded to V 13 But, I will before this project is complete, so maybe we can light it using AO, and use some of the cooler new features in v13, too. T-Dogg chose the subject, the vintage Batmobile. So, let's get started. Here's the roto that T-Dogg supplied: [attachmentid=17111] First thing I'm gonn…
Last reply by Mohammad, -
by agep- 1 follower
- 24 replies
Hi all! Happy new year! I've the last couple of weeks been playing with the beechcraft and a video footage from where I grew up as a child (I did the footage this Christmas with my cellphone). There is several things I would like to do different. Due to the footage I cant have the speed I want on the plane, and the landing is a little to short. Anyway, let me know what you think. Also, I don't like the smoke on the end, but I'm not sure how to make it better. Oh, and there is probably some scale issues too? I struggled to make the ground a lot more dirty, but this was the best I managed to do. Syntheyes is used for tracking. I might do some more work on it, but not right …
Last reply by animas3D, -
I have been working to much 6 days a week 65 to 70 hrs a week.I Have not posted in a while .I still come and check out the Great stuff created by everyone had a little free time made this Simple beer can
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hi Guys, I'm happy to share an animation I've been working on the past few months, I'll try to make a long story short... Since all this Covid 19 stuff things have been different, previously most of my spare time was spent working on fine art projects a lot of work I did preparing for art shows was put on hold and like many people it's been a stressful time. I guess psychologically the best way I've been able to deal with it has been to tap into my silly side and rekindle some of the things that inspired me in my younger years. Using Animation Master was one of those things, it was the first app that got me seriously into 3D and actually helped land me my…
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 8 replies
In several chors, My Midge model won't show its bones in skeletal mode or cp's in muscle mode. If I pick through the bones in the pws I can manipulate them but that's really slow and cumbersome. The other models I've checked seem to be okay but this one keeps acting up. is there something I'm overlooking that would cause this to happen?
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 150 replies
Some of you might remember a long time ago I announced my new project entitled 'Briar Rose'. Well, after many years I've finally got together enough shots to make a trailer. Actually, the first 3 minutes is more a teaser for the rest of the short. And of course everything (3D) done in Animation Master, versions 8.5 to 11.1. Here are the direct links: BRIAR_ROSE_h.264 AAC b.mp4 You have the option of a large Quick Time movie at 81 Mb (800x450) or a small one at 12 Mb (400x225). I've used the new H.264 codec so you'll need QT7.…
Last reply by jakerupert, -
- 9 replies
Hi Guys, Recently upgraded to A:M v19 from V13 so was excited to try out some of the new features. (well... features I didn't have access to till now) Some SSS and Radiosity applied to an old model. Mike
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
Since I was limited in time - the dynamics of the gate grid made a dynamic constrain
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Some years back, I had fun participating in the 10 Second Club’s contests (well, even was webmaster there for a period). I never won anything, but much better: learned a lot. Today I stumbled upon the small vids on Youtube, some of which were made in Animation Master. Certainly not masterpieces, but fun to watch again. Here are the A:M ones:
Last reply by Tore, -
C-130 Hercules 1 2 3
by Kamikaze- 2 followers
- 141 replies
My latest modeling is a WIP....and hopefully will be very detailed when finished Michael
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
I finally completes the modeling of the Camaro SS. The tutorial will be online starting this weekend. Follow this topic to learn more. C&C are welcome .....
Last reply by nino banano, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
some dance-animations i´ve made for the prolight&sound exhibition 2012 and 2013. i´m not tooo happy with the second one, since i´ve had only 4 days to animate, so there was no time for polishing. turns out animating a robot-dance is kinda tricky, who would have thought? BiHPOnIOy8c dosPLVOo9xk
Last reply by jason1025, -
is it possible and if yes, how can we set the camera so that the pink line showing the camera view direction, will invisible.
Last reply by jimd, -
- 1 reply
As far as I can tell a sprite particle system that use an image sequence will draw all particles with same frame of the sequence at any one moment no matter how long since a particular particle was born. Is it possible to make each particle start at frame 0 upon its birth?
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 4 replies
Am I missing something? Load this PRJ, select the camera in the chor, look at its Fog Start and End distance properties... CameraFogTest.prj The Start is keyed to go from 100 to 200 to 400 cm the End is keyed to go from 1000 to 2000 to 4000 cm... the curve editor seems to show the curves right but all the camera's properties display is the initial values of 100 and 1000 they should be showing continuously updating values, right? Yes, i have "Use camera settings" checked.
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
HERE is how the candle finished-up once I pulled the plug (stopped dinking) on it. The project file is available in the Contributors Cue for the interested. Wow, A:M Films did a number on it... 4X3'd it. Ow. HERE is the link to the project in the CC.
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 7 replies
BIG thanks to whoever did the cartoony car and brownstone apartments. This animation was a 'quick build' with elements I had laying around... for a corporate 'ra-rah' video, used as a module to house the headshots, names and TERRIBLE videos of the corporate bigwhigs and supporting their 'MERGE LANES' theme. There will be 7 inset videos in all.
Last reply by thefreshestever, -
- 10 replies
I proposed this challenge in another topic, and decided to create a specific topic for it. Analyzing the views, how should be the 3d model? If you don't want to see the solved model then not scroll down Using toon render/lines only your model must looks like this.
Last reply by largento, -
- 1 reply
Nostalgia time again. This is the first ever job I did with AM, and the first job I did under the auspices of Artbox, my studio. I was originally approached to do the dancing logo as cell animation, but when they told me that they wanted the Cheesecake Shop Logo and Type reproduced perfectly on each frame, I thought Animation Master. It was version 3 or 4, I had 1 Pentium 133 with a whopping 64 mb of ram and I still have nightmares about the render . But nowhere near the nightmares I would have had doing it by hand. Cheesecake Shop 1.9MB 320x240 swf file Right click and "save as"
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 11 replies
I've been playing around with something called Titanium Developer, which allows you to write an application using web developer skillz ( HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Ruby and Python ) and then package it as a desktop application. So I wrote a very simple program to convert a Choreography file to an Action file. When I installed it on WindowsXP, the installer threw an error half way through the installation process, but it installed OK and worked just fine. I can't test it in Win7 or Mac, so you're on your own there... Windows and Mac (OSX 10.5 Intel based) versions are available here: ---------------…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Here's the finished animation for our company Christmas greetings. Like the man said, Season's Greetings!
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 12 replies
Hello , my fellow Hashers , My yearly christmascard is a fact ! I have injoyed it a lot using this fantastic program! (My dear wife has done the snow in photoshop.) Made in version 13,00 You like it ? Comments please ? Greetings , Marc , ( a greatful Hasher )
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
I'm working on a new project, a music video for a song called "Cicak" by an American musician in Singapore. this is just a quick animation test using Squetchy Sam and a snippet of the song to warm up my animating skills. Just body animation so far, no face work. Comments if you like.
Last reply by largento, -
- 7 replies
Can anyone point me to info on how to use cloth "attach" groups?
Last reply by Walter Baker, -
- 10 replies
I've found a case where running a simCloth simulation while looking in the Camera view is a problem. A simulation that would run in a reasonable time if I started it from a Birdseye view would get bogged down with many tens of thousands of "collisions" (see lower left corner of the screen shot) to try to solve if I started it in the camera view. My experience is that anything more than a few hundred collisions is a sign of a simulation going bad and 30,000 is pretty much crazy stuff that has gone off the rails and will never finish properly. For simple situations like "Wave the Flag" I don't think Camera View will be an issue, and if you have created…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Oh, to fly as an eagle, among the clouds... From the Royal Council of Matt-Cambell-Said-It-Couldn't-Be-Done: CloudsFlythruB.mp4 These are sprite particle clouds. There is a tiny bit of a "popping" problem that can probably be solved with some R&D. (john's suggestion to turn off the sprite emitter fixes most of it) I think the potential for effective cloudscapes in A:M is there.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 4 replies
While awaiting feedback on the sneaky project I did a test for the next one. This is for some cartoon clouds and was done with cycling maps. Back to the other work. simon
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 5 replies
I'm wanting to change the color of a group on a model, in the chor. When i click on the color chip no color i set gets accepted and the RGB channels for the color do not resemble the values shown in the color picker. The red and green are actually below zero. Is there a good reason these are not corresponding to the color picker? I dimly recall seeing something like this a long time ago but don't recall if it was intended or not.
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 1 reply
my new company i started working for 2 months wanted a background image for new machines built in house that was to be sold to customers. this was what came out of that. enjoy the background as a freebie from me
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
I've spent some time getting the fourth shot of the current short animated. At the beginning I constrained the flowers o the hand of the male character and that held all the way through. I was just going through and setting the pose sliders for the facial features when I noticed that the flowers were no longer constrained to the hand. Checked the settings under properties but they hadn't changed,but the flowers were no longer in the hand. One anomaly I have noticed is that a W value seems to have crept in to the rotate properties ? Not noticed that before? X, Y, Z I now start to understand but W ? Has anyone else experienced this and, if so, how did you fix it ?…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Some may have guest it, other may not: The entry with the chameleon on it was mine. If you are interested I want to show of a little about that fellow because it was a quite interesting workflow. I used A:M to create the model (and rig), gave it some basic materials, used BakeSurface from A:M and exported as an OBJ with a high polycount (I think 256 or 1024 subdivisions, I am not sure...), brought the model with the UV-set to 3dCoat v4. There I painted all the little dots, shades and the displacementmaps (bump is done using a procentual material in A:M), saved the textures and back in A:M I rendered it out... it worked very well and I could paint over seams …
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 4 replies
I made the poster for the Summer Image Contest in A:M. I roughed the idea out in Sketchbook: I really did intend to trace out the vector version in FreeHand, it has many conveniences for this sort of art, but it's been so long since I used Freehand for anything more than a simple outline I decided I'd get it done faster in A:M The "Summer Memories" text was warped with a distortion box. The sunburst text on the left was done in Freehand and imported with the AI wizard. Of course, it's all flat parts...
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 3 replies
I am not sure, if I ever showed this off, but for my YouTube channel, I created an intro with A:M. Most episodes are in German, but every 10 episodes I have a special episode which is in (bad, non-scripted) English. Now I created the 50th episode, so I thought it would be time to show it here too... Hope you like it : Best wishes *Fuchur*
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi friends .... I'm working with another mechanical model and remembered me one issue when I was modeling the Camaro.... when I use copy/flip/attach tool, the attached side, have its bias completely messed. check the video. Anyone else ?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 4 replies
Original.tiff Working on an I Mac with OSX 10.68 and V15J a problem started yesterday which has me rather perplexed. I imported a model file from the CD as reference for how to lay out the splines. Selected the group skin colour in the PWS and got the following result when I hid the non selected. Missing_splines.tiff I've tried it on my own models and its not quite as dramatic as that but it does appear to mis out cp's and splines when I copy and paste. Is this a corruption problem, would it be best to go for a fresh install or is it a known problem ? Its not one I've encountered before Any help would be greatly appreciated. regards simon
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 2 replies
I attached a camera to the top of one of my metal cloth crashing cars so you can take the plunge... You can see more falling cars in my "Crunch!" thread.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 4 replies
Trying to emulate stop motion in AM. lSZqfKnCRAU Direct Link: edited to fix Youtube link - robcat2075 and Rodney
Last reply by KJ'd Beast, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Characters I've been working on for the Summer 2015 Image Contest: INSECT! Meet Madame Mothra, Beetle Zabub, Captain Wanna Bee and Mr. Money Bugs.
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
Made just
Last reply by robcat2075, -
by robcat2075- 15 replies
Another one from the department of "They Said It Couldn't Be Done." A complex curling and uncurling motion with a changing axis...
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 14 replies
Was just trying out ver18a - wanted to test dynamic hair, dynamic constraints, multiple copies of model and actions, and Screen Space Ambient Occlusion. Thought the result came out somewhat "purty". Started with old chor from 2009 Pass the Ball Then 1) exported the original chor action for the Ork as an action, 2) imported 5 copies of Ork model (using plug-in "multiple copies", translate and rotate), 3) added the exported action to each copy, 4) baked the dynamic systems 5) baked the particle systems 6) rendered 2 pass with SSAO (all default settings, except softness =100%, blur the effect = ON), Global ambiance = 100%, 1 orange klieg (no shado…
Last reply by thefreshestever, -
- 3 replies
In V16rc1, I am having problems with Dark Sims material. Do I remember something about V16 and Darksims? Steve
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Thought I would start a new topic (instead of spreading it around), to post my homeworks that I've been doing for's Design 101 course, using A:M. These assignments are not supposed to take more than 1 hour. hoo hah. So I've been trying (rarely succeed in keeping to 1 hour)...and I've been using models that I already have, modified, recomposed Most people are using photos, hand drawing, other media - quite inspiring. I haven't used A:M for all my assignments - but thought I would share here. Some of these were posted already in other bear with me.
Last reply by esolc, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I used smartskin to control the images behavior. NewY3hCP8J4
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Wanted to share a little show-and-tell. I just finished the second of a series of TV spots for a Michigan medical facility. The agency is using stylized artwork/illustrations in print and billboards and wanted to expand the look and style of them into :30 TV spots. My task was to try to make the illustration hold its own and be captivating for an extended amount of time, via animation. The way I went about it was to use A:M as a sort of 3D compositor to add dimension and movement to the image. By deleting all of the lights and using 100% global illumination and setting each layer to 'flat shaded' and 'no shadows' renders were quite swift. I used After Effects before and a…
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 7 replies
I borrowed the pine tree from the forum (thank you, John Bigboote), but I believe I made everything else. My friend Adam (The Toadstool) helped me with the home made Motion Capture. Thank you, Adam. To make this short I used Motion Capture, Dynamic Constraints, Forces, several Particle Systems (hair, leaves, grass/weeds), a little Newton Physics, and Cloth along with animation by hand. Animation Master, Audacity, and Photoshop were the software used.
Last reply by jnord71, -
- 2 replies
Have been having a number of quirky problems recently with the display of models in the chor. This is the latest one. As you can see in the picture,the model is active in the properties section, but in the view window only the bounding box shows up, not the actual wireframe of the model. If a partial quick render is done of the same view port, the models show in the render, while still being invisible in the view !!! It only seems to happen in this chor, the 4th, the others seem ok. Is there an easy explanation I might be missing? Any help gratefully received. regards simon Ps It had seemed resolved but, still getting problems with wavy splines o…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 76 replies
I like the contests that we have on here, although I myself have never particapated, I do enjoy seeing what the members around here come up with. Very inspiring!!! So I'm wondering how many people would be interested in having a contest each month? Strictly animation though. No stills or anything like that. In case your wondering I got this idea from the 11 second club, a website that also has a function like this. Its pretty dang great to see the work that comes out of this. The rules would be simple. Me or another member can choose a small 10 second clip and then members can animate something to go along with the clip. Segments must be rendered out completely. Sets an…
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Charles Babbage (DrPhibes) works at a shop that fabricates many large display items for various clients. Charles designed this giant mechanical dragon in A:M for the Disney World theme park. He modeled it in A:M, then exported to a large milling machine. "It is milled out in polystyrene foam, than we use that as a pattern to layup fiberglass. The finished parts are fiberglass with a fabricated steel frame. The head is carbon fiber," Charles told me on Facebook earlier this year.
Last reply by robcat2075,