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This is an open forum for discussing Animation:Master and discussions should relate to A:M in some capacity.
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Discuss what you hope to accomplish with A:M and projects you are working on.
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961 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 100 replies
Have any early adopters of the latest Mac OS version had any new issues with A:M on it? Edit: See Post #71 for patch pending new installers.
Last reply by Roger, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hi! I'm trying to avoid posting stupid questions, but I have an inquiry about netrender. I use OS X and just got netrender running. I followed the tutorial which is very informative about adding additional cores from the 2 core default, etc. Applets, all that... very informative. My question is: WHERE is there a document that just states in plain English how to make external machines into nodes and how to have them interact with the main computer? I just bought additional nodes and there is NO satisfactory information on what to do with the master0.lic file that I just purchased. PLEASE tell me that it'…
Last reply by markw, -
- 6 replies
For those who have an iPad Disney is joining the growing number of organizations that are opening their vaults for a peek inside production. I posted briefly about Richard Williams's app that puts his video and text from "The Animation Survival Kit" elsewhere... The primary reason I post on this is that it seems to be a trend to repurpose older material for new audiences using new digital (interactive) technology. At it's core this seems to be a smart move on behalf of Disney because frankly, if they don't do it someone else will. Of particular interest to animators is that the various references from the "Principles of Animation" chapter in Frank and Ollie'…
Last reply by largento, -
- 16 replies
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 3 replies
Here's a very interesting short told in an ultra-stylistic way: No real dialogue but lots of animated progression. Interestingly, or should I say, "exactly as planned by its creators", I had no clue where the plot was heading but in the end I found myself saying, "but of course, that's exactly how the resolution of this story should play." [vimeo]70975460#[/vimeo] Direct Link Note: While this short was animated in another product in my estimation it could have just as easily been created in A:M. Added: The style of this and a few other shorts making the rounds these days has me thinking of Sebastian's recent foray into similar lighting and styliz…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 3 replies
Last reply by Roger, -
- 2 replies
Looks interesting: The parallel between Disney marketing via movie subject matter and the Disney theme park has always been tied together but with Lasseter in charge that tie and subsequent cross pollination has increased dramatically. And they have only scratched the surface. It is telling that Lasseter's involvement in the theme park predates his involvement in animation. He's come a long way from ferrying folks around on jungle cruise adventures.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 0 replies
Some of you are wrestling with storyboarding your animation projects. Here are some real production storyboards from the Hanna Barbera series "Cow & Chicken." They look quite different from the storyboards that one might make to present an idea to non-film-makers, such as the clients of an ad agency who want a commercial to advertise their product. Here the artist has drawn just enough to identify the setting, the characters, the camera angle, the action. These are for creatives to talk to creatives. But LOTs of drawings. Each one might account for only a small slice of screen time. The whole 150 drawings might cover three minutes? While each dra…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
More often than not creative types find themselves locked in a self contained cycle of non-creativity at one point or another. One of the most significant of locks they place on the imagination is that of the eternal self fulfilling prophesy of 'I can't draw.' Let's cut to the chase. To draw is to pull something up or toward you (although if something or someone else is drawing in an opposing direction it might also be said to be drawn away or down) One need not place lines on a piece of paper with graphite, pen or other instrument capable of producing a visible line but some form of line must be placed in order to reveal the structure of a visual idea. One…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 3 replies
Apropos of our recent "Plane Trains Automobiles" contest, here is a great industrial film made by GM in 1959 to give a sense of the process by which a new car is brought from the drawing board to the production line. Full-size clay model at 3:10 The drawing room at 5:25 ! All splines made with "french curves" I particularly like the robotic butt machine that tests the upholstery at 8:20
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 105 replies
UPDATE: as of July 25, 2016... the price keeps changing. Keep your eye open for deals. Amazon is offering all six "Golden" collections for $65 $48.49 24 DVDs Until midnight tonight only. For how long I don't know. Looney Tunes Golden Collections
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 1 reply
I haven't plugged anything from Aaron Blaise in quite awhile (although he's been quite busy). Aaron has just released a video that outlines what I find to be missing from most computer animation lipsync/dialogue and something that quite often character rigs don't allow for out-of-the-box. In short, it's not about the mouth shapes so much as it is squash and stretch and shape change of the whole face and body. Well worth the few minutes it'll take to review the lesson: x
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi guys, I finally got windows running on 2008 mac and installed AM 18 64 on it, I was going through the process with Jason to transfer my Mac since over to windows and have left it a bit late, so I just bought a new subscription now, I removed the old license file and put in the new activation code and it tells me the code is invalid - am I doing anything wrong - or has the procedure changed ? I have uninstalled and reinstalled from a fresh download and still the same - I did notice that when the panel containing the company names etc. comes up it has the test name I used for Company Name / User Name / Email ect. Can anyone tell me how to completely reset AM - e…
Last reply by a.quaihoi, -
- 4 replies
I'm wondering... Is anyone here in the A:M forums also in the Philadelphia Pennsylvania area and may be interested in meeting up to discuss all things Animation Master? There used to be a group here years ago called the MAAM (Mid Atlantic Animation Master user group). We don't meet any more and it seems that all of the members of that group, except for me, no longer use A:M or have moved on to other things. I think that it would be nice to actually meet other A:M users face to face again. It was pretty cool back then and I think that it could be pretty cool now even though it would not be the same group of people as before. I could go over some rigging stuf…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I hate to post this but emails to are getting kicked back as undeliverable. On Apr 8th I purchased a year’s subscription but don’t know how to activate it. My copy of A:M has now expired. What can I do? Rusty
Last reply by robcat2075, -
Models / Action with A:M, Render / Composite / Edit with Blender Manok_LoveMask4all_d_0000-0048.mp4
Last reply by Bobby, -
- 9 replies
How long should your next animated story be? You can tell more than a few stories in 10 seconds or less... So before you invest in your next story as a 90 minute epic animated feature film perhaps you may want to tell one a bit shorter... more economically... ...perhaps even in 10 seconds or less.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 reply
This is my 1000 post on the AM forums!!!! I've been coming here for years and I'm just as excited about it now as I was years ago!!!! Here's to 1000 more
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
x Watch this Was linked to the free FutureLearn animation course
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 3 replies
Alan Becker has posted a series of videos covering the 12 Principles of Animation (according to Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston). The imagery is simplistic and actually enhances the lessons. (For those familiar with the principles make sure you get past the first few videos as they get better as they go) 1. (Squash and Stretch) 2. (Anticipation) 3. (Staging) 4. (Straight Ahead and Pose to Pose) 5. (Follow Through and Overlapping Action) 6. (Slow In and Slow Out) 7. (Arcs) 8. (Secondary Action) 9. (Timing) 10. (Exaggeration) 11. (Solid Drawing) 12. (Appeal) Well worth a look! He plans to continue with videos covering walk cycles etc.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Far be it from me to recommend anything from Autodesk but this is really quite impressive; send Autodesk a series of quasi-random photos surrounding an object and they ship back a polygon model of that object, for free. This explains it well. Normally we`d be shut out but the V17 retopolgy tool makes it potentially useful to an A:M user.
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
This is the first I've heard of this next big thing... 21:9 format TV. How long before it just wraps all around you?
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 6 replies
There was a limited release of "2001: A Space Odyssey" in film theaters last spring but not near me. However it was in IMAX theaters this weekend and may be thru Wednesday. If you've never seen it on the big screen or haven't in a long time, I certainly recommend it. There were many nuances and details I did not recall, especially in the ape performances. The whole thing is not nearly as dry and technical as I remembered it. I loved dry-and-technical when i was eight, none-the-less. Biggest surprise... "Reginald Perrin" is in it. But I have my own fleeting contact with this movie... I have touched a "2001" Oscar! My father's long-time employer, 3M, wa…
Last reply by largento, -
- 3 replies
Lately I was working with a simple model, where I tried to add the 2001 skeleton rig. In the manual is said to make a new bone subdirectory in the new model and drag the root boon of the rig model into it. After done so, I can attach the bones to the model and use it as the 2001 skeleton rig. The advantage of this is that I have all properties of the rig model. After doing this for some time I experienced a strange loss of these advantages. Sometimes the hip model movements loose the attachement of the feet's gravity. I seem to have a model that moves the same way I would move the root bone. I tried to understand what makes these null pointers keep the feet …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
Looks like Bluesky just got the greenlight to animate a feature film with Charlie Brown and the gang. I think it was Keith Lango that was involved in a test years ago but folks in charge of 'Peanuts' weren't satisified with the adaption to CG and went with the latest hand drawn shorts instead. Trying to remain relevant it looks like their two years worth of negotiations with Bluesky finally broke through to a feature film deal.
Last reply by Rodney, -
3-D Printing 1 2
by Pitcher- 76 replies
A couple of years ago, I inquired of someone whether A:M produced models in a format that could be used with a 3-D printer, and I was given an answer in the affirmative. I wasn't planning to print anything out at that particular time, and did not pursue the details. Now, our library has a 3-D printer, and I was thinking about taking their orientation course and possibly printing one or two of my models. In talking to the lady at the library who deals with this, she said that their printer prints out NEG files. Does A:M produce NEG files or can A:M model files be converted to NEG files? As you see, I still don't know very much about it. If I can 3-D print an A:M model, wha…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 6 replies
This is news to me... Reportedly... The 3MF file format is being developed to avoid pitfalls of previous formats used in 3D printing. Microsoft is pushing the format for use with Windows 10 because all other formats fell short.. Code/specs are freely available on github. Etc. They certainly aren't escaping 'triangles' with this implementation (more akin to embracing them) but it just might provide some useful information regarding conduit to/through a new 'universal' format.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 3 replies
Hey Guys, got back into AM because I needed to visualise this game pad case I have been developing to communicate with the mechanical / electronic engineers and AM was the tool I tuned to, why ? Because I love it and did not want to learn another app because AM is so good. I was reading about the polygon thread and some of that applied here, but from experience and from this example, I would like to point out that AM is very powerful and with the bonus of now outputting STL files it fills in a huge requirement I had back in the days. From working on this I found somethings which I would love to have implemented - mainly being able to control patches / splines much…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 2 replies
Hello all- I just saw a news article that says a UPS store here in San Diego (Kearny Mesa) is now having a 3D printer on the premises. People will be able to walk in with a file and print out their work as a 3D prototype. The 3D printers seem high end, meaning they are a cut above what the lowest pro-sumer models presently are. Don't know what the cost will be but the fact that you can walk in with a flash drive and walk out with your creation is pretty cool. If you don't live near San Diego, you might check the UPS store website and see if they are planning a 3D printer for a store near you. Best, Tom
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
3dcoat with AM 1 2
by ludo_si- 50 replies
Here is the explanation for texturing a model AM in 3dcoat. 1. Create your model 2. Use bake texture to save uv without difficulty. 3. export obj 16* with triangle. 4. Import your model in 3dcoat (option perpixel) 5. texture your model with symetry, bump, specular, emission, ambiant occlusion etc... 6. Export your model in obj to. All the textures are saved. 7. Import in AM. and decal replaces by new images. 8. It work and it's easy.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 1 reply
Tigers can jump... Notice how the tiger fully extends before leaving the ground and fully extends to land again.
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 18 replies
Several years ago, I bought the blu-ray of "How The West Was Won," one of the few movies shot in true Cinerama, using a camera with three lenses and magazines, able to record a 146° viewing area. These three strips of film were then projected by three projectors onto an enormous curved screen. The results were supposed to be spectacular. I've never seen Cinerama in person, but to simulate the effect, they mapped the movie onto a 3D curved screen and presented it on the blu-ray in what they called "Smilebox." The effect is pretty spectacular. Got me to wondering if a Cinerama Camera and screen could be simulated in A:M, so that you could end up with a Smilebox movi…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
For those interested in such things, the following are folks that have appeared on my radar as being valued members of the forum which I surely have neglected. This isn't to suggest there aren't many others but as for these, if you see them in your various wanderings please feel free to befriend, support, encourage... I dunno... think of sumthin'. Animus (Michel) Canada Joined: September 03 Bobby (Bobby) Thailand Joined: September 04 ddavis (Don) New Jersey, USA Joined: October 03 dyrwoolf (Sins) Trial User from ? Joined: January 13 entity (Rich) Philidelphia, USA Joined: Nov 03 Been down on his luck. No computer. No A:M. A…
Last reply by Vertexspline, -
- 3 replies
All are welcome and encouraged to contribute their approaches, best practices... recipes for success... to this topic. May the best days of productivity be ahead of you. I recently moved a bunch of files from my main harddrive to an external drive and it has me thinking about why I had set up that directory in the first place. I want to share my thoughts related to this because I'm trying to learn (mostly from my mistakes) and to move forward to the next stage (whatever that may be). Some time ago I made a change in the way I organized files on my harddrive (as I tend to be a very disorganized person and need structure). A critical change for me was to cre…
Last reply by largento, -
- 5 replies
Just the last week I found this site and I think is a good option for show your models, 100 mb for free, and the navigation to the models is with the mouse, as closer as you want in any degree, you can see the wires and turn 360 degrees as well, all you need is to export the model in OBJ with the normal outside and ready...I uploaded some without textures... here the link...
Last reply by nino banano, -
- 3 replies
So as you probably have noticed, I don't just love Animation: Master, but I’m also very interested in its’ development history and I just wanted to know what .prj scene files were included at the time on the CDs of the software. Were some of them scenes from the showcase gallery here? If yes, then which of them were in these two versions? Also for the scenes that are not included in the gallery, could you show me some wireframe screenshots and final renders of what they looked like (including information about which were included on which CD)? I’m talking about .prj files which are not included in the Extras CD…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
I know practically nothing about 'The Emoji movie' and haven't seen it but I noticed an interesting link that points to something I'd like to see more of happen as it bridges a gap in the creation/production/distribution process. Concerning the movie itself it appears to be Sony's attempt to grab some of that same success shared by Disney's 'Wreck it Ralph' and that franchise's upcoming sequel. Add in a good dose of the general feel of PIXAR's 'Inside Out' and you've got yourself 'The Emoji Movie'. Sony has released an 'The Art of Emoji Movie' as an online website. It seems to me that this approach might not only be emulated and result in more of the same from ot…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 6 replies
Hi, In libriairie, we can see icons. I would like to know, if it will be possible to see this icons, instead of the generic icon, in windows explorer?
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 20 replies
I had been working on this story since before Halloween. In the beginning I felt it should be an easy one to pull off. The original concept contained no human actors, so the animation should be easy, simple sets so that should be easy, short story so no time would be required. Well, that's not really how it worked out. The first script felt too light to properly convey the story I envisioned. Characters were needed, humans. A deeper plot was needed to create a back story. No worries, I had some models built a while ago, not rigged very well, but it should do. So I soldiered on. I thought that I could jump right into the choreography, skip story boards, skip the animatic. …
Last reply by fae_alba, -
A visionary
by Xtaz- 1 reply
Once upon a time( 1996 ) a visionary guy, called Martin Hash, who said: "3-D character animation will become a multibillion-dollar market. There will be a certain amount of political expression in cyberspace, but primarily cyberspace will evolve into a fantasyland for people with no life. It will be for those of us who always wanted to be whisked into the land of The Hobbit, with all of the trappings but less of the make-believe."
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
The current forum banner (over the Latest Info forum) is a single frame from a 500 frame sequence rendered straight out of A:M with one exception; it was resized (to a lower resolution) in an image utility called Irfanview. Where I have the option I prefer to use images rendered directly out of A:M; this is something of a 'purist' view. I would relate this to what most would assume is the approach of PIXAR which is to forego any compositing, post production etc.; what comes directly out of the renderer is what will be used. This is the A game of animation. The ideal environment in which to produce. The B game is what most of us tend to use if for no other reaso…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 4 replies
Long time no see my friends here! I make a Short as my Graduate student work。I could find A:M in IOS app store,but there is still nobody use A:M except me in China,how I whish I could find another one just like me。 If A:M could export model and action to MAYA and control .mdl or .act in MAYA,it would be more suitable for animation enthusiasts in China。 Ok,this is my work: I‘m sorry for the long advertisement。^^
Last reply by jebeck, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi! Recently I installed the latest version of A:M, it asked me for an activation code which I looked up and entered and A:M started and worked just fine. However, today I got an error message when I tried to start it…something about contacting support. In an attempt to fix this myself I uninstalled A:M and reinstalled it but when I enter my activation code I get an error saying that the activation key is already in use. Looks like I somehow I screwed everything up. I tried sending an email to an it was kicked back as undeliverable... ??? BTW, I have two activation keys; one for my laptop and one for my desktop. This happened on my laptop. My …
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 12 replies
Hi, Not sure if this is the right place to ask this stuff. If not, feel free to move it to the proper location. I used to use A:M a number of years ago and moved on to polygon modeling (yes, I know polygon isn't a nice word around here). I want to get into doing some animations and am looking back at A:M again. I remember how easy it was to rig and weight a character was and especially to animate it. So, my questions are: 1) In the software that I am currently using, I have the ability to move a point along an edge without having to guess where to place it. Does A:M have anything that would allow you to move a control point along the surface of a spline? …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
This topic is for those interested in belonging to (or leading) A:M Users Groups. To go beyond the discussion and join a User Group follow this link: Animation:Master Users Groups
Last reply by Vertexspline, -
- 3 replies
I would love to find some fellow A:M users down here on the South Coast of Mass. I live at the tip of the red arrow, between Fall River and New Bedford. I know that confidentiality precludes giving out names and phone numbers, but if I could discover whether or not we have other users close by (or, reasonably so) I'd get on Craig's List, or tap into a friend's Facebook page. Any help would be appreciated.
Last reply by KJ'd Beast, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
I am currently running A:M V18.0M (avx) on Windows 10, and everything seems GREAT except I notice my render time indicator is being 'cut-off' by the program... happens in A:M render and A:M NetRender as well. I have 2 montitors... one is a 4K and the other is a 1920 X1080 Dell... it happens on both. I have tried adjusting the little sliders that would make the column bigger, but with no luck. It's a very-very small issue- and if I hover over a frame or the current render frame it will show the time elapsed or total frame render time..., anyone else have this? If more people see it this way- I will submit as a bug.
Last reply by Tore, -
- 11 replies
VFX animator Webster Colcord is interviewed in CGW... Spotlight on Webster Colcord I note it for this interesting portion...
Last reply by nemyax, -
- 2 replies
Is there a video of the live AM presentation that is performed at the conventions?
Last reply by edifex,