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- By Fuchur,
934 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I've added a rotoscope image onto a view and adjusted it how I thought I wanted it (along with 4 other views). After adjusting for sizing and aligning with the axes like I wanted, I went through and selected the "No Pick" for each in their Properties. However, I found later that one image is aligned on the wrong axis. How can I get access to the rotoscope image on that view that is misaligned since I've turned off picking it, I can't click on it. I'm running AM 2006. Thanks for the help. Tom
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 8 replies
Files are located in the 'Hair Salon' thread, located here:;#entry397248 A:M's hair material in a LONG HAIR scenario, useful for a 'Duck Dynasty' beard, 'weeping-willow' style tree leaves, 'hippie-hair' or glamorous female long hair. The feature being demonstrated here is not so much the hair material as the way it interacts and wraps around other objects, known as collision-detection. Many programs boast impressive hair and styling features, but have very little to show how the hair reacts dynamically in an animation scenario... AND- what happens when the dynamic hair comes into contact with other objects... usual…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 12 replies
I was wondering if there was a plug-in that would create a halfway point spline ring between two spline rings. In other words, if I were to have two spline rings that are too far apart. Is there a way that I could select both and then have a new spline ring that would appear halfway between them and also tween the shape (like Flash does)? I tend to start on the low end as far as splines when I'm modeling and add more as I need to. I sometimes realize I need that extra spline ring, but manually adding CPs between them doesn't always give the result I want. Especially since I avoid using the bias handles.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
What version of A:M does one get with the $299 no-subscription offer? Does the license ever expire? Why are there no upgrade options for users of version 17 and earlier?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
In addition to the Hash gift certificates for the top three entries in the Sci-Fi image contest, the top ten entrants will be receiving the a DVD of Mark Largent's all-A:M-made "The Wobbling Dead," an animated puppet parody of the AMC series "The Walking Dead." Now you have no reason not to dust off that sci-fi entry you didn't quite get finished, polish it up and jump into the fray. Contest deadline July 6 Don't be a lazy zombie! If you wake up on July 7 and find out only 9 people entered you're going to kick yourself!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Hello all- I am using Version 18.0 d SSE4 and I am trying to "groom" some hair. I go to View/Toolbars and select "Grooming" in the check box and the icon pops up on the side of my screen.. ...however when I close the Toolbars menu, the grooming icons disappear from the margin of the screen? Has anybody else have this happen.. Thanks for any help! Tom
Last reply by Tom, -
- 6 replies
Take it easy... I know what you thought when you read the subject.... My question is about another kind of action, like photoshop one I would like to create a sequence of steps then reproduce them in another projects. Is this possible anyway ???
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
Have started to try and set up some hot keys to speed up the animation process. Does any body have a method they use to short cut, setting keys on bones in a chor or action ? I started going through them on the keyboard but, they all seem to be already set. Any Suggestions welcome. regards simon
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 19 replies
We are moving to a new server and updating all software. The new forums is up now if you want to mess around with it. The posts will be removed and right now we are working on a bug with user avatars if you find anything else please post here. we will also be looking for new skins and other things before we move over. Any Posts made there will be removed on the move! but feel free to try it out. I will also make a post there for bugs and things you want to see. but I have to run right now. It's been a really long night since this version is so out of date. Thank You, Jason simonds
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I am wondering where to file a feature request, and or where would one discuss such a request if it would even be useful to the user base, and last not least who would actually have to code it all ?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 11 replies
I was wondering if anyone has been able to export a Hash model to 3d pdf? I was thinking I could use an obj format to keep textures but not sure what converters are there out there that might be free? Basically I want to be able to show mock ups of items to my customers with their imprints on them so they can easily show their customers. I have been rendering stills but that can be tedious when they want different views and only tell me after the images are rendered. I did stumble across Meshlabs, when I first tried it the program was a clunker. Seems they have really fixed it. Perfect for those who want to close openings and fix meshes for 3d printing. Free …
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 21 replies
First, if you never use more than 25 multipasses this was a non-issue and even if you do it was mostly undetectable. The following is only for the painfully curious. One way A:M does motion blur is with multi-pass. It slightly increments the point in time being rendered for each pass and moving objects appear blurred as the passes are blended together. As the number of passes is made larger the fraction of time between passes must be smaller. It turns out A:M stores time in "ticks", not seconds or frames, and A:M counts 135000 ticks per second. Every keyframe you make is stored internally as a number of ticks elapsed from zero. This makes it possible to cha…
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 88 replies
As a break from the animating, thought it might be time to make a teddy Bear for the long term project underway. Modelling is not a strong skill and materials even less so. In that light can anyone suggest suitable material properties, or where to look for them, to use for the Teddy? Any help gratefully received. He will end up being tested on the Unicycle though ! regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 4 replies
I asked a short while ago about using multiples under one licence and Nancy was kind enough to pint me to where /I could get the windows versions. There was a remaining question about running under two OS's. Finally had a chance to do that but, when I tried to contact support via the main Hash page, ( ) the screen won't load fully and keeps trying to reload. Is anyone else having this problem ? simon
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 2 replies
I was curious about how A:M shifted the camera for the Multipass DOF effect. This is the image of a very bright, very tiny dot far behind the DOF range of the camera with various pass number settings. I would think that cluster near the center of the higher pass versions would not be ideal. The low number passes seem to be the same every time, but the higher ones change a bit with every restart of A:M
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 13 replies
Hello, We only got 2 entries for this contest should we extent the deadline something closer to Comic Con in July or just call it on this one?
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 1 reply
Sorry for the restart with out notice. But it came down to one of two options. Restart the machine or punch my screen and well I really like my monitor so..
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 25 replies
Have an old model that works in AM 18f (rig) but falls apart once it is saved in 18f 'new format'. So what has changed? Not being a rigging person I have no idea what has failed. (its an old Eggprops character model). Being an Eggprops commercial model I don't think I can share it (Reixcherub model for anyone who still remembers it) Cheers
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
OK, another problem - how do I display the Pose Slider Window? I've checked the option in the View menu but nothing appears. Is it possible I have dragged it off somewhere? How do I get back to a default view? 18f - OSX Cheers
Last reply by higginsdj, -
- 1 reply
Is it me (v18f OSX) or has the Terrain Generator Wizard stopped working (in that it actually doesn't render anything) and the output does not match the settings (ie I set it to a 1000 x 1000 mesh and got a 1 x 1 mesh) Wow - just dragging the mouse off the Step width box actually opens up a finder window (find/open file)..... I think something is seriously porkerd here (may not just be the Terrain Generator) Cheers
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 37 replies
How can I change the frequency Rand()? inspired by johnl3d post - "expression RGB(r,g, has anyone used this, or has instructions"
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 4 replies
A friend has offered me his Macbook Pro when he upgrades in a few weeks time, it has Windows 7 on as a dual boot option. The first question is, if I buy a Licence to run V18 on the Mac , do I have to get another one to run it under W7 on the same machine ? I am keen to try the 64bit option to speed up the rendering and, it might provide the option of using the setup machine as well . In a related question. My brother installed W7 on my Mini using an open source program called " Virtual Box", haven't had a chance to try it yet but, I have my earlier versions of AM on CD. Would it be legitimate to use those under virtual box , again to try the 64bit version wh…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 29 replies
For those of you with some experience with this feature perhaps you can elaborate on the snapshot feature a little more so I can better incorporate it into my workflow. First, let me say that I am fascinated by how this snapshot feature can do more than a standard Print Screen of the current screen. I do wonder however if I am missing something so let me postulate the following and see if it matches with what you know: - Snapping a Shot will grab a wireframe or shaded wireframe image of the current window (what you get will depend on what View settings currently being used (Wireframe/Shaded Wireframe) - Control Snapping a Shot will pull up the dialogue to allow …
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 5 replies
Hey Everyone. Has anyone done some .obj imports enough to notice a speed difference. It could be me, but it seems a little slower in V18. Could be me. Thanks William
Last reply by mulls, -
- 8 replies
Have been working on a model of a young boy for the next project. Learnt some lessons last time so was cautious this time around, saved regularly in different iterations as progress was made. Installed the 2008 rig up to the point were it said, " set up cp weights and smartskin", so have spent the past few days trying to get that ready for next phase of the rig installation. Had been working on half a model then intended to copy flip attach before going on to finish the rig installation. However, every time I try to CFA it crashes out the program. Sometimes when I reopen it then crashes when I just try to copy before pasting. I have tried it in V15 and V18 w…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 2 replies
Still plugging away at the model of the young boy for the next project. Does anyone know if there are any models of human teeth available or references thereof that I could adapt or use ? regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Can somebody help me with an explanation on how the settings for an animated layer inside a coreography works? My scene includes a model of a tv on which I have an animated layer made from 24 still frames. It is to be played in loop by say 8 fps and repeated say 10 times. Where do I set this? The settings "crop" and "range" in the "timing" dialogue are somewhat cryptic to there something I have overlooked?
Last reply by Tore, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Having learnt a lesson with the Teddy Bear now trying to CP weight his partner. It is a very long, tedious, involved process. Would it be possible to make a feature request ?I have read a few tutorials on how to do it but may have missed something ( ?) The process appears to be that you select the cp's in muscle mode and then add %values to vary the weighting ? Two factors make it a bit tedious for me, 1. When you select a bone in the dialogue window the same bone does not always show up the selection box below ( see screen shot ), so you then have to scroll through a long list to make sure the correct one is listed. That gets a bit tired after awhile.…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 29 replies
I just noticed this earlier yesterday but wasn't able to test until now. Perhaps someone else can confirm if they are having similar issues in v18b? When drawing (any interconnecting) splines in v18b and creating a new spline by attaching to a previous spline A:M goes into 'thinking mode' and a pause spinner initiates like it's searching memory in order to complete the task. A:M is then locked up at this point until a forced close. I checked in both 32bit and 64bit and am getting the same results. I figured this might be something I changed recently but checking in v17g... no problem drawing with splines noted. Very odd. Perhaps I toggled something on/o…
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 8 replies
Hi. I just upgraded to version 18 and I am trying to import a video to use as a rotoscope for compositing. It appears that version 18 no longer supports .mov files. Is that the case? When I try a .avi file I get an error message that the file is corrupted or not a type supported. The same files work perfectly in version 15 (which I know is a big gap as far as versions go.) Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your help.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
By way of reminding everyone of the pending Sci Fi contest here is some inspirational animation from a previous (animation) contest. (video courtesy of Zach Brewster Geist) Less than 15 days to go to the deadline!
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 52 replies
I just renewed my subscription for 2011 and want to comment on the steps for those going through the same process. Subscribing may not be the preferred method for everyone but there are benefits for those that do. Subscribing to A:M is a very straightforward process: - Visit the A:M Store. - Purchase a subscription. - Install A:M. - (If renewing remove the master.lic file from your master folder) - Activate your new subscription. If troubleshooting is needed here are some general tips: - You won't need to uninstall, just delete or remove the .lic file from your master folder. It will most likely be named master0.lic - You can verify your exp…
Last reply by Tore, -
- 0 replies
This image won't make much sense to anyone but I want to post it to remind me to delve into this area further. What it represents is a rapid workflow that didn't exist before v18 (the process could be done but not in its current form). The basic concept is this: Phase 1 Modeling - Create a simple shape/object (in this case a simple can) - Create a new Action of 5 or 6 frames in length (the number of frames really depends on what you want to produce. In this case I wanted to place a few cans in psuedo random fashion on/near an imaginary ground plane) - Turn Onion Skinning on (it's best to add this to your toolbar which you can do in v18... adjust the oni…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 8 replies
Hi, I've been rigging a hand and noticed that when i rotate the "control index 2 right" bone past -180 degress it goes out of whack. Can some one explain what I'm doing wrong here's the hand model I was using handtest.mdl
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 17 replies
A few weeks back I learnt about Multiple master in V17 and have used it extensively when rendering. Upgraded to V18 two weeks ago and went to use Multiple Master in it today but couldn't find it. MultipleMaster.scpt But My guess is that needs to be activated. Could somebody kindly explain how ? regards simon Ps One of the reasons for wanting to run MM is that an import of a 3DS model is taking a very long time is that common ? Appreciate it varies per model but, have left the machine chewing it over and its stayed on 20% for the past 16 hours and counting... OBJ import was a lot smoother and quicker. The results make me appreciativ…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hi Guys Big favor to ask: I am at work and won't be in front of my home computer until 17:30 / 5:30 PM CST -6 GMT If I submit a trial request at that time could I get an answer by 19:00 / 7:00 PM? I know its a bit much to ask but I don't have any music projects lined up this evening and it would be an awesome opportunity to get the A:M bug Thank you!
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 5 replies
Recently started a new Sports Day project which is using a .tga image as a decal for the pitch markings, which according to my OS, is 2,554 x 410 pixels @72dpi and a file size of 95kb. If I look at the information for the same image as it appears in the Images folder in A:M it agrees on the dimensions but says it is 3.99MB!? That's but a big leap from 95kb! And it also seems to be enough to keep making A:M freeze and have to be forced quit if I try and pan over it with the camera. Turning OFF Show Decals and the camera moves freely and no freeze. On the plus side this decal, so far & touch wood, has always displayed correctly and not fallen foul of the usual …
Last reply by markw, -
- 4 replies
I may have misunderstood but, there was mention a few weeks back about a plug in that helped with dressing a model. If so, could someone kindly direct me to it and most importantly, instructions on how to use it ? regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Sorry posting this reply here as I'm unable to make a post in the v18d thread So thanks for the sample model Robert. Closer inspection shows that v18d is NOT randomly flipping normals, but it IS making things see-through?! In the screenshot here of your test model you can clearly see that the yellow pointers are all still facing outward as they should. Note, this screenshot was taken with 'Show back facing ploys' ON, so even if there were any flipped normals the model still should have looked solid. Incidentally whilst trying to get that screenshot A:M crash yet again. v17g is starting to look to me like the most stable Mac version.
Last reply by markw, -
- 3 replies
Working with V18b on a Mac Mini running OSX10.85 noticing a few quirks and wondered if they were Mac related ? For example, when using quick render, either area or full screen, the screen goes blank as the render goes through,there is no progress bar at the bottom of the window, the clock timing the render is not visible, nor the text which denotes the stage at which its going through, eg"anti aliasing pass...". That is not a real problem but it would be good to see them all as I'm used to it and can check it going it going through. Of more import is that, when setting the parameters in the render menu under "render to file" the only way to exit th…
Last reply by markw, -
- 6 replies
This is something I've been playing with I thought people might find interesting... Here's a render of two models. It's the same mesh copied from one file and placed in another. The surprise part is that they both have the exact same surface properties! The difference is that the first model is significantly smaller than the second one. It's scale has been changed in the choreography to match the second model. But notice that the roughness settings have been scaled to match. I've found I can get some interesting looks this way. Obviously, you could also experiment with the roughness amount and scale to get the look, but it's interesting to me that the…
Last reply by largento, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
It's time to renew my A:M subscription and how do I must proceed with render nodes ? Are render nodes a year subscription too ?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Working on the Bear model and trying to set up the cp weights. Two things occur to me. One, is it possible to do all the weighting for one side then mirror it to the other side, as it is with the "Mirror Smartskin" option ? Two Is it a Mac quirk or, when selecting the bone in the weighting window, for example Right Bicep geometry, the bone named in the box below could be the Left Knee Fan bone. It is then necessary to scroll through all the bones to find the one you want ( and there are a LOT in the 2008 rig ). It does get a bit wearing after awhile. regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 2 replies
Does anyone already have or can they point me to an already-done architectural fly-through done with A:M? It should look great, of course, but I'm looking for something that in just a few seconds can say "architectural fly-thorough" I'm working on the new-user tut for "animation" and want to touch on path animation and want a shot that can cover the time it takes to say "...path animation also works well for moving a camera in and around a set... "
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
So I tried to make some new business cards. I liked someone the stuff in the post so they are a lot like it. v18_buss_card.psd v18_buss_card_bk.psd they are still editable and I will take any suggestions tomorrow when i have a bit of time i will work on the flyer. I still hope to get some good ones today but I'm working on this for back up. Ok I already see and edit I need to remove the tongue but that is an easy fix.
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
(This topic split from Simon's 'Teddy Bear' topic) Nancy is fantastic - having mastered AM: But all of us being newbies compared to her. Why hasn´t we been able to make us as clever as her? For sure - it must be some way - to learn everybody - fast - to be a 3D-master-ess. What has AM missed? or it is perfect as it is? Every newbie wants to make a walking teddybear! How to get a newbie to make a walking teddybear on first try! And a walking and talking teddybear! It is up to AM to make that! A character program - based on AM - but without the difficulties to master in AM. The walking and talking Animation Master for the newbies - every schoolki…
Last reply by thefreshestever, -
- 1 reply
Here's a space to post notices of upcoming chats. If you are logged in to the A:M Community chat room and primed and ready to chat, post a note here and others will join the chat. If there is a regular time you login to chat please feel free to post that! Upcoming events: The Secrets of A:M
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 reply
A new release (v18.0b) was posted so go get it! Latest Information Before you install a new release there are some things to consider: - Are you in the middle of a production? - Are you under a deadline? - Are your settings perfect and you don't wish to see them change? Consider these and other factors carefully before installing new software and when in doubt... login to the A:M Forum and ask questions. That's why we are here. Rather than post to the squeekly clean notification of the v18.0b release I thought I'd start a topic here to capture thoughts on the current release. But first, thanks for this latest update. I…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 0 replies
Thought this link might be of interest to folks who aren't familiar with the feature film the A:M Community put together a few years ago: Sometimes it's a bit hard to navigate through the main wiki so the index page helps to zero in on specific areas of interest. A few random samplings: (The TWO cast of characters starts to shape up) (Note: This was more of a test... to my knowledge contact sheets such as these were not used extensively during TWO) (Some thoughts…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 reply
Hey you guys, Is there a shortcut Key for the "Translate to" constraint. Rather than getting to it by choosing it from the dropdown list window, I was wondering if there's a Hot key for it. Thanks. William
Last reply by robcat2075,