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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Tar lives! :)


A little hip movement in there would really communicate a sense of his weight.

I can already imagine him in a sword fight... Keesh! Klang! KA-TOOM!

Oh yeah.


Very nice Will.


Nice! Yeah, a little hip and chest movement would make it less robotic. I can see that loin cloth getting under your skin especially in the fight scenes! :)


Great work, Will, though it seems like he would have a more "lumbering" walk. the model, textures and detail are really terrific.


Great. Did you enter him in the mascot contest? I hope so... WOULDN"T IT BE GREAT IF- the mascot could be an animated loop like this? With the new animated png file format, it might be highly possible, altho it would enlarge the overall file size of the entire A:M installer download- and possibly slow down boot time, which is pretty swift these days... so, good idea but, bad idea...


I like the walk--- it gives him an air of 'intellectual snobbery'. Perhaps you meant that.


Actually, just woke-up a couple of hours early this morning and did this--definately will spend more time for a final shot. But I thought i might need a looping walk, if Tar became the new mascot (for the render panel)


A great look, with the 'paintey' feeling and washes... sets a good atmosphere and look how your great character POPS off that background. Are you using FastAO?


That's a great background Will. I think it's a great idea to save yourself as much work as possible in the 3D stage.

If you have a kick a$$ story, you could even give it the South Park treatment and people would still applaud it. But your artistic talent is definitely an asset.


EXCELLENT, Will!! It looks awesome, It'll save a lot of time, and it doesn't look like a cheat. This is exactly one of those things Robcat brought up in the other thread, finding ways to save time without skimping on quality.


Try one with a couple of simple 3d foreground elements, maybe a rock and a plant.


awesome model!!! and i like the painted background a lot... you could also split the background in two or three different layers and place them with a lttle space in beween... so when the camera moves, you´ll get some 3d-feel to it...


I wonder Will, have you considered doing something similar to a motion comic?


I came across this site the other day: http://www.digitalmotioncomics.com


The majority of them start from a source comic and break up the art and use a combination of 3D and AfterEffects to turn them into short films. I'd encountered some of the ones that DC Comics had done earlier. I even have the BluRay of the Watchmen motion comic.


Watching some of them, it got me to thinking that using the style of them might make for a more economical way to do an animated series. You basically get to pick and choose what would be animated and would make doing a series in a reasonable amount of time possible. It's almost a kind of mixed media approach where you could combine your sketches, paintings and 3D stuff. Could make for an interesting style and give it a modern, unique look.


> I even have the BluRay of the Watchmen motion comic.



After seeing the preview and after I have read the comic many years ago and seen the movie lately,

I ask myself: Why should I watch THIS? This is neither fish nor flesh.


I personally think this will be no succsses, besides never will generate the reward needed for all that work it takes

to make it wortwhile.




That's kind of the point, Jake. It's a "flish" :-)


It's not a comic and it's not an animated film. It's a motion comic. It's something new. And the "language" is still being written. It's not a movie, so you don't have to stick to established film conventions. Nor is it a comic book, so you don't have to operate within those conventions, either. It's something that can take elements from both mediums and combine them in different ways and make up your own new ones.


Starting with original material and planning for it to be a motion comic would allow for all sorts of new storytelling devices and creativity.


The big push now in electronic publishing on devices like smartphones and iPad-like tablets is to have motion and other elements added to books. It's going to continue. Static is going to be something in the past. When ePaper and other technologies become reliable and affordable, printing is going to go away.


...and kids dig 'em. :-)


I was looking at Anime Studio Pro to add background character. Things that doesn't need to be a 3D model. As someone point out that the main character will stand out if its render out to high detail. It will draw attention to the story of what is happening. Quiton Tarrentino even use toon animation in "Kill Bill" to tell the story of one of the character beginning.


Here is a little test. Rendered at about 1min:30seconds per frame at D1 resolution. There are two images used as rotoscopes: the background and a little dust gradient image(set to 'in front'). the ground plane is set to 'front projection target'.

I think it looks pretty good--I think adding some layer objects, and some moving clouds would make for a very convincing shot :)


  • Admin

Great test Will.


I'm already being drawn into the scene with him.

I agree about the moving clouds/dust. That'll really sell it.

Perhaps a little foley wind? (I can almost hear a dry wind like in an old western cowboy film... wrong genre but... similar sound effect)


What are your plans for music (if any) if you can reveal that?

Looks great, you wont be able to move the camera though with this setup, I suppose?


> the ground plane is set to 'front projection target'.



So that the character casts a shadow into the image... This is just a test--There will be camera moves. The background can be a Layer Object, or mapped to sphere, or whatever.


Use an Aim At for the camera, keep the view more or less static with just a small slide to the left or the right.


This will create a nice effect with small affords... this is a technique used for 2d-animations for years.

Years ago I wrote a small tutorial on this with an hamster and some kind of santa-slider.


See you



Looks great. Is there anyway to take that snap/hiccup/jerk out of a walk cycle?


I have never liked walk cycles because I always see the tell tail sign of the nap/hiccup/jerk when it starts over. I used to think it was the animators lack of finess but I am starting to think its a known accepted issue.


By the way, I hope to see this creation in the maskot submissions.

  • 3 weeks later...

Bravo, zandoriastudios.

Inspiring stuff.

I have tsm for maya but I'm not sure how to use it in AM , do have any links regarding that?

Bravo, zandoriastudios.

Inspiring stuff.

I have tsm for maya but I'm not sure how to use it in AM , do have any links regarding that?


You have to use another version of tsm. (by the way: originally tsm was developed for A:M).

You can find it here:

rigging forum about tsm


See you


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