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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Thanks for that Dusan. :)


Not only for the update and imagery of 'Chicory and Coffee' but for the presentation in the GIF format. (I've missed that format)


I can't wait to see your project but take your time.

I know the wait will be well worth it.


Happy New Year to you too, Dusan.

Chicory and Coffee looks amazing and the card is a perfect way of passing on your good wishes and showing everyone that there are some outstanding things to look forward to in 2008.

  • 7 months later...

I know this is an old thread, and I'm sorry for bumping it. Just wondering if there are any news about this very promising short?


I know hat Dusan have finished the animations on it and he is rendering the very last scenes.


Thank you for interest! :D

Yes, the animation is finished. I'm in a final stage of the post production. We were just finished Dolby Stereo Mix, and next week I'm going to Hungary for a couple of days to make a digital to 35mm film transfer.

And right after that - I will go to a VACATIONS (I haven't been on proper vacations for the last two years). When I will return, I promise that I will finally make an update of the Chicory web page (www.bugbrain.com/ck) and make a short teaser (unfortunately I won't be able to show the whole 8 minutes of animation on-line, because of the regulations of the big Animation Festivals. So for the first year or two you will be only able to see it on the animation festivals. Sorry for that...


In a meantime- here are a couple of images from the movie.


P.S. Almost forgot- a BIG thank you to members of this forum: Cory Collins, Ken Heslip, Yves Poissant and Steffen Gross for helping me on this project.












I've said it before and I will say it again. This is absolutely brilliant! I am really looking forward to seeing the trailers.


Thanks for bumping this topic Stian.


Good to hear from you again Yves. Hope things are going well.




I actually got to see this thread for the first time thanks to Stian.


I'm speechless. This is REALLY awesome!!!!! The models, the lighting and the animatic are all professionally made IMO.






Wow!! Since the beginning of this I have been in awe, but these frames go even beyond that!


Incredible! Incredible! Incredible!


It turned out spectacularly well! Yay! I see my cockrill peeking through the window in one of them.....actually I can't remember if I made him now it was so long ago. :D But I did something with him. May you have much success. Don't let the next one take so long. ;)


Thanks for the update Dusan! Those renders are jawdropping, nothing less!

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Wonderful imagery. With story and music to match this is sure to garner some wonderful reviews from the festival circuit.

Two years more to wait so see the film??? Yikes. Looks like we need to visit a film festival. ;)


Good luck at the festivals Dusan!


this is really the best 3d renderings/style I have ever seen, in my opinion ofcourse....


I'm looking foward to the day that I will be able to see this!


Mike Fitz





I hope you will be posting a list of which festivals you will submit to. If it's showing in NYC I'll make the hike down there to see it. I said it before, and I'll say it again: This film is going to win awards.


OH MY!!! I have missed this thread, can't believe it..... looks like it started when I was away from the board for awhile, So happy to catch this, and Im speechless!, very super looking film, when I see these it keeps my interest up I'm A:M , not that I could ever be that good at it, but it does make me strive to be better that I was yesterday.... Thanks for the info and this thread....


"Please look at the Models Surface properties- under the Ambiance Shader you should have a Environment option. This Environment Shader works similar as Environment material, except it shows over the decals and doesn't fade out with transparency (which means it could be usefull for faking reflections in glass)."


Anyone found this shader? I cant seem to find it under v15. Anyone got it?




Thank you all for your kind words and good wishes! I can't imagine better compliments than If my work is inspiration to someone.

I will post a list of Festivals which will accept the Film on my webpage. I will also post a couple of movie fragments from the animation (not the whole movie- though I would like to...) Check the webpage by the end of September (I don't believe I could manage to do this sooner)...


About the Environment Shader- if it is not included in v 15 (I'm still using v 13) then maybe Yves (the author) will be so kind to donate it to the community. It is really very useful shader. I didn't use any reflections in the whole movie (actually I did- only in one scene)- I faked all glass and eye reflections via this Shader. It renders much, much faster than real reflection.


just found this thread.... AMAZING!!!!!! the shots are looking incredible... especially the lighting kinda freaks me out... how the hell did you do that? :blink:

really lookin forward to watch that movie!

  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Guys!


I just made a short trailer from the "Chicory 'n' Coffee". I would like to use Quick Time, but I'm not very familiar with it. I tried with several codecs, but the file was allways much larger with lower quality than DivX (avi) codec. Could someone give me an advice which codec to use and what settings?


Using Ken's view above . . .


I've found that if you have some things that don't move in the shots,

you can get away with a high number in the "key frame every" box.

Try 200 if that's the case, and watch the file size drop.


Thank you for advices... but QT doesn't work as I expected. Files are still more than twice as big than DivX file and also quality is not as good.


For now I only have an AVI version (DivX 6.1) It's quite a huge download (36mb) so be patient...


So here it is... looking forward for your comments! :)




Any crits I mention would mean re-rendering but they're not important enough to go through all that! :D

I'd seen the animatic several times before, but I still got a rush of emotion when Granny changes. That's powerful stuff. And of course it looks great. I hope you make many more of such quality.


I think I'll mention the most important crit I spotted.....at 1:21 sec, Grandad turns and it seems like he pops into the walk. It could be the playback though.


Edit: I hope you're going to release this to the "3D media".


Oh and another thing I just saw.....


At 29sec, there's a camera cut from Granny to the two kids. After the camera cut, a frame jumps back to granny again. Maybe it's intentional, but I don't think so. Also, again, it could be the playback.


A similar thing happens on the cut at 26sec.


I've downloaded the trailer several times as I'm as anxious as everyone else to see more of this exquisite work. Every time on various players the video freezes at 26 seconds in though the audio continues. (although I don't speak the language :blink: ) Quick time said that I lacked a component ant sent me to a website. I downloaded 7.5 again then the audio played with a black screen. ? Is everybody else getting it OK?


Plays fine for me. It's a Divx encoded file, so you may need to download the Divx codec and install it for Quicktime to play it.


Largento: Arrrgh, me matey, Tanks fer bein' on me lookout! Calm seas now, it be, 'n smooth sailin' to boot.



Dusan: Art in it's highest form. You've already won what really matters. Thank You


I have DiVX6.8 installed and Quicktime 7.5.5 and neither recognize the existence of the other, so I can't get the trailer to play. Quicktime will play the audio without displaying video. Windows Media player will display the video, but will not play the audio. DivX6.8 complains that Quicktime is missing and needs to be installed. Anybody out there have a clue what's wrong with the Quicktime/DiVX link?


Correction: DivX6.8.2 plays only the audio just like Quicktime.


So in Windows Media I could see the trailer and in Quicktime I could hear it. Beautiful work!


Thank you very much for your kind comments! :rolleyes:


I forgot to mention that sword-fighting and roster walking in the background was animated by Ken Heslip :-) Thank you again.

I also got a lot of help from another member of this Forum: Cory Collins (though his work is not visible in those particular scenes)


I think I'll mention the most important crit I spotted.....at 1:21 sec, Grandad turns and it seems like he pops into the walk. It could be the playback though.


Unfortunately, it's not a playback :-( This pop happens between two actions. I was strugling with this error for quite a while, but I didn't find a solution in a reasonable time so I had to move on...

Re-rendering is not an option since "Chicory" is already on 35mm film.


Edit: I hope you're going to release this to the "3D media".


I'm not sure what you mean?


At 29sec, there's a camera cut from Granny to the two kids. After the camera cut, a frame jumps back to granny again. Maybe it's intentional, but I don't think so. Also, again, it could be the playback.


Now that is a DivX error :) (I should put keyframe on every frame, but then the file would be much larger).


I have DiVX6.8 installed and Quicktime 7.5.5 and neither recognize the existence of the other, so I can't get the trailer to play. Quicktime will play the audio without displaying video. Windows Media player will display the video, but will not play the audio. DivX6.8 complains that Quicktime is missing and needs to be installed. Anybody out there have a clue what's wrong with the Quicktime/DiVX link?


Try to use a VNC player instead. It plays literary everything (even broken or only partly-loaded files). VNC

Or GOM player which is also good and very user friendly.

  • 4 months later...

Hi Guys!


After a long time, another small update of this topic :-)

"Chicory 'n' Coffee" has received very warm acceptance here in Slovenia. I even won an award on the National Film Festival!


"Chicory" will now start an "International Festival Cycle". The world premiere will be at the Cinequest festival (www.cinequest.org) in San Jose, Califoria. So if you live near by, maybe you will be interested to see how the animation looks on a big screen, rendered in Hi-resolution with Dolby Digital Sound! :) For the Information on which festivals you could see „Chicory“ after that, please check my webpage from time to time: www.bugbrain.com/ck , The web page has been just updated and you could find a lot of new materials (specially in the Blog section).


I would like to use this opportunity and once again express a big "thanks!" to all A:M supporters from this list and specially to Cory Collins and Ken Heslip for their help with animation and Yves Poissant and Steffen Gross for the technical help. And of course to Martin Hash! :-)

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Chicory 'n' Coffee" has received very warm acceptance here in Slovenia. I even won an award on the National Film Festival!


Congratulations Dusan! :)


"National Film Festival award winning short"... that sure does have a nice ring to it.


Your effort with Chicory 'n' Coffee is proof positive that just because we don't see everyone in the forum all the time they aren't just slackin' off. ;)


Everything I've seen of your short film has demonstrated why it should be headed for even more honors.

Best of everything to you on the festival circuit!

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