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A:M Stills (70,478 visits to this link)
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- 13 replies
hi all, here is a preview of my new shader that i am developing. its a physical sky shader based on "preetham´s" paper. at the moment it is only an ambient shader that can be applied on an "environment sphere" for background renderings. it can be controlled by a light or by date, time, longitudes and lattitudes. i hope it can be also implemented for sampling an ambient occlusion environment, so that we also have one more option in the "global ambience" slot... Physical Sky Update!: Physical Sky Update
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
- 36 replies
I know there is a text/type tool in AM but, could someone kindly point me to it ? Also, In the past when I installed AM the help file was installed too. It seems to do so on PC's but hasn't on the Mac. Could somebody tell me howto do it so I can stop asking simplistic questions ? Thank You regards Simon OSX 10.68 V15J
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 reply
Charles Babbage ("Dr. Phibes" on the forum) noted on Facebook that he used A:M to design the fabric patterns for this "Kirby" acclaimed by one observer to be the "cutest mascot" at PAX2012. Charles also explained that the person inside the mascot navigates via a video camera in the character's mouth. Other Related Links of interest:
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 3 replies
Is A:M supposed to automatically re-size the images in an image sequence when it imports them? The images were rendered out at 1280x720 but as soon as they get imported back into A:M they become 864x480 and so far I can find no way to stop this or chose what size the exported movie will be played at. I seem stuck with 864x480
Last reply by markw, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Wanted to share a little show-and-tell. I just finished the second of a series of TV spots for a Michigan medical facility. The agency is using stylized artwork/illustrations in print and billboards and wanted to expand the look and style of them into :30 TV spots. My task was to try to make the illustration hold its own and be captivating for an extended amount of time, via animation. The way I went about it was to use A:M as a sort of 3D compositor to add dimension and movement to the image. By deleting all of the lights and using 100% global illumination and setting each layer to 'flat shaded' and 'no shadows' renders were quite swift. I used After Effects before and a…
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
I did this quick and Dirty It is a 1 pass multipass but I did it twice for both sides
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
It's been awhile since I have posted in the forums, but robcat2075 informed me that some of you might find these current projects of interest. Last year I bought myself a Thing-O-Matic from, and have designed most of the things I have printed on it with A:M. This is a photo of a Lightcycle model I originally modeled in A:M about 12 years ago, then updated into a model kit you can download and print from Lightcycle at Today I have finished one of my steam engine models, fully designed in A:M and them printed on my Makerbot in ABS. The only non-printed parts are one spring and a few machine screws. I ha…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Hi Freaks! I was wondering how you would rig this chain (see attached image). It's going to be a dancing guy so it will pretty much have to swing around his neck and things like that. Cloth? Newton? bone-chain? All ideas welcome, and thanks in advance for input!!! Elm.
Last reply by Elm, -
- 8 replies
If i pass any arbitrarily shaped object through another surface (lets start with something as simple as a plane) how can i capture the shape of the intersection on that surface at any moment? For example, the intersection of this torus with the plane would be a couple of ovals. How could I capture that? I can sort of get the edges of the object as they pass thru the plane by putting an orthogonal camera very close to the plane... ... but it misses pixels and I'd really like to have the shapes filled, not just the outlines. I'm trying to find a way to better simulate the disturbance an object makes immediately arou…
Last reply by serg2, -
- 7 replies
Hash_History.PDF found this sorting old magazines
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 17 replies
For Red Squad one of the things I have to do is "trash" some of the bridges. By that I mean I gotta do battle damage. So one of those things that comes with Star Trek bridge battle damage, are things like hanging electrical cables, hoses and stuff like that. Now my first instinct obviously would be to just model it, however, that'll be kind of stiff and in scenes where things explode, these cables and hoses and stuff will probably need to swing and things like that. So I kind of got to thinking about some of Robert's rope tests and stuff like that. What do you guys think is the best approach for this sort of thing?
Last reply by Elm, -
- 7 replies
I retrieved this c. 2004 work via the Wayback machine and felt it ought to be seen again. That's genuine A:M hair, expertly done. Great work Phil, where ever you are!
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 10 replies
I saw an article about this very unusual strain of corn that has multi-colored kernals and tried to see if i could make something that hinted at it:
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 2 replies
I attached a camera to the top of one of my metal cloth crashing cars so you can take the plunge... You can see more falling cars in my "Crunch!" thread.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 13 replies
I'm making a model for a student ( although I'd rather be animating ). Its of a lunchbox and she wants a foil top to it that will peel back, like the top on a yogurt carton. The top surface is for her graphic but she wants it to be like a shiny foil on the underside. I don't have a lot of experience with materials or surface settings, can anyone suggest a way to get the aluminium foil type effect ? regards simon
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 17 replies
Anyone having issues with rendering out images from within A:M 16 or 17beta 2? No matter what I am trying, it crashes 80% of the time. I have tried different settings, different models, different projects. I have tried png, exr, avi (of which I get a v16 error in v17??) so I have no other idea what it could be. And to top it all off, I was rendering several images just over the weekend and no problems. I have not installed any software between then and now. I have rebooted several times, ended unneeded tasks, etc. I'm at a loss. Just wondering if any known issues. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 reply
As far as I can tell a sprite particle system that use an image sequence will draw all particles with same frame of the sequence at any one moment no matter how long since a particular particle was born. Is it possible to make each particle start at frame 0 upon its birth?
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 6 replies
I need to rotate a decal 90 degrees but I can not see how to rotate a decal?
Last reply by PF_Mark, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Oh, to fly as an eagle, among the clouds... From the Royal Council of Matt-Cambell-Said-It-Couldn't-Be-Done: CloudsFlythruB.mp4 These are sprite particle clouds. There is a tiny bit of a "popping" problem that can probably be solved with some R&D. (john's suggestion to turn off the sprite emitter fixes most of it) I think the potential for effective cloudscapes in A:M is there.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 27 replies
Hi! I'm still working with the music but it won't change much. I'm still working on the brief voice but this won't change much. There are a few quirks to correct but this is the form for the finished product. I want you to compare it with anything Hollywood and professional studios put out and, if possible, tell me where I fall short. Please, tear it to pieces! Enjoy! Rusty
Last reply by rusty, -
- 16 replies
Hi Everyone, I was wondering how the DVD version of A:M worked as I'm thinking of buying a few copies for the game studio. I realize the web subscription one is only good for a year and then it's gone. I was wondering if someone was able to put the exact differences here so I can make a choice as to what way I'm going to go. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a feature comparison on the site anywhere... Thank you everyone.
Last reply by Kombowz, -
- 4 replies
Original.tiff Working on an I Mac with OSX 10.68 and V15J a problem started yesterday which has me rather perplexed. I imported a model file from the CD as reference for how to lay out the splines. Selected the group skin colour in the PWS and got the following result when I hid the non selected. Missing_splines.tiff I've tried it on my own models and its not quite as dramatic as that but it does appear to mis out cp's and splines when I copy and paste. Is this a corruption problem, would it be best to go for a fresh install or is it a known problem ? Its not one I've encountered before Any help would be greatly appreciated. regards simon
Last reply by Gerry, -
by robcat2075- 15 replies
Another one from the department of "They Said It Couldn't Be Done." A complex curling and uncurling motion with a changing axis...
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 5 replies
Has something changed, when i try to sign in to the AM: community a get an error
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 10 replies
I've found a case where running a simCloth simulation while looking in the Camera view is a problem. A simulation that would run in a reasonable time if I started it from a Birdseye view would get bogged down with many tens of thousands of "collisions" (see lower left corner of the screen shot) to try to solve if I started it in the camera view. My experience is that anything more than a few hundred collisions is a sign of a simulation going bad and 30,000 is pretty much crazy stuff that has gone off the rails and will never finish properly. For simple situations like "Wave the Flag" I don't think Camera View will be an issue, and if you have created…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 10 replies
Hi guys So based on my previous Minecraft thread I guess you already know that I am a Minecraft addict I've just made a new Minecraft scene where I've played with Newton some more. Not sure how many of you have played Minecraft before, but in the game the Creeper explodes and may kill you. In my version the Creeper is kind of broken Let me know what you think Frame from the animation:
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 3 replies
Houston, We've Got a Problem. Lathe tool isn't working correctly... It is unaligned (???) am I doing something wrong ? lathe.mp4
Last reply by Xtaz, -
I've been working through the Barry Zundel videos but keep running into a wall. I've learned a ton, but I think my time will be better spent getting back to the "Nightcallers" trailer. I think I sort of understand rigging better than I did before, but in the videos he encounters occasional problems (mostly with Compensate Mode and parenting hierarchy) and it just gets my mental knickers in a twist. I don't need the rigging knowledge for "Nightcallers" since I use The Setup Machine, and I am making good progress on modeling Biff, so it's back to them lovable bugheads for the nonce!
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 3 replies
I'm currently running 16.0a on my office pc and 16.0 on the Mac at home and the one difference I've noticed is that the Mac version render times run rings around the pc version. Last week I was rendering a shot from "Nightcallers" that I started at the office but it was averaging five and a half to six minutes per frame, so I cancelled it and continued on the Mac when I got home. There the very same frames were rendering at a minute and a half. So I'm left to wonder if it's the platform or some crucial difference between 16.0 and 16.0a.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 13 replies
Hi, It's an old long lost AM'er... me again. I once saw how to rotate a wheel in an old SIGGRAPH video where all you did was enter the number of rotations (at least that's how I remember it... how fast... don't know??). Anyone remember something like this? It's very cool and if I find out again I'm going to document it so I don't forget it again! Cheers, Rusty
Last reply by Rodney, -
Fixing stuff
by agep- 14 replies
I am no handyman. Give me a hammer or any kind of powertools, and I have no clue what to do with them. However, give me a broken PC and I can fix it! So when people ask me if I can 3D print them some parts they are missing I usually take upon thchallengege, because that means I can use Animation:Master to fix real world stuff In this case someone was missing one of the brackets for their baby safety gate Here is the one bracket they have: Missing bracket: Using a slide caliper and the original bracket I was able to recreate it in A:M fairly easily: The bottom right version shows it with support material. The bracket got printed in standin…
Last reply by DJBREIT, -
- 2 replies
The scene isnt complex or involve too much movement, no multiple passes, nor particles. Just an empty room with a single light source, yet I get this error 010. If its taking too much memory 2gigs, im wondering then why it only takes 3 minutes a frame to render. not sure why the program gives terms like exception error when it doesnt describe what the actual issue is.
Last reply by Sean delgatto, -
- 22 replies
We are looking for a entries to the v17.0 mascot contest the deadline will be 03/31/2012 please email all entries to I’m sorry this is so late but and if the dead line is short. I'm sure I forgot something so if you have any questions please ask. I will also be working on a better voting system then what was used last year. Rules: All entries must be modeled and rendered in A:M. Third party paint programs like Photoshop can be used for painting texture decals By submitting your work, you are granting Hash, Inc license to reprint the work, including but not limited to promotional material, cd/dvd covers, splash screens, web sites, and articles …
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 6 replies
I am developing some variations on a simple character and had some pose sliders set up for things like eye and mouth movements. The body was retained and a series of heads developed for the changes. Even though the original CP's have been deleted and replaced by those on the new heads, the old pose sliders remain when I try to set up the new relationships. I deleted the appropriate sections in "Relationshhips" but the sliders remain when I try to use an action to test the figure. Can this be changed or do I have to live with it ? Thanks for any help you might be able to offer. Regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 4 replies
Noticed a glitch, I have a character that is being tossed into frame to be comp'd in to back ground. When character is not in frame to where it is a blank back ground it takes 2 hours to render each frame when there is nothing to render. Yet once he is in frame it takes 45 seconds. So I usually have to follow him with the camera and then After effect it back to how it would have originally looked. Anyone noticed this or know why? VS 13 OS XP SP2 2 gigs of ram 2 TB of HD space
Last reply by Sean delgatto, -
- 8 replies
In several chors, My Midge model won't show its bones in skeletal mode or cp's in muscle mode. If I pick through the bones in the pws I can manipulate them but that's really slow and cumbersome. The other models I've checked seem to be okay but this one keeps acting up. is there something I'm overlooking that would cause this to happen?
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 5 replies
I used AM waaay back, now I'm thinking of getting back to it. But I need to know if I can export to a particular game engine/platform, Panda3d. I see Patchwork3d exports directX, this is perfect (or so I hope) as Panda3d has import capabilities for DirectX files. But before I plunk down the cash, does anyone have a character I could do some testing with? Anything with some simple animations that have been exported into DirectX with this plugin? If anyone could send me one or direct me to a download, I would most appreciate it, thanks! Martan
Last reply by martan, -
- 14 replies
I am wondering, will it be possible to use AM v 16 to render a city, say with like 100 house, cars, having textures and so on. Any answer from the admin guys.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 17 replies
I was just watching a tutorial on Trapcode Form 2 for Adobe After Effects... it now lets you apply it's effect to an obj, and an obj sequence. Cool! Any ideas how I can get A:M an animated OBJ sequence out of A:M? Is this a possible feature request? Here's the tutorial:
Last reply by Elm, -
- 7 replies
Hey - I took a chance to do a job today with the new 'Snap To Surface' tool, and it saved the day! Don't know how I woulda done this without it. Shawn Rogers asked if I could model this 'NEWFANGLED' soccer ball(ref photo) for him... at first I though- NO WAY, but then figured the S2S tool may help in the process and it could be a good test for it. Plus I love the challenge, the ball looks SO simple, yet it is really QUITE a modeling dilemma. 1st- I lathed a really dense sphere and exported it as an OBJ. Then imported it into the chor as a prop... this was to be the surface for me to draw on, activating the S2S function. A couple false starts, a couple rounds of …
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Good news As I have been working on comparison videos for a prospective new feature in AM called AMA aka A:M Anseres, I have been intercepting issues new and old and making AM reports for these issues. Attached is 1 such issue that will be corrected in AM V17
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 12 replies
Hello , my fellow Hashers , My yearly christmascard is a fact ! I have injoyed it a lot using this fantastic program! (My dear wife has done the snow in photoshop.) Made in version 13,00 You like it ? Comments please ? Greetings , Marc , ( a greatful Hasher )
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 11 replies
Is not 2012 the 25th anniversary for Hash? Since 1987?
Last reply by Elm, -
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
This uses the Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinnect. Any ambitious programmers with some free time could make a plug-in for the new AM that has retopo tools. Be pretty convenient to scan in an object into the model window. Maybe even capture the surface colors for reference bitmap as well.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi friends .... I developed a rig to use with BVH motion. For each bvh I have to setup the same constraint to the same bones to the same links(bvh "bones"). Since the name of the bones are the same (my own rig) and also the links(bones) of the BVH are the same(name). Is there a way to export these instructions of constraints and then import them into a new action, using the same rig with a different BVH (diferent movements but with the same "links" (names)). Do I made myself clear? I attached the rig represented by solid structures
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 3 replies
I've encountered this intermittently in version 8.5 and it has appeared again in this new version. I'm modeling a Nieuport 17 and the wheels have become square in modeling. It renders as a circle, but then goes back to a square. Can anyone tell me what I have done and how to undo it? thanks...
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 38 replies
drawing contest for "pendulum" "... and now the music and a scrolling ..." Loops
Last reply by serg2, -
- 84 replies
Hello forumites! We finally fully (hell, is there something like "fully"?!) explored the possibilities of A:Ms import/export capabilities, and combined the essential and unique A:M features with other packages, especially for rendering purposes. Here are our latest commercials. Note that all Characters have been modeled, rigged and animated in A:M, whilst being rendered in either Modo or Mental ray. It's Steffen gross who made this workflow possible, and he deserves lots of respect for his genious work. All the best, and lots of greetings, Elm.
Last reply by chucky, -
Tying knots
by serg2- 14 replies
+ Project UZEL2.prj
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi friends .... I'm working with another mechanical model and remembered me one issue when I was modeling the Camaro.... when I use copy/flip/attach tool, the attached side, have its bias completely messed. check the video. Anyone else ?
Last reply by Fuchur,