Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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- 2 replies
another attempt to play with hair using an animation this time with 2 qts
Last reply by KenH, -
- 2 replies
I have posted 30 times so far, giving my $.02 about other peoples issues, that I neglected to provide some fodder of my own (how rude!). Here is one of 3 mdl's I am working on, it is rotoscoped off the head of a (personal favorite) model and mostly the splines follow the "cooper head" tut. at the ARM. Let the abuse begin-
Last reply by zacktaich, -
Duck Sauce
by ZachBG- 21 replies
Well, at long last--well, only two days, but that's as long as it took to make the darn thing--our animated entry in the 48 Hour Film Project for Washington, D.C. is available on AMFilms: A larger version (640x480, 33MB) is also available: Just to remind everyone, this was created from start to finish--writing, acting, modeling, animation, rendering, editing, and music--in about 53 straight hours by a team of ten: six people local to D.C. and four others scattered throughout the Internet. We were given a series of elements we had to incorporate (the ge…
Last reply by zacktaich, -
- 15 replies
just playing with the tree trunk plug in or what trees do at night
Last reply by williamgaylord, -
- 37 replies
Last night I did a small lip sync to test the rigging of my remodelled mother wren. It's not quite done (still need to do a little tweaking), but I'd be interested in peoples comments, suggestions etc.
Last reply by Sharky, -
- 45 replies
Hello all: This is another prop for my still. As you can see I've went astray some where on the gradient combiner and the glass material. This is my first stab at both, so please any help you could give would be greatly appreciated. I thought it was an interesting bottle and would like to do it justice.
Last reply by Pengy, -
- 0 replies
I am attaching a jpg of what I suggest to do to fix this problem from the new users forum
Last reply by UNGLAUBLICHUSA, -
- 7 replies
Haha! AP tests are done and I can get back to my orc. I modelled the arms (minus the hands) but I don't think that's worth posting because for the animation I'm planning, they won't really be shown. Anyway, now I'm on to texturing, and I need some criticism. I don't think that I'm really going for REALISM realism, but if anyone has any ideas on how to make it MORE realistic, that'd be awesome. Of course, if you just want to give me encouragement, I suppose that's ok too... But if anyone tells me that he should be green or purple or something, I will personally track them down and hurt them. -Andrew P.S. Ok, yeah, the image contrast has been touch…
Last reply by DarkLimit, -
This is a head I'm hoping to use for an animation project. Still early days...
Last reply by adamjames, -
- 2 replies
I put some clothes on, barely clad and almost done but needs some more work! I cant wait to get my upgrade and play with weight cp and hair! going for the post apocolypse look in toon style, much like "heavy metal 2000" and a bit of retro art deco mix in it as well.
Last reply by ruscular, -
- 12 replies
This is a test to see how v11 hair could be used for eyebrows and eyelashes. The result is conclusive. I'm pleased with the results. What do you think? I'm not quite completed with the eyebrows though. I spent most of my time on the eyelashes.
Last reply by entity, -
- 8 replies
Since things are so slow due to the various events taking place around the world, maybe a test shot or something might help with the boredom. Ever see intelligent plant life? Too bad the creator lacks this attribute, but non-the-less, see's a future for this expressive flora. Okydoky! From this snapshot can you tell who's who and what roles they play?
Last reply by Iham Wrong, -
- 3 replies
Ok so, I'm working on a school project and I'm having some trouble. I haven't had too much experience in the choreography window. I have an action where my character is walking (and its constrained to a path). Then I want him to stop and do another action. What I've been doing is importing the other action after the first one is complete. But instead of stopping, both actions end up occuring on the same path. And instead of the first action finishing at the end of the path, it finishes in the middle. And the part where he is supposed to stop ends up taking place over the rest of the path. I tried to explain it clearly. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it…
Last reply by animaster, -
- 5 replies
I'm working on a toon walk cycle. I have motion blur set, but it seems to be coming out strangely. Is MB not possible in toon? Here's what it's doing: I've since turned off motion blur and it's still happening. I don't know why it's happening now.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
Here're some renders from my final project last year in the modeling class that Bill Y. and Nat S. taught: Let me know what you think!
Last reply by Achithyn, -
Now that I have finally figured out how to post a picture.....I will post my first true model. I did this some time late last year and have had no time do to much more than troll the boards. However, as luck would have it I just ran across a copy of The Animation:Master 2000 Handbook with the CD still in it at a local used book store (Mckays for Will Sutton and anyone else in or around Chattanooga, TN). It was only $6.00. Even though it is for version 8.0 and I am using 10.5, so many of the things that are in there still apply that I feal like it is Christmas. I get to play with my new toy again and actually have a clue what I am doing. Back to my gun. I did try …
Last reply by Sacman, -
- 1 reply
Just doodling on a Saturday afternoon. I was looking at the kicking gizmo on the models page. I'm learning to build scenes in layers, nothing profound. Who ever made the gizmo, very clever. 9MB I guess there's still a slot open for Saddam cheers
Last reply by zacktaich, -
- 4 replies
This weeks four-hour animation topic was "Swim." Any old swim. I was still frazzled from ZachBG's animation fire drill last weekend, so I made this as relaxing as possible. See it on my Showdown Page.
Last reply by entity, -
- 9 replies
Here's a link to a great tutorial on hand painting human skin for everyone in need of good custom textures to finish up your models. Painting Skin
Last reply by Parlo, -
- 5 replies
Actually the Showdown topic was "Injured Walk" but my 3D thesaurus says that's lame. See it on my Showdown Page.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
No im using 10.5 so this isnt fur! i dont know what happened but i cant get it off! help. what button do i press! sorry but i coulndtd post anywhere else becasue it wont let me post pictures!
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
- 2 replies
A frame from the project I am currently revising. Can anyone suggest what might be causing the shadow to show through the wall and what might be causing the lines on the ceiling? The wall is double skinned, with a gap between the skins ( walls) V105R Win XP Toon Render x32pass cheers simon (there is a larger image but its 159k and didn't wish to impose )
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 0 replies
Hi Guys! I have a big problem with my lip sync animation! If I watch it back in the action window is looking right,when I watch the final render back is not good,because it is moving very fast and much ! What's the problem with my lip sync? Is my action not good too? Please help me! I'm waiting your answers! Thanks before, Sharky
Last reply by Sharky, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, like to show a new town pic, this time as a wip. I have some problems getting the right fog view. Has someone has foggy expierence? greetings Frank
Last reply by Gerry, -
i have this character here i'm working on taking a break from some of my other projects here is a sample of a few images i've done so far.
Last reply by Alien_Films, -
- 10 replies
As any of you who have seen my movie may have guessed, I am a Terminator Fan. I can only take credit for Texturing & Piecing it together. I took the Arni head from the Hash CD, put hair on it, Textured the face, & placed it on the Jeff model from the Hash CD. Put a Jacket on him but it still needs to be textured to look more like a leather Jacket. Comments, Suggestions? Check it out: My Terminator Page Maybe after I'm happy with this I'll make a Terminator metal EndoSkeleton model...
Last reply by Alien_Films, -
- 6 replies
Hi hashers! I would like comments on a character i have been working on lately. I am beginning some test animation. Lip sync is not very acurate right now, but it was done more to check poses than making a believable sequence. Thank you!
Last reply by Animus, -
- 1 reply
I am working on the quarter animation contest and I thought, (silly me) there was a homer simpson fat man on the CD, but there is not. Also I have asked this to Hash on the use, using the models on the cd, I have yet to find any of the females that are expression ready. Am I looking in the wrong area? Some guidance please on a female with facial expressions and am I crazy about the fat man model?
Last reply by KenH, -
- 13 replies
OK, I'm going to tackle modelling a character. I've created some images in Poser and my plan is to use them as rotoscopes. The character will be used for toon renders. Are these pics OK for the rotoscoping process, or should I have done something differently? I don't want to make problems for myself before I start. Thanks Adam
Last reply by adamjames, -
- 4 replies
Heres a movie of leaf growth using slider. I explained how I did it in the animation:master forum.
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
- 0 replies
I'm trying to find the optimum lighting settings for this character. I've no problem with the keylight but the Fill and Rim wash out the shadow cast onto the ground. How can I fix this? Also, this will be a toon character, but when I render these settings in toon, it looks totally different. It seems the settings don't transfer. For example, the rim light doesn't just light the side, it also lights the front!
Last reply by KenH, -
- 8 replies
Hi, I've been rigging a character for about six weeks now and finally got the hard part done. I used NO smartskin or expressions with these bones, only the constraints. I started with a simple idea... create a control rig for the mesh, what I'm saying is create a rig that reacts to the primary rig (i.e. the bicep/forearm control the bones that deform the elbow.). The first problem was to build a rig that could be placed around the primary bones- just like it was a mesh, contouring the mesh. I had to do a test using a tube to figure out the position and constraints that would make the bones move in reaction to the main bones. Then turning on the bone falloff and t…
Last reply by entity, -
- 5 replies
Hi. I got this software called VRHotwire that lets you add tracks to QT panos and cubics. It' like Livestage, I think , but cheaper and rougher around the edges. I made a virtual tour with a QT cubic as the main node. I added a sound track and a small animation done in A:M. Comments welcome. Look down to see the animation. Cubic I'd love to hear from someone with Livestage on how it is adding this kind of stuff, and if there is a way to minimze the speed loss when adding animations to cubics.
Last reply by gra4mac, -
- 16 replies
here it is, well, if the link decides to work,
Last reply by VeridisQuo567, -
- 5 replies
Working on a short animation for a charity over here in the UK, just thought I would show you all the progress I am making of one of the characters. Comments welcome Mark Oxley
Last reply by pengwin, -
- 8 replies
Hi hashers! I would appreciate some comments on a animation i am working on. It is my first big practice in animating. The scene, the lighting and the camera are done and i have been working for a while on the characters. There are 3 musicians playing a 1 minute song. I feel i need some comments and advices to go on. It is an avi file compressed with Divx, and it is 12.4 M. I tried compressing to quick time but I get huge files. I guess i need advice on compression as well.
Last reply by Animus, -
- 5 replies
With the help of KenH, and JohnArtbox, I was able to figure out how to get a model into AM V11, and have it look halfway decent! I had to edit the .obj before I brought it into AM to lighten it a bit, but it came in without a hitch, and as you can see looks great, thanks to Porcelain.mat. Anyway, my first tests, and more will follow. My next goal is to decal this head, and try displacement tests with it. Wish me luck!
Last reply by KenH, -
- 17 replies
Thought I'd toss up one more teaser from my project. This character is finished modeling and rigging but is slowly going through the texture process. Comments Etc welcome -David Rogers
Last reply by heyvern, -
- 6 replies
Three animations I have been playing with over the last couple of years in the gallery at Its the first time I have thrown a web page up so hopefully it all works. They are all exercises I have used to learn AM for another project. Although I am tempted to do some shorts with the frog. The Aloevera flower spike is 2 models. The stem and a bud which is attached to it 80 times. Took a while to render but not as bad as the frog which averaged 2.5 hrs per frame. I did have the frog down to 30 minutes per frame using a multipass light rig but had some problems with artifacts on displacement maps so dropped b…
Last reply by steveb, -
- 40 replies
Well, superhero's seem to be the thing these days so, here we go....
Last reply by nerrazzi, -
- 4 replies
Since I enjoyed the most recent contest, I thought I would try a 'proper' entry, meaning that I have reference material and build an animatic, etc. Really try to go through as much of the established process as I can handle. So, to start out with, my animatic: Please let me know what you think. It's about a minute and a half long, but I do at least have my Typical Male to try and start out with. Since the subject is 'mad,' there's one character I immediately thought of - I just needed to find an appropriate rant time.
Last reply by OdinsEye2k, -
- 2 replies
I am still a beginner in AM, here is a room I modeled. Let me know what you think.
Last reply by e0820, -
- 1 reply
HEY. I needed a good AM baseball recently and couldn't find one, so I made one! A baseball is a mathematical nightmare, and I wanted raised seems and stitches for extreme closeups- so I modelled it stitch by stitch like a the haitians would. When I was done, I had me a real good model that looked great in a TV commercial, and I thought that I need to build a library of Hi-Res sporting goods. So in my free time I've been putting a few hours into that task and thought I would fly it by ya'll. The basketball uses the Hash Basketball Material, yes, but I improved on the 'pebbling' of the pigskin. I hope to add a few more objects and then donate to a free A:M …
Last reply by KenH, -
- 4 replies
Some of you may have seen my last posting about modeling the New Horizions Pluto spacecraft. Well here we go with another. I have completed the new Mercury Messenger Spacecraft due to launch this year. I know the model is not textured or detailed, but my client is pleased with the results. I have converted it to 3ds, the texturing and animation will be done by others. I really love the way one models with A:M. Its fast and intuitive.
Last reply by adamjames, -
- 13 replies
Click Me - 1.5mb - QT- Sorenson3 Here's the final version of a character animation exercise I've been working through in the WIP forum. It's now gone from a WIP to a FFN (Fine For Now) - I could go on tweaking forever, but there's other stuff to get done! Massive thanks to all those who've given their advice, comments or support.
Last reply by Parlo, -
- 3 replies
Hello, i am working on a complex face Modell, and i need most of the features to be real geometry (Nose, region under nose etc.). Therefore my model is quite complex. Now i have the problem, that the surface tends to have small little bumps (see picture). I need to get rid of these, and have a very smooth surface, like a fotomodell? Is ther any cool and easy way to archive this aside from try and error ... ? Thanks for helping me out on this! Heiner
Last reply by DarkLimit, -
- 4 replies
just playing about a bit in hash just thought i post something since i hadn't in a while.
Last reply by AMAR, -
- 0 replies
Got this idea after watch a commecial where bubbles with people fall then the people continue doing something. Thought it might be cool to have a ball or frisbee shape sail through the air and morph into something else with color and shape changes. So I volunteered Thom and did a very rough test will have to play with it a bit more as time allows
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 0 replies
Got this idea after watch a commecial where bubbles with people fall then the people continue doing something. Thought it might be cool to have a ball or frisbee shape sail through the air and morph into something else with color and shape changes. So I volunteered Thom and did a very rough test will have to play with it a bit more as time allows wrong clip posted thought I had stopped it but I guess not. sorry for any confusion
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 5 replies
This weeks opus for the four-hour animation showdown. The topic was "juggling." I've re-rendered it here for motion blur and an extra bounce at the end. And mood music. See it on my showdown page - QT Sorenson3 181KB
Last reply by Rodney,