Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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- 7 replies
Started trying to animate the male as the female walks away in "Why"? It was going OK until I switched to the left view and tried to select the male shoulders to make them droop. Every time I tried it selected the other model behind so, deactivated that and went back to the male, only to find that the skeleton won't show up in the window, even if I toggle the skeleton button in the chor. Select him in the PWS and the figure shows but not the bones. If the chor button is toggled, it selects the female in the PWS, even though it is deactivated ? Thinking to post the problem file here, I deleted all the non relevant parts and embeded everything. Only to find…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 52 replies
Thought I'd start a WIP thread on my attempt at a Music Video ..... I'll post updates on what I'm working on and as I move along I'll post model files just in case other may have use for them. So far I have modeled a Blunderbuss pistol ...not historically accurate but will work for my use..... Blunderbuss_Pistol_17.mdl Blunderbuss_Fire_2.act
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
I've been brushing up a model I made back in 04. Amazing the thing's you find that you would never do now. I'm putting togther a scene with a castle and a battle in progress.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
What is the best way to make showlaces? Can you lathe around a spline path? Steve
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
(Split this off another topic so as not to hijack that thread) The trick... to old style Locks of Hair... is to apply the Material to a single spline that drives the hair. Note: I am only assuming this still works in current versions of A:M. Will have to test to be sure. Still works! Here's a basic write up on the process: Locks_of_Hair_Project.pdf
Last reply by sb4, -
- 4 replies
Here I'm trying to use DOF with tha hair system...doesn't look right to me....... When I use fog it's not right either..I'll post a pic of fog on this later....... Using 17e 63bit Win 7
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 46 replies
Hey guys, been a looooooong time since I've posted anything. I started building this Audi model a few weeks ago. I've been taking my time with it... a little here, a little there... and wanted to see if I still "had it" when it comes to making models in A:M... turns out its just like riding a bike! I will post as I go. thanks for taking a look! Mike Fitz
Last reply by 3DArtZ, -
- 0 replies
I was playing around with tune render and thought just how easy AM makes it to get something done with it ,heres one I done ,its a bit big but it suprised me how good it looked
Last reply by steve392, -
- 3 replies
Here is an image from a lighting study. I am trying to get better at matching shadows and lighting properties with background images. This one shows me with an old friend I met while hiking (I'm the one on the left in the picture). People who have been around long enough will probably remember the other guy as Ted from the Hash character set in the 2004-2006 time frame.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 23 replies
Last reply by steve392, -
- 4 replies
My nephew turned five today and is having a birthday party this weekend. After seeing some Cake Boss episodes a few weeks ago, I'm wondering if I could do a custom cake for him. His favorite super-hero these days is J'onn J'onz, the Martian Manhunter. For some reason, he doesn't like it if you call him Martian Manhunter, only J'onn. :-) Anyway, I cranked up A:M tonight and did this mockup of what the cake might look like:
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 9 replies
Animating a walk were the figure is carry some flowers. I'd like the flowers to have some secondary movement to the hand and arm carrying them. What would be the best way to do that ? At the moment the flowers are separate from the figure. Should they part of the figure model or constrain them to the model in the chor. Or another method altogether ? regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 6 replies
I have a print out explaining the working process of using Shadows only renders, unfortunately I can't get to it because of the weather ( four inches of snow prohibit access to the shed were I know it to be ). Could somebody direct me to an explanation of the process as it is sometime since I tried to use it and am more than a little rusty about it. regards simon
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 11 replies
Hello I'm working on a still called Dead Man's Hand (pair of 8's, pair of A's and a queen) It's going to be in a small room with a poker table, couple of chairs, playing cards and the character's are going to be the ghost shadow people, Ones going to be hold a full house and the other is going to DMH on the table. Here what I got so far. I'm thinking about having the shadow people having a gun lying beside them but not sure on that one. For the shadow people would you draw a basic shape of a person and then just have completely covered in black smoke something like this For the poker room going to be something small l…
Last reply by tbenefi33, -
- 2 replies
This is a low res of a rough storyboard to the project I am trying to develop. No dialogue. No sound, and the story will be revised in the coming weeks. The dream sequences, Spaceman, nightmare and car chase, will be done in stop motion, the rest in AM, possibly with a Toon render. Any feedback welcome regards simon Ps Be warned, its nearly 10 mins long ! If you manage to get through it, heres something wonderful to restore the spirits !
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 14 replies
Hey Everyone. With a cliffhanging, episodic feel, Stay tuned for a steampunkish adventure!! Attached is a character sneak peek preview. Cheers, William
Last reply by detbear, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Happy new year, my beloved friends! and Merry Christmas! 2012 ©
Last reply by serg2, -
- 42 replies
Hey guys, been a long time since I've posted anything.... still working on that audi model.... Or I should say still not working on it!!! lol. But had an itching to mess around with some displacement maps. Simple torso model with a displacement map and then used again as a diffuse map. Mike Fitz
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 48 replies
well i think its been about 5 or 7 years since i last tried at character animation. so i thought i would give it a go again when i saw this basic character model in the sharing page. last time i tried, i did a jump animation. so thought it would be good to try the same motion. i kept it pretty simple with the motions. can you who have been animating a while critique it for me and maybe give me a few pointers as to what I'm doing right or wrong. please be honest Thanks
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
I thought Id try a bit of ballet ,not as easy as I first thought
Last reply by steve392, -
- 6 replies
I am trying to get the body movement better in this clip I done the hand on the head before I added the hair so will need to redo that
Last reply by steve392, -
This is the next lesson Robcat is teaching. Here is my first rough draft. This is just a first blocking pass. Refing to come. Feedback welcome. For learning purposes this was animated on 3's and is only 18 frames in length. The arms are hidden so I can concentrate on body and weight mechanics.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 15 replies
Finally, that exciting moment when one begins to move into that phase known as animation! So, I figured I'd start a new thread dedicated to just the animation. I would very much like comments and criticism as animation is something I've pretty much not done before! To start off, here's the WIP of Scene 3, Shot 1. So far I've only animated Darren (on the left) and I've not animated his hand/fingers. These renders will just be animatics so that we can deal with just the animation and not have to worry about render times so much. So please, take a look, gimme the good, bad and ugly! Oh, I should mention, the goal is to be able to have about 2 minutes animated by Chris…
Last reply by Darkwing, -
This just a simple glock 9mm working on. I need to tweak it a little bit and texture it.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 3 replies
I separated the audio into bass, mid, high and top versions with the EQ filters in Audacity. After applying the plugin to the audio i deleted all the "bottom half" keyframes of the waveform and rescaled what was left to fit from 0% to 200%. It has promise. I think it would benefit from some sort of smoothing or peak averaging to make the amplitude result more resemble the perceived volume of the sound rather than track the instantaneous level of the waveform itself.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
Hello how's every body doing haven't been here in a while. I got request to do a Obama model I found a good front and side view of him just using it for reference. If you need a good 3d photo reference of a model you wanna do just type in 3d model of the subject in goggle there probable on already done. I'm still tweaking the Obama model.
Last reply by tbenefi33, -
- 6 replies
A quick experiment for a tutorial i'm working on about "Texturing". A simple mesh made to look like an old fashioned barrel with just materials, no bitmap decals... How did these things not leak? I would think the quickest way to not have any rum would be to put it in a barrel made of wooden boards.
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 189 replies
With a big thank you to Nancy and Rob for their help last week. Here is the opening scene for a (very ) short I'm developing. Any feedback is very welcome., as critical as you can. Theres no sound yet regards
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
Hey Everyone.... I was hoping to avoid a boolean here. Is there a way to cut a circular opening in the side of a tube in A:M without using a boolean operation? Thanks so much for any suggestions.
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 15 replies
Hi guys, I am working on a small project I dont spoil too much about, but I liked the last rendering and wanted to show it to you. Let me know what you think . See you *Fuchur*
Last reply by rusty, -
- 7 replies
I was reading the thread in the WIP area about the Obama model and the section relating to inverted normals causing blackened sections when Porcelain was applied. It rang a bell with regards to a problem I had encountered, so I thought I would try to correct it. Here is the model with the normals showing and, they seem to be correctly displayed ? But this is what happens when I do a quick render. Might it be caused by another factor ? Also. The original colour was yellow and the porcelain has made it go white, over riding the original surface setting. Is that a common thing ? regards Simon V15J Mac OSX 10:68
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 9 replies
Hi, I'm only charging this female comedian whose in England $200 to put together an intro to her prod cast (first time I ever charge and 'money' for animation work). I took this project mostly so I could track my time and see how my estimate stacked up to reality. Estimate 8 hours/work hours to date 21 and still much to do, LOL. One thing I need to create are 'energy balls'--a special effect--either an animated material or an animated decal (or both). Here's the description: Spheres which are clear energy (almost look watery to give a hint of reflection but mostly clear, yet you don't see THROUGH them to other spheres) and the halo around is an almost fluor…
Last reply by rusty, -
- 10 replies
Hey guys! Just re-downloaded AM after a semester of learning Max and Maya ... haha Anyway for my illustration final I am supposed to create a delicious looking candy bar (based off of a real brand) Here's what I have got so far. Any CC as to how to make it more delicious looking? PS - I know there is a little bit of clipping from the wrapper on the left side and the reflection on the bottom right is .. odd.
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Has anyone used Jenpy FakeAO with Jason Hamptons TechnoCrane? Steve
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 2 replies
While trying to come up with good tutorial examples...A cork material. Two really... one to make the color and another to depress the black spots like the little divots in cork. Material06b_Flaskand_Cork.prj
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 48 replies
This 'Manhattan Project' I am doing for Shawn Rogers (NewGuy) is coming along really nice... I decided that to do a proper NYC you need to also model what lies across the rivers... which is Staten Island, Brooklyn, Jersey, the Bronx and the Atlantic Ocean... among others. (Bridges, Statue of Liberty, ships...) The project is for the Major League Soccer's New York Red Bulls... and next I will be modeling their stadium... so the zoom can continue right into midfield! Texturing is minimal... all is heavily stylized... just needed to capture the 'feel' of the city. I will render a high res over the holiday weekend with particle trees, reflections and shadows at 720P…
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
Lighting Tests 1 2
by thejobe- 54 replies
Hey guys. Been working on some new things with some people and trying to get 3D into the mix to give them a better understanding what i have at my disposal. so i have a question for you all. out of these 2 images which do you think blends better with the photo. this First image was rendered using only blub lights with 16 buffers. render time 4 mins this second image was rendered using IBL only. render time 6 mins so what do you all think? and is there a way to merge them better? following weeks ill be applying these to Video so it will be alot of frames.
Last reply by thejobe, -
I am working on a simple animation of a hitman-type character. I have the poses worked out and before I go further, I would like to know if they read well enough to understand what is happening. If someone would take a minute to look at the attached animation and let me know if it is clear, I would appreciate it.
Last reply by RS3D, -
- 3 replies
got this so far ,this is an older model that I triede to put the squoch rig in and got so far then gave up ,I changed the head recantly and it now has part 2008 rig ,I think
Last reply by steve392, -
- 1 follower
- 43 replies
Here's a quick still of my holiday animation so far; still working on the layout. It will all be "white" (or grayscale anyway), and the three candles shoot off like roman candles, then snow drifts down over everything. Hopefully it will go quick as I don't have a lot of time this year.
Last reply by steve392, -
- 7 replies
This started out as a project to use to talk about extrusion and five-pointers and holes but got too complicated for that purpose. SpaceRay!
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 28 replies
brief question ...Does material effect work with particles ???
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 5 replies
Never did finish it copletely created_final.mp4
Last reply by steve392, -
- 26 replies
This is an outgrowth of an idea I originally floated in this post on the SDK forum. My objective is to create a sphere of randomly distributed stars 10 km in radius, where each star is a one-patch object with a diameter randomly ranging from 7.5 to 30 m. I also want to be able to control the size of all stars simultaneously with a pose slider, to ensure that the stars will always be rendered at about one pixel regardless of the resolution of the render or the focal length of the camera. After Yves put me on the track of a bones-based solution, I first tried to implement this idea in which each star has two bones, one to position it randomly and one to scale it, but…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 10 replies
I've been trying to animate the color of a hair material that I'm using for pine needles. No image, just particle hair. But apparently you can't animate the color? I've been messing with this for awhile and then discovered that the settings I was changing in the pws weren't under the "actions" but were the settings for the instance. So I think I should change to an image that I can then animate like an animated decal. But does anyone know if particle hair color can change over time?
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 18 replies
One of the things I like about A:M is how we can develop our own approaches to things and extend the tools that we already have. Considering recent discussion on hair I thought I'd explore some of the area I hadn't pressed into yet with hair based on splines shapes. One of the primary reasons to use particles for hair is to gain some dynamic capability and to prevent intesections and pass throughs of the hair. With geometry based hair one approach to would be to use Simcloth to prevent the inter-penetration of each hair. Attached are a few of my tests as proof of concepts: Further refining the geometry and adding patch images or decals of hair to the actu…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 16 replies
hello, I have finally a little time to model and go a little further in my characters. here is one, "grand mère" very toon. Now i have to do the textures
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 8 replies
I am trying to get a hang on weigthing right now... and find that I unvoluntrily loose the weigths again once in a while, that I just did before... also I once had all my bones doubled and I don`t know, what I did wrong. Any hints from the weigthwranglers around here, how to avoid these traps?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
Here's a model I started while working on my own Death for a film I'm working on. Anyone know what game this was from? It was 1998 and Lucas had something to do with it. Here's the almost completed model. Need to add textures and buttons but he's about 95% complete.
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
- 1 follower
- 144 replies
All righty, I've been meaning to do this for sometime and am only now just getting around to it. As mentioned before, I am assisting with a project known as Star Trek: Red Squad. It's a 4 episode web series that is on its final episode. The basic premise is after the destruction of Romulus, Starfleet is training the cadets of Red Squad aboard the USS Enterprise (which is beginning to near the end of its tenure.) Suddenly, Red Squad is thrown into saving the quadrant from a mad man Romulan by the name of Deitrix, who is using wormhole technology to wipe out the Federation and all of its allies once and for all. Red Squad simply started as a test sequence of animat…
Last reply by Darkwing,