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- African grey?
- By Fuchur,
934 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
Files are located in the 'Hair Salon' thread, located here:;#entry397248 A:M's hair material in a LONG HAIR scenario, useful for a 'Duck Dynasty' beard, 'weeping-willow' style tree leaves, 'hippie-hair' or glamorous female long hair. The feature being demonstrated here is not so much the hair material as the way it interacts and wraps around other objects, known as collision-detection. Many programs boast impressive hair and styling features, but have very little to show how the hair reacts dynamically in an animation scenario... AND- what happens when the dynamic hair comes into contact with other objects... usual…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 2 replies
Which ones (EDIT: custom keyboard shortcuts) do you use? Here are two changes I've made, and I like them a LOT! Lock = L move Lathe to SHIFT+L Make Five Point Patch = SHIFT+5 Move Onion Skin to SHIFT+2 QUICK ADDITION: If you go Tools -> Customize, Keyboard, Export, it will open up a web browser with a list of all of the shortcuts.
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 4 replies
I recently started doing lots of large (for me anyway) rendering jobs on my Dell Windows computer I purchased the end of last year, which has an Intel i9 processor. The i9 processor has 8 cores (most desktop i7s have 4). Each core can run two threads of normal programs, but each has only one math processor. As a result, you can run 8 NetRender Messengers (slaves) at a time, as rendering is all math. I'm getting 45 seconds of animation (1,350 frames) at 720p rendered in a little over two hours! The last time I was rendering large numbers of frames (on a dual-core machine a few years back), it would take around 18 hours to do a similarly sized batch. I've found t…
Last reply by Vance G, -
- 5 replies
I heard a rumor Mac Catalina has been released. Hopefully some brave soul is testing Animation:Master on it. Crossing fingers and hoping things might actually be better than worse.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
I just updated to the latest Mac OS and wanted to let the Mac A:M users know what to expect. As expected, A:M is NOT really usable in Mojave. Many things still seem to work, but the primary problem is that the Project Workspace is unclickable. It's responsive in that selecting something in a model window or choreography will highlight the specific element in the PWS, but no amount of clicking on it will allow you to select it or interact with it via the PWS. Fortunately, the menus and item specific pop-up menus are still functional. Most of the other windows do seem to function: Timeline, Properties, Poses, etc. Some of the tool panels are also unclickable. …
Last reply by largento, -
- 6 replies
Who will be the first to test it out? Here's hoping it will resolve some of the previous issues experienced on Mac OS X. MacOS Sierra is a free upgrade. Primary features: Siri, hardrive management that saves storage space. more effective use of iCloud... The few reports I've read suggest users are happy with the upgrade.
Last reply by CaptBobo, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
How do A:M subsciptions work? Does the software stop working after the subscription period? Or do you just not get software updates after the subscription expires? Thanks! Bryan
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I think it's time for me to get into the new version mode (still using v.11 or something). I wish you guys still supported the Hasp dongles, they were great. I have some questions before paying which aren't obvious on the store site. If I get the subscription version ($79), will it expire one year from the date of purchase/activation? At that point will it cease to work on my computer until I pay for a new subscription? If my computer crashes is it a simple process to regain access to my purchased version via re-install/online re-register (same day, even on weekends)? I'm more used to the old model of buying the CD and using it until I absolutely have to h…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, I am currently using A:M mainly for 3d print modelling of spare parts or small "helpers" and so I wanted to show a couple of them to you and what I am up to. Some images are rendered from the 3d models created in A:M for printing others are just the resulting prints. It is not character modelling or printing (most of the time) but stuff that serve a real life purpose. Most are small, some are bigger and they are not "great" innovations in general but just sometimes pretty useful. Hope you like a couple of them. If you like to see time laps of the printing, etc., have a look here: These are the cor…
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 4 replies
Hi! Question 1: It use to be that to do a really clean uninstall of AM you had to search through the registry for "hash" and remove a couple of entries. It seems like Hash has to its credit added the removal of registry entries to its uninstall process. Besides "hash" is there anything else I should search for? Question 2: During the install there are now several options. One is whether or not to install SSE4. What is SSE4 and, if you know, the pros and cons of installing it? Question 3: Related to the above...what would be the pros and cons for installing the Timelog plug-in? Thanks for any information you can give me! Rusty
Last reply by rusty, -
- 12 replies
Hi everybody! Just wanted to post this on the off chance anyone wishing to use A:M on a Mac wonders if you can use Parallels to run the Windows version of A:M on a Mac. I'm working on the third (and last!) of my Stalled Trek films and wanted to see if I could make use of some of my old files for extras on the boxed set I'm making, so I purchased a subscription to A:M and tried to use it in Parallels. I'm using a Mac Studio with an M1 Max chip on Monterey. This is version 19.0P of A:M. The chief issue is presumably graphic card related: It's possible to see a model and tumble the view in wireframe, but shaded view doesn't work. (see screenshot.) …
Last reply by a.quaihoi, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I just worked my way through some trouble with Video-Codecs and I found some interesting things which apply to A:M too. Many think, that you can only output uncompressed AVIs with Windows-Versions of A:M if you want to export a video-file. Since Apple dropped the support for Windows 64bit-Quicktime-Output, it seems hard to output directly to a video format from A:M (which still applies for MOVs), but it really isn't. What you need to understand is, that A:M 64bit is a 64bit-software and like that it can only use Codecs which are 64bit-compatible. (and if you use A:M for 32-bit on Windows, it can only use 32bit codecs.) I just tested it and A:M can e…
Last reply by Rodney, -
(This topic split from Simon's 'Teddy Bear' topic) Nancy is fantastic - having mastered AM: But all of us being newbies compared to her. Why hasn´t we been able to make us as clever as her? For sure - it must be some way - to learn everybody - fast - to be a 3D-master-ess. What has AM missed? or it is perfect as it is? Every newbie wants to make a walking teddybear! How to get a newbie to make a walking teddybear on first try! And a walking and talking teddybear! It is up to AM to make that! A character program - based on AM - but without the difficulties to master in AM. The walking and talking Animation Master for the newbies - every schoolki…
Last reply by thefreshestever, -
- 11 replies
Since I no longer have any 3.5 in. disk drive readers, it made sense to throw out the more than 100 diskettes that I found in a box today. Among the obsolete sound card drivers and Windows XP recovery disks I found my first A.M. installation, circa 1993. It's frightening to think that someone born the day I received these could be out of university by now. I'll add them to my stack of installation CDs just for completeness.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 4 replies
Hi there, I am currentlz remoddeling a very complex polygon model using the snap to surface function. My idea was it, to cut my polygon modell into pieces, save them as individual models, import them into my modelling chor, and then switch model by model visibe or invisible as i need it. But, as far as I know AM does not know steady pivot points, and every model i Import has a different pivot, which makes it very anoying to asssemble my parts. Any Idea how i can maintain the pivot points of the importet polygon modells? cheers Heiner
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I've added a rotoscope image onto a view and adjusted it how I thought I wanted it (along with 4 other views). After adjusting for sizing and aligning with the axes like I wanted, I went through and selected the "No Pick" for each in their Properties. However, I found later that one image is aligned on the wrong axis. How can I get access to the rotoscope image on that view that is misaligned since I've turned off picking it, I can't click on it. I'm running AM 2006. Thanks for the help. Tom
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
Is there a way of measuring objects in AM besides the rulers? Transform and info and manipulator properties only show percentages. Can't remember if there was a plug-in for that or not.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 10 replies
LC Baby F.mdl TLC S3 Baby 003C.act Trying to finish The Learning Curve but, having a lot of problems. Slowly sorting out most of them but, this one is proving difficult to trace. Because it started with an old model, a the finger poses were done using skeletal mode. I know now, thats not the way to go but, not then. The scene was animated as as an action and i seemed to go ok until I checked the right hand. The fourth finger ( the pinkie ) was completely skew wif with the three bones at complete variance to each other. Went back and corrected the model, and the settings in the pose controls but, when the corrected model is used the variance i…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 7 replies
I have been working with A:M to create motion profiles for animatronics. Successfully I programed the animatronics for some pieces in Las Vegas last year, writing our own app to help translate to our controllers. You can see some of our process here. I am still working on refining this process and I was hoping someone could point me to some documentation of what all the switches are in an .ACT file or a .MDL file so I can better create some of the tools I need. I have looked on the FTP and at the SDK materials, but I could not find some plain language materials describing all of the syntax of the files. I am not a programmer by nature and there is a lot I d…
Last reply by DrPhibes, -
- 3 replies
Have had a couple of hitches in the past few weeks with actions in V17g under OSX, but had thought they were resulting from exporting a sequence from a chor, as an action. Trying to setup an action now for some prancing sacks and, although the keys will set in the PWS, and the scroll tool will move through them. The play option won't work and the button that lets you move along the timeline is completely absent. Is this a known problem ? regards simon V17g OSX
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 3 replies
I appreciate that it is possible to control a light in a chor using the properties in the PWS and thats the way I've done it before. I wondered if it was possible to control those same properties, such as intensity, cone angle, fall of and so on, using pose sliders ? I tried in the actions section but it was not possible to select the lights, or the camera to try to make the poses. Its not a problem, I just thought it might animating them easier in the chor? regards simon
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I'm running windows 07 64 color, I have v15 on the cd, this weekend i upgraded to v16. and the activation key is not working, I'm getting error messages like, server status(-134 no such file or directory (error 2) bad parameter passed to RLMfunction (-123) bad return data from webserver (no status) (-134) no such file or directory (error:2) I have sent a email to support, but while i'm waiting, i know they have thier hands ful. So in the mean time i lost the v15.oj+ upgrade. i went to FTP directory /pub/updates//windows/ at i located the v5cd- but as i'm running in…
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 33 replies
Hello Animation Master.., recently I formatted my computer again, I'm on WinXP, remembered my last I received from you, started the procedure and ended up in a corrupted zip file. No, it's the last winzip,so that's not the problem. So I sended an email to the same person I did two years ago, yes, my archive is OK, and was backdated to the question who I am? Which program do I use, what's the serienumber, do I have a license? I'm sorry for the trouble I cause, but my simpel question is, Could you please be so kind to send me a new file so I can return it to you for a lick.file. I know my email adress is changed, du…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
I think I know the answer but I am running a MacBook Pro with Parallels and running OSX Maverick and Windows 8. I already have AM installed and running in OSX so do I need to buy a activation code if running the AM in Windows on this laptop? Cheers
Last reply by higginsdj, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I'm attempting to add parts to a model in a choreography using multiple actions, each action containing many action objects. When I add the first action, all the objects within it appear in the chor. But if I add another action, the previous one disappears. I read the manual about action objects and assumed the problem was related to "Hold last frame", "Transition to next action" and "Blend method". I thought the best combination was ON, ON & ADD. However I can only see one of the actions if the "Hold last frame" of the other is turned OFF. What am I missing?
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 2 replies
In addition to the Hash gift certificates for the top three entries in the Sci-Fi image contest, the top ten entrants will be receiving the a DVD of Mark Largent's all-A:M-made "The Wobbling Dead," an animated puppet parody of the AMC series "The Walking Dead." Now you have no reason not to dust off that sci-fi entry you didn't quite get finished, polish it up and jump into the fray. Contest deadline July 6 Don't be a lazy zombie! If you wake up on July 7 and find out only 9 people entered you're going to kick yourself!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
Hi everybody... as close to any year there is a new advent calendar for this year created with A:M. Everyday a new door with a hopefully funny commercial to make the time before christmas a little less stressful :). I hope you have fun :). Best regards *Fuchur*
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 2 replies
Hi everybody... it is that time of the year again. Here is another calendar created with A:M. Everyday a new door with a funny, cute or just well done advertisment clip will be there for you to open :). I hope you have fun :). Best regards and I wish you the best pre xmas time *Fuchur*
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 1 reply
Hi everybody as in each year there is a new advent calendar for 2020 again which has been created with the help of Animation:Master again. Not everybody might know what a advent calendar is: The calendar runs from the 1st of December to the 24th and each day there is a small little door which can be opened to receive a little gift. Most of them are chocolate in general, but there are many more from toys (not only for children sometimes) to anythin else. As I am working in an advertising agency in this calendar we show you a new funny, thoughtful or just well done commercial each day. (no, those are not all from us or something... those are just great…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
This time around we did create a little bit of a different design to better suit our mini campaign around christmas presents. That means this time around the image isn't created with A:M. As always you will find our Christmas Calendar here: But I started to create a goat in 3d anyway and got already pretty far, so I am working on it still to get this look back ;). (Do you know that moment if you did a great job and then you are just not able to get the same look back after changing a couple of things to make it even better? That is exactly what happend here with this one...) Hope you like it ;). Best regards *Fuchur*
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Last reply by Tore, -
- 3 replies
Can someone clue me in to the use of the Align Plugin? Its usage is currently eluding me. When invoked it doesn't appear to do anything.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 9 replies
As mentioned elsewhere, have been having a lot of tech troubles recently, had thought they were behind me now and to get on with something new(ish) but have hit a problem with alpha channels in TGA files. First a bit of background. I'm working in V18 within OSX 10:8.5. on a Mac mini, I7, 2.3ghz with 4Gb of Ram. Just rendered two scenes to TGA with the figure set against an empty background ( ready for compositing later ). All was well until I opened them in Photoshop, to find that the background had rendered as black rather than transparent. When selecting the background and deleting it, the Alpha transparency is there but, ideally, don't wish to do tha…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 9 replies
Hi everyone, I was wondering if there were any other import plugins other than the ones that come stock with Animation Master. Thank you for your replies
Last reply by Kombowz, -
- 4 replies
Hello All- Just thought I would upgrade to the 64bit version of AM and try using version 17.0g. Overall the speeds are great however I discovered when I try to render avi movies I get an error message, "AVI file create stream error". Also discovered that there are no options to render QuickTime movies in this version. Does anyone know if there is a fix for the avi rendering or if QuickTime rendering is planned for the future? Many thanks! Tom
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, I have installed for AM 19.5c on windows 11 and then suddenly my UI is so small now for text and picto, how to resolve this, please ? Thanks. See my attach from my screenshot :
Last reply by threedslider, -
- 23 replies
Hello- I am runnings AM 18.0 f SSE3 on Windows 7 with an Intel Q 965/963 graphics card. It is an HP computer (bought second hand). My Animation Master "Real Time Driver " is open GL. I tried "Open GL3" but the system said that failed. I can import images into the Project workspace but when I drag then into the model window to apply as a decal I get the attached error message? Has anyone else experienced this and is there a setting I can change to make it not crash? many thanks for any insights! Tom
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 6 replies
I used to animate dynamic constraint for hands and lag parametr in RollLike constrant for rayhairs. Letters written in TVP
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
AM Marketing? 1 2
by strato- 1 follower
- 55 replies
Does it exist? Why is AM increasingly unknown by the upcoming kids that should use it? Everybody knows Blender by now, and of course its free, but for Character animation its still a big pain to learn. Looking at the Hash forum, it tops at 300 viewers. AM community has reduced to a club of a few contributors, and I believe its a political issue. First, it is not opening itself to new talent, it barely offered a trial version (way too late). It left all the public forums, or their moderators had a falling out. It presents itself as a basic intro to character animation but misses to convey its sophistication. On the other hand it has a slow render and it doesn't play w…
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 19 replies
How difficult would it be to make an AM app for Android and Mac iOS? I was thinking it could just the core program with a simplified rendering or realtime renderer using HAMR as opposed to rendering to files as full movies due to limited space on mobile devices. But have the file importable to the full AM product.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 11 replies
I was wondering if anyone has been able to export a Hash model to 3d pdf? I was thinking I could use an obj format to keep textures but not sure what converters are there out there that might be free? Basically I want to be able to show mock ups of items to my customers with their imprints on them so they can easily show their customers. I have been rendering stills but that can be tedious when they want different views and only tell me after the images are rendered. I did stumble across Meshlabs, when I first tried it the program was a clunker. Seems they have really fixed it. Perfect for those who want to close openings and fix meshes for 3d printing. Free …
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 54 replies
for test
Last reply by KingVidiot, -
- 9 replies
Hi, It's unfortunate that AM changes the windows display settings...V14 did not but I guess for some reason V17 has to? I thought AM set them back upon exiting but for some reason I stuck with out the 'transparency' of the window frames (whatever that is called). This should be a trivial point but I guess I've gotten spoiled. How do I change them back? Cheers, Rusty
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi all! A very long time since I posted here :-) I am currently re-rendering my Bella Bear project at 1024 x 576 (16:9) HD ratio since it looks so dated in the format it is. I haven't done anymore work on the project but I just wanted to re-render it an familiarise myself with it again (all those hours I put into it). Anyway I have hit a stumbling block on one of the sections when it comes to rendering, I am getting perculiar shadows which I can get rid of using multi-pass but this ups the render times by a factor of four... I am using AM 14c, I know there is a newer version out there but I am loathe to re-render everything in that version since it might break…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 12 replies
Wondering if it is possible to implement touch support for AM for those with touch screens and for tablet connect via remote desktops. Need a lazy mouse select? Use common gestures for navigation, maybe modify for view manipulation? For kicks I tossed on Remote Access on my iPad to my pc and AM displayed perfectly, navigation wasn't half bad but was almost impossible to do anything with since I would need a 2nd mouse button and modifier keys.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 1 reply
I do not know what is going on with AMFILMS right now so I took it down. I'm really busy for the next 2 weeks but I'm going to try to put some time into it. After the paid update that was sold as fixing the uploads we now getting porn spam. I'm not 100% sure how right now I thought it was the the super easy password the company used with out removing my admin log in so I did not know but that was not it.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 0 replies
Hello Everyone, I know that new videos on do not play for some reason. I do not know the reason at this time but I will soon. But it will not be till Monday 03/04/13 till I can take more of a look at it. Since we are packing right now for ECC. I have also been slacking on working on the old films site but when I return I'm going to have another go at it. It is just one of those projects every time you try to get into it. There is either something better to do or something you can make more head way at. But I know it would be good to get it running. We were also taking about adding re-links from to to fix some ol…
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 0 replies
You can now upload the videos and they should play like they use to. After the 'hack' I did an update and reinstall when we first got the software it was not working so I had clip-share log in and fix it. They never told me what they did and if an update would break it. Well it ends up the update did break it the use "-vop" not more supported "-vf" so it's fixed and if there is an update again I will remember to check that. Now I just need to get the YouTube uploader installed again and that will be done and I can get back to vintagefilms. I sent a email to the people that lost videos in this since the master was lost too.
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 6 replies
Hi, I was trying to create a simple spiral like the attached drawing...I can do it with a lot of work (do wizards primitives spiral twice and stitch splines across) but there must be an easier more elegant way. Imagination needed, LOL! Thanks, Rusty
Last reply by robcat2075,