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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Hi guys

I'm having a break from mechanical modeling. This time I'm modeling a dinosaur, something I've always wanted to do. I got the mesh made, but is going to do some detail (especially on his head) and proportion tweaking. Let me know what you think so far


btw, is there a premade rig (like the 2001 rig) that will fit this little monster?


Velociraptor0.jpg Velociraptor1.jpg Velociraptor2.jpg

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btw, is there a premade rig (like the 2001 rig) that will fit this little monster?


Velociraptor0.jpg Velociraptor1.jpg Velociraptor2.jpg



I don't know that there is, but I think that making one would be challenging, but well worth it. I have rigged a dragons head pretty well before (of course the body will be the hard part :P)


That looks great!


A few parts look slightly odd ( maybe a bias thing) but then again I don't really know much about dinosaurs


Looks great! Maybe you used an image for the proportions, but to me the head seems a little large and the neck short. But it gives another character to him....like a young raptor.


on the extra dvd and or cd I thought there was a biped dinosaur that might have a rig


Thanks guys!

Looks great! Maybe you used an image for the proportions, but to me the head seems a little large and the neck short.
Yeah, this version got a slightly bigger head and shorter neck than the "bird" like raptors I came a cross while doing research. Also, keep in mind that I use a low Focal length setting on this rendering, that makes things closer to the camera appear much bigger (If you look at the back rendering you see that the head doesn't look that big? I did use a rotoscope for the side


can you show us the splines?
Sure, here you go




the head size definitely makes it look young-ish, or a little cartoony. But overall really nice, good splining too!


I've been working on adding a rig that I found. Attached is a very rigid walk cycle test (eventhough I didn't model a robot this time, I sure animate like it was a one... lol). Hopefully I'll make a better walk cycle later



I've been working on adding a rig that I found. Attached is a very rigid walk cycle test (eventhough I didn't model a robot this time, I sure animate like it was a one... lol). Hopefully I'll make a better walk cycle later




Eggprops has some dinosaurs in their portfolio and they had a very nice rig (I think so, because they got a great walkcycle from it).

Maybe it is worth a look...

Eggprops - AM Section




Nice walk. I think just speeding it up will add abit more life to it. Toes need some movement and probable chest and head too.


Nice work m8, but I wouldn't like too say much about the walk cycle, other than it is definitely robotic. Delve into the 'Animators Survival Kit' to get a few tips!


Eggprops did indeed do a raptor and here is the link Eggprops Raptor. This was done many moons ago but is still a great model with nice texturing - they used skylight for the rendering in those days sigh!


Looking forward to seeing some improvements in the animation, I know you can do the texturing :D




This is looking good.

I noticed an artifact on the thigh in your walk cycle render. The artifact corresponds directly to where you have used a hook in the splining. You will find that hooks don't work very well in spots that deform a lot when animated.

Keep up the good work, and do more organic stuff.





there is no real need to have that hook there.

the spline that runs across the thigh and over the back is not needed.

I would just delete the part going over the back and connect it to the hook.

but thats just me.


Mike Fitz


there is no real need to have that hook there.
Thanks, I'll see what I can do about the hook


Here is an early texture test, just the head so far. Some parts are missing texture, and some just got generic colors. The main texture will most likely be tweaked too. Let me know what you think so far



Let me know what you think so far


Nice lighting/background setup (looks familiar? like the aligator head image you did previously?)


I like the overall texturing of course - very well done -


For me, the mouth/gums/teeth don't look as believable as the rest of the head - perhaps the gums need to enclose the teeth with more irregularity, and the mouth rim area also looks too "regular" - needs more variation, elevation, bumpiness & perhaps some indication of plausible scarring left over from battles ?

Looks fantastic Agep. Just checked out your website, great stuff!
Thanks my friend:)

Nice lighting/background setup (looks familiar? like the aligator head image you did previously?)
Thanks. Yes, its the old alligator render setup, using it as a test render setup. The final render setup might be something different.. Perhaps a live action movie... But first I have to finish the model

For me, the mouth/gums/teeth don't look as believable as the rest of the head - perhaps the gums need to enclose the teeth with more irregularity, and the mouth rim area also looks too "regular" - needs more variation, elevation, bumpiness & perhaps some indication of plausible scarring left over from battles ?
You are absolutely right. I'm going to unwrap the rest of the body and texture it first, I think, then return to do some more detail work. I've attached a new render. Some minor tweaking, and I have started to do some minor tweaks in the mouth. Not done yet




New update. This is what I got so far. The texture might still get some tweaking. The turntable is also wip




Hair for the grass would look nice :D



Skin looks a little too glossy for me ... Don't really know what a dino looked like though lol.



It looks really good thought


Thanks guys! Here is a new testrender. No postprod



  • Admin

He's looking really great Stian.

I wouldn't want to meet him in the middle of a field.

I can already tell he'll look awesome animated.


Cmon, make an animation of this turning his head or something, I just want to see how crazy

good the surface of the model will look when its really ready to be animated!

Good good good stuff!


Mike Fitz


Hi there,

Just a quick question:


What rendering settings did you use for the first test pictures? (Before it was textured)

Ambiance Occlusion, 100% intensity, Global Color set to white

I've been working on the walk cycle some more. Its not good, but hopefully better than the last one. Here is a list of what I am aware of (please add more). The right foot is slipping on the surface. The feet is way to straight (no bend in the knees) when they are in the back position. The ankle movement is a little tense and no movement on the toes yet. Let me know what you think




From a composition point of view, its fantastic!!!

The foot slipping solution probably will be found in editing

the position channels.

But the progress is great!

Mike Fitz



Thanks for the rendering settings.


Also on the rendering settings how do you get the shadowing?? Did you use the pre set lighting in the choreography or did you make your own??


To me the arms look a little rigid.

  • Admin

Needs more baby raptors chasing her. :P


I think you've got in mind the areas that come to mind for me.

Adding the toe animation (with a noticeable upward push as the raptor lifts off) will help perfect it.


I'll suggest adjusting the direction of the raptor slightly to keep it from traveling straight across the screen.

The combination of the straight/mostly unbroken horizon line with the movement of the raport makes the scene look 'designed'.

I can think of two ways to attack that... redirect the raptor... or add additional environment into the scene.

Of the two... redirecting the raptor is easier and might provide a sense of tension if moving closer (attempting to circle?) to the viewer.


I'm not trying to redirect your goals here... just wondering out loud.


Edit: It occurs to me that the horizontal walk would work really well if this were a seamless panoramic background and the walk cycled all the way around. This would place the viewer right in the middle of a very dangerous situation.

The foot slipping solution probably will be found in editing
You are right. I didnt notice the slipping before after it was rendered.

Also on the rendering settings how do you get the shadowing?? Did you use the pre set lighting in the choreography or did you make your own??
There is no lights in the chor, all lighting and shadows is done by AO

To me the arms look a little rigid.
If you have the time, please elaborate. I don't have the eyes for these things

I'll suggest adjusting the direction of the raptor slightly to keep it from traveling straight across the screen.

The combination of the straight/mostly unbroken horizon line with the movement of the raport makes the scene look 'designed'.

I can think of two ways to attack that... redirect the raptor... or add additional environment into the scene.

The scene is just a rendertest scene, my goal is to find the time to make an live action test. I don't like using a still as a background for animation, but it is very to set up, and I'm able to do some animtion test in it


Attached is a new wip. Have tweaked the walk cycle some, but more to do




Here is a very rough tracking test. I have much to do in this one. The animation, path, rendersettings are all wip





small animation (wip):



Oh, that looks like such great fun.

I hope I can, some day, be able to juggle all the files needed to do some of that sort of thing.

Nice work with the Rex there...

  • Hash Fellow

That office should change their carpet color so their dinosaurs will show up better. ;)


Nice looking test!


Thank you so much for the great comments guys

Cool. Is that Syntheyes you are using there?
In this test I'm using PFHoe 2.1

that´s just great! love the texturing! this all looks awesome!!!! my crits about the walk: someone mentioned before that the arms look a bit rigid, i think that´s because they don´t vary a lot... looks like they´re sort of glued together. i would move the tail a bit more, also to the left and right, looks a bit stiff, especially at the origin. maybe you can move the spine a bit to the left and right too, so it´s in a flow with the tail... just a little, otherwise you velo will walk like a supermodel on the catwalk ;) feets are still slippin a bit... but again: kick ass stuff, as ever!!!

In this test I'm using PFHoe 2.1


Thanks. I've been thinking about doing some tests with motion tracking recently. I was thinking about trying out SynthEyes. I never heard of PF Hoe. In your opinion, which do you think is better?



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