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Even squirrels bent on world domination require help every now and then. Here are Dick and Mongo waiting for their new job interview. Produce_0.mp4
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 1 follower
- 28 replies
Hi Due to lack of reference images I had to take a break from the cathedral. Poor Thomas looked so lonely, so I decided to make him a friend By the way. In near future I plan on making more of his friends, so if anyone know of any great resource pages for these trains such as blueprints or reference images, please let me know. Turntable: Still:
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 18 replies
I finally finished my Flash Gordon Fan Film. It's certainly not perfect, but if you've ever worked on a long, paced, and staged projects from idea to screen, you know how long and how much work it takes. I'm happy to have it done whatever the case. I did notice that the vimeo conversion makes it glitchy in places. But I can't complain. Hope you guys enjoy watching it. Here's the Vimeo link to a "low Res" version: Cheers, William
Last reply by detbear, -
- 35 replies
Hi all I've recently revisited the transformers model of mine, and at the same time been testing some motion tracking. It was a pain in the bu** to make that thing move, since the rig I made for him is really bad:p Let me know what you think Best regards Stian The animation: A single frame from the animation:
Last reply by Kamikaze, -
- 9 replies
When I saw the Trailer for the New Wonder Woman movie, I noticed that they are going to be using the Fokker Eindecker single winged fighter. I have always thought this to be one of the coolest looking fighters from the WWI era. A good number of years ago, I modeled the Eindecker for a short movie clip. It had the same color scheme as the one in the movie. When you open it, you will find on close inspection that it lacks detailed parts. But it is a great start for someone who wants to improve upon it and make it even better and more detailed. Fokker_Hash_J.mdl This is a movie showing the layers of composite in my final film: 2013_Dragon_Atta…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 12 replies
This months assignment was to illustrate the text found in a fortune cookie of your choice. My fortune cookie said "The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do". So I rendered out a version in A:M and then hand "painted" the image in photoshop, to get a more scribbly, spontaneous feel. Here's both versions before and after PS. (EDIT: adjusted levels on hand rendered to bring out the highlights, tad more contrast)
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 8 replies
Hey Everyone. After a really long production......I'm proud to announce that my latest "Short Animation" is finished and published on my Youtube channel. The Link is here: x
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 1 follower
- 24 replies
[vimeo]24131512[/vimeo] Here is another great work in A:M.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 4 replies
Meet Power Mad Squirrel, arch enemy of Super Mega Fox. Here's where they meet for the first time. Door Answer.mp4
Last reply by Mitovo, -
- 7 replies
I borrowed the pine tree from the forum (thank you, John Bigboote), but I believe I made everything else. My friend Adam (The Toadstool) helped me with the home made Motion Capture. Thank you, Adam. To make this short I used Motion Capture, Dynamic Constraints, Forces, several Particle Systems (hair, leaves, grass/weeds), a little Newton Physics, and Cloth along with animation by hand. Animation Master, Audacity, and Photoshop were the software used.
Last reply by jnord71, -
- 1 follower
- 35 replies
Hi! I'm an old user and I'm considering to come back to the amazing world of A:M. I come from v11 and I would like to know which version is the latest and what are the main differences between them. Also... I prefer the boxed one and not the subscription. Are both the same? Thanks in advance and regards.
Last reply by Shazam3D, -
- 18 replies
New model in the Thomas & Friends family Toby the Tram Engine
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Charles Babbage (DrPhibes) works at a shop that fabricates many large display items for various clients. Charles designed this giant mechanical dragon in A:M for the Disney World theme park. He modeled it in A:M, then exported to a large milling machine. "It is milled out in polystyrene foam, than we use that as a pattern to layup fiberglass. The finished parts are fiberglass with a fabricated steel frame. The head is carbon fiber," Charles told me on Facebook earlier this year.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
You guys may have seen my recent post of the fan art model I did. I wanted to test out sculptris with Hash and how well the obj export from it would work in Hash's "Retopo/ snap to surface feature." Since I'm new to sculptris and 3D sculpting in general I was hoping to get the basic shape of Dirk the Daring's head fairly close. I knew that the spline modeling in A:M would work much lighter and smoother. However, I like the way sculptris allows me to get the overall shape. Attached is a video of the progression both in sculptris and then on into hash for conversion to a spline copy based on the obj. The body was all done in Hash. Model_Steps_Sculp…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 20 replies
Hey everyone. I completed my next animated short. It's a game parody of the "World of Tanks" video game. It's always a good feeling to complete a project. x Cheers, William
Last reply by Mitovo, -
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- 11 replies
Since I modeled the anteater to be a competitor to our mascot contest, and it was the winner, I want to share it with you, my friends... You can download it here: Feel free to use it any way you want. I spent a lot of time working on its texture and I didn't have time to set a rig... sorry. In another topic Rich ( Vertexspline ) asked me about the vegetation...they are an OBJ model as well as the rocks and I used the "BitMapPlus kci:dnd" plugin material to texture them. The lighting was done using AO+IBL ( HDRI ) and a sun light. Did you notice the ant asking for peace with a white flag ???
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Koza (fur toy goat)
Last reply by serg2, -
- 1 follower
- 30 replies
Hello Hashers, here comes our little X-Mas greeting card/film... tracked with PF Hoe, animated and rendered in A:M . The compositing is done in After Effects... Enjoy. Merry Christmas and a Haaaaappy New Year to all of you! Michael
Last reply by DJJ, -
- 13 replies
lately i´m experimenting a lot with some sort of fluid simulations in after effects with the help of some plug-ins. these works also involve a:m, so i thought i would post them here. hope you´ll like them... cWFGoeqU1eI NllCg6wyOwc a:m: the ufo & the squid a:m: the helicopter, the girl and the soda can
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Last reply by Mitovo, -
- 8 replies
It has been a while since I made a complete micromovie. Let me say, doing a study of Alfred Hitchcock's directing through one of his masterpieces has been a great learning experience. I had a great time doing this project. I was determined to finish by year's end and I made it with a week to spare! Keeping true to the "One-Man-One-Computer" ethos, I used a number of the public models very much to the improvement the piece. Let me give special kudos to the builders of the "Rear Window" set. It is a wonderful miniverse. The set looks great from long shots to extreme close-ups. Bravo and thank you to the organizers and contributors to the 2012 Forum Project. …
Last reply by Bruce Del Porte, -
- 1 reply
Not to steal any of Sean's thunder if he's waiting to re-present this short film later this month but I happened upon it and see it was released back in April. It continues the story of Jack and his many adventures. x Fun stuff Sean. Keep up the great work!
Last reply by TheToadStool, -
Hello Everyone, About 12 years ago I finished a cartoon that I had been working on in my spare time for about three years. The cartoon was called Sev Trek. From a financial point of view, it did very well. First by selling videos on the website, to having a distributor market the DVD worldwide. The rights to the cartoon automatically returned to John and myself a few years ago. So now the cartoon can have a new life on Youtube. I animated the cartoon from the first scene to the last, and if you watch carefully you will see my animation skills get better. You will need to be a Star Trek fan to get most of the jokes.…
Last reply by largento, -
- 7 replies
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
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- 10 replies
Hi my name is David. My first post and first clip done in AM. It took about eight months. Its a Christian based animation so if that is not your thing please don't be offended. Sorry I took the link down. Video no longer on youtube.
Last reply by DavidDenzill, -
- 18 replies
Inspired by Simon's quest for a teddy bear fur texture, I decided to make some bear type creatures of my own. I started with the "Panda on Fire" model from the Hash 2001 CD, mainly because it had a terrific simple body shape, and simple claw/fingers: originally done by Josh Riley, modified by Cabbot Sanders according to the File Info. I changed the eyes, ears, nose, added mouth, eyelids, re-rigged it with TSM2, added Face controls, decaled it to use displacement as the fur texture, added dynamic hair on top, and assorted accessories. Obviously, Panda Monium is a close cousin of the Big Nose Bear species. And because, I stole some DNA, I felt it only right…
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
The Insect Image Contest Awards are done! These are the medals and certificates for the Insect Image Contest of 2015. For assorted reasons they are shipped unassembled so I have made a video that shows you what to do when yours arrives. How To Assemble Your A:M Forum Image Contest Award Fast Forward links: 00:00 Introduction! 00:21 6th-10th place certificate 02:55 4th & 5th place certificate 05:14 1st, 2nd, 3rd place medal 05:56 Medal package contents 06:21 "Shoulders" or "Shield"? 06:30 Tying ribbon for "Shoulders" 13:00 Tying ribbon for "Shield" 19:30 Attaching leg for shelf display 20:56 Attaching wire for wall display 22:31 A second ribbon? 22:4…
Last reply by fae_alba, -
by agep- 1 follower
- 24 replies
Hi all! Happy new year! I've the last couple of weeks been playing with the beechcraft and a video footage from where I grew up as a child (I did the footage this Christmas with my cellphone). There is several things I would like to do different. Due to the footage I cant have the speed I want on the plane, and the landing is a little to short. Anyway, let me know what you think. Also, I don't like the smoke on the end, but I'm not sure how to make it better. Oh, and there is probably some scale issues too? I struggled to make the ground a lot more dirty, but this was the best I managed to do. Syntheyes is used for tracking. I might do some more work on it, but not right …
Last reply by animas3D, -
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- 13 replies
Characters I've been working on for the Summer 2015 Image Contest: INSECT! Meet Madame Mothra, Beetle Zabub, Captain Wanna Bee and Mr. Money Bugs.
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 21 replies
This months prompt: Make a book jacket (cover) that will be used for a volume of Edgar Allan Poe Stories. So I started with rendering from A:M an image or 2 of the crow model (from Scarecrow of Oz) - and then I proceeded to work up a variety of concepts (in photoshop) - the last image is probably what I will go with. But I might try doing at least one more concept - different altogether, more childlike, and probably including a cat.
Last reply by Tore, -
- 15 replies
A little show-n-tell... Last month, I got a chance to put A:M to a big test... needed to make a field of falling tangerines that would wipe the screen, and some various cloth effects at an obtusely hi-resolution... 12,000 px wide by 1280 tall. I used Newton Dynamics for the tangerines but they are simply shaped. My 1 minute opening video(Rife with Hash animations) showed before an audience of 5,000 at the US Foods convention in Orlando, I was lucky enough to attend as last minute changes happened. USFoods anim mp4 version (do fullscreen to see clearly): USFoods anim tangerines_MattCampbell.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 27 replies
Hi! I'm still working with the music but it won't change much. I'm still working on the brief voice but this won't change much. There are a few quirks to correct but this is the form for the finished product. I want you to compare it with anything Hollywood and professional studios put out and, if possible, tell me where I fall short. Please, tear it to pieces! Enjoy! Rusty
Last reply by rusty, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
some dance-animations i´ve made for the prolight&sound exhibition 2012 and 2013. i´m not tooo happy with the second one, since i´ve had only 4 days to animate, so there was no time for polishing. turns out animating a robot-dance is kinda tricky, who would have thought? BiHPOnIOy8c dosPLVOo9xk
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
Made just
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 17 replies
A little polar bear I am working on for a personal project.
Last reply by william hennes, -
Last reply by steve392,
- 11 replies
This month's entry for Society of Visual Storytelling The prompt: "This was a pretty BIG problem. But Lucy was confident. She popped open her magic tool box and immediately found the perfect tool for the fix." Done with A:M with post processing in photoshop and corel painter to add paper texture, sketchy style and stars.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 14 replies
Was just trying out ver18a - wanted to test dynamic hair, dynamic constraints, multiple copies of model and actions, and Screen Space Ambient Occlusion. Thought the result came out somewhat "purty". Started with old chor from 2009 Pass the Ball Then 1) exported the original chor action for the Ork as an action, 2) imported 5 copies of Ork model (using plug-in "multiple copies", translate and rotate), 3) added the exported action to each copy, 4) baked the dynamic systems 5) baked the particle systems 6) rendered 2 pass with SSAO (all default settings, except softness =100%, blur the effect = ON), Global ambiance = 100%, 1 orange klieg (no shado…
Last reply by thefreshestever, -
- 10 replies
Here is one of the newest animations for one of our customers done in A:M and AfterEffects. Hope you like it: WC-Wunder - 3d Animation See you *Fuchur*
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 28 replies
I noticed a couple big set backs using decals for camera projection mapping besides the spastic positioning of the decal which is easy enough to use the numeric inputs... Low angled patches don't receive decals. Decals only apply to what is visible in the scene so your limited to just what is initially in the scene. Is there another way to do this besides decals?
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 5 replies
I wanted to compile my many experiments with Animation Master recently as it pertains to a particular short I am working on. This project is inspired by Twin Peaks, the Twilight Zone, and Phantasm possibly. I am trying to see what I can get away with regarding our favorite software- Animation Master. Recently, I've been trying to rig complicated .obj models and have been utilizing smartskinning and rigging. Some of these shorts are old and I didn't understand hair and the like. Also, there's a bit of motion Capture using Brekel Pro Face 2. Anyhow, thanks for letting me post. More updates later! Adam
Last reply by TheToadStool, -
- 1 follower
- 23 replies
If there is any file types you would like to be able to upload as attachments to the A:M forums please post them here. I will look over the list and see what can be added.
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 11 replies
Is not 2012 the 25th anniversary for Hash? Since 1987?
Last reply by Elm, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Some may have guest it, other may not: The entry with the chameleon on it was mine. If you are interested I want to show of a little about that fellow because it was a quite interesting workflow. I used A:M to create the model (and rig), gave it some basic materials, used BakeSurface from A:M and exported as an OBJ with a high polycount (I think 256 or 1024 subdivisions, I am not sure...), brought the model with the UV-set to 3dCoat v4. There I painted all the little dots, shades and the displacementmaps (bump is done using a procentual material in A:M), saved the textures and back in A:M I rendered it out... it worked very well and I could paint over seams …
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 8 replies
It's finally been released! The most recent vignette from Project: Potemkin. This features an alien creature which I had to build, rig, animate and composite into the already shot footage. Many thanks to Robert, Rodney, Mark and a few others for helping out with advice on this one!! [vimeo]98791336[/vimeo]
Last reply by Darkwing, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
It's been awhile since I have posted in the forums, but robcat2075 informed me that some of you might find these current projects of interest. Last year I bought myself a Thing-O-Matic from, and have designed most of the things I have printed on it with A:M. This is a photo of a Lightcycle model I originally modeled in A:M about 12 years ago, then updated into a model kit you can download and print from Lightcycle at Today I have finished one of my steam engine models, fully designed in A:M and them printed on my Makerbot in ABS. The only non-printed parts are one spring and a few machine screws. I ha…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Yet another model in the Thomas & Friends family Percy the Small Engine *edit* I am going to lower the reflections in the body in future renders
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
Hi! I just thought I'd share a project I've been working on that combines A:M techniques with Final Cut Pro. This was a great opportunity to experiment with Animation Master with an "anything goes" attitude! A very liberating experience but even more liberating to have it completed. -Adam Video:
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 16 replies
Hey Guys..... I've got a bunch of things in the works. Sorry that I haven't been around as much as I would like. I completed a new Animated short project and it is up over at YouTube. If you have a few seconds and would like to check it out, here is the link: Kevin
Last reply by detbear, -
- 13 replies
Hi, It's an old long lost AM'er... me again. I once saw how to rotate a wheel in an old SIGGRAPH video where all you did was enter the number of rotations (at least that's how I remember it... how fast... don't know??). Anyone remember something like this? It's very cool and if I find out again I'm going to document it so I don't forget it again! Cheers, Rusty
Last reply by Rodney,