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Previous topics in our forum banner. Click on any image to go to the topic. 2024
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
Lately, I've been seeing some posts on here and on other forums showing vintage CG stuff, it got me looking through some of my old projects, reminiscing about my first experiences with 3D and starting my career in 3D graphics. I figured maybe this is a good space to share some old works that I never posted on the forum before maybe some of you will recognize some of the stuff. I got into 3D in the early to mid-'90s in high school and college. I didn't quite understand how 3D graphics were made in high school and used programs like DeluxePaint Animation to try and create my own. I even did a few projects for teachers, animating the high school logo. The…
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 22 replies
I know this might not be the place but who did this tutorial? I also want to know if somebody could help me understand this a bit more. The explanation in some of this seems to leave out some info.
Last reply by Userdelete, -
- 0 replies
Hey yall! I've had some trouble uploading images to the forum and finally got around to starting my own html page on neocities: they give you 1gb of free website and it's super fun to make a simple page using LLM as a helper for the code. The site is just one page for now but I'll be adding my worthy splines are as I go. I even made an animated favicon! did you know you can animate favicons?
Last reply by Yopachi, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
not mobius mp4 version: MOBIUS3.mp4
Last reply by serg2, -
- 179 replies
[moderator note: many interesting WIP pictures and closeups throughout the thread!] Hi fellow A:M'ers I've just started up an new and ambitious project (maybe to ambitious? ). Anyway, the project is to model the beautiful WWII cruiser KM Bismarck. I hope that I manage to keep an certain amount of details, but as you probably guess, this model is going to get an huge amount of patches. as it is now I have approximately 171K of them.... I make many of the parts of the ship as individual models, and assemble it all in an actions. Let me know what you think so far Best regards Stian UPDATED 03.08.06 assembled…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
I don't think I posted a link to this yet, but hey, better late than never.
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 37 replies
Take a look at some of the game assets forum member Madfox has made with A:M for the venerable video game "Quake" In this post... post #12
Last reply by Madfox, -
- 5 replies
I wish everyone a Fine New Year and I look forward to seeing you all in 2025!
Last reply by Bobby, -
- 10 replies
Hello, As some may already know, I have been a user of A:M for more than 30 years. I walked right into the front office of Hash HQ to buy my first copy in 1993, and I still have the disks. I am not usually able to show much of my work outside of the studio, however, at the request of Robert Holmén I have assembled a brief look at how I use A:M in my design work. Even though in my job I need to know a large library of applications, I still like using A:M when I can because of how quickly I can get from an idea to something moving on the screen. Often, I am using A:M to create previz animatics just to show conceptually how something will likely move and to c…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
The "Pinot Vista Tasting Lounge" where outr band has been playing every Wednesday (for 3 years) is giving us our own "Label". Yamhil County, Oregon, has become a tourist destination due to the fact that it is now "Wine Country" Now people can take home a souvenir. A bottle of "Twisted Knickers Private Reserve" Pinor Noir. Here, have a bottle. . .
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 8 replies
Here is my contribute to this contest Work In Progress. I took the second number of the "Dark Side Of The Moon" album "On The Run". 😽
Last reply by Madfox, -
- 8 replies
What is Parallel Reload? I didn't know when I made this opening title and I don't know today but it is something important you need to know if you have the giant enterprise switch by Northern Telecom AKA the Meridian 1. I did this while working at Nortel in 1997 or '98. This was my first attempt at rigorously accurate mechanical modeling. I found the original project elements while looking through my debris and have re-rendered it in HD for modern eyes. For the most part, the original PRJ done in v6 loaded right up in v18. I just had to revisit a few of the animation curves and refind a few image files. The many long, thin horizontal lines …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Here it is! This is 10 yrs. of my life. (so THIS is why Pixar needs 300 people to make a film) Thank you robcat, fuchur & other AM forum gurus that helped me!
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Roger, -
- 5 replies
While I was somewhat active on this forum, I was also creating alot of things I've never shared with you, until now. I was (and I still am) using Animation: Master for many years to create 3D work. I was also learning other animation software as well and I think I have improved my knowledge for animation in general alot since then. Here are some of my best projects I created using Animation: Master. I should also mention that only the first of the five animated projects I created has subtitles. 2015 This animated short film was created to show some of the most exciting attractions of my city, Drama, located in Greece. 2016 In this a…
Last reply by ivanbryan82, -
- 7 replies
I recently started a small project with a puppit I made of some garden strings and velvet. They were a bit moveable, but I had no idea to set it up with the right stability to make a movie of it. Then I reminded the one_frame_button of my Cad camera. So I made some surounding and tried some pictures. My first attempts were a bit fraggy, as I had no idea to make the puppit straight for a longer period. Then I found some small magnets, and used coins to move the feet as parts for the walk trace. It all looks a bit chunky, as I had hardly an idea how much frames needed a walk pose, or a still. This was made with a range of 600 frames. 😏 pino.avi
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
My "Planes Trains Automobiles" Contest entry was an experiment in displacement mapping... The body of the car is just a simple spline form... All the surface details... the doors, the handles, the windows, the rubber and chrome trim... that is all made with displacement maps. There isn't an easy way to manually paint such maps in a paint program but it was easy to model the shapes on a flat plane. I put a white-to-black gradient on them and shot the arrangement with an orthogonal camera. That render to OpenEXR format was applied to the body to be the displacement map. I made maps that way for the front and back de…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
And the chaos continues! It's also time to get a new PC again. Six years goes by too fast.
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 3 replies
Made with Hash Animation Master, of course. Only the best for us! Hope you like it. SMF 2 Chapter 1 - The Squirrel's Nuts - YouTube
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Here is a truck I modeled for a friend to use in his advertising. The truck has been fully restored now, but this version sat in his driveway for several years.
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
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- 58 replies
I've been spending my lock-down time giving my steam locomotive something to pull. I'll use this topic to display all of my railroad cars as they're rolled out of the factory. Since showcasing my renders on a personal web site is so 20th century I've decided to make the plunge to Instagram. But the phone-size 1080x608 limit is a bit small for my taste so I'll be putting up the hi-res versions here.
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 0 replies
Here is something I mentioned that I would post while on Saturday's chat. 😊 The 3D effect is another great feature of Hash even if it is rarely used.
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hi Guys, I'm happy to share an animation I've been working on the past few months, I'll try to make a long story short... Since all this Covid 19 stuff things have been different, previously most of my spare time was spent working on fine art projects a lot of work I did preparing for art shows was put on hold and like many people it's been a stressful time. I guess psychologically the best way I've been able to deal with it has been to tap into my silly side and rekindle some of the things that inspired me in my younger years. Using Animation Master was one of those things, it was the first app that got me seriously into 3D and actually helped land me my…
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Third and perhaps final movie in the Prismatic series, Prismatic Dance is made from one video clip and an audio track. No sprites in this movie. The single model used in the choreography is a simple block shape with 4 spheres. The same light-box color pattern (TGA image sequence) from the other Prismatic movies is decaled onto each of the spheres. The spheres are Boolean cutters. As the spheres move, grow, and shrink over the course of the animation, they transfer the color patterns to the carved out surfaces of the block. Here is a wireframe/shaded birds-eye view of the cho 2 minutes into the animation: Here is a render of the same view sho…
Last reply by fraizer, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Similar to Prismatic Fracture, this movie is composited from two clips made in A:M. The first clip (the color pattern) is the same as was used in Fracture. It is used in four tracks in DaVinci Resolve. The bottom track is the base clip with Composite mode = Normal. Tracks 2, 3, and 4 are this clip image-flipped horizontally, vertically, and horizontally/vertically with Composite mode = Add to achieve a symmetrical image: The second clip (the black and white pattern) uses the same black-edged white square sprite as Fracture, but the emitter is a truncated cone. The resulting image has a large-scale symmetry while having an asymmetrical feel…
Last reply by fraizer, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Robcat spotted this movie on my YouTube channel and suggested I post it to the Forum. The movie is composited from two clips made in A:M. First clip (the color pattern): Years ago I made light boxes using Xmas lights on posts that supported cylinders with cutout patterns; the tops of the cylinders were vaned so heat rising from the lights drove the rotation of the cylinders. The light patterns were projected onto a sheet of translucent plastic. Recently I got to thinking about light boxes and wondered if I could simulate the mechanism in A:M. After some trial and error — that being trying to find a method for doing the cutouts without actually modeling each …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
Hi Everyone, Here is a screen shot of my newest model I'm working on... Mark Day
Last reply by MarkDay2378, -
- 3 replies
My very first character modeling and animation in Animation:Master. I intended to give this as a Christmas card in 1997 but didn't quite finish in time so it got slightly repurposed. Bones, Moving Camera, Textures, Lights, Shadows, Decals, even Refraction... all the 1990s CG bells and whistles are here. The files are long gone, it survives only as this flip book which I carried in my portfolio for years.
Last reply by RS3D2, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone ... Thought I would share something from my Facebook with you guys (Robert suggested that I should also post it here). Just a little backstory, the guy in his underwear was originally created for my website about 20 years ago and he has been with me ever since. He doesn't have a name other than I know him as "Wedgeeguy" (if he turned around then you would know why I call him that). Anywho, just thought I would share my latest creation with all of you. Hope that you enjoy and I hope that 2021 behaves itself. Happy New Year!
Last reply by ovni1, -
- 9 replies
Hi Guys, Recently upgraded to A:M v19 from V13 so was excited to try out some of the new features. (well... features I didn't have access to till now) Some SSS and Radiosity applied to an old model. Mike
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 7 replies
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
- 3.5k views Hey folks all the CG was done in AM about 5 years ago. I used BVH mobcap for the Animation which worked great with AM. Im actually going to start selling the tubes shortly because of the corona virus. I still have 30,000 tubes in my basement.
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Was working on a man-eating type prop for a project and decided to take it a little further... rendered with some volumetric lights and radiosity.
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 9 replies
Hi guys! Here's our new minishort clip. Corona related GREETINGS, stay safe. FYI: Everything was completely one in A:M, except for compositing (AE) and sound etiting (Samplitude).
Last reply by Malo, -
- 6 replies
May all your leaps be long!
Last reply by Tom, -
- 11 replies
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 2 replies
It has been a while since I've posted any fun stuff I've made with A:M... I use Element3D and C4D more and more these days... but a client wanted this animated globe with photos being stuck to it by pins and thinking how to rig it up in either of those 2 apps gave me 'the fits'. This simply uses 'orient like' and 'translate to' constraints for the photos and pins to get them to rotate and stay in place on the globe as I spin it. All moving elements in A:M... text and post was done in AE. Funny thing on this job... the client- a young woman(not that that matters) did not understand why I needed to spin the globe at all. Can't you get India, China, Austria, Portugal an…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 4 replies
hey guys long time no see. Even though i havent been very active on the forms in a while i am still using AM in my daily life and work. So i wanted to share some of the things i been working on for the past 1 or 2 (3 years?) years since i last posted something. there is a lot here so take your time to browse around. dangerousD stinger.webm bonesaw_stinger.webm cubes5.mp4
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 15 replies
Hi All - attached is a finished animation accompanied by a track from my album "Whisper & Howl". Posting in part because I'm somewhat proud of it, but also because I've got a lot of work and learning to do still with a number of aspects of this deep and thrilling software, and I'm hoping for valuable critiques of anything you all can give. For my part, I feel the areas I need to concentrate on most at this juncture are lighting & rigging (I really need to start using fan bones in joints). I'm a conscientious student of the animating process, but realize I am still at a relatively low bar when it comes to creating the "illusion of life". This is due partly beca…
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 6 replies
Hi guys and gals. I finished a couple of videos. I wish I had more time. Could easily spend hours on a few frames to get smoother animation. Other things I would like to do is change is my rig to one of the pre made AM ones. My rig feels to stiff. If I had more time I would learn more about AM particles and also add alot more texturing. I can fully understand why it takes hundreds of people to make animated movies. I want to make more of these videos when I have time and would appreciate any comments and suggestions to improve. Thanks
Last reply by DavidDenzill, -
- 5 replies
The medals for the 2017 "Summer Memories" Image Contest are finally done! Designed and modeled by me in A:M, 3D printed and cast in solid pewter by Ken Citron. They're in the mail! Genuine pine display plaques... E PANNIS ELEGANTIA... From Patches, Elegance. Reverse is personalized with the winner's name on the scroll of honor next... "Planes Trains Automobiles"
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 7 replies
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 1 reply
This came out of a discussion with Simon Edmondson and David Simmons at Live Answer time...
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 0 replies
Even squirrels bent on world domination require help every now and then. Here are Dick and Mongo waiting for their new job interview. Produce_0.mp4
Last reply by ChuckGram, -
- 5 replies
I wish you all good health joy of happiness and peace! Power FLOWER! (2019 - the year of the pig on the Chinese calendar)
Last reply by serg2, -
- 1 reply
Hi everbody, as every year there is a new Advent Calendar by us online. The image has been created with A:M and as always you will find funny, a nice or cool commercials there every day: It is written in German, but in short: Rendeers are unhappy and are protesting and Santa needed to be... creative. Best regards *Fuchur* PS: Just click the big button in the middle to get to it... it just says, that YT videos are embedded on the website and data may be transfered to YT because of that.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Hi there, I recently got interested in sketchfab. So after man years I fired up my gold old AM 15hNet and was pleasently surprised that it still works. Woke up some of my old models from its briarrose slumber and exported it as obj with 4 and uploaded to sketchfab and this is the result. Tramtrain140411 by jakerupert on Sketchfab cheers Jake (click below for more 3D models...)…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 8 replies
Used A:M to 'arch-vis' a dream I have for an add-on to my house... basically, moving a wall out and making a better entry. The house was built in 1930 and over the years people added-on and connected new sections, the wall I want to blow-out has a huge window on it and is badly insulated- lets a lot of cold in-in the winter... I used Google maps to obtain a satellite plan-view of my home and fleshed-out the walls and rooflines, then made a pose that had the revisions I have in mind and animated it in a chor. I hope to be able to show this to contractors to see if it can be done. 561Lakeside (1).mp4
Last reply by Hawk84, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Oh, to fly as an eagle, among the clouds... From the Royal Council of Matt-Cambell-Said-It-Couldn't-Be-Done: CloudsFlythruB.mp4 These are sprite particle clouds. There is a tiny bit of a "popping" problem that can probably be solved with some R&D. (john's suggestion to turn off the sprite emitter fixes most of it) I think the potential for effective cloudscapes in A:M is there.
Last reply by John Bigboote,