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This is an open forum for discussing Animation:Master and discussions should relate to A:M in some capacity.
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961 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
May 30 was Mel Blanc's 112th birthday. Hear the "Man of a Thousand Voices" do eight different characters in "Birds Anonymous" (1957)
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi! I renewed my annual A:M subscription yesterday... how long does it normally take to get the activation stuff? Thanks, Rusty
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
December 6 , 1931. The New York Times offers an only slightly smirking explanation of the cartoon process. Intro... Full article. Click to enlarge...
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I remember back in the day Hash inc. sold t-shirts. Any chance they would ever again? I used to have the H*A*S*H beige one and one that said. "say no to polygons". that was always a good conversation starter when out in public.
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
3dcoat with AM 1 2
by ludo_si- 50 replies
Here is the explanation for texturing a model AM in 3dcoat. 1. Create your model 2. Use bake texture to save uv without difficulty. 3. export obj 16* with triangle. 4. Import your model in 3dcoat (option perpixel) 5. texture your model with symetry, bump, specular, emission, ambiant occlusion etc... 6. Export your model in obj to. All the textures are saved. 7. Import in AM. and decal replaces by new images. 8. It work and it's easy.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
GPU Slave?
by Tore- 2 followers
- 37 replies
Last reply by Tore, -
- 12 replies
I couldn't locate the previous topic on Davinci Resolve bSo... Black Magic has announced the release of Davinci Resolve from Beta testing. It is now available in free and paid versions. If you don't have a dedicated video editor this is well worth a look, especially as Black Magic also produces the compositing software Fusion (which is not a dedicated video editor) and integration between the two will surely continue as time goes on. The primary difference between the free and paid release ($995) is higher resolution capabilities used in professional studios. The free versions (of Davinci Resolve and Fusion) operate on Mac and PC while the full version work…
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 8 replies
I didn't get far in my initial look into this suite of applications. Perhaps others may fair better. Note: I've bolded a few areas that piqued my interest for any number of reasons. The primary difference between paid and free versions is reportedly texture/image size. Note that Air itself (like Renderman) is command line driven but has applications/plugins associated with it that provide graphical user interfaces. For WIndows and Linux. Sorry Mac users.
Last reply by jalih, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
A friend of mine still had an old Dark Tree on His PC. As a Mac user I hadn't given it much thought but now I have access to PC for animation. Can this be made available again? That material generator looked like a hoot! thanks, Adam
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 0 replies
<Begin Advertisement> How to Convert 2D Movies to Side-by-Side 3D Movies on PC? If you have 3D glasses that supports Side by Side 3D mode and a 3D TV, you can enjoy the vivid 3D Side by Side video. You never need to worry about the 3D Side-by-Side movie sources, as you could convert 2D movie to 3D Side-by-Side movies. This guide helps you easily convert 2D video to 3D Side by Side movies on your PC. To convert 2D movie to 3D Side-by-Side movies, you need to use 2D to 3D converter. Leawo Video Converter is just what you need to carry out 2D to 3D Side-by-Side movie conversion. Built in with a 2D to 3D video converter, Leawo Video Converter offers high qua…
Last reply by Bellaween, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hi, Some time ago, I tried to find a way to use Roadkill ( ), a free standalone program, to autounwrap mdl model. And there is a way! ... I tried to do it, with help of PHP scripts... But as I am not a programmer, the script is heavy, slow, it has "Undefined offset", problems with big models,and it is not a plugin in AM. But don't be worry, the principle works better than my scripts to download the scripts: the order to use the scripts: step 1: translate the mdl model in a obj model ( by the "MDL 2 OBJ for roadkill" script. ) step 2: import the obj in Roadkiller, and unwrap it. Then export it. step3:…
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 27 replies
Hello, Years ago I played with using bvh MoCap files with AM and various rigs. I also purchased the entire Truebones collection and started indexing the files. I'm looking into bvh MoCap w/AM again and wondered if there were any tuts or other information on the subject. I remember stumbling onto a way to scale each part of a bvh mocap rig to the model rig and also got whole mocap thing working pretty well (though I didn't document any of this...DUMB!). So I want to research it all and try it again. If I get it all working again and find that none of the current AM/BVH MoCap tuts cover any of my own methods/discoveries I'll add a tut to demonstrate these. S…
Last reply by rusty, -
Hello Admired, Inspiring and Appreciated People of this A:M Forum, my best wishes for you all!!! ******** I was writing this topic, because is kind of interesting to me know a little bit about the current lives of this "Great Heroes" of the History of the Great "Animation Master". ******** Especially when I see that Jeff Lew in his website "killerbeanforever dot com" says that is "OUT OF BUSINESS". It is for me a little sad to think that a Great Talent and Ability like his, can't find a place and a long and profitable career to make a happy living in the CGI World. Also I would like to know about Stephen Millingen (and his currents animations, if any), J…
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
- 1 reply
Mark Largent brought this to my attention on Facebook...Walt Disney died 50 years ago today. A whole universe of things have happened since then in just 50 years. So much has changed and so much has come and gone and come and gone again. I'm just old enough to remember him introducing "Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color" each week on Sunday night TV. I had to imagine the color since we were too cheap to get a color set. That and "Bonanza" were the big watch-TV-with-popcorn-and-a-root-beer-float event for our family. I recall my mom showing me this drawing or one like it in the morning paper.
Last reply by CaptBobo, -
- 1 reply
I had this on my Back up hard drive.this was on one of the old A.M cds forgot I had this . Render 3 Pass 45min 3 Passes 47min.avi
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 13 replies
The 2D animaiton software used by Studio Ghibli (of japanese anime fame) is going open source according to a recent press release. Other than that I don't know much about it. From their site: So... six days away. Here's the press release:!news/aawrs Here's a video of Toonz Harlequin 7.1 in action. I'm not sure what is different from that release and the one going open source. x
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello dumb question here. I got my new reg code for AM from the store to work on my Mac, but using the code on my PC or copying over the Mac “lic” file to the PC didn’t work. What am I missing? You can tell I don’t upgrade often. ;-)
Last reply by KingVidiot, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi, Where can I find documentation on how to use the terrain wizard? Thanks, Rusty
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
- 3.7k views [vimeo]68195050[/vimeo] Information
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 1 follower
- 35 replies
I'd love some advice, other than reading Jeremy Birn's book (which I have somewhere, lost in the move and separation... ugh), about how you would go about achieving lighting as in the attached sample. The character is well lit, seeing all features, and even the underside of his cheeks, while there's still a nice soft shadow being cast by the brim of his hat. I've been playing in a .cho all day tryint to get something similar. I built a psych w/ my character on it, and I probably had about 18 lights in there trying to achieve this effect and still wasn't even close. The sample came out of 3DS Max - it's by a tremendous 3D cartoon artist in Paris, Julien Trom…
Last reply by largento, -
- 37 replies
I am running Version 18n 64 bit on a computer with 8GB of RAM and an i7 64 bit processor. Sometimes, it takes 10 to 14 hours to save my work. I work in wireframe and sometimes stop and render along the way so that I can see what the patches look like. I am wondering if there is a way to shorten the saving time, or is there a way to know when rendering time for a frame is going to exceed 7 minutes or so, before I press the render button. What happens when I render sometimes is that the computer buffers (twirls) and twirls indefinitely. I try to abort, and the rendering program seems to abort but twirling continues, and I cannot get back to where I can start the 10 to 14 h…
Last reply by Pitcher, -
- 27 replies
I'm keeping notes my experience using the new v19 for mac. My main problem immediately is still no predictable appearance of rotoscopes. I'm trying to compare my models movements to the rotoscope reference in the background and it can't be done !
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
Sorry, I'm a skipping record about this (not a broken one), but I am on a mad search for face capture that will work with Animation Master. Animation Master works well for me over here (even on MAC) and so I can afford to sit and think about luxurious ideas such as body and face capture. I have said that I think one of A:M's great things is its ability to use .bvh files. When I discovered this it was a renaissance ! Anyhow, I cannot find a reliable face capture program that can somehow translate to A:M. I have busted my butt to try to get the A:M track 2 to work and although the tracking seems to be there somewhere, the program is too temperamental to be of use to a…
Last reply by TheToadStool, -
- 10 replies
If you would like to be considered for the Body Mechanics Boot Camp (seats are limited!) do one of the following... - A bouncing ball entering from screen left and exiting screen right or - Any character doing one broad jump, from left to right. Don't spend more than an afternoon on it, but do your best and send me the PRJ, with everything embedded, in a forum private message by December 31
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 1 follower
- 24 replies
Hey guys, I'm considering the option of getting a Windows laptop just to run A:M on for modeling/rigging/animating. Not so much for rendering. I see there are a number of reasonably priced laptops out there, but I'm not sure if they're up to snuff. Since I have no experience with Windows, I wanted to put it out here to ask what would be a good choice. Ideally, I'm looking for one that will do what it needs to do, but on the low cost side, since it's going to be just a supplemental thing. Any opinions/suggestions? Thanks!
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I've been seeing a lot of 'build your computer' magazine issues, but most seemed aimed at gamers. What tweeks do A:M users prefer or recommend for their computers to make working with A:M better, faster, easier, etc.?
Last reply by tysono_71, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I composited .exr (from A:M) in Blender Node. thank you.
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 1 follower
- 37 replies
On Tuesday I met with Paul Harris for several hours and discussed a very wide range of topics. We should have recorded the meeting although it's surely best that some things were off the record as that allowed us to wander far afield in the discussion. One of the subjects of interest concerned financial support (a very broad topic). I have a lot of opinions on this subject which I'll be more than happy to discuss but I am more interested in the thoughts of everyone in the A:M Community on the subject of grants and sponsorship. Some general parameters should probably be stated for the discussion but I don't want to miss important feedback by artificially limiting di…
Last reply by DZ4, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Aaron Blaise is another Disney artist/animator who has resources available online. He considers himself primarily a painter and from what I have seen has some great insight into how the real world informs art (and vice versa). Aaron is perhaps best known for his work in 'Beauty and the Beast' (Mulan, Brother Bear, etc. ) and for some nice behind the scenes insight into his work there see Art Tip#4 on thumbnailing. There are also at least four books/tutorials on drawing and animation (average price around $15 each) available online at his website: These include: - How to animate a four legged walk cycle - How to animate a t…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
We live in a wonderful time where we have access to great information about the process of animation. I'm not trying to sell you anything but.. if you've got a spare $50 laying around... do yourself a favor and buy this. At regular price of $129 this'd still be a good deal but at $49... the only reason not to buy is if you've got a dial-up internet phone connection. Aaron Blaise is someone I've posted links to before (see his 'Aaron's Art Tips) and he's recently released a 'complete course' in animation. He takes his experience as a Disney animator and outlines the principles of animation and walks through the process step by step. I've just now purchased…
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 31 replies
I'm getting intrigued on the way to use alpha channels on models to obtain partial transparance. On the Extra-DVD there is a tutorial about it and while I'm following the example my results fail. Point is that I can't save a *.TGA file with an alpha channel. I'm using Photoshop 7.0 and when it transports the file, I can only use *.TIF and *.PSD to implement the alpha channel. Using *.TGA saves the file, but AM0.16 doesn't show it as an alpha channel. Afterwards this "*.TGA" file doesn't have the alfa channel when I import it back to Photoshop. I tried another graphic program CorelPainterIX, but there also I wasn't able to export a *.TGA file with a…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 5 replies
Anyone that is interested in having a 2D animation program, may want to check this link out: The Lite version is only $20 right now and the Studio version is $89.99. They are offering the educational discount to everyone, I'm not sure how long this will last, so if you're interested you better go grab it now.
Last reply by detbear, -
- 1 follower
- 31 replies
lovely new forms of life - Strandbeests Organization doing Kinetic-DIY creatures inspired by the above Image shows details for the leg mechanism (taken from strandbeest site)
Last reply by Shelton, -
Decal glow?
by Tore- 1 follower
- 39 replies
Last reply by Rodney, -
Facial Rig
by Xtaz- 1 follower
- 12 replies
This is for the Rig´s Gods Itjustme, mtpeak2 !!!!! 8qeOFibRmoo
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 13 replies
Been in the market for a new video card, looking for something that has workstation performance without the big price ticket and came across the Fury cards that have 4096 bit data path. Seemed interesting but wonder if they have any double precision available on them? Seems so far in my hunt for a new card the range I was looking at is the Quadro m4000 or AMD FirePro w7100 or w8100. Not even sure if those are worh the money they are asking. I don't run a 4k display and only use my single 21ux cintiq so 4gb of memory should be plenty. The issues I have with my GTX 950 is limited zoom range on cad models and the shaded surfaces aren't exactly matched with edges when…
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 2 replies
I tried rendering a chor. file in the bitmap format, and the sky became black on the rendered picture. When I rendered as an avi, the sky was light blue as usual. I would like the sky to be light blue in the bitmap. Any ideas?
Last reply by Pitcher, -
- 0 replies
This may be of interest to those who need more realistic characters... of a variety of body types. It was previously reported that Adobe had acquired Maximo and the latest news shows plans moving ahead to provide Fuse software with Adobe CC. Fuse is a bipedal set of tools used with Maximo (and other software) used to create characters. It's similar in many ways to MakeHuman and other software. For geometry the characters can be exported as OBJ. For animation the preferred format is FBX. In something that reminds me much of Hash Inc's earlier ground work with segmented models, the highlights of Fuse are the quick modification of modular characters (those …
Last reply by Rodney, -
As I have diverse versions of the Animation master, I came to a strange habbit in the workarounds of them. After construckting some models with the help of rotoscopes, I started up AMv11.1b and added some tga files to make a new model. Every tga file(or jpg etc) I load comes up blanc and I can't work with them. The only way to see something is using the render button, but that's no way of using it. I thought they were made to use in shaded and wireframe rendermode. What's the reason these rotoscopes appear as white shades and not the way they are intended? It doesn't matter what I import, decals rotoscopes, they all go blanc. For info: I use it on win98 co…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I'm always on the lookout for useful software and this one has caught my attention. For those with the time and interest I'm going to put OBS on my recommendation list... specifically the multiplatform release although the regular release works well also. Background While not everyone is into broadcasting live events I'd say everyone has a need for video capture and this software does that too. It actually might be overkill in that category in many ways. Although the windows version of the multiplatform release is not considered stable I find it works just fine and in many ways better than the standard release. For those interested in just the screen reco…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I saw this software mentioned recently and haven't investigated it very deeply but sense that it may be well worth considering... Edit: For a number of reasons, Shotcut is getting my recommendation. So, go get it! And yes, it can convert to .MOV format (as well as just about any other format including animated GIF) Shotcut is a free, open source, cross-platform video editor for Windows, Mac and Linux. Major features include support for a wide range of formats; no import required meaning native timeline editing; Blackmagic Design support for input and preview monitoring; and resolution support to 4k. Basic Features Support for the latest audio and video formats th…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 14 replies
Go check out this software. It's for special effects, compositing and video editing and it's free for the PC and the Mac today only. The pro version (which adds 3D and particle effects) is also deeply discounted. Go get it quick!
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
Although I don't think the movie is very good, I love the look of Rankin/Bass' feature "Mad Monster Party." The characters were based on EC Comics/Mad Magazine artist Jack Davis' designs and the sets are great. I came across this image today. And this character design and puppet for Dracula is just plain awesome.
Last reply by Dalemation, -
- 0 replies
This is a pretty good overview/intro to the concept and process of storyboarding: x It includes some reference work from some well known movies as well as storyboard examples from them. A key statement near the beginning is that artistic talent is not required to work out a storyboard. Often simple words a stick figures can be enough to capture the essentials. Added detail is primarily of importance when others involve themselves in a project.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 31 replies
Hello All- Was playing around with this cool old tutorial using "forces" and am having trouble deconstructing how it was achieved. I wanted to upload the zipped project file but it is over the 2Mb limit for the forum. It is 3Mb. What I could do was upload the movie. You can see from the wmv movie what the project looks like. I tried adding another leaf like object to the scene but the forces did not have any effect on the object that was added. The new leaf-like object was added as a dynamic object and told to respond to Newton Physics but it did not move. Can anyone explain how those leaves are made to respond to the force fields? Thanks for a…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Microsoft always has a bevy of critics eager to pounce on any effort they put forth but this one is aligned in a way that purveyors of 3D modeling and animation should take note. Not that they will be able to ignore it... Microsoft recently announced several products that point to their behind the scenes efforts to move the computing experience forward. One of these is their move to improve the desktop experience via the Surface Studio computer. Another is their forays into the world of mixed reality with new VR headsets. But the one that I find most applicable and compelling at the moment is on one hand slightly trivial but on the other should prove to be a long …
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
OK, So I want to export a model from A:M and import to Unreal Engine 4. However I have just tried exporting as an OBJ file and importing the model into UE4 and the mesh that is displayed in unreal has lots of holes in it. I am a big noob when it comes to this sort of thing so does anyone have any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here? two pics are attached. Thanks C
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 6 replies
My traditional yearly xmas card made in AM. I am not working so much lately in AM.Last two years a spended more time in traditional drawing.I have used AM to make 3d references for my pencil and paperwork. Each year when I work with it I injoy it very much. It brings up pleasant memorys to some of the members I have met on this forum since 1999 and who helped me a lot. Thank you for your kindness and help. Have a great xmas and a wonderful 2017! Marc.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 28 replies
Are there any brave souls out there willing to help me test some peer to peer file sharing? I'm looking for one or two people to help me test the basic process. The underlying idea is that of distributed computing where files are shared from my computer directly to anyone with the address without need for a middleman server. If they so desire they can also share files as if they have their own server. I'm leaning toward this approach for the next round of A:M Extras and other productions but it really needs to shown to work well first. I think I can only use WIndows users only at this time. Later testing should expand to Mac and Linux. For those to…
Last reply by rusty, -
- 12 replies
For those of you that like to composite imagery rendered out of Animation:Master... BlackMagic Fusion 8.0 is out of Beta and available for Mac and PC. (The Linux release is still in development) The program is free for commercial and non-commercial use. The full studio version ($995) adds stereoscopic rendering, project management etc. and has also been released. The manuals are well suited to get you up and running quickly as are the quickstart and introductory tutorials. And of note, many of the features in Fusion are available in Animation:Master but are optimized from the standpoint of an image and ef…
Last reply by Rodney,