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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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It's been a long long time since I've posted any personal work - and I have now started re-fooling around (got my ver 15 back - woo hoo - me happy camper) -


Here's the start of a character that I will probably use in one of the short animations I have in mind to do. The character is a modified Ork model being used in Scarecrow of Oz - designed by Alain Desroucher, modeled by Ken Heslip, rigged by Mark Skodacek, modified, textured, feathered by me. it's not finished.


My intent with doing a sequence of short hopefully humorous vignettes is to develop & loosen up my animation style, and get a better grasp on short (1-5 minute) story telling via pantomime, or minimum dialog ...


This is just a TEST to see how well hair/feathers will hold up with dynamic constraints on body parts (ver 15e) - This test doesn't have any shadows (2 secs/frame) - but I've been getting really good frame times - 10 secs a frame (4 passes with shadows) on other tests that I've run on this fluffy character.


I think L'Orkerella/Orkerello is cute. But she/he's tricky to animate with backward bending legs. Don't watch if ya don't like cute and colorful, rough & dirty dancing animation.



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I'd say that 'for a test' you get a BIG 'thumbs-up' from the Bigboote side of town! Nancy, your 3D work is SO original- there aint NOBODY that has the look you have! And it sure shines in TWO on Youtube!


Nancy, you have such a distinctive style it's always a pleasure! Nice test, great color and movement. this bird dances like no one's watching!


Excellent job as always, Ms. Gormezano. Is this the "Fairy Tails Can Come True" Creature? With the feather movement, it makes me think of a Chick singing "Boas Will Be Boas" :D


Thanks Peeps - Your comments warm my hardened heart.


Thanks John - (John's just thankful he can't recognize his face underneath all those feathers)


Steve - Yes, this is done in 15e


Myron - L'Orkerella is the current leading contender for "Fairy Tales Can Come True". I've an audition tape of her singing the theme song, recorded last year sometime, done in the key of Bwack Bwack Bwaaaaack.


Nancy, you really should illustrate some children's books. Vibrant! :)


I wonder if your bold palette extends to your home decor?

Suggested topic for a future image contest: "Nancy's House"



Hey Nancy ...

I'm no Ornithologist but that is one cool bird! Curious about how you colored the feathers ... Is it all one hair material with the color/length controlled by a decal or are there more then one hair material applied for the different colors?


Thanks! ...

Bruce (Wedgeeguy)

I wonder if your bold palette extends to your home decor?

Suggested topic for a future image contest: "Nancy's House"


The palette in my home decor uses the subdued tones found in thick layers of "dust" and early pre-rococo dumpster diving. I would prefer the image contest to be called "Clean Nancy's House".


Actually - Under the dust - the floors, furniture, walls are white, neutral lights - Color, patterns comes from my paintings (those that aren't stuffed under beds), as well as primitive sculptures, artifacts, fabrics brought back from Africa, Indonesia, South & Central America, etc.


OH Yeah, it's colorful.


My flower garden also tends toward the riotous, overgrown, overplanted, colorful and wild look. And lawd knows, what kind of esoteric concoction of food I might try and feed unsuspecting guests. Funny...most people are busy when I invite them over...wonder why?...


Curious about how you colored the feathers ... Is it all one hair material with the color/length controlled by a decal or are there more then one hair material applied for the different colors?


There's 2 different hair materials used:


1) the feathers on the main body/legs of the Ork is driven by a color decal. The varying of lengths and direction combing were done in grooming mode. There is no image emitter (tho - I've tried a variety of images that could also be interesting to use)


2) the feathers on the top of head, wings, tail - all use same hair material - but with 3 different image emitters. All direction, length combing done in grooming mode. Density, lengths and thicknesses were modified in the instance data for the material at the group level, as well as image to use. Although no decal drives the different colors for these - I have done variations where I also use a decal to vary the color of the image emitter. One can get very interesting results.

  • 2 weeks later...
Suggested topic for a future image contest: "Nancy's House"

OhmiGawd! Our chance to see Martha Stewart running with scissors?

the feathers on the main body/legs of the Ork is driven by a color decal. The varying of lengths and direction combing were done in grooming mode. There is no image emitter (tho - I've tried a variety of images that could also be interesting to use)


2) the feathers on the top of head, wings, tail - all use same hair material - but with 3 different image emitters. All direction, length combing done in grooming mode. Density, lengths and thicknesses were modified in the instance data for the material at the group level, as well as image to use. Although no decal drives the different colors for these - I have done variations where I also use a decal to vary the color of the image emitter. One can get very interesting results.


I would love to know how to do that as all I see is an image I can put under the emmiter and it just seems to give the hair colour but don't seem to alter the lenth or anything ,Do you put an image somewher other than that Nancy ?

edit ok I found this http://www.hash.com/am2004/Modeling/Hair/index.htm


Superb animation Nancy! The layering is perfect and, as far a conveying 'weight', I've not seen anything better! Even if I tried I could not imitate your style. If you got a lot of your work 'out there', I'd be surprised if you went 'undiscovered' for long.




AHA! She admitted it! She doesn't just do computer stuff, she does real live paintings!


I've told nancy privately that she has a unique style and she should exhibit in galleries. Maybe if a few more of us nudge her, she'll stop hiding her talent from the public.


Wow - thanks y'all for the new comments - much appreciated.


Steve - glad you found the documentation on Hair - Do you still need info?


OhmiGawd! Our chance to see Martha Stewart running with scissors?


I would say I identify more with Bette Midler or Phyliss Diller - rather than the one-and-only Ms. Meticulously & Tastefully Subdued - but now that Big Martha is out of the slammer ...Who knows? Maybe she picked up some creative new tips on making do from the gals...


Speaking of Phyliss Diller - here's 2 versions of a Hippogyraf Makeover - that I'm considering using for interacting with Orkerella, as well as maybe having a cameo appearance in "pass the ball". It's a great model (designed, modeled by Will Sutton, rigged by David Simmons).




ps. I notice Dagooos also felt the model was a fun one to use. He did a terrific job of animating (as he always does)


Here's the scale:





Thats teriffic looking like a chinees dragon especially the pink one ,you got style Mrs G

I think I understand (or starting to) the image thing now thank's Nancy

  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure if the topic "pass the ball" will be made public again - & right before it got hidden, I had posted a new clip starring Meeska Martha Mouska.


Meeska's a variation on the witch in Scarecrow of Oz (witch originally designed by me, modeled & rigged by Ken Heslip, textured by me). I replaced the witches head, with Meeska Mouska's (modeled by me) & modified the body. The still image is her in her long haired state. The movie clip shows her in her short haired state, Not sure which I prefer for animation. I like the long hair better for a still.


The clip is a concatenation of the 3 clips I've done so far (ChineseHippoDragon, L'Orkerella, and Meeska) - I was wanting to see how they all looked strung together. The new clip of Meeska is at the end. AND noooooo, that isn't me singing.




As usual, Nancy, inspirational work. Cute mouse. I like both versions, although the long hair version somehow seems to me to be so. . . .Well .. so French :).

  • 1 month later...

Spurred on by "White Render" thread that got so off topic (I don't do white real well) - I started experimenting some more with IBL, front projection, and added in some Toon rendering -


Toad (modeled by Ken Heslip? rigged by Holmes Bryant) is textured simply as Goldenish as in first image - variations are produced only by changing rotoscope - which is used for IBL, and the background and for front projecting.








  • Admin

Impressive tests.


I was going to point out my favorite but that seems to change depending on which image I'm looking at.

  • Hash Fellow

How does the front-projected toad generate toon lines if he's not there?


All wonderful looking!

How does the front-projected toad generate toon lines if he's not there?


All wonderful looking!


But he is there! Set your model to be front projected, when you go to render - turn on toon render for the scene - set override lines on.


Lots of interesting possibilities - if one hides the background with a dome -


EDIT: I'm not sure the IBL lighting is having any influence - I take it back - yes it is - because the rotoscope does not look like what is being rendered on the toad



Where has this thread been hiding? I just saw your 'I want to be loved by you' Pass the Ball sequence... WOWZERS! Oh- and these render tests are interesting too... IBL and toon... great stuff, Nancy!


Yup - Serendipity has struck again - I just learned about FOG IMAGES from the Vern-o-matic Newtonian Katchibells Logo Extravaganza Fiesta


used a Pink Cloudy image for Fog (fog range set to clip frog in front), with a camera roto = turquoise mottled image, front projected onto ground only. Using an Orange-red mottled Image for IBL, with AI=50%, AO= 0%. Scene also has A:M default lighting, but changed klieg (rim light) shadows to 100% soft, - Ye olde Golden Toade



Nancy I wish I had just 1/10th of you artistic talent. Everything seems so .. mesmerizing and colorful ... it's like a box of crayons on crack ... So cool to look at! :)




Gee Bruce - that's really, really nice of you to say that - Crayons on Crack? - made me laugh - funny animation idea as well.


Thanks John, Rodney, Robcat - your comments are much appreciated.

  • 4 weeks later...

Delightful image, Nancy! However I'm certain that that's not my liver. My liver is not nearly in that good of shape.

And by the way, I might tease you mercilessly, but I would never make fun of you. ;)


And by the way, I might tease you mercilessly, but I would never make fun of you. ;)


Ah yes, but of course...Perhaps it is because you might remember the unfortunate fate of a John Lemke person? Well - there seems to be a plethora of Myron Models cropping up - who knows what might happen? it's probably just a matter of time ... :D


(Take care of your liver ...please!)

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