A:M Tutorials & Demos
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- 12 replies
Just got PFHoe and have tracked a clip. It opened fine in A:M and have been trying to get models and (shall I say) a floor into the chor. I finally have the model, but the ground that was created into the project does not respond the way it should. (transparent but will show shadows of the model) I have done other chors. where I put a grid under a model to create shadows, but with this new stuff I am having a hell of a time and wasting way to much time trying to figure it out. I just upgraded to LION on my Mac and am wondering if that could be the problem. I know some of you folks have used PFHoe before and hope you could point me to a tutorial or some other stu…
Last reply by Walter Baker, -
- 1 reply
This was for Thumperness to show how to get a single spline to show up on a render. He wanted to use it for a bowstring but it can be useful in making the edges of some geometry in a model really show, as well as for ropes, cords, cables etc… Its maybe not as polished as one of Rob's vids but hopefully clear enough to follow. Render_As_Lines_Bowsting.mp4
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 2 replies
Yay! Yves's website (which when last I checked was offline) is currently online: For those of you that really want to look deeply into A:M's lighting his site is well worth your time. http://ypoart.com/index.html Here is a link to his now classic tutorial on lighting: http://ypoart.com/tutorials/lighting/index.php You'll find lots of useful information and resources at site. This may be old news to some but if it serves to help even one person improve their 3D rendering... Just go now and visit his site.
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 0 replies
In another thread, the problem came up of how put a ragged edge on a cone shape without disturbing its general cony-ness. A picture of the desired effect is shown in post #6 http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=356215 Doing it the A:M way in post #19... http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=356235
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
You may be familiar with using Distortion boxes to reshape a mesh in the model window, but you can also use distortion boxes to temporarily warp, squash, stretch a model in a Choreography... http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=356311
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
I'm pretty sure Giulio Porta's tutorials have been linked here in the forum before but it's very possible that some have not seen them. They are especially useful to those who are new to A:M. For instance, here is a tutorial on modeling (and texturing) a very basic Eye: Glass Eye Tutorial Guilio provides extensive information on Modeling, Rigging, Texturing and Animating with a focus on Fish, Birds and Humans. The tutorials have been used at Northern Virginia Community College's Annandale Campus. Check it out: Spring 2011 Syllabus, Tutorials and Resources
Last reply by MMZ_TimeLord, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Needs Critiquing, please advise me, give opinion I have been recording these into small chunks. I feel this will target the audience better and keep people from getting board to easily. There is a sense of accomplishment when working your way threw each tut, so the shorter and more targeted the better. Tell me whats missing, or how it should be said better. Or you can even create the tut yourself it will not hurt my feelings. I think multiple combined tutorials from 2 different perspectives might be helpful and give a well rounded view of the features. No worries though, right now we are roughing this out. I can always add a uniform splash screen later as R…
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 41 replies
This tutorial explains lighting in depth. Its extremely long but stick with it because it gets more informative as it goes on. The tutorial has instructions on how to instal this updated default chor. Default_Chor.cho Realistic_Lighting_P1.mov Realistic_Lighting_P2.mov Realistic_Lighting_P3.mov This version of the tutorial has poor audio quality. I will upload another version that has clear audio soon. Vid tutorial chapter list 1. examples of the the new default chor lighting scheme 2. how to instal the updated default chor ino am 3. breif intro to the tecknocrane. for an in depth tecknocrane tutorial watch this. http…
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 4 replies
Duration: 12:02 Suggested viewing size: 480p Shows how to do cylindrical mapping using the tire treads of a school bus as an example. NOTES: 1. See rodger_r's suggestion for another way of doing this. I have not yet tried it. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...dpost&p=... The method I used is probably a little better in cases like mine where you have multiple object (e.g. tires) to map at once. 2. Around , I said the first approach was to drag the image on top of the tires. Specifically, it was dragged on top of the "Tire Treads" group. 3. The URL for the tire tread texture is: http://www.coroflot.com/micjwelch/textures/5 …
Last reply by largento, -
- 1 follower
- 64 replies
Hi guys, I just wanted to let you guys know that there is a new tutorial on how to export from A:M to Unity (a gameengine using the FBX-format) on my website. Video-Tutorial: A:M2Unity3d. Another tutorial can be found here about how to export from A:M to Quest3d. (a 3d engine using the directX-format) Video-Tutorial: A:M2Quest3d. Hope you find them useful! See you *Fuchur*
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Here is Jason Hampton's tutorial on Cloth Attach Groups: Cloth_attached_group_animation.mp4
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 6 replies
Hello: I am rusty with texturing. I remember seeing a magnifying effect where I can make a magnifying glass handle AND circular lense and use something that when rendered will act as a magnifying lense effect. Anyone know of one?
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 12 replies
Before my computer was maliciously hacked and wiped late last year I had a wonderful collection of documents in digital files from the wikiold site. Things like Compositing, Ambient Occlusion, Etc.. not in video - but PRINTED (OR Prinable) format. Have these all become lost in time or were they moved. Any assistance is appreciated. P.S. I se links all over to the ARM...but that site is down. Cheers and thanks in advance for any assistance. Mark
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 18 replies
Thanks to Robert I was able to make a tutorial on this. Its very powerful information helping to unlock the power of animating cloth. If you cant play the video I recommend downloading quicklime player and using that. If that does not work download VLC player and use it.
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 3 replies
Bump maps creates the illusion of surface shape details but only in a simple shading manner. They don't change the surface shape. AO and Fake AO depends on actual surface shape to create its shading effect in the recesses and crevices of a model. Here's a surface with a bump map applied. The shading in the recesses represents the direct light only and not the environment illumination By processing the bump map we can make another map that shades the recesses approximately the way the ambient light would. Here's that map added as a Diffuse Map to the surface. Here's the original test image... Now blurred with Gaussian Blur.…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
hi, not much traffic 'round these parts? let's see what happens; nearly-newbie-to-a:m filmmaker/animator wishes to get going with a very first 3D project in a month - 6 weeks. looking for a technically skilled person who knows this program well, and who enjoys the absurd, willing to build and rig a deceivingly simple-looking character. there's already one boneless character =the basic finished shape to start from. your job would be to add detail if needed to facilitate future use, hair etc; duplicate the character then connect the two; resulting in one character, one IK, breakable to FK. there's also a turning-scenario, which in the rather 2D wor…
Last reply by dblhelix, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I am so happy Stephen Implemented this feature for us in V15J. Create_material_from_group.mov
Last reply by largento, -
- 9 replies
Anyone use these and have an opinion (note the Mac version of Camtasia is not the same as the Windows version and appears to only have a subset of features - perhaps why it is $200 cheaper than the Windows version) Cheers
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 13 replies
Not sure if this has been covered before or not, but Anzovin Studios produced a large number of CD and VHS based tutorials for AM but they no longer support or distribute them. I think I have them all (or at least nearly all). The TSM2 one has already been released on this forum so I contacted Anzovin Studios to find out the status of the others. Anzovin Studios has graciously allowed all their tutorials to be freely distributed (there are a couple where copyright rests with the presenter and can't be distributed yet so if anyone knows how to contact Justin Barrett and Simon Buntrock please let me know) These include: Non Linear Animation …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
Using MakeNormalMap001.atx plugin Enjoy Make_normal_map_Tutorial_h264.mov Part_2 Addendum I missed 2 important steps in the first video. Its a good refresher after viewing the first video. Updated this should play now Addendum_To_Normap_plugin_video_tutorial.mov
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Snap group pivot to grid video tutorial Enjoy Snap_Pivot_to_grid_video_tutorial.mov
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Important In the video tutorial I set the audio data rate too high, this increases file size. Set it to something like 32kbs but no lower than 20kbs. Remember the more movement in your tutorial the higher you need to set the frame rate. Dont set lower than 2 but there is really no need to go above 20 because of the large effects on file size. You can push key frame settings up to every 7 or 8 seconds which will lower the file size as well but 5 seems to work well. I like quality set to 50% rasing it is to much of a cost hit in file size. sometimes you can get away with 40% but thats only if you dont have much movement in the screen capture. …
Last reply by higginsdj, -
- 4 replies
Continued from elsewhere in the forum.
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 2 replies
I dug out my DVDs from SIGGRAPH 2003 and 2004 today, and the movies no longer play. I went to Techsmith's Camtasia site and downloaded and installed the latest QuickTime component for the Ensharpen Codec (1.2) for my Intel Mac, but no luck. I've done the restart, repair permissions, etc. to no avail. Has someone posted a solution to this in this forum in the past, perhaps? (QuickTime 7 Pro, Intel Mac).
Last reply by animationmaster, -
- 1 reply
Hi - I keep seeing references to Holmes's wonderful tuts but I can't find them. I found a couple of links but they go in circles. If Holmes is reading this, or anyone else who knows, please send me links to your/his tutorials, particularly those on rigging. On the subject, I'm making a hand rig and would appreciate any tuts or how tos for basic and advanced hand constraints. Thanks Much, Doug
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Here is the link to my latest tutorial: As always, your input to make better tutorials is always welcome. Thanks Eric Camden 3DDink Tutorials
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Here is the link to the tutorial on YouTube:
Last reply by Eric2575, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Just uploaded to youtube but still being processed. The help section notes that it could take up to eight hours. Since I've never done this before, I'll keep checking till I get some kind of results. I hope to get your guys feedback on this. Thanks Here is the link: Please leave your comments
Last reply by MJL, -
- 3 replies
I've searched the forums briefly, but wondered if I could save some time by getting a quick answer here? Thank you.
Last reply by Eric2575, -
- 2 replies
hi all was asked to do a tut on this so here it is nothing new for the pros among you but might be good for the new guys ref movie and zip tut http://www.impmusicmedia.com/cartoon%20animations/beer.html lighting_tuts.zip
Last reply by jimd, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I used john13d pdf tut on how to blow stuff up to make this i needed it Thanks john ! j explode_stuff_tut.mov.zip blow_stuff_up_tut_.mov
Last reply by jimd, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
If you get crashes then this simple to use plugin is for you. Enjoy! Autosave Video Tutoial Auto_save_plugin_JH_VID_TUT_V1.mov Auto Save Plugin for AM can be found here http://sgross.com/plugins/index.html
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi Folks Hope this video helps. For people interested in the 3Dconnexion, 3D mouse. Enjoy Part 1 3D_MOUSE_JH_VID_TUT_P1_V1_.mov Part 2 3D_MOUSE_JH_VID_TUT_PT2_V1.mov
Last reply by jason1025, -
- 5 replies
We've had several discussion of video sharing lately so I want to make sure everyone is aware of this resource as well. Jing works with PCs and Macs and provides some storage space for you to share. If anyone is able and willing to test out the possibilities of Jing I'm interested. For those that need more service options/smaller file sizes than the basic Jing service provides Jing Pro is just under $15 a year. http://www.jingproject.com/features/default.asp Techsmith also has a 30 day trial of their Camtasia software. If you need to capture video plan ahead and use every bit of that trial period. Its a bit expensive for the hobbyist but I used t…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 24 replies
So I downloaded Camstudio and did a real quick tut on making a ball to see if it would work. It worked and lasted about a minute. But the size of the avi file is like 15 megs and the swf isn't much better. How do I get those file sizes down? I'll never be able to make tutorials with file sizes that huge . Thanks for any answers you may give.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 0 replies
While you have the Tools>Customize Window open, not only can you drag individual buttons from the window to toolbars, but you can move the existing buttons around too (or remove them). Tool bars are also undockable (>Allow Docking). When they are free floating you can re-size them to shapes other than a single row. It's a bit like doing one of those sliding tile puzzles, but I made this "Views" tool panel that mimics the arrangement of the keyboard number pad. I added the subdivision up and down buttons and the Turn button to fill out extra spaces. One note... in V15f the "Views" buttons are missing from the Customize window, but if you turn…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 15 replies
My friend and I we're on a video game streak the other week and came across and game, "Cell Factor". Great game and all, but now we plan to make a minimovie over it. Like, maybe 30 minutes. We've planned out that all human characters will be played out by real people, and we'll have Guardians (Giant Robot thingies that look like General Grievous clones.) done in Animation Master. So I blew off the dust of my CD and started it up. I'd like to know the difficulty of adding Animation to actual video footage. We're also going to be using psychonesis and will be using objects in A:M to throw around. All this is actually going to be planned out to be don…
Last reply by largento, -
I am wanting to create a crowd running by. I rewatch the flocking video for TAOA:M but no matter what I do crowd wont work. is it a setting or something? I am betting it is some simple reason. Thanks. Gene
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 13 replies
I know there are some videos for sale out there like Jeff Lew (did I get that right?) Any others or books on animating that are worthy of purchasing? While I have the money I am buying the A:M cd's and also looking for any good reference stuff. Thanks.
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Lets say You need to edit your demo reel but all your source footage is on an Authored DVD. You need to get it into a format that you can Edit or view off the net. For_Gale02.mov For_gale_03.mov
Last reply by steve392, -
- 4 replies
is there a tut for it? I seen alot of examples and I was asked to make a 30 second intro for a friends video and the falling brick wall would go really good in it. any chance of getting some help?
Last reply by yoda64, -
- 5 replies
Here is a link to a tutorial I did for my website on calm open ocean water. http://vimeo.com/2329813 Here is the final image: and the project file: Water_Project.prj.zip Hope its useful! Photoman
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Is it possible to start and finish a sprite at any particular point in time. For example, if I was doing a shot that was 15 seconds long, could I have the particle start at let's say 10 seconds and end at 13 seconds? Can this be down with lights like lens flares as well?
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I am in the process of making a short film with space fights. If i have a spaceship model is there a way to aanimate it falling apart? I can add the explosion FX in a compositing program.
Last reply by clonewar12345, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I finished up to exercise 5 in "The Art of Animation Master" work book. I have been away from it for a while and I since upgraded to Ver 13 from 12. I see the forums are a little different than before. Can someone redirect me? Technodandy
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
Can anyone tell me what has happened to the links to the A.R.M? I have used that site as a resource for more A:M solutions than I can count and hope it's up and running soon. Thanks.
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
After trying out other GC software I became aware it was possible to get very realistic and smooth motion by using the motion modifiers provided. When I went back to AM I found AM had similar types of plugin or constraints that aid with Animation. Without these aids the example gif animation I made in AM would have been impossible to make. After looking @ the thorn Sim_prj by Steffen Gross I realized it was possible to cut down Render time significantly using this plugging. The problem with most new people to animation including myself is we tend to do things the hard way for a long time and find it hard to change. Most people fear the maths that is sometimes involved or …
Last reply by higginsdj, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
If anyone wonders what formula to use when it comes to calculating BPM(Beats-per-minute) to FPS(Frames-per-second) 60:BPM*FPS=NumberOfFramesPerBeat Niels ps. Cycle length can be p.a. 13.39 in order to keep things on timetrack
Last reply by C-grid, -
- 1 reply
ANZOVIN STUDIOS Has soom really GREAT disks for bigginners and pros. check them out at WWW.ANZOVIN.COM BUDDHABUCK
Last reply by clonewar12345, -
- 0 replies
I have no problem playing the sound in Choreography or Action modes. But, most of the time, I can't get sound to play in my .avi or .mov file after I render animation from the choreography mode. I never have this problem if I created the sound in the Action mode and render. Is this a glitch or am I doing something wrong?
Last reply by Slimmie,