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- By Fuchur,
934 topics in this forum
- 15 replies
fake-riddle )) zip=rar
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys just reporting this ( is there a forum for errors and bugs for AM I am unaware of - or how do we submit these to Steffan ? ) Any hoo, Mac AM, running on Yosemite - when I import in any bitmaps as rotoscopes or decals they come in garbled as jpegs / pngs, the old tga seems to work some what and somewhere in this routine also causes crashes - especially when you want to delete an image . . . any clues ?? When you toggle between OPENGL & OPENGL3 in the options, its refreshes the image . . . then crash . . . just converted image to TGA and so far no crash . . . yet . . . it feels like I'm running AM through a virtual OS running on my Mac . . . I think I nee…
Last reply by markw, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hello, So I got some of the stuff worked out for for user sub domains to host Animation Master Tutorials on our server. How this will work. Email with the info below.The Sub Domain you want. For me I would pick Your sub domain choice will also be your ftp user name for ftp log in I will email you back the info below: Your username and password (I will not keep that info, so save the email or I will have to reset it if lost) Your Domain link Time Till Live (There is a bit of server side work for this right now but if people really start using it I will add code to make it faster) What you can and can not hos…
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys, quick question. Can any of you tell me where to find the tree plugin? I think it was called treez or ztree, anyway looked all over and can't seem to track it down. Thanks
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello, Everyone I'm sorry I have been slacking on projects, emails, and well fixes. I do freelance work and also help out at a friends tech company. The work load is getting to me. I have been falling behind on some Hash, Inc. items, & emails, and a few other things. It seams like every time I start something, something else work related gets in the way. But I'm back today and have free'd up some time next week with enough coffee and some luck I should be able to be back on top of my work load by the end of next week. The list of stuff I need to get on top of: Emails adding user subdomains for hosting of Animation Master stuff f…
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Hello Everyone, We are looking to add some shows to our list this year and next. Someone posted on facebook about Awesome-Con and I thought this would be a good place to ask also. If anyone knows any shows that you would think Animaiton Master would be a good fit. Please let us know in either a email, this post or facecook. We will look them over and may join them. Thank You, Jason Simonds Hash, Inc.
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 9 replies
Can someone tell me what the last stable Mac version of AM is please. Latest version (18L) Standard and SSE4 just crash continuously - I can't even create a project, load an object then save the project without a crash (everytime) or the Mac version really hates Tars assets! I literally can't get more than 5-10 clicks before it crashes - can't render, can't save though it does seem to let me just pose a model as long as I like....
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 3 replies
This is probably an extremely ignorant question.....But here goes. I have an old laptop that I would like to install A:M 18 onto. it's way old and 32bit. Does our subscription allow for installation on a laptop by any chance? AND........does that require an internet connection? I don't think my old laptop even has the ability to go on the web. It might if i put a bunch of work into it. But i doubt i will. But it seems to work well...
Last reply by detbear, -
- 2 replies
Late night thinking here so bear with me... The term 'best method' is relative here but I'm looking to find a good way to combine a whole lot of Project files (hundreds?) into one single Project file. There are some difficulties in this. One of the primary obstacles: Same name assets (i.e. materials named material1 in more one project etc.) Those may have to be dealt with on a case by case basis. One method that works fairly well: Embed everything in the Project and then save as a Choreography Do this for each Project Import all the Chors into one Project (I tested this with good results but I believe an important step will be to rename all assets before exporting t…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 5 replies
Working in V17g under OSX 10.68 I'm trying to setup some pose sliders to move the fingers in the 2008 rig. I've previously been advised that its not best practice but, for what is presently underway, it works well enough. Managed to get them installed for one character but, the second is proving difficult. When I open the model in amodel window the relevant bones and nulls are visible. If I select the "New Pose" option the finger Bones and nulls disappear and only the finger controller and Hand bone are visible. Can someone kindly point out how to get the bones back to visible ? Thanks simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 0 replies
So there is something wrong with our camera. I ordered a new one today. But the one we took only took pictures right when the conditions were prefect(no motion, good light, more camera words). But the next show should be better. Sorry again. More here. And the video:
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 9 replies
Hi guys, this will be another feature in A:M v18 (l). Hope you like it... it is a more specialized one but it is a nice little helper and may suit some of you well. This feature is inspired by a friend of mine (thanks Ralf G.) who uses another software and asked for something like that in Animation:Master. Hope you like it and find it useful too . See you *Fuchur* grid_images.mp4
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
I am not sure, but do we know that troll there at 0:13 (and several other shots in there)? See you *Fuchur*
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
Hi guys, this is a demonstration of a small but (if you ask me) very powerful new feature in A:M v18k (getting beta tested at the moment): > Set camera to bird view / Set bird view to camera. Hope you like it . Thank you very much for adding it Steffen . See you *Fuchur* PS: Small little addition to the video: You need to be in a perspective bird view (!= orthogonal bird view) to have this feature. This is always the case if you use the turn tool starting in the camera view OR you can just toogle its state to be perspective by pressing "\" / hitting the button in the views toolbar. PPSS: And of course: I am talking about the Turn-Tool, not the…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 6 replies
I was wondering if the gurus at Hash have ever thought of doing a series of tutorials on digital tutors. I know the recently blender was added could animation master also be in added in the future? I think that would be a huge boon for the program if that happened but who knows.
Last reply by pming, -
- 26 replies
I was over at CGtalk an somebody asked about a secondary modeling program and I pointed them towards Hash. This is a response from one of the forum members there. I had to attach the file because it would not let me copy and paste. I am not trying to go into a what products is the best but I thought his answer was not really truthful about what AM can achieve. Hash A.docx
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 8 replies
In response to " Update A changed version, where SSE4 (without AVX) included, is on the way Update2 My provider doesn't like me , has anything against the update " has it been uploaded yet? Having both an AVX and non SSE4 version up might be ideal but confusing too. (I wasn't allowed to reply directly to that thread, that is why I'm posting here.) P.S. I am seriously looking forward to 18K where 0006595(Boolen Cutter is working from some viewpoints perfectly, but from other not....) will be fixed.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
I have a suggestion for the older stronger modelers and animator here(hear me out now), I know we have the TAO and I love that for learning but I have another idea that could be beneficial for beginners and good for Animation master as a whole. We could have something where a Mentor would draw a picture(human for now of humanoid) and the student would make it get critique and so on. Then with said model another mentor or the same would have that student rigged rinse and repeat then they could go on to animating the same model. The mentor would for each block would make a tutorial for each task that would be done in this dare I say camp. I am sure this has been before but …
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 20 replies
I need some help making a foot in A:M thank you.
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys well it seems i cannot get pass this I've tried pigs and jpg and all get is some strange image unless i do a quick render and deals are no better I'm using 10.10.2 but Ive tried this on earlier versions and have similar problems I also tried version 17 here is what i have any help would be grateful j
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
V17g OSX Having some trouble setting up the lighting for a project. This is the shot with one light on This is the shot with a different light on This is the same shot withboth lights on at the same time Could anyone, kindly point out what the problem might be caused by ? I am trying to set it up so each character is followed by a spot light as they move apart. They will then move back together, reverting to a different light as they do. simon Update. the above were using Toon render. When TR is turned off, both lights are visible ?
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 3 replies
This will not effect any thing with Hash, Inc. really but we have a new NAS for our back up systems. We are now moving the data to there(form older machines with less stable raids). We are using 4 of the 6 bays now but can add 5 more bays at any time. Sequence 01.mp4
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hi - I'm trying to get my trial version A:M v.18 up and running on my Macbook Pro OS 10.9.4. I followed all of the download instructions in the email I received from Hash accepting my request, renamed the downloaded license "master0.lic" per the instructions, and placed it into the folder next to the application, yet when I try to open A:M, I'm greeted with a dialog box requesting an Activation Key. I have been using A:M15j on an older Mac and want to try the newest version of A:M on new hardware before I decide to buy. Can someone please advise me how to address this issue. I've contacted tech support by email and tried by phone, both to no avail. Thank you.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
AM Marketing? 1 2
by strato- 1 follower
- 55 replies
Does it exist? Why is AM increasingly unknown by the upcoming kids that should use it? Everybody knows Blender by now, and of course its free, but for Character animation its still a big pain to learn. Looking at the Hash forum, it tops at 300 viewers. AM community has reduced to a club of a few contributors, and I believe its a political issue. First, it is not opening itself to new talent, it barely offered a trial version (way too late). It left all the public forums, or their moderators had a falling out. It presents itself as a basic intro to character animation but misses to convey its sophistication. On the other hand it has a slow render and it doesn't play w…
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 2 replies
Hi all - I'm considering upgrading my old version to the latest and greatest. If I were to upgrade to the current version with a non-expiring version what would this cost? Sorry if this has been answered but I looked around and didn't find the answer. Regards, -Doug
Last reply by modernhorse, -
- 2 replies
I have trouble loading in mdl files all the time for no reason. I was trying to load something from Largento an it would not work it did after some wrangling but man.
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
OK, trying my hand at TaoAM since it has been some time since I last played with AM and in exercise 5, using rabbit, I am trying to mirror keyframes BUT it appears the paste Mirror does not work on Nulls (hip and feet for example). Is this expected or a bug or have I missed some step? (18i OSX) Cheers David
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 12 replies
Wondering if it is possible to implement touch support for AM for those with touch screens and for tablet connect via remote desktops. Need a lazy mouse select? Use common gestures for navigation, maybe modify for view manipulation? For kicks I tossed on Remote Access on my iPad to my pc and AM displayed perfectly, navigation wasn't half bad but was almost impossible to do anything with since I would need a 2nd mouse button and modifier keys.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 9 replies
I am aware that AM toon render can control the thickness of the line. Can you also control that line so that it is possible to taper it from one end to the other? (see attached graphic which shows a line created in a graphics program and some curtains which were rendered in AM) Thanks for any feedback! Tom
Last reply by Tom, -
- 3 replies
I have a question I am familiar with making furniture in Maya but I want to know how to do it in A:M. Are there any tutorials around that I can find the answers to my question? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
- 983 views Has anybody shared these??? I see a bunch of nice stuff on here.
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 7 replies
This is what I got. What do you think I only have a few days till I have to change order them. But I can make some changes if they are good. If not this is what I'm going with.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
For you pros out there, is it possible to keyframe bump map percentage, thereby animating it over time? I'm hitting a wall. Thanks in advance. Chris
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 4 replies
Hi there, I am currentlz remoddeling a very complex polygon model using the snap to surface function. My idea was it, to cut my polygon modell into pieces, save them as individual models, import them into my modelling chor, and then switch model by model visibe or invisible as i need it. But, as far as I know AM does not know steady pivot points, and every model i Import has a different pivot, which makes it very anoying to asssemble my parts. Any Idea how i can maintain the pivot points of the importet polygon modells? cheers Heiner
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 3 replies
Working in V17g with OSX 10.68 Got back to trying to finsh Ska Lake, spent the last two days correcting for the new model,it seemed to work ok and intended to go back today to start adjusting te detail poses and timing. Using the 2008 rig. `For some reason (?) the keys don't appear to set in the PWS when the bones are moved. It was working as normal yesterday but curious things today. You can see no keys set in the timeline, even when its moved or rotated, No key when the force key option is set to inividual bone keys set when heirachy selected and force used, but no key when individual bone moved. When Body Null selected and w…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 19 replies
How difficult would it be to make an AM app for Android and Mac iOS? I was thinking it could just the core program with a simplified rendering or realtime renderer using HAMR as opposed to rendering to files as full movies due to limited space on mobile devices. But have the file importable to the full AM product.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 1 follower
- 30 replies
I've used cookie cutters before and it was the alpha chaanel that did the cutting. Is it possible to do it with a designated colour or does it rely on the alpha channel ? simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 3 replies
Right now I am working quite a lot with snap to surface, because i am recreating one of my bigger polygon modells. I found some minor problems : Snap also reacts to hidden geometry. That should not happen. Snap has a tendency to snap to geometry on the other side of the model. The bluprint modell as well as to the spline geometry. In case of the blueprint it should be not so hard to fix that by checking the orientation of the surrounding normals. In case of the spline geometry i dont know ... Maybe it is posssible to look in these issues (at least its issues to me). Regards Heiner
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 14 replies
AM v. 18f I can not create a connection that does not continue spline. In earlier versions of this tool does ADD MODE (A) while pressing SHIFT I have one this is happening? How to create a compound that is non-extendable spline?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 2 replies
Hello, So a problem with with one of our scripts was filling a folder with so many files that our server could not list it. The problem has been fixed but failed remove commands are really loading the server at this time. Apaches(runs the webpage) seams to be running fine but the proftpd(runs the ftp site) seams to be really slow and sending commands to the server is really slow. So tonight about 10pm pst I'm going to restart the server. It needed to be restarted any ways because of updates. The restart should be short but like always sometime updates can take bit of time I will post when the server has restart and back online. If anything degrades anymore though …
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 2 replies
Have been trying to revamp the model so I could finish the animation. Not sure if its complete yet ( he looks too old ? ) but, saved the iteration and fully installed the 2008 rig, as per the instructions, then tested it with the previous animation, with the following painfull result. This is what it looked like before And these are the same frames but with the new model Can anyone kindly suggest where I should look for the fault ? Thank you for your help. Happy Christmas. simon I should add, Both models use the same rig ( hopefully ) installed in the same way and are used in the same chor file.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
This is my last casino xmas card because I am going to retire in a couple of days. Partly drawn and partly maded in A.M.. I hope to be able to spend more time to A.M. and drawing in general in the near future. I wish you all a fantastic and healthy 2015 ! Marc.
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 4 replies
So I got bored waiting for our massive local data migration. So I patched together the 11 segments of Tin Woodman of Oz in one movie. Nothing new has been added or anything. But I thought it would be better to watch in one part not 11 parts.
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 6 replies
Confession time. I've been using Macs for some while but havenot been formally introduced to them. This would not normally be a problem but, does any Mac user know where the "insert" key" is ? On a PC, if memory serves, its actually marked as "Insert" On a Mac no. ( at least on this one ). The reason for the question is that I am preparing an animatic using the Tangram shapes and its getting tedious having to key each one using the mouse. When the mouse hovers over the Make Key buton in the chor it suggests that the shortcut is the "Insert" button on a keypad. If I can find that on a Mac keyboard it could speed things up a bit. Thank you. simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 5 replies
Good evening everyone, I am looking for a way to give the same size of a bone to another bone by the constraints or expressions. Anyone know how we do it?
Last reply by Malo, -
- 2 replies
Still plugging away at ska dance project when time allows. Presently redoing the head in the light of the example David posted a few weeks back. Have encountered a strange problem though. It still needs lots of tweeks and readjustments but, the model doesn't want to acept the surface colour properties assigned to it? For example, the lips have an RGB setting of 208.180.160 assigned to the group but it doesn't show up in shaded mode or quick render. Can anyone kindly suggest the problem and possible soution ? simon OSX 10.68 V17g DH 001.mdl
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 6 replies
I used to animate dynamic constraint for hands and lag parametr in RollLike constrant for rayhairs. Letters written in TVP
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 6 replies
I was trying to get a decal to scroll up over the surface of a flat model in the chor but couldn't manage it. Does anyone know of a way to do it ? I should perhaps explain further that, as part of a project at college, someone else designed a Logo which I then made in AM ( its a stylised H ). the intion was to then have some text scroll up the right column of the H within the chor so it could be rendered out as a mov file. Tried to changed the Y values of the decal over 5 seconds but it didn't seem to work that way ? Two related questions, Initially I tried to use a cookie cutter map to project light through a flat, so it would come out on the s…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 15 replies
So this will be the Comic Con post(yeah it's late and I'm out of it) A:MStills FaceBook One Day Down! I Know you hate my pictures but Tim gets there later tomorrow to take good pictures and Kayela gets there friday so you guys wiil be over loaded with pictures. it's been a long day I'm out!
Last reply by ruscular, -
- 5 replies
I know this is a perenial question, my apologies for that. I am trying to redo the model of the young boy for the dance project and decided to use retopology as a way of improving my modeling abilities ( not very advanced ), using the previous model as a base to work from. It worked OK for the body but, have encountered some difficulties with the face. I was trying to use the Cooper tutorial in TOAM as a guide and got this, when rendered it comesout with very noticeable creases Fine if it was me but not so good for a 11 year old. I am hoping to smooth out the other bumps with cp repositioning but can't seem to remove the creases. Can someone kindl…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson,