Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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- 3 replies
Hey everyone, Thanks to you answering all my question over the past several months - I have created my first rigged character and put him in a short intro animation. I am currently working on a full 3 1/2 minute animation with him in it called "The Evil Fly", which should be done in a month or so. Here is a link to the animation: Character Intro Link Again, thanks for all your support in help in quickly answering all my posts. Eric LoCascio
Last reply by Frank Silas, -
- 112 replies
I've decided to model a guitar. At first I wanted to model a car, but after several failed attempts, I decided to build something on a smaller scale to get used to the feel of the mechanical/organic style modeling used in both cars and electric guitars. I decided to model a fender Stratocaster a. Because I have a Strat knock off and b. Because strat's kick @ss I decided that I'd keep everyone informed on my progress and I'll make it into a mini-tute (I don't have the time to do an extremely in depth step by step). At some point I will probably compile it all and give it a permanent spot on my website. Remember that I'm not coming here as an expert, as much…
Last reply by zacktaich, -
- 0 replies
here it is do not downnoad this was because vern was having trouble I set this up for him to test
Last reply by johnl3d, -
Phew! It's been a long time since I posted at hash. I finally got the opportunity to use 3D in my cartoons again and figured you guys might like a look. The UFO will become quite an integral part of the storyline of my current comic. The only problem is that it only gets updated each week and it's fairly slow paced. It'll be more enjoyable to read the entire thing once it's finished (I hope ) Dan Beeston 'Get 'em Off Me Man!'
Last reply by DNABeast, -
- 6 replies
I took a break from building models and decided to start learning about poses and facial animation. Here a link to 4 very small clips. I have no way of assembling them. It is getting easier each every as some things become familiar. Questions: a) If I attach these heads to their respective bodies will they remember the poses? Is it better to import the body into the head file or vice versa? c) If I rig the faces and them import them onto a rigged body, can I combine the rigs by moving the bone files intot hte proper hierachy? thanks, Gaetan Facial Clips Test
Last reply by ddustin, -
Troll Short
by KenH- 10 replies
Here's the first pass of the first half of my troll short. It's small and compressed and dark and there are lots of planned improvements as a result of seeing it but you'll get an idea. 3.8MB Quicktime
Last reply by hypnomike, -
M and M character
by Guest Rogelio Guzman- 8 replies
Hello everyone, I just finished rigging the model with TSM2 and I used cogs for the joints. I haven't got the facial expressions and lipsync yet. it will be awhile till I get to it, got a few other things to take care of first. Tell me what you think so far, should I add or change anything. Please let me know Thanks Rogelio
Shaman WIP
by zowat- 4 replies
Hi, this is a remake of a project i started a few months ago. After getting the modeling CD fron Anzovin i decided to rework this character following the the tutorial as close as i could. I havent done any texture work yet ( all the colors are just colored groups atm) and i havent started any work below the waist yet. here are a few screen shots of the work i;ve done so far
Last reply by SHADOWMASTER, -
- 27 replies
I'm currently working on a project for school where I have to make some kind of room, in this case I'm making it an expensive condo in hawaii. I want it to look as photorealistic as I can. I'll have pictures very soon, I'm really happy with how its turning out! Anyways, I just have a quick question, one of the props is a wine bottle. I have the model all laid out now I'm working on the materials. I cant get the light to refract right through the glass! Is there any way to do this? I've tried the refraction and density setting, but they just dont cut it.. has anyone dealt with this before? Thanks! ::EDIT:: Alright I want to start this off with a picture, so …
Last reply by -TC-, -
- 14 replies
This is based off of a beautifully lit photo of model Sachiko Kokubu. I still have more work to do on the hands, face, and cloth wrinkles, but it's mostly finished. The hair, skin, and cloth are all rendered with reflections, though the bump maps on the skin diffuse them a bit. The ribs are the only major area that I used bump mapping to cheat actually modeling the form. As always, any and all criticism is welcome. Noah
Last reply by Flog, -
- 8 replies
I while back I was playing with some flying robots and am trying to get a future looking building for an idea I have and thought tubes and rooms would be good so started to fool with the idea and this is the very early start. Used a flare as a stand in for robot as the scale is not correct
Last reply by ddustin, -
- 6 replies
Hey all.. Well, I just got my software about a week ago and I've been going through the tutorials, but decided to do a little animation outside the tutorials. I used Thom to do a little jumping jack action.. first try was ok, but I got some suggestions and polished it a bit... still not perfect, but I am learning. Then, since I'm a Matrix fan (the first movie anyway), I decided to figure out how to do a simple 'bullet time' sequence. Took me almost all day to figure it out, but could do it in about 5 minutes now if I had to.. haha.. guess that's what learning's all about. Anyway, if anyone's interested I'll link to it here... nothing earth sh…
Last reply by showson1, -
- 8 replies
Hello All, I was wondering if there is a "Make Spherical Map" button in Photoshop? Plugin? I have an image that I would like to use as a spherical decal, and I know the top and bottom need to be "stretched" so they map on the Sphere correctly, but I don't know an easy way to do this. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Eugene
Last reply by Gene, -
- 1 reply
Here's an example, no audio yet, of using distortions in the face to get some elasticity into it.... I plan to add more 'extremes' to these poses, seems you just can't make them extreme enough. In this scene MissD. complains about her boots... 'stars' were added in After Effects using an animated morey pattern.
Last reply by dborruso, -
- 7 replies
I was just look through my old project files and found the FW-190 Fighter so i thaught i'd spice it up a bit Heres pic 1............
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
This took me pretty much all day to get right, even though the final render is no more than 3 seconds long I hope you enjoy it anyways!
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 15 replies
Hi, Here's a little old film from 2000, for those of you that haven't seen it. (1.9mb QT-Sorensen). Ragnar
Last reply by starwarsguy, -
- 11 replies
Hey everybody. I'm working on a project with my buddies. I'm fairly new, so I'm doing one thing at a time. I did a toon render on a cowboy hat I modeled and animated. Please tell me how I'm doing. Click Here One more thing. I noticed that there's a gap in the shadow that's not supposed to be there. Any ideas on how I can go about fixing this? Thanks.
Last reply by starwarsguy, -
I've been working on a little cute critter who's a squirrel: (critique please)
Last reply by jamagica, -
Hey heres a still I made for the 2005 Mascot Contest. I'm not planning on winning but I'll enter it just for fun
Last reply by KenH, -
- 3 replies
Hello out there. I'm simon, the director the new motion pic, ATA! Anyway, in my spare time I'm am working on a short film and I desperately need facial expressions for my 'Eddie' Model. If anyone out there has made facial expression pose sliders for the 'Eddie' model I would be very grateful if you could either post them here or send them to , thanks!!!
Last reply by guernseyfreak, -
- 2 replies
I tried pasting with bones and it showed up like so:
Last reply by entity, -
- 7 replies
Hey everyone, I'm pretty sure I haven't posted this before. (sorry if I have) Anyway, I completed a demo reel some time this summer. I was trying to get my foot in the door in animation, mostly I was targeting game shops. Never really got much response but I think a lot of that had to do with not having a broad enough application range (didn't want to uproot my wife) Swing by my site and check it out. All CG animation is done with A:M. The reel is also broken down into the individual clips for the bandwidth challenged Direct Link 6MG MPG -Alonso
Last reply by amarillospider, -
- 11 replies
This is my WIP powerade bottle. I still have to rig it (this oughtta be fun). Please Critique...
Last reply by starwarsguy, -
- 14 replies
It's about time I learned how to do some character animation with lot's of "squash and stretch" (some would probably say period) so.. here's my first attempt at a character that I think could be a natural choice for such abuse. My idea is to assign animated distortion boxes to all his main components. Arm and forearm bones, eyes and eyesockets etc. I have no idea how well this will work, but it's something I've been wanting to try for awhile. No bones, other then for distorted eye's, or final textures at this point. The Darktree on the main body is going to have to go as render times were ridiculous. Comments criticisms and whatnot all appreciated. F…
Last reply by SHADOWMASTER, -
- 3 replies
Someone was looking for a cheap music program. I found at a used bookstore a program by MAGIX called techno music maker and if I remember right there were other version for other types of music. Anyway you can drop in drums melody and other loops and even produce video effects including in this case a couple of dancers ( I used one) and background effects and I paid a whopping $6.00 Anyway I made a wave file and a video file and got this example using Shaggy and a layer. The animation is bad did about every 10-15 frame poses just to post this sample but if you need a cheap way to produce in this case techno music well look around for something by Ma…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 9 replies
This is the first post im making to this forum.I've made one of those anime robots(I call it Numaeratron) and placed it in front of one of windows' backgrounds.I know it won't be much next to the stuff you guys make but hey its my first post.Your comments are always welcome.
Last reply by Numaer(antialiased), -
- 11 replies
Hi Everybody! I made my model's first live action scene the last weekend! Please, check this out and write me your comments! Here is a link: The Monster Shark Cheers, Sharky
Last reply by starwarsguy, -
- 7 replies
... a battlerobot to you? No? It's time then! *Fuchur* PS: - LINK - Länge = length Auflösung = resolution Größe = filesize (if you like to vote: Note 1-6 = grad 1-6 PPSS: When you are on the page, please download the zip-file by right-clicking on the link and push "save as". PPPSSS: If you are just interested in characteranimtion, this has no CA in it. It's just a little short...
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 5 replies
How should I go about modeling a squirrel? I've never really modeled a good creature, so I'm asking for some process tips.
Last reply by starwarsguy, -
- 35 replies
I finally got my troll moving! Here's a 2MB WALK CYCLE There's something about his arms that I can't quite put my finger on so if you've any ideas...
Last reply by KenH, -
- 5 replies
Well, I halted my project for a little bit. Just got busy doing things but here's an update. I know it looks more like a baby now but it's a creature I'm working on. Although he is younge. Hope to finish him soon.
Last reply by J. Baker, -
- 8 replies
Well, well, I have been rereading the walks section of the "Animator Survival Kit", and I wanted to make a cycle that no appear in the book, I wanted to "create" a cycle, from my imagination. Then I remembered the Insect Model and immediately come to my head the image of Hopper (the grasshopper of "A Bug's Life"). And I sit in front my computer to make a cycle of this kind, and the result is....................... Front View Perspective view P.D: Please select with the right button and "save target as..." I'm waiting for comments
Last reply by nimblepix, -
- 24 replies
This is my first head and I've done it without any rotoscopes (because can't draw but I can sculpt). I'm nowhere nere finished but I'm not sure the neck lines will work well when he turns his head. Can someone tell me before I continue? He is a superhero that I am creating so I want him to have a strong jawline and stocky neck. I still want him to be cartoony like a buzz lightyear. You may notice he isn't that way right now but I didn't want to continue until I made sure I was on the right track. face.tga
Last reply by all2c00l, -
- 8 replies
Today, in a fit of boredom, I made a 3D Thom icon for A:M on my desktop, because it's silly for a 3D app to have a 2D icon. And then that project mutated into this:
Last reply by starwarsguy, -
Greg here's a pic of the pine. I can render with an alpha and you could use it as a decal.
Last reply by ddustin, -
- 6 replies
building with light all panel are white but top has ambience turned up 100% middle is glow on bottom is plain
Last reply by Paul Forwood, -
- 11 replies
Nothing earth shattering here - I've been working on basic animation. I'd appreciate any comments. *note - fixed url - Sad Mr Ball Doug
Last reply by modernhorse, -
- 18 replies
Hey guys, not sure if this is the best place to post this.... but I feel I have gotten the "new" look I was going for which is sort of a clean crisp toon feel. Anyhows here's the link to a clip showing it..... Still trying to get myself reved up to start on a short that I wrote for McKnuckles, but that's another story.... Mike Fitz
Last reply by 3DArtZ, -
- 5 replies
I thought I'd say it now. I'm starting to build a Dodge Viper, but I'm in the very early stages. I've taken a screenshot of my progress so far. Feel free to critique on what I have so far. Thank you.
Last reply by ddustin, -
- 8 replies
I have played with the SDK for A:M for some time and so far it has resulted in a plug-in for simple water effects. See the attached movie if you want an example of what it can be used for. I hope you don't mind the green color. It was supposed to look like poisonous goo... The plug-in is in an early alpha state so please read the disclaimer before you use it! It is only tested in A:M v10.5 so please let me know if you have problems getting started.
Last reply by aaver, -
- 19 replies
Hello, Have to make a new model... I like the model I made before, but I need to cut down on the amount of patches... so I redesigned the male model. Cutting down on patch count- I didn't find out this until I was mostly done- means you HAVE to use a multitude of hooks and 5- and 3-point patches. I went from more than 6000 patches (my first model) to nearly 3000 (this model)... I only have half done... havn't CFA'd, yet. I still have to do the inside mouth... then I'll be done... one more day! wireframes :
Last reply by entity, -
- 4 replies
Hi hashers !! I present you my new AVATAR.. I had a dream which a fluorescent dwarf felt a card, and he said for me to use it. The card had this drawing !! Peace Xtaz
Last reply by Xtaz, -
- 13 replies
Tried for a moving tunnel but got this will have to rethink or retinker
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 15 replies
I Need Something to Do So I thought I'd make a short about a bunch of squirrels, but I can't seem to make a pine tree. They are running around in a christmas tree grove. Anyone willing to lend me one?
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
Here's a link to some of the work I've been doing. Its primarily all industrial applications. I've converted them to flash to keep the file sizes down. David
Last reply by ddustin, -
Hey! I just completed a new character and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I really like it and I want it to look the best it can, so please tell me what I can change! Thanks and hope you look it!
Last reply by MATrickz, -
- 21 replies
Well, somebody had to do it. No textures as of yet. Though I am following Jim's video tutorials on making a face color map. MISTA' "T" YOU ROCK!!! And I'll work on the bone structure after I get the textures done. Send your comments every body.
Last reply by SHADOWMASTER, -
- 8 replies
NOTE: I originally posted this on page 3 of the "My first spline head" thread, but now think that may doom it to obscurity .... so here it is by itself. Please take a look at this 10 second (2.6Mb - QT Sorenson 3) lipsync clip and fire away with suggestions. It's definitely time for some objective input! Lighting and textures were not my main focus here. I just wanted to try my hand at lipsync first, test my rig, and learn the interface. Also, I'd like to compress this further to get below the 1Mb file size limit so I can post it on this forum and not on a separate web page. What's the best format to use?
Last reply by MATrickz, -
- 19 replies
At last I`ve finished the Mad Edd short. Mad Edd Movie
Last reply by PF_Mark,