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285 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Hey everyone, A while ago, I mentioned that I was working on a pair of base meshes for my own projects, and that I also would be willing to share with the community at large. I have a full body finished now, but there is still a lot of tweakage to be done. I've been looking at this for a while now, so I was hoping to get some fresh perspective other than the random references I've cobbled together. Please visit the page and let me know what you think and what features you think would be useful in a basic mesh of this type (in terms of being able to stretch/shrink parts of the body, change levels of musculature, whatever). -Edit: Still graphics heavy, …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
I tried running A:M in the background and did the first 60 even frames at 320x240. Render times went from 4 mins at start to 40 mins at end. It's quite a globulous liquid! It sort of resembles oil in water. (QT Sorenson3 123KB) water30.mov
Last reply by natess44, -
- 3 replies
All, Time to give a little back to the A:M community AND get some critiques on a robo I did a while back. Can't let John (Artbox) Henderson have all the robo fun. The model Uses lathing a bit too much but here it is: Military Security Robot Download and a 'few' shots: Sorry no wireframes. Render your own... I'll be away from the internet for a day or so but wanted to get this posted before I depart. Am interested in what you Animation Masters would do differently. Legal Disclaimer: Use as you see fit. Donation to the A:M community does not restrict my legal rights to use said…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 5 replies
Here's a model I've been working on for the past week, nearly finished. It's a member of the "Great Race", from The Shadow Out of Time by HP Lovecraft (my wife has ceremoniously named it "Lemon Head"). Click here for a short animation test (1.45 MB MPEG-1 with sound). The walk cycle (slither cycle?) needs a little work, and the head neads a little more detail, but overall I'm pretty happy with it. During the process of rigging this model, I have arrived at the conclusion that tentacles are a pain in the ass, but dynamic constraints kick ass.
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 0 replies
Hey, I rendered out this image and it is doing all kinds of weird stuff. Notice the splines over everything. As far as I know I didn't tell it to render out the splines. I just wanted a final image with no splines showing. Any idea why it is rendering this way? Also, I rendered out an earlier one with a volumetric light focused on the guys upper body and the background out of focus. It rendered everything behind the volumeric light in sharp focus and wherever the beam ended it had the correct depth of field...any ideas why? I may post an image of that if my explanation is too confusing. Any feedback/ideas would be helpful. I am working on it ri…
Last reply by pia12254, -
- 39 replies
Hi everyone, Just thought I'd post this so that y'all can see what I'm workin' on. I hope you like it. There's still a lot of work that needs to be done (i.e. the rest of the model!, textures, rigging etc). Anyhow, here you go.... Javier
Last reply by JavierP, -
- 5 replies
Well, (no pun intended) this is another scene from my next Bella Bear story that I am currently making a pig's ear of texturing. I am pleased with the candlesticks (need some smoke) but I am in a bit of a dialemma. Should I used real-life photos (the walls) in conjuction with shaders and painted textures, or not use real-life imagery and generate it all by my own fair hand? In this scene the stairs and doorframe are the wrong colours - they need to match the wall, which need the tiling removed. But you're thoughts fellow Hashers please
Last reply by gazzamataz, -
- 5 replies
Well heres my character. Hes going to be a fighter like Killer Bean, but Im not sure yet. I need an opinion though...which one looks better? The 3d version or the toon rendered version? Oh and please comment on the character itsself.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
I need a bit of help: I'm working on a head and I need to delete half to do a copy flip attach but each time I try the app drops to desktop. this happens in both the latest alpha and in v10.5. I need to delete these points to do a copy/flip/attach. Any ideas? I've been trying for 2 days. I've attached the .prj file. the points labeled "delete" are the ones I don't want. -Project file removed- (Will post pictures later)
Last reply by zacktaich, -
- 0 replies
DOUBLE POST Mods - please remove
Last reply by zacktaich, -
- 24 replies
Well i feel im onto something with this new character. I know he looks like alot of other animated characters out there but im proud of him. He will be fun to animate when i finish his body. Let me know what you all think! SeanC.
Last reply by animaster, -
- 25 replies
Here is my attempt at creating a model of Goliath from Disney's Gargoyles.I just have his head so far. I hope to get the rest of him modeled this weekend. C&C welcomed and appreciated.
Last reply by Hutch, -
- 3 replies
Finally got around to getting some of my work online. Here's a link to a few screenshots of work done in AM for a series of animated soap-operas used with teenagers in schools. Doug Mouncey Animation Master examples The animations in the software link interactive elements made in Flash. I also use AM to create the graphics for these bits as well. Cheers, Doug
Last reply by dmouncey, -
- 6 replies
Haven't had much time to spline lately. I'm shifting gears for a moment BUT staying A:M focused. Below please find links to my space on the web. I'll be adding pictures to my site and trying to organize for the future. Animation Master, CorelDraw, Comics, 2D, 3D and more will be explored. So, Some really basic stuff here folks (some of which you may have seen) so don't laugh: http://home.comcast.net/~rodney.baker/index.htm One of my most recent revelations and a web interface idea I'd like to explore: http://home.comcast.net/~rodney.baker/amscreen/screen.htm The spinning animation was created in A:M but just there to fill space until …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 3 replies
This is basically my first model. Or, at least the first one I'm trying to make from (drawn) a rotoscope. I think it's looking half-way decent at present, but I'm freaking out trying to get the rest looking right. I'm also having a great deal of problems trying to connect the frame of the window to what will be the roof of the cab. It's not in the picture (actually, it's not even made), so please try to use your imagination to pictuer what it should look like. Any assistance that can be offered, especially in the realm of smootheness, would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by zacktaich, -
I am looking for peoples opinion on the overall look of this scene. It is a work in progress. I know the sky needs to have reflections turned off. The houses need decals, etc. I mean just by looking at this scene, what do you think?
Last reply by lazz, -
- 3 replies
I'm making an animation for school with this little guy, and I haven't animated anything before other than a walk cycle or two. I'm happy with how it turned out, at least for my first try. http://murc13.homestead.com/files/Comp3small.mov I'm not sure how long my bandwidth will last, so if you watch it, I'd really appreciate feedback, whether good or bad. Thanks!
Last reply by starving4rtist, -
- 1 reply
Didn't see this posted in the forum so posting it here. Apologies to the list for any duplication. Awesome. Simply Awesome. Clearly demonstrates the usefulness of sharing information with each other.
Last reply by Iham Wrong, -
- 3 replies
I posted this in another forum topic but remembered I may not have shown this publicly yet. All of the 3D logos in the foreground and background were done in A:M with a lot of help from the Adobe Illustrator wizard. I did it a little over a year ago in v8.5. Compositing by The Wow Factor. Skechers Tech (11.5 MB)
Last reply by mediaho, -
- 26 replies
Hello fellow hashers, I'm working on a feathered charactor and cant decide how to best modal him for animation, Ive attempted it a couple of times but im not sure how best to do it. Like for example should I make the beak as two seperate parts? Im just sat here looking at a blank screen! ive got that mental block and I just cant shift it! check the attached picture for the design of Orfeg the budgie. Cheers - Chris Nix
Last reply by nixie, -
- 16 replies
Im new to this forum and new to AM and modeling. I did the first few tutorials in the book and kinda just started doing my own thing and learning myself the program. I posted a model of an axe i did with textures from a picture of an axe basically the same one.My 1st model Now, im still working on this model im about to show and its my VERY first organic model. His name is Boon Dock Billy. Enjoy. Oh. And please comment on it tell me what i should work on because in my oppinion i dunno if he can have bones put in his face and animate them without bad clipping. Any suggestions and criticism is welcome.
Last reply by Daveyrose75, -
- 2 replies
Got some issues with the arms I know but overall am I on the right track?Piemanwalk.mpg
Last reply by DarkLimit, -
- 3 replies
here's my first ever character. I call him Pie man for no reason whatsoever
Last reply by robcat2075, -
Hello Everyone. First I want say thanks to all people who share their knowledge on this forum and helps dumb likes me to learn everyday something about animation:master. Here is newest model. she is almost good, but she needs more character. Tell how to add. I will add some animate ...but I don't know when because I hate to read school books too : ( http://www.riihikoski.net/~kalle/kuva2.htm
Last reply by zacktaich, -
- 3 replies
Hello, Hashers! It's been a while I posted, actually I posted last year. Now my midyear have ended, and I am happy that I passed all my exams. Here's an image that I made in about 20 min. If you have any c&c feel free.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
Okay so here's the big ship to go along with the shuttlepod.
Last reply by emh_alpha1, -
So heres my character, PLEASE PLEASE give me some contructive critisism! I hope you like! Robert Fiermonte
Last reply by robvmonte, -
- 5 replies
Here's my digger model - rotoscoped from some photos I took from a roading construction site. I'm hoping to animate it for a job I'm doing at the moment. I'm trying to do the tracks at the moment, and I'm trying to bone them so I can get the tracks to turn (as in the excellent tutorial for tank tracks on the AM Resource site).
Last reply by emh_alpha1, -
- 2 replies
Here is my shuttlepod from Enterprise. I still have to texture it, but my AM2002 isn't applying decals at the moment. You apply them, but you can't see them on the model, nor will it render. I think it's playing up with my current release of OSX, so I'm waiting to get an upgrade for AM. But I think the model is coming along well. Next I'll make up the Enterprise NX-01 to go with it.
Last reply by emh_alpha1, -
My car WIP
by Pyro- 1 reply
Here is a car that i made a while back, it could use some touchups like, real illuminating head lights, and at least a bump decal to fake a door on it, but other than that i like it.
Last reply by Ross Smith, -
Fox or WB style model
by Guest johncbell- 4 replies
Does anyone have a FOX or WB style model that i can look at, been trying to work on one for the character that i have and am having a hard time. Here is the pic I want to do. http://www.destinyhorizons.com/characters/testimonial.htm Thanks in advance. John
Last reply by Hutch, -
my 2nd character Piemans sidekick. still working on rigging and stuff
Last reply by Tunames, -
- 0 replies
another view
Last reply by Tunames, -
- 12 replies
The comic is called Dark Days, it's a sequel to the immensely popular 30 days of night by Steve Niles. I hope he likes it enough to put it in the book as a pin-up or cover. We'll see! I really had to turn off the "make it photoreal" switch in my head since I was going to ink the piece, so it has more of a comic feel. Rendered in 10.5. All geometry, flocking system with 65 bats with a flying action hooked up. 10 hours at 2200 X 3300 on my dual P4 2.8 Xeon (only using one Proc of course). Rendered multipass, 49 passes. Then rendered pure b&w outline toon render. Took into Photoshop and inked with toon render as base. Textures are my…
Last reply by patrick_j_clarke, -
- 7 replies
Heres a double bladed axe. I tried to put some detail in with the handle mainly. This is my VERY first model. I would really like to hear some oppinions. Anyways, enjoy.
Last reply by Kole00, -
Here is a model of a skull i made. Click here to see the images
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 7 replies
My office is going to be relocating soon, and my boss asked if I could help draft some preliminary plans to give to the architects. I used A:M to lay it out, rendering out a slice of the walls in wireframe mode for the paper plans, then modeled like a monkey on crack over the weekend to put in some "set dressing": Click the thumbnails for larger versions. Sadly, I ran out of time and only got about a third of the way through making the props for the office area, so I won't be posting those until I've finished them. (At which point I'll render with soft shadows, as well...) Still, I was happy enough with them, and they did highlight some problems with…
Last reply by Godfrey, -
- 13 replies
Hi! This is my first time posting in this section, or any section for that matter. Anyway I thought I share one of my most recent illustrations using A.M.. Please let me know what you think, and any suggestions ya'll might have. Thanx for your interest.
Last reply by modernhorse, -
Hey everyone. I'm new to the forum, but i was on the mailing list a couple years back. Anyways, here is my attempt to model my head. What i need to do is add hair, smooth the model out some more, and make me not look that old (after all, im only 16)
Last reply by sonofpat, -
- 13 replies
Ages ago, I put up an animatic of a short piece featuring a cricket who resorts to modern electronics to improve his chances with the ladies. I've *finally* gotten around to actually animating one shot for this. Any comments or nitpicks at any level - modeling, lighting, animation, etc. - would be very welcome. http://www.digins.com/jack/cwip3.mpg (1MB) I created a reusable "handheld camera shake" action based on Sotiris Gougousis' excellent "Expressions in AM" tutorial; I'd be happy to post that if anyone's interested.
Last reply by williamgaylord, -
- 7 replies
Here is a QuickTime link to my short "Marboxian." Some of you may have seen this at the Hash film show at SIGGRAPH; Ottawa; or one of a few other screenings. It's picked up a couple of minor awards, and audiences -- including, I'm told, a roomful of very sleepy children, once -- seem to like it. Link. Two warnings: First, the file is 114MB (12 minutes at good quality). Second, it's hosted through my cable modem, and I can't guarantee decent bandwidth. (Mike Muncy's been great to me, but I really can't afford the kind of bandwidth I'd need to host it off his servers. Or... much else right now. *sigh*) Keep democratizing- -M@
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
its time to come out of the shadows this is my first post on a complete model of a human it is for an animation called the arena. tell me what u think or any advice or critiquing.
Last reply by Zaryin, -
I decided I should finally post a image
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 0 replies
Heres my idea for a simple logo for AM sometimes i think ppl get to complex with logos all they need to be is straight to the point.
Last reply by Kole00, -
- 0 replies
Clicky! Made this for an image contest, its simple, but it REALY REALY captures the core of the contest theme. I'll let you know if I win anything All Hail The Cones! PS> Shameless Plug: Go Play My New Favorite Game, URU! It is the newest game in the Myst series, and is the reason this cone exists.
Last reply by carterhawk001, -
I've been working on this character for a while. Had to step back and regroup the brain cells that remained. Thanks to Frank Hulsey for his quick how to Model the hair style and to Jim for those tutorials on decaling. I'm using the TSM for the rig with some fan bones. the smartskin has just really really been kicking my #@$%. Any comments are welcomed
Last reply by Phil, -
- 10 replies
Still in development but any feedback would be welcome. I eventually hope to take this guy into version 11 once I work some stuff out!
Last reply by Hutch, -
- 3 replies
All, One of the things I love about AM is the variety of things you can model and the styles in which you can render them. Here is a link to a page of WIPs I uploaded from the mess that is my harddrive. None of these were ever finished. I tend to just play with AM to learn 3D. I learn something new every day thanks to the forum/list. Graphic Doodling Hope this link works Comments always welcome. Rodney
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 8 replies
I thought I'd show you all a little snippet from the next Bella Bear story that I am working on. It's only a teaser, and I am hoping to have a storyboard similar to my last one out within the next month or so. Let the slagging commence!
Last reply by Aminator, -
- 69 replies
Hi all, Here's a render of the new hair from v11 alpha. The image has been softened with this free plugin that I love, DreamyPhoto. You can get it, for Mac and Windows, here: http://www.autofx.com/freeplugins/dreamyphoto.asp?id=7 I still have some things to fix, like the hair penetrating her ear. And since I removed her gloves, I need to add fingernails. Her fingers are also penetrating the gun. It took 4 hours and 47 minutes to render this because I have three wide raytrace lights with 9-11 rays cast, reflections turned on (the gun!), the particle hair and 5 pass multipass. I didn't have the patience for 16 passes. I rendered the image with an al…
Last reply by xor,