New Users
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A:M Forum Rules
The A:M Forum is for technical support and the sharing of tips and ideas between users/prospective users of Hash software. It is moderated constantly by technical support representatives.
-Ask questions about the software.
-Assist other users... everyone was new at this once.
-Inform people of your version/platform when asking for help.
-Share resources; tutorials, models, textures, tips and techniques (link to useful websites).
-Post links to your work, or where your art is being used online (on websites, in games, toons', etc.)
-Search the A:M Forum and FAQ. The question you are about to ask may have already been answered.
-Organize and inform others about user groups, IRC chats, image and animation contests, job opportunities, etc.
-Discuss what you are working on and let everyone know about magazine reviews and articles that relate to your projects.
-Do Not be rude or disrespectful or mean to other forum members in any way. Personal attacks will be removed.
-Do Not post bug/crash reports to the list (send bug/crash reports to
-Do Not complain about forum content. Complaints or suggestions can be sent directly to
-Do Not reprimand other forum members for violating forum rules, that's the moderators job, which (unless you are a moderator) you are not.
-No complaining or whining on the forum or distribution of misinformation.
-No flames of any kind.
-No Off Topic posts. (Posts in the Off Topics section should be related to A:M in some form or fashion or benefit the A:M community as a whole).
-No soliciting of any kind without prior approval.
-No threads or comparisons related to other 3D Applications.
-No "Wish list" or feature requests, they should be sent to for categorizing and prioritization (User requests define the future development of the software).
-No "me too!" posts
-No discussion of Hash Internal Affairs (finances, advertising, PR.)
-No posting of private email to the forum unless permission of the author is granted. (Private correspondence should remain private)
-No very general questions like: "how do I make a good 3D model" make your questions as complete and concise as possible.
If you have questions as to whether it's appropriate, send it to:, We'll be happy to let you know whether it is, or is not appropriate.
User Led Forum Considerations
Firstly and foremostly, please remember this is Martin Hash's forum and that it is every A:M User's primary resource for information about A:M. In order to remain relevant we need everyone's continuing support and interest.
Secondly, understand there is a distinction between A:M (the program) and the A:M forum. There are some topics and issues that are outside the scope of this forum and most can be deduced by reading through the forum guidelines. These include such things as Hash Inc internal policies, business practices, trade secrets, and specific plans for the future not yet publicly released. Each of these would be fascinating topics of their own but are better reserved for private communications with a representative of Hash Inc.
Related to the second, is purchasing, customer service and other areas outside the purview of the common user who may have no interest in such things; subjects relating to money exchanging hands are beyond the scope of the A:M Forum and often can lead to conflicts of interest between users and/or Hash Inc. (If Hash Inc cuts you a deal on volume purchasing it's really no one else's business). Likewise, individual complaints about a product or service are best remedied by going direct with Hash Inc representatives empowered to make decisions. Please allow them them the time necessary to resolve your specific issue and consider the cost of customized solutions.
This last area is likely the source of much confusion because many see the A:M Forum as the official outlet for Hash Inc... and it is. But the forum is not designed for conducting business and private matters best resolved by going to Hash Inc directly. Similarly, bug reports are best resolved by entering them directly into the A:M Reporting system.
Many problems can be easily addressed at the user level just by asking fellow users in the forum. If someone at Hash Inc suggests the forum as a source, it is very likely a problem can be easily resolved. For tougher issues there is even more reason to take the issue directly to the source... you don't want the issue discussed... you want it resolved quickly.
Finally, remember that we want to pass this forum on to future moderators and generations of A:M Users in the absolute best condition possible. A:M is just that good a program and is worthy of our consideration.
Thanks for making the A:M Forum a great community.
4,160 topics in this forum
- 176 replies
Welcome to the A:M Forums. We are glad you are here. If you are returning, we are glad you're back. If you are just getting started please make sure you spend some time in the Newbies forum and read through the A:M Manual (The Art of Animation:Master and The A:M Technical Reference). Ask questions. Join in the discussions. Give and get feedback. Explore A:M! This Welcome topic is a continuation of introductions to the forum from previous years. Click here to read some of the past introductions General Overview of Animation:Master Anyone can create 3D pictures and animation at home or in the studio with Animation:Master. Animation:Master includes everything you need…
Last reply by lowclos, -
- 18 replies
First Off ---Welcome. Hope you are enjoying checking out AM and the forum here. I have to say it may be one of the best 3d forums going. Almost every question posted here gets answered within one day for sure and most within hours. And more importantly -----folks are happy to help and share their knowledge . No matter how new you are or your own expertise. Beginers are always welcome. So have fun here. Don't be shy either ---register up and join the party. Post some questions, models, or pics whatever. We all would love to get to see some new names enjoying AM.
Last reply by Clipping Path Specialists, -
- 0 replies
This thread will hold links to the new A:M Quickstart Videos and copies of the files used in the demonstrations (It will be "closed" until it is fully populated.) 1 A:M Interface 2 A:M Spline Modeling 3 A:M Spline Techniques 4 A:M Rigging 5 A:M Keyframe Animation 6 A:M Curve Editing 7 A:M Texturing 8 A:M Rendering Options
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 263 replies
Hello and Welcome to the New Users forum! Our goal here is to provide help and support for those working their way through Hash Inc's manual; The Art of Animation:Master . Animator Tony White stated in his recently published book; From Pencils to Pixels: We encourage everyone to take advantage of the resources at your disposal. Post your exericises in the TaoA:M forum. You'll learn from the experience and feedback you get. You'll have a whole lot of fun! The entire community of A:M users is here for you. They'll guide and encourage you as you explore the world of animation as only they can. Remember we are all in this learning proce…
Last reply by Gikefod, -
- 179 replies
Welcome to the New Users forum! The idea behind this forum is to provide help and support for users who are new to Animation:Master and are going through the Art of Animation:Master tutorials. We encourage you to post your Works-In-Progress (WIP) from these tutorials to this forum. You will learn a lot from the feedback you get. As moderator of the New Users forum I'm here for you. You could say I come with the box. I'll be here to answer basic A:M questions but the entire community of A:M users is here for you too. They'll guide and encourage you as you explore the world of animation as only they can. New users are welcome to post to any of the forums…
Last reply by Graham, -
- 147 replies
It is that time again. Time for upgrading to the latest edition of Animation:Master. As a way of saying thanks for your continued support of the New Users Forum I will again be raffling off a free upgrade here in the New Users Forum. This year the rules have changed a little in order to include more A:M Users and to thank everyone for supporting new users of A:M. The rules: 1) Only legal owners of Animation:Master (any version) are eligible. 2) Hash Inc is not affiliated with this contest and no connection with them should be inferred. 3) A:M Users can enter their names in the contest twice* 3a) A:M Users must post in this thread to indic…
Last reply by dborruso, -
Welcome New Users 1 2 3
by KBaer- 5 followers
- 141 replies
Welcome to the New Users forum! The idea behind this forum is to provide help and support for users who are new to Animation:Master and are going through the Art of Animation:Master tutorials. We encourage you to post your Works-In-Progress (WIP) from these tutorials to this forum. You will learn a lot from the feedback you get. Rodney Baker has gallantly volunteered to be the moderator for this forum and will be here to answer basic A:M questions. We encourage everyone to pitch in and give encouragment to new users. It's always exciting to see artists emerge from being a beginner, to next hotshot animator. And don't forget, we have the New Users Pa…
Last reply by Robert-Jank, -
- 109 replies
Each year for the past few years the New Users Forum has ran a raffle. This year there is no \'New Users\' Forum per se and the raffle is changing a little. The goals of the raffle are threefold: 1) Encourage New Users to join in the community 2) Encourage completion of the exercises in the manual (The Art of Animation:Master) 3) Get into Animation:Master! My plan is to run three raffles. You can win more than one but how likely is that? First raffle will be a $50 gift certificate at the Hash Inc online store. (My recommendation... a SIGGRAPH video!) Eligiblity requirements: - Must be a 2007 subscriber (Oz characters on the CD) - Post in…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 102 replies
Hey folks. I have a bit of a delima. I am making a short subject film, and the render times are a little out there for the small choreographies that I'm doing. I just spent 72 hours with my computer tied up rendering an eight second choreography. Unfortunately, it was a 75 hour render, and when it crashed at 72 hours, the avi was unuseable. It is clear to me that the most memory expensive bit in the choreography is the warehouse-brick-front and the street/sidewalk. Attached is a copy of the image. The building, street/sidewalk, and fire hydrant are the only non-moving items. The horn character and the van (on the right) both move. The character moves behind the…
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
Art Nouveau Imagery 1 2
by MJL- 1 follower
- 98 replies
In the early 60's Stanley Mouse (Miller) was responsible for a large portion of the San Francisco concert posters at the Fillmore, the Carousel Ballroom, and the Winterland concert posters. He became closely associated with the Grateful Dead and did a ton of artwork for them as well. His early stuff had a very strong art nouveau influence. I've decided to emulate his style for my website imagery and have been playing around with the style. this is my first image. This is a jpg conversion of a TGA rendering from A:M. I'm having a problem getting crisp edges on the imagery (I'm using Corel Photo Paint X3). There are a lot of image specialists here on the…
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 1 follower
- 93 replies
I'll explain everything... I'm in 7th grade and doing a project about invertabrates and my group is crustaceans(crabs, lobsters, etc.) and we got to chose how to present it. Well of course i chose animated movie and i really wanna become an animator. So anyways i've spent like a week modeling my crab and it looks wierd. and now i have added bones and i am trying to add bones to the pupil of the eye to make it look around and stuff like that but i can't and i looked at the provided models with A:M like shaggy and it had a null thing and i don't know what a "null" is how to apply it to my so right now you are probably like please help!
Last reply by FlyingMonkieBoy, -
- 89 replies
Note: Some of these are old posts... please post at the bottom. I was just noticing the front page ticker. It states: That is simply awesome! There are a lot of that 3,000 though that I have yet to meet and greet. So, if you are new to Animation:Master or discovering the A:M Forum for the first time... WELCOME! It's good to have you here!
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 76 replies
I don't know if you are suppose to make new threads for this but I have a question. I am thinking of getting this program and I want to know how hard is it for new users? I have dabbled in 3Dsmax but I can't afford the full version of that monster. I have been itching to do my own animating for years and I wonder if this program can help me. Thanks for your answers in advance.
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
let's begin 1 2
by stefff285- 1 follower
- 72 replies
helllo allo so then i begin my first tutorial and i have a problem after having made my workflow as said on a video in fact the 3d view doesn't appear at all as on this shootscreen perhaps a very nooooob error from me ? regards and thanx by advance stéphane
Last reply by stefff285, -
- 1 follower
- 60 replies
Does anyone know of a way to get a wet looking material. property or map that they could tell me about ? I want to have a character painting or mopping the floor and need to have it look wet. It will be a white floor. Would a reflective, transparent material be the way to go ? Thank you for your consideration regards simon
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
Spline layout... 1 2
by MikeV- 60 replies
So, as a test project, I'm working on recreating the smaller market stand I talked about in this post. I got the upright legs done easily enough, just created the basic shape of the legs and extruded and scaled. I'm now working on the larger cross-beam that you can see peeking out from beneath the canopy. Being the most "complex" piece of that particular model, it provides a new challenge for me, in that it has an area recessed into the "wood" and isn't one big flat piece. With polygonal modeling, it's a matter of some extruding and scaling. With patches, of course, it takes a bit more planning. So, started thinking about how to best reproduce that piece. I de…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 60 replies
Hello, I have a quick question. Can you hook up an external renderer to A:M? Thanks, Steve
Last reply by Elm, -
- 53 replies
Been a looong time since I've been here, folks... And almost as long since I've messed with AM, sorry to say... I'm still in V14.0c Okay that's established. I've modeled a brain. Primitive really... but sufficient for my needs. I've cut Dex's head off... sorry Dex, really... but I just needed your head. I have saved my brain as "brain.mdl" clever that, no? And I've saved Dex's head alone as "dexhead.mdl" (equally clever, I think) Now... I've tried to import dexhead.mdl into brain.mdl. and positioned good ol' Dex's head around the brain, which seems to work just fine... Well, the brain doesn't work... Dex's just pretty.. no smarts, you see....…
Last reply by oakchas, -
- 50 replies
Folks my eyes are getting crossed. For some strange reason which escapes me I have now lost my wizards. If i right click in window the menu that comes up has lost EXPORT and WIZARDS. Where did they go? How do I get them back? Sure could use some help here 'ole wise ones'
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 49 replies
Hi there, I've decided to give A:M anouther go after several years of it sitting on my self. I used to love animating but could never understand how modelling worked in the program. I completed most of the tutorials in the A:M book (Giraffe,plane etc) but always hit the same problems when modelling. I remember now this is why I left A:M for such a long time. However such great work was being completed in the community. The concept I could never understand has how to fill in the space between control points as it always seemed hit and miss to me. See the quick test model I made below. Why don't the open control points 'Fill' to make it gray. Is there a button …
Last reply by a.quaihoi, -
by urbssenator- 1 follower
- 48 replies
Hello Here is the smurf completely A:M made. Comments? Remy
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 45 replies
I think your product looks great. The tutorials really are a good sales tool even if that was not the intention. I was wondering if you could answer a couple of questions before I buy. Maybe I haven't looked closely enough but is there somewhere that gives the specs for the minimum and ideal computer (speed memory etc) that your software will run on? What is your policy on running the program on two different computers . Currently I run large renders (2+ hrs) on a faster computer while I continue to work on another (does this require 2 copies, network license, site license, don't care) While I don't mind copy protection, I do mind registration prote…
Last reply by heyvern, -
- 1 follower
- 43 replies
I am so glad I finally realized that there was a forum! I got this program about a year ago and I am still really struggling with it. I cant get my head around the keyframes etc... I suppose my biggest problem is that when for example I try to make a character move lets say two points of a triangle and then play it back, the chacter just seems to gradually move from his starting position to his finishing position in the shortest way possible. O.K. maybe that wasn't such a great explanation... ummm... when I... ummm... I cant think of another example, but I really need some helpas the instruction manual doesn't really have what I need. Thank you! Oh by the…
Last reply by Squoosh, -
- 43 replies
Is there a Vid tutorial on Screen Space AO? I cant get a result when I turn it on. Can someone with experience in getting results make a quick tutorial?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 42 replies
Hash Inc is currently distributing the Extra DVD with 2007 upgrades. With over 3.5 Gigabytes of A:M resources there is a whole lot to see. I finally started looking through the content and was surprised to see my robot sentry! (eeek!) The sentry has the distinction of being one of the first models I created in A:M and as such is sure not much to look at. He's an almost entirely lathed character that harkens back to the time before I felt comfortable with extrusion. Now lathing... that I thought I understood. Still, I must admit it gave me a thrill to see that old model there on the Extra DVD. He's a bit embarrasing to look at but I'm proud of him. W…
Last reply by seduar, -
- 41 replies
I bought Version 8 a long time ago. If I rember correctly I paid over $400 bucks for it. I tried to use it but after working for 6-8 hours on something and just when I went to fine tune the modle, BOOM! "Program has preformed blah blah" and I would lose all that work. I got frustrated with the program so I took some time off from it. I had it in my CD case at work. We had someone steal a computer from our department and ya they got my CD case with my AM cd in it. I called hash and figured I would just pay to have them send me another CD since the program will not run without the CD. WRONG! I was told the only way I could get the software is if I upgraded for $150..... So …
Last reply by Mike Hart, -
- 41 replies
this is a pre-emptive strike; i was just wondering if anyone is currently working with floating point images and has experience and perhaps dos and don'ts to share? i'm sure it's a breeze to find render settings etc pin pointy info on these boards but was just curious of all the other stuff that usually pops up along the way. i'm on a pc, vista home, don't mind the renders and recently bought the subscription to 15h. i'm used to AE but this is my first time in A:M. the project is fantastically devoid of visual detail, nearly black&white&grey with a little blue and green. have just spent a couple of hours watching cutout animations on the net and as a re…
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
- 41 replies
Ok, I'm going for a real simple IK leg rig. Here is what I've done so far: 1. Moved the left and right foot to the same level as the pelvis (hips) 2. Kinematically constrained the left foot to the left femur and right foot to right femur When I move the hips, the feet don't move, which is good. However, when I move the feet, the legs don't follow. I know I must have missed something but am not sure what it is. Is there a constraint I missed? I have 3 poses - one governs the fan bones in the body and neck, I'm not worried about that one. The other 2 poses are set to on, so I'm not sure why the legs aren't following the feet. Seems like ther…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 39 replies
Hash website doesn't have product information. How do I learn what it has to offer?
Last reply by higginsdj, -
- 39 replies
Here's a Noob question for you guys that I missed on somewhere down the road. Is it possible to snap a bone to a CP's position? If so, how might that be accomplished? William
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 38 replies
Does anyone know how to get the streams to come off of an object like I have pointed out in this pic that I have uploaded? Any help would be grateful!
Last reply by heyvern, -
- 38 replies
Hello all, I been using AM for a few weeks now, gone through most all the tuts except the more comlex ones. Have a question, I was creating a model after the "Thom" model just to work on my modeling and the 5 point patch technique(and also to practice attaching arms, etc.) It was going well, I saved the project, all looked well in wireframe and shaded mode. I saved and closed the project, went to grab a drink and came back a bit later and opened. Here is what I saw... Evertime I close it now and reopen, I get stranger and stranger things happening to the model, am I doing something strange?!? It weird that it looks different and more messed up …
Last reply by knipple, -
- 1 follower
- 38 replies
I want to have a butterfly flit across the screen while the credits appear. I modeled the Butterfly and made a path in the chor. I made a flitting action but I'm having trouble successfully getting what I'm after. Using the info I have from a walk cycle tute from days of old, I tried to make it work, but I'm having trouble. How do I get the "flitting" action to work. Get the Butterfly down the path to the end at the end of the chor. I realize that I need to make the chor longer. I'm attaching an embedded version of the project. I appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks. Forum Butterfly.prj
Last reply by MJL, -
- 37 replies
I was just wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to make part of a model act like a dreadlock or ponytail compared to the rest of the model, for example, if one wanted to make a ponytail with patches instead of using the hair feature, how would they make it so that whenever the head of the model moved, the 'patched ponytail' would move automatically with the head as if it were actual hair, and needed no manual tweaking of the bones within the 'ponytail' every couple of frames? I'm sorry, but is the best way for me to put it. I could show you an example of what I want, I want the dreadlocks on my Predator model to move in relation to the head in a hair like …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 37 replies
When ever I do Copy, Flip and Attach to a model, depending on how complex the model is, I'll end up making minor changes to fix things. Correct some splines re do some patches, nothing major. Pretty much everything that wasn't modified is still nicely working with Mirror Mode, but those control points I modified are no longer mirrored. Once my model has been made whole with copy flip attach, I've to worry about making adjustments to both half's Mirror Mode takes care of that. So, is there any way I can get control points back in sync again with there mirror control point, so they work again with Mirror mode?
Last reply by Walter Baker, -
- 36 replies
New Users Home --- The Art of Animation:Master--- A:M Films --- Useful Searches Forum Search Technical Manual Search for Tutorials on the A.R.M. Just change the last word after = in the URL and you can find other useful resources Example#2: Search for "Rigging" on the A.R.M. Search for an Author on the A.R.M.: Colin Freeman Character Tutorials and More William Sutton UV Editor and More Jeff Cantin Basic Splinemanship, Font/AI Wizards and More Google Rules! A search for "Animation:Master materials" at HASH INC Support and Services Always maintain the most current release of your subcription to Animation Master. …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 36 replies
I've read through the manual, but it seems it's nothing more than a textual version of the video tutorials, and doesn't seem to explain materials and textures very well... So I have this model of a small simple building. I'm trying to get an image of bricks applied to it, but on a single object, the texture displays every which way, and doesn't appear consistent across a single surface. Here's a screen shot. The texture in question was applied, but even on a single wall it's quite wonky... SO what am I missing here? Why do I have this sneaky suspicion that the way the texture lies on the object depends heavily on how the object itself was built... Please te…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 36 replies
i made a run cycle; a choreography that i saved as an action. created a new chor for testing speed in relation to distance, imported the runcycle and scaled its length in the view that's all white with only red squares. prolonged the cycle to span the scene, then proceeded to animate the cycle nailing toes so thom wouldn't ski. took a break, closed am. came back, worked on an object in the same project then returned to the finished runcycle across the stage. thom was skiing. i cursed "must have scaled something by accident" and did it all over again. rendered, pondered, took notes and went to bed. today i open the project and whaddyaknow, thom is skiing…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 36 replies
When AM launches the file path to Data > Libraries > is never correct. We have a ten seat network > education license. When I log on to the computer all the libraries show correctly. When any of my students log onto the computer, none of the libraries show. No Models, no Actions, no Materials, etc. When I go to the Options menu and check the path to the data > library file, the path is always wrong (when my students log on). The path is directed towards the Shaders directory. Note: This problem is only happening on one computer. My other 9 seats work fine. I have tried changing the path in the Tools > Options > Folders tab to point to the …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 35 replies
This really has nothing to do with A:M. It's about the avatar (if that's even what they're called) that is placed next to your name. I can't seem to find the setting to add an avatar to my profile. Are there certain specifications that you have to follow when adding an avatar? Thanks, Masna
Last reply by Masna, -
- 1 follower
- 35 replies
Does this mean that depth of field does not actually work in AM? How do I get rid of this?
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
Logo Help!
by Mark3D- 35 replies
Hello All, I am trying to recreate the Denny's logo from their new commercials: Now I have completed the logo already but that is as far as I have gotten. What I am wondering is if anyone had tutorials on the different surface attributes I could apply to the logo to give it that "dull", low reflective look it has in the commercial. Almost like the 3d renders people do of white/grey models when their project is a WIP. Hopefully someone can understand what I am trying to say... haha. If not, I can try and clarify. Thanks! Here is the logo as of now....
Last reply by Mark3D, -
- 34 replies
I'm looking for a good model with textures (like creature)
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 34 replies
Is there an established technique for smoothing the surface of a model without each tweak of a CP affecting all the others that are linked through splines? I've made a helmet which could do with being perfectly smooth, but has ridges as a result of modelling the nosepiece and eye-holes.
Last reply by Gorf, -
- 34 replies
So I've made my 2nd bouncing ball attempt: Of note is that the first two bounces should be perfect. That's because I made an Excel spreadsheet that applies the Equations of Motion: Download Spreadsheet By typing in the first contact coordinates, and then the coordinates of the first apex, as well as the coefficient of restitution, (as long as the x-coordinates stay positive) and the number of frames between the first contact and the first apex, it computes up to the first 20 frames (for now) and the coordinates of the 2nd apex. Now the problem: You'll notice the third bounce looks like crap! …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 34 replies
I've been starting to finally animate and stuff, but one thing that stands in my way is lighting effects. I have no clue how to use radiosity. I've tried it and all i get is a bunch of spots all over and have no idea how to get rid of this and get good looking lighting. Anyone know how to work radiosity?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 34 replies
I'm working on this exercise today, and it is just brutal trying to get this character into the proper pose. I must have spent a good 20 minutes just getting the initial pose down. Is this something that gets easier the more familiar you are with the character? I'm wondering if there is something I am doing that is making it more difficult than it needs to be.
Last reply by Roger, -
- 34 replies
Hello... So, here I am with my first dilemma.. on my first attempt at a model that isn't from one of the manuals. go figure Anyway... Here's a link to a screenshot I took for reference. I've decided to model a series of objects I have around my house, start simple and get more complex as I progress and gain more skill and confidence. My first object is typical enough, a coffee cup. I get as far as modeling the cup (a simple lathe, nothing big there), and the handle which was only moderately more challenging in that it required rotating, extruding and tweaking of CPs. Where I'm running into trouble is connecting the handle to the cup. My thinking was …
Last reply by Roger, -
- 33 replies
(Pinning this in the New Users Forum to keep it in view of those who might not otherwise see it) Interested in participating in a feature length movie? Now 'Tin Woodman of Oz' opens the door on that opportunity to everyone. Given one of three basic Loon characters you'll be able to tailor, tweak and ultimately create a brand new Loon to call your own. There will be three distinct phases in this project. You are welcome to participate in one, some or all of them. Modeling. The easy part has already been accomplished. Three basic Loon types have been modeled. Now all you need to do is modify, resize and reshape your Loon. Decaling. Loo…
Last reply by Robert-Jank, -
- 33 replies
I bought my first copy of AM at a show in LA and Marshall sold me version 3 and told me to download version 4 when I got home. This was around the mid 90's give or take. I upgraded a few time and the last one around 2000 when they just made the native switch to the OSX. I upgraded again but was disappointed with the stability. I have a project coming up and thought AM would be good for it. So 11 years later I am tempted to get it. I did some searches here but nothing new came up. Is it finally stable or will I be disappointed? I know they were great at repairing bugs when they couple be replicated but that normal unexpectedly quieting and loosing work sucked to much.…
Last reply by Xtaz,