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- African grey?
- By Fuchur,
934 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hello, I started a FAQ using It seams to be what i was looking for. I'm open to software suggestions for FAQ's but more what i'm looking for here is categories and things you would like answered. Lets start out small install questions, Systems requirements, And getting started things. If you want to help with this and be a user that can submit info to that you can sign up here I think i get a Email when this is done and i will approve the names i know. Of you can post your FAQ's and answers you and i will add them to to faq at Thanks Again All, Just remember t…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
The Master_64.MAC file seems to store keyboard shortcut customizations. Does it store anything else? And where are custom screen Layouts stored? @yoda64
Last reply by yoda64, -
- 5 replies
Hey Everyone. Has anyone done some .obj imports enough to notice a speed difference. It could be me, but it seems a little slower in V18. Could be me. Thanks William
Last reply by mulls, -
- 6 replies
There may already be such a rendering option, but it would be really cool to have an equiangular or fish-eye, or dual-fish-eye "360 degree" rendering option. Has there been any interest in adding this in A:M? I'm working on binaural 3D audio rendering of whale songs. What is binaural 3D? If you listen to a normal stereo recording with headphones, it will sound like the sound is inside your head. Binaural rendering (if you synthesize the mix) or binaural dummy head recording (live recording with an anatomically realistic dummy head) pops the sound out into space outside your head where it belongs, even though you are listening with headphones. The sophistication w…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
A question for anyone whose has worked through some of the exercises in "Animation:Master - A Complete Guilde" by Rogers, 2007: In chapter 4, "Action Basics", on animating the flour sack in an Action window, after you lay down the basic "hopping" animation, the author instructs you to refine the action using Muscle mode and doing some overshoot of the "ears". The idea is to use the "group" tool to select a single CP at the tip of the ear, and then use the "rotate manipulator" to lag the ear behind the fast motion of the torso. If I understand correctly, you are supposed to move the pivot of the rotate manipulator to the "base" of the ear, so you can rotate …
Last reply by sb4, -
- 9 replies
So I suspect this is another Mac only bug but has any one else found that in v18 & v18a in Bones Mode that none of the bones are coloured? Also a strange inverted representation of the model's bones, composed of circles? Before I file a bug report I thought I would see if others have had problems too. Here's some screen shots of what I consistently see in v18.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
If you ever wondered why "likes" disappeared from the forum... it was my fault. I figured they reduced actual commenting and thought that getting rid of the "like" button might encourage more responses to posts. I still figure that is true but since removing the option to "like" things didn't increase the commenting, we might as well have them back. Thanks to Rodney for trying my experiment and for undoing it as well! I wonder if anyone will like this post...
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 0 replies
The "Limit Max Drawing Time" option doesn't seem to work as intended in current versions of A:M but back in the days of slow computers and slow graphics cards this is what it looked like: In current versions of A:M, turn "Limit Max Drawing Time" OFF.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
Have we figured out a way to submit and approve additions to the AMA entries?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 13 replies
During Live Answer Time today, >Renumber CPs came up. We found it does change some CP numbers, but for what purpose? Who asked for it and can you explain its intention some?
Last reply by Malo, -
- 2 replies
I was looking through the registry under Windows 7 and noticed under the: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Hash, Inc.\Animation Master V15.0\General There is a "string"(?) entry called "Tablet" it has a data value(?) set to "OFF" I assume the other setting for it would be "ON" but that is just speculation. I'm using a Fujitsu T4220 which is an older model convertible tablet PC. I've noticed that when using the pen the pen down (left mouse button held down) plus right click doesn't work and I have to use the attach hot key. I speculate that maybe it has to deal with resolving this but rather some conformation before I change a registry setting. If not that what doe…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Must there be only one? The participation for this contest is the highest that I can recall in a very long time here. Not only that but I think that most of the entries in this year's mascot contest are really very good. I counted ten entries that I think could easily be justified as the splash screen for A:M v18. So why use just one this year? Why not change it where the new A:M uses a random (or cycled) splash screen at each start-up? I'd like to see this because I enjoyed so many of the entries. I can't say that only one should be the "winner". I'm not suggesting handing out 1st place to everyone but if the top 5 placing entries this yea…
Last reply by steve392, -
"Wrong Host for License"
by Guest KillerBeanFan112- 9 replies
IT ALWAYS KEEPS ON SAYING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO??????????????????????????????????????????????????? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT SAYS wrong host for license wHaT dO i HaVe To Do??????????????
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 0 replies
Here's a mostly undocumented feature in v17 that will be primarily of use to folks that login to the A:M Community. It can be useful for schools and small studios who want to deliver custom content and information into the A:M Community tabs. The Support tab in the A:M Community can be replaced simply by dropping an html file named 'Support.html' into the root folder where A:M was installed. For instance, if A:M installed to C:\Program Files\Hash Inc\v17 any html file named 'Support.html' found there will show up in the Support tab instead of the default support page. Fuchur designed a beautiful page to illustrate the possibilities with customizating the supp…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 6 replies
Not a Hash AM user yet, but I would like to know if this is possible in the import an image sequence of PNG files with alpha and then extrude them as a batch process? Thanks for any help . Cheers Shanty
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Is there another person taking care of customer support other than/in addition to Jason? I know that I'm supposed to contact Jason for this, and I have. He sent me an e-mail back, I sent him the required information. And, then.. nothing. Sent a few follow-ups that were never responded to. A month ago, I received a "wrong host for licence" message. I've lost ONE month of a 12 month subscription waiting for some help. I'm an old user, I go back to version 9. I would have logged in with my old account, but ran into a problem with that as well. Contacted support. Heard nothing back. I've never had a problem before, and I'm not not trying to cause a…
Last reply by J. S. Potter, -
- 7 replies
Here are some examples of the additional customization Steffen has programmed into the A:M Community window as of v17Alpha5. In order to use this feature the user simply adds a customized HTML file named 'Support.html' into the v17 directory. The capability enabled here is primarily to supply a localized interface or menu within the A:M Community screenspace. Local administrators, companies, schools and even individual users can then push information utilities to that menu. Based on their interests or needs some optimized files could be supplied to them. Example 1: Holmes's A:M Properties tiddlywiki Note that there are some obstacles to overcome if we are …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 8 replies
I got a one year subscription to 18 F last friday and have been using it over the weekend. I wondered if anyone else is have a few glitches with it ? The first one I noticed was that it crashed out if the maximum resolution was used for the maps in a z buffer render ? It came with a message saying Memory allocation failute 11 ( I think ) If a lower z buffer was chosen it was OK. but the maximum crashed each time it was tried. The second glitch came when trying to "save animation as" after rendering a sequence. The dialogue box would appear but non of the buttons woulld respond when clicked on. Tried exiting the program, restarting, importing sequence…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 9 replies
Been a while since I started modeling in AM again and when I shift click to create a surface the splines don't create a patch. Tricky part is the piece I am modeling will be 3d printed and internal faces gives my printers software fits. This particular part is for piece of scroll work that was on an antique mirror. My plans are to model the missing piece, print it out, make a mold then make the replacement patch. I thought in the past I was able to do this but its been a while.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 8 replies
In response to " Update A changed version, where SSE4 (without AVX) included, is on the way Update2 My provider doesn't like me , has anything against the update " has it been uploaded yet? Having both an AVX and non SSE4 version up might be ideal but confusing too. (I wasn't allowed to reply directly to that thread, that is why I'm posting here.) P.S. I am seriously looking forward to 18K where 0006595(Boolen Cutter is working from some viewpoints perfectly, but from other not....) will be fixed.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 6 replies
Following last weeks adventures with water, I'm trying to do a little short using the 2008 rig. There are so many controls in the rig that I'm finding it a bit confusing so, two general questions really. Is there a guide available to what the controls do and how to use them ? and Would it make sense to incorporate those controls into a pose slider . So that, for example, the right index finger curl was done with a pose slider rather than using the two null's ? As a supplementary question to that last one, if the poses were set up on the rig, could they then be exported to another model using the same rig ? Has anyone else addressed this diff…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 25 replies
Animating with the 2008 rig in a chor with V17, keys keep appearing when the option was not selected ? If I rotate the head geometry bone it sets a key for the scale target, likewise with the pelvis geometry. The scale skeletal button is not selected in the bottom left corner, and it happens intermittently, sometimes it does, others not. Have tried deleting it in the PWS but it keeps coming back. Is there an option to avoid the problem ? regards simon Imac, OSX 10.68, V17g
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 0 replies
Once again we have some eye-popping images to pop our eyes at! If your entry is missing from this pre-voting exhibition, PM me ASAP! I will lock this thread so that you may contain your "oohs" and "ahs" until after the voting has finished. The poll will probably go up later this week. Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe Wireframe The following image is exhibition-only and not entered for voting.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
Just refreshed my copy of Animation:Master and find myself feeling that old desire to do some splining... just in time for the current contest? Hmmm.... perhaps! A:M subscription updated... check. Brand new shiny forum... check. Gallery to fill... check. Stories to tell... check. Here's hoping I can dive a lot more deeply into A:M in 2019 than I did in 2018... yikes... I didn't do much. And the scary thing was that I had a whole lot of 'free time' to devote than previously. It wasn't wasted time but it also wasn't very focused. I don't imagine I'll be a lot more focused in 2019 but I do hope to be a whole lot more productive.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello everyone, back after a long illness and very happy to be working in AM again. I got a beautiful SpaceMouse Pro wireless and it works incredibly in Maya and Blender. I see that AM19 has a check box for the Space Mouse which is AWESOME!!! But it's so sensitive that if I move it a micron the model fly off into infinity. Way way way more sensitive than other 3D programs. How do I tone down the sensitivity of the Space Mouse in AM? Thanks!
Last reply by MAYAman, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hello, I guess I do not know if there is many anymore or any I have not heard of. So I thought I would start a post since I got an email about it today and did not know. Do you guys use any 3rd party plug-ins with Animation Master?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 6 replies
Hello everybody, many already know that little tradition of us and I did not want to forget to post it here. In Germany it is tradition to have a small christmas / advent calendar were you can open one small door every day and get for instance some sweets or a small gift every day till christmas in December. 3We (the company I work for) has one too – we show on funny, thoughtful or just nice commercial from all over the world every day in that. Another day and another door will be available :). And as always all the art work has been created with Animation:Master: 3We Adventskalender 2019 Hope you like it and let me know what you think :). Bes…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 28 replies
I let 50,000 pass without a ruckus but for the occasion of 60,000 views I'll ruckus... has passed 60,000 views! It's probably the only thing I'll ever do that will get 60,000 views. <_>
Last reply by Roger, -
- 5 replies
Reference: [bug]6102[/bug] I'm wanting to explore a few of the reports filed away in A:M Reports in order to better understand what the user was/is looking for and so that in v18 they will be more likely to see what they are looking for. Obviously my exploration will stop short of any coding or programming... but in the exploration who knows what might be found! Report 6102 looks like one worth exploring because it is likely the reporter hasn't yet fully explored the Snap to Feature tools in light of other tools currently available in A:M. General Data: 6102 DJBREIT moderate beta0 Modeling 3/26/2012 Windows 7 64-bit Sevice Pack 1 i7 960 3.20…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 30 replies
I opened A:M at work for the first time since I'd updated the OS to High Sierra 10.13.4. When I did, I got this message box: Clicking on the "Learn More" button takes you this this page. It basically warns that macOS is transitioning to 64-bit applications only. They aren't saying when, but they've made it so that if you open a 32-bit app, you get a one-time alert. Is porting A:M to macOS as a 64-bit app possible?
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 11 replies
I am about to upgrade to V17 and presently run an Imac. My understanding is that 64bit is not available for the Mac as yet (?) but wondered what the advantages of 64bit over 32 bit are ? The reason for the question is that, if the benefits are worth while I was thinking of getting a PC laptop with W7 64bit and either getting my brother ( techy to the extreme ) to make it dual boot with OSX or use it to render work made and animated on the Imac. I hope this is not an inappropriate Question. regards simon
Last reply by markw, -
- 14 replies
Just wondering if anyone can say if a 64bit version of A:M is likely in the future for us Mac people?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hey, bug hunters! Unzip this zip, try this procedure out, and tell us what happens along with some info about your graphics card. Thanks! A video should appear immediately following this sentence:
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
So I've been using A:M since 1999-2000 as many of you have. And just like all you others, I've watched the software experience great strides, successes, and growing pains. As for my own work using A:M, I've experienced uncountable "user errors"(I laugh at myself as I think of all the errors I've made), and struggled at times with bugs, glitches, long render times, my own mistakes, etc. BUT today I ran a short render and sat back marveling at how far A:M has come and improved. Now whether I've improved so much, who can say. BUT my hats off to the team for pushing ahead and implementing things that have helped us artists soo much. Thanks for putting time into …
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 6 replies
So, I'm getting ready to move and as I pack things up, I'm coming across some old (older?) stuff.... Here is what the printed A:M Manual to v8.0 (circa 2000) looked like. And here's how thick it was...
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 4 replies
A fine New Year to you all...
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
I have never seen this tool tip text before. It appears while doing a shift-Q render.
Last reply by nemyax, -
- 5 replies
Here is a mesh with many splines but I can curve any portion of it, large or small with just three controllers.
Last reply by Mechadelphia, -
- 6 replies
One has to give thanks to the small development team of Hash for continually working on bugs and fixing them. The version 17 cycyle has already gotten up to a letter g . that kind of TLC to a mature product is encouraging and comforting. Thanks.
Last reply by rusty, -
- 9 replies
I'm wondering if there will be a new one. I'm constantly finding myself making or looking for new scenery, especially buildings. I for one, would be happy to contribute some models. Is there enough interest in the community?
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 8 replies
everytime i close and reopen a:m the "draw particles / hair" option is set to on, regardless if i´ve set it to off the session before. in my current project i always forget that when i´m opening the project, and when i want to scrub through the timeline, a:m starts calculating the particles (i´ve a sprite system set up), which can take up to 10 minutes or so, depending on the number of frames it has to calculate. the active-status the model which emits the particles is set to off, so i wonder why a:m is calculating the particles anyway... any advice?
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 3 replies
This is probably an extremely ignorant question.....But here goes. I have an old laptop that I would like to install A:M 18 onto. it's way old and 32bit. Does our subscription allow for installation on a laptop by any chance? AND........does that require an internet connection? I don't think my old laptop even has the ability to go on the web. It might if i put a bunch of work into it. But i doubt i will. But it seems to work well...
Last reply by detbear, -
- 42 replies
Hi everybody, I recently showed off my new computer system based on a AMD Ryzen 1700 (see more here). To show what it can do, I created a new Benchmark for Hash Animation:Master which I call "A:M Bench 2017". Download it here now: - A:M Bench 2017 - A:M Bench 2017 & A:M teapot 2009 in one file There already is one other Benchmark which is called "ThreeTeaPots" (you can find it here) from 2009 so why creating a new one? The problem with ThreeTeaPots is, that it does not really use any of the newer features of A:M and will only use one thread to render. Before it did not make much sense to get all the bells and whistles of A:M in a benchmark, simply beca…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys, I am currently spending (too much) time in VRChat (a software that is more like a multiplayer-game but meant to be used as a socialising platform to talk with other people and do stuff in a virtual world together with or without a VR headset). VRChat gives the possibility to upload own characters and worlds to the experience and so I had a look how that is done and brought my Animation:Master Plomper-Character as a fully functional avatar to that world. I might do a full blown video tutorial on it in future, but for now I just wrote a new blog article on the process. If you are interested, you can find it here: PW3d: VRChat – What is VRChat and how did …
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 reply
Here's a space to post notices of upcoming chats. If you are logged in to the A:M Community chat room and primed and ready to chat, post a note here and others will join the chat. If there is a regular time you login to chat please feel free to post that! Upcoming events: The Secrets of A:M
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 25 replies
If you haven't gone through the online videos that come with The Art of Animation:Master book you should begin your journey into computer animation with Animation:Master there: The Art of Animation:Master Video Tutorials You can work through these exercises alone but it's always better to seek feedback. To help you there is a dedicated TaoA:M forum and also a chat window right inside Animation:Master where you can discuss all the latest and greatest progress you've made and seek assistance in real time. If you ever login to chat and no one is there just drop a note here in the forum to let others know you are looking to chat! And don't forget to download th…
Last reply by KJ'd Beast, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
When starting A:M up, the program suddenly stops loading, displaying this message: It just sits there for 20 seconds, then continue and complete loading. I am not sure if this is a new behaviour, but I think so. I then tried opening the community service tab in A:M with the purpose of changing what I thought to be a setting, so A:M would load without trying to connect to community service. I couldn't find any settings there, just the login screen. Then tried to log on, and guess what happened: yes, exactly: it halted for 20 seconds and then came with this message: I am not interested in using community service (from inside A:M anyhow) so ho…
Last reply by Tore, -
- 1 follower
- 34 replies
A:M won't launch. The splash screen appears for a few seconds, then disappears and the software is no longer active. A:M version: 17.0g Mac OS 10.6.8, Macbook Pro 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4 GB ram Tried trashing prefs, tried a fresh install, and tried rebooting. Don't know what else to try. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Hi, I'm trying to persuade some people into getting A:M. I remember a video that demonstrated A:M; it gave an overview of the software, it showed how intuitive it was, showed how you can just drag/drop an image onto a model, showed examples of people's work. Does anyone know where this can be found? Thanks, Rusty
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 6 replies
Hi. I just wanted to report that the site is totally broken. It doesn't render properly in Chrome, IE or Edge. None of the links work. I have tried all the links on the Hash site to get to this site and it results in the same issue.
Last reply by Jason Simonds,